Art of the silent fist

New Ninjago city was in chaos as bots and copters were searching for the ninja and techno blades. While in Borg's tower, Pixal were extracting golden energy from a bot Lloyd hit. "Initializing power transference. Extracting golden power. Standby for physical somatic download." He said before activating a golden beam, hitting a box were the rest of Overlord were. Slowly he started to get an physical form. "Yes. Yes!" Suddenly it stopped and Overlord growled.

"It's not enough! I need more of the boy's power if I'm ever to be freed of this digital prison! I'm fed up with pathetic mortal bodies." He said and flew into Cyrus's spider legs. "I want my own back. Find me more power! Find me the golden ninja!" Pixal bowed. "By my computation, your primary duty should be finding the techno blades. They are the only things that can-" Overlord interupted him. "Those ninja don't even know what they already possess. I want the golden one." Pixal nodded.

"Nindroids have no current visual on him." Overlord then turned to Wu who was strapped onto a table. "They just don't know where to look." Wu glared at him. "I'll never tell you where they're hiding." Overlord laughed. "You might not, but your memories will." Soon he shot a beam onto Wu's head, searching his memories. "It's only a matter of time until your mind tells me everything." Overlord grinned.

In another part of Ninjago were the ninja hiding their vehicles. "Aah. This is a perfect place to lay low. No robots, no cameras, no problems." Lloyd said in relief before Nya threw a suit to him "Still, if any aerial drones pass overhead, you better wear this. It will scramble their signal so they can't find you." She said and he used spinjitsu to change. "Yeah, this is sweet." He soon heard a familiar voice. "Lloyd?" They all turned to see Misako. "Mom." Lloyd hugged her. "Oh. What are you all doing here?" Misako asked as she hugged back.

Lloyd pulled away and got a saddened expression. "The Overlord's back and New Ninjago City has fallen under his control. He has Sensei Wu." Misako had a small shock on her face before putting a hand on his shoulder. "Wu's tough. There's a reason he's lived as long as he has." Lloyd smiled before looking around. "Well, where's Dad?" He asked. "Yeah, where is Garmadon? Haven't seen him since the final battle." Kaya pointed out and Misako nodded. "He has became Sensei Garmadon at his own school, and he won't be back until this evening's lesson." This caused the ninja to look in surprise.

"Uh, did you just say, Sensei Garmadon?" Jay asked. "I'm glad he's on our side now. With Sensei Wu gone, we could use the help." Zane said and Misako smiled at them. "Come in, but your weapons are not allowed. Ever since Lloyd saved his father, Garmadon sworn an oath to never fight in hope to make up for his evil past. It's an oath he takes very seriously." Cole crossed his arms. "But we're suppose to protect these with our lives." Jay nodded. "And never let them out of our sight." Zane stepped forward.

"You guys go on ahead, I will stay back and watch over them." Julien stepped forward. "I stay too. Four eyes are better than two." Zane smiled at his father. The others nodded and handed their techno blades to him before heading inside the monastery. Some kids were playing ball and kicked it high. Kaya quickly caught it as the kids turned to them, looking at them with amazement. "Ah, at least there's some places left in this world we're still considered cool." Cole said as Kaya was gonna give the ball back. But that's when the kids ran past them and went to Lloyd instead. "Oh, wow! It's the green ninja." The kids said as the other ninja shrugged. "Nope, still totally lame." Jay said before they walked up to the kids.

Cole stayed and looked as Kaya was talking to the kids. He sighed and looked at the ring box. "Having it hard to propose?" Misako asked as she walked up to him. XYeah, I really love him and he loves me. But when I'm trying, I get scared and nervous that he says no, and end up messing up. Or something comes between." Cole answered as Misako giggled a little. "Garmadon was the same when he proposed to me, but it didn't stop him. And it shouldn't stop you either. Just follow your heart." She said and walked away. Cole thought about her words and nodded to himself.

Later at nightfall, the ninja were in the dojo as Garmadon walked in. His eyes landed on Lloyd while smiling. "Ah, my son. So glad you could join us." Lloyd smiled back. "Hey, it's been a while, Father." Jay whispered to Cole. "Check out the new Sensei. Looking sharp." He suddenly got hit in the head with Garmadon's staff. "Silence!" Jay held his head as the others held in laughs. "Close your mouth and open your ears. Tonight's lesson is, the art of the dilent fist. To fight without fighting. May I have a volunteer?" Garmadon asked.

Lloyd looked around before raising his hand. "How about me?" He stood up. "The ultimate battle, round two!" Nya cheered as Garmadon nodded at Lloyd. "Attack me. But please, no powers. I happen to like my monastery." He said, making some students laugh. Soon Lloyd charged towards him. But Garmadon simply dodged him, making Lloyd run into a table. "You see, the key is balance. Let your opponent fight himself." He informed before dodging more of Lloyd's attacks. "Let the enemy tire himself out." Lloyd tried one final attack, but Garmadon simply yawned and dodged it.

Lloyd didn't have time to stop before he ran into a column, making the others winch. "Oh!" Garmadon turned to the students. "Pupils, I give you the most powerful ninja in all the land, the golden ninja." The students laughed before Lloyd stood up. "Don't worry son, you'll be as skilled as me one day." Garmadon put a hand on his shoulder and Lloyd nodded. "Now, let's divide into groups." Garmadon said and they all split up.

Outside, Zane and Julien were talking. "Father. Did you know about the techno blades?" Zane asked and Julien shook his head. "No. Borg kept that a secret from me. I think he was too scared to tell anyone until yesterday." Zane nodded before they saw that the techno blades were gone. "The blades!" He exclaimed before the two split up to look. His eyes scanned the area before seeing a figure running away. With quick steps, he caught up to them and pinned them to the ground. That's when he saw that it was Pixal.

"What? Pixal? What are you doing?" Pixal just glared at him. "Discontinuing an old droid." He said and kicked Zane off. The two started to fight. "You may call me old, but not slow." Zane exclaimed before managing to tie him to a tree. Pixal screamed, alarming the others. "The techno blades!" Kaya said before they ran out. Outside they saw Zane and Julien leading Pixal to the monastery.

"It's Pixal. But how did he find us?" Cole asked and Jay walked towards him. "How about we take him apart to find out?" Zane quickly stood in his way. "Please, he was only doing what he was programmed to do. He may hold many answers, but perhaps there is an easier way." He activated his blade and Garmadon stepped forward. "No. I-" Julien interupted him. "Don't worry. That's not a weapon. It's a hacking tool." Soon Zane used his blade on Pixal, freeing him from Overlord's control. "Where am I? Why am I tied up?" He asked before Zane untied him.

"You were under the control of the Overlord. How did you find us?" Pixal looked at them all. "They've mined Sensei Wu's memory. The Overlord knows all of your hiding places." He informed. "My brother. Is he okay?" Garmadon asked in concern. "Yes, but the Overlord wants your son. His golden power is the only way he can escape the digital realm and become real." Pixal answered before Kaya stepped forward. "Why did Borg give us the techno blades to protect? Why are they so important?" Pixal turned to her. "Because together, they can reboot the system, wipe the master computer clean, and destroy the Overlord virus for good." He informed them.

The ninja looked at eachother and nodded, knowing their mission. Suddenly, Pixal gasped. "What is it?" Nya asked. "I didn't come alone." Pixal informed. Jay nervously looked at him. "Uh, who else is with you?" He asked. "Nindroids." Everyone's eyes widened before looking around. "Where are they? I don't see any of them." Cole said. Suddenly the nindroids revealed themselves. "Five versus eighteen. Probability of survival too low to quantify." Pixal pointed out before they started to fight.

But the nindroids were too skilled. "These Nindroids are so much fast-" Jay said before getting kicked. Zane quickly got surrounded and Lloyd was activating his powers. "No! Your power only strengthens them." Nya stopped him. Lloyd nodded and used spinjitsu instead, knocking the nindroids off Zane and picked him up. Soon more nindroids started to appere. "We need to get out of here!" Kaya exclaimed as they started to run, the nindroids following right behind them. "Anyone want to clear a path?" Jay asked before Cole saw the waterwheel. "Yeah, I've got an idea." They quickly jumped in and rolled towards their vehicles.

The nindroids saw how they went off and quickly followed, not knowing that they were still in the waterwheel. "Won't be long until they figure out we used autopilot. We should get a move on." Cole said and Garmadon stepped forward. "I'm coming with you. If the Overlord wants my son, I'm not letting him out of my sight." He said and Julien nodded. "I'm staying here and help Misako look after the monastery. Still not a fighter." Zane nodded at him.

"Wait. If he wants me, and the techno blades are the only things that can stop him, shouldn't we split up, just in case?" Lloyd suggested and Nya nodded in agreement. "Good thinking. Zane's Falcon knows the secret location of my Samurai X cave." She said and Kaya nodded. "You and your father go and take what you need to get as far away from us as possible." Jay turned to Nya. "Secret cave? Oh, my girlfriend is so mysterious." He teased and Nya giggled. "Well, a girl's gotta have her secrets." She said with a wink.

Lloyd turned to the ninja. "What are you guys gonna do? Those nindroids aren't gonna let you step one foot into the city." He asked and made them all think. "Yeah, Nya. What are we gonna do?" Jay questioned. "We're gonna shut down the power." Nya said before they split up. Soon the nindroids had caught up with the vehicles. Their leader Cryptor contacted Overlord. "What do you mean they're not there?!" Overlord exclaimed. "We've been tricked." Cryptor answered and Overlord sighed in annoyence. "Your nindroids have failed, general Cryptor, but my next creation won't." He said and showed the nindroid mechdragon.

The next day was the nindroids looking for the ninja, stopping a circus train to search. "Hehe, no ninja. Wanna check up my sleeves?" The magician nervously laughed. Even after searching everywhere, the nindroids didn't find the ninja and let the train continue. After leaving, the ninja jumped out of a box. Pixal took Zane to another cart to fix him. "We can get you just outside of the storm farms, but you'll have to get to the power substation on your own. Good luck, and abracadabra!" The magician said before disappearing. Jay clapped his hands. "Haha. Love magic tricks." He exclaimed.

Cole turned towards Nya. "So, Nya, shutting down this power substation. Can we really destroy the Overlord and his nindroids by simply flipping a switch?" He asked. "Cripple them, yes. Destroy, no. Once we've powered down his army, we still need to reboot the central computer with the techno blades. And don't forget, since he knows we have them, they aren't gonna let us just waltz in." Nya answered before Jay thought about something m "Whoa! Wait a minute, if shutting down the power turns off everything connected to it, wouldn't that mean Pixal too?" They all looked at eachother in concern over the news. "Well, if Zane hasn't figured it out, don't tell him. If we're going to come across more nindroids, we need to be on our A game." Cole said and the others nodded.

Pixal was finishing the repairs on Zane. "Thank you for repairing me. I guess an old nindroid like me is no match against the newer models." Zane thanked and Pixal shook his head. "This is just one of my primary functions. Gratitude is not required." Suddenly a hatch opened up in Zane's chest, showing his power source. "Fascinating." He said. "What is it?" Zane asked him. "Your power source. It's a technology I'm unfamiliar with. Your father built you with spare parts, yet this piece, it's unique. It's an element I'm not familiar with. I'm starting to understand why you are so different." Pixal said before Zane stood up.

He gently grabbed his hand and smiled. "We're all different. But I don't feel so different around you." Pixal blushed a little before pulling away. "I am not different. I am P.I.X.A.L., the Primary Interactive X-ternal Assistant Life-form. And your repairs are complete." He soon walked off, leaving Zane sighing.

Lloyd and Garmadon meanwhile reached the cave and headed inside. "Whoa! How did Nya have time to build all this? Maybe I should've been a Samurai instead." Lloyd said as he looked around. Garmadon looked at all the weapons and sighed while shaking his head. "Why must everything have so many weapons?" He complained. "Says the man who had four arms to possess the golden weapons." Lloyd smirked and Garmadon chuckled. "Haha, I deserved that." They walked up to a big vehicle. Lloyd was about to jump onto the driver seat, but Garmadon beat him to it.

"I swore off fighting, not driving. Yee-haw!" He exclaimed before Lloyd jumped onto the passenger seat and drove off. "Where to now?" Lloyd asked. "As far away as possible." Garmadon answered as they continued to drive.

On the train was Cole walking into the cart Kaya was in. "Hey Kaya. How's our kids." He asked and Kaya smirked at him. "Our kids?" She said teasingly, making Cole blush when he realized how it sounded. "I mean our students. We don't have kids and we're not even..." Kaya laughed. "Take it easy babe. I'm just teasing. Dareth's looking after the students. You don't have to worry." Cole sighed in relief. "Okay. Cool. Anyway. This adventure was unexpected." He pointed out and Kaya nodded. "Yeah. Who would have thought this would happen. I mean we've fought skeletons, snakes and a stone army. Yet we're still surprised by this." Cole nodded in agreement.

He soon put his hand inside his pocket and took a deep breath. "Uh, Kaya." He said and Kaya looked at him. "Yes?" Cole felt how he got more nervous. "Well you see, I've been thinking about our relationship and I..." Kaya's eyes widened. "Wait. You're not breaking up with me, are you?" She asked and Cole quickly shook his head. "No! No! I would never do that. Kaya, I was wondering if you. You don't have to, but. Well..." Suddenly Jay walked in. "Guys get ready, we're here." Kaya nodded and turned to Cole.

"We better get ready. You can tell me later." She gave him a quick pec before heading out. Jay's eyes widened when he saw Cole's face and realized what he did. "Oh fuck. Cole, I'm sorry." Cole shook his head. "It wasn't your fault. I chickened out again." He sighed before Jay put a hand on his shoulder. "You know what. After we've shout down the power, I'm gonna get you ready for your proposal." Jay said with a proud expression. Cole smiled at him.

They soon arrived and saw all lightning in the air. As they walked, on bolt almost hit Pixal. "Oh, shot." He said and Zane grabbed his hand. "Careful. They farm the electricity that's in the air. This is where all of Ninjago gets their power." They soon realized that they held eachother's hands and pulled away with a small blush. "Looks like we have a welcoming party." Kaya pointed at the head tower that had a lot of nindroids guarding, including a small one called Mindroid. "The only chance we have of getting in there is to stay out of sight. There's no way we can take them all on." Nya told the others.

"You mean we get to be ninja for a change? Whoo-hoo!" Jay grinned before Pixal turned to them. "I'll stay back. I'm not built for stealth and cannot assist you." Zane turned to him. "Be safe and stay out of trouble. I'll see you later." They soon headed off. Sneakily they snuck into the tower without the nindroids  noticing. "That's the substation's core. Shut that down, and it's lights out for the Overlord. Now if only we knew which switch." Nya pointed at the middle of the room.

They all tried pressing different buttons. Jay pressed one and the weekend whip started to play. "Hey, I love this song." He said and jammed along. Kaya rolled her eyes. "Turn it off! They can't know we're here." She said and Jay scoffed and turned it off. "Pfft. Buzz kill." Kaya gave him a glare. "What was that?" Jay quickly looked away. "Nothing. Nothing." He said, not wanting to make her angry. "None of these buttons are doing anything. There has to be an easier way." Cole said and Kaya nodded and walked towards the core. She knocked on the glass. "It's strong. Our techno blades won't break through.

Cole tries punching it, but it didn't work. "Yup. Maybe there's a button that open the glass." Jay started to press different buttons. "Button, button, who's got the button?" Cole looked at him. "Be quiet." Jay rolled his eyes. "I am being quiet. You be quiet." What they didn't know was that Mindroid heard them and alerted the other nindroids. "Ninja!" Cryptor exclaimed as he and the other nindroids  headed towards the ninja. Pixal saw this and his eyes widened. "The ninja have been discovered. Operation jeopardized. Calculating probability of success to affecting outcome by-Oh, who cares about probability?" He said and ran towards the tower. "Knock, knock." Cryptor said as he was about to open the door.

Pixal used a grapple hook to reach the top, but he accidentally set off the alarm. The ninja saw the security cameras and gasped. "Nindroids! Our cover is blown! Seal the doors and find a way to shut it down." Nya said before they started to seal the door. Zane suddenly saw Pixal fighting nindroids. "Pixal! Don't seal the door. I'm going out there." Jay grabbed his arm. "Are you crazy? We barely fixed you up the last time you fought them." Zane looked at him. "You didn't fix me, he did." He soon headed through the door, but Mindroid came in. "Argh! Great. Now they come in fun size!" Jay complained.

Lloyd and Garmadon had taken a break to drink some water. Suddenly they saw the mechdragon. "We need to go. Now!" Garmadon exclaimed before they jumped into the vehicle and drove off. But the mechdragon was close on their tail. "Argh! He's gaining on us!" Lloyd said and Garmadon looked at the buttons. "Well maybe this thing has an afterburner." He pressed one, but it shot a rocket at the mechdragon. "Curse these weapons." Garmadon complained.

Zane was fighting nindroids to get towards Pixal. His eyes widened as he saw Cryptor holding his hand around Pixal's throat. Zane tried to hit him with his blade, when Cryptor grabbed it, turning towards Zane with a grin. "The original Nindroid. You're nothing more than a tin can with feelings." He threw Zane against the wall, making him drop his blade. Zane tried to fight back, but Cryptor turned invisible. "Zane, watch out!" Pixal exclaimed before Cryptor knocked Zane out before turning visible again. "Welcome to the future." He grinned.

The others were trying to hit Mindroid who was spinning. "Hack him with the techno blade." Jay exclaimed and Cole tried. "Argh! I'm trying! I gotta hand it to the little runt. He doesn't know when to quit." Mindroid stopped and glared at him. "Quit?" He said and started to shoot at them. Cole managed to dodge it, making it hit the glass that started to crack. Kaya saw this and got an idea. "That's it. Fight without fighting!" Jay looked at her. "This is no time for a lesson, Kaya!" He exclaimed as he was dodging the shots.

Kaya quickly stood infront of the glass. "Hey, Half Pint! Over here!" Mindroid shot at her, but she dodged so the glass got hit instead. "We need to provoke him more." She said and Cole got an idea. "Or more Nindroids. Nya, open the door!" Nya nodded. "I see where you're headed." She opened the door and more nindroids came in, starting to shoot towards the ninja. The ninja continued to dodge the glass that got hit and started to crack more. "It's working!" Nya pointed out.

Lloyd and Garmadon kept dodging the mechdragon's attack. "This is why I took an oath of peace!" Garmadon exclaimed. The nindroids were still shooting before Mindroid made a jump kick, breaking the glass. He got caught in the source and the others backed up. "Uh, oh." He said before the source exploded, making all power go out. The mechdragon fell from the sky, hitting the vehicle. Lloyd and Garmadon jumped out in time and looked at the mechdragon before cheering, aswell as the citizens.

"We did it!" Kaya said before they walked outside. There they all saw Zane holding Pixal. "This is why I wanted to stay back. So you would not s-s-see this." Pixal said and Zane held his hand. "You knew this would happen?" He asked and Pixal nodded. "Your mission was important. I-I was not. I am to assist. I assisted." Zane held him tighter. "You're using up your reserve. Don't say anything more until we find you more power." Pixal smiled gently. "You've destroyed the only power source in Ninjago. Power will all be nonexistent. We are not so different, are we? We are, compatible?" Zane nodded with a saddened smile. "Yes, yes we are." He gently kissed him before Pixal completely shut down. The others walked up to him and gave him a comforting group hug.

Lloyd looked at Garmadon. "Do you think it's safe to go back?" He asked and Garmadon shook his head. "They may have turned off the power, but they still need to reboot the system. Until we know the Overlord is gone for good, we need to keep moving." They soon continued their way on foot.

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