Sneaking into Lorenzo's Mansion
A few minutes later at the New York Institute, Alec and Clary's have both arrived back after they talk to Asmodeus about the demonic energy, they are both in Clary's bedroom trying to think about the demonic energy that was going, and then clary started to speak.
"Well, we know that Asmodeus is not the one responsible for the demonic energy, and beside he wouldn't do anything to hurt Magnus." Said Clary as looks at Alec.
"But we still don't know who's behind the demonic energy, and I'm getting annoyed by this." Said Alec as he look so confused.
"You're not the only one." Said Clary as she looks annoyed as well.
"But still, it was nice of Asmodeus to give us this spell, in any case we need him." Said Clary as she looks at the bottle of white sand and the spell.
"It is, but let's get back on track, now we know that Asmodeus isn't the one who is behind the demonic energy." Said Alec as he look serious." But we still don't know who is."
"Well, how about this, instead of trying to figure out who is doing this, why not trying to track them down with the demonic energy." Said Clary as she looks at Alec." If we can track the demon down with the demonic energy, we could be able to find that person, and maybe prove that it wasn't Asmodeus."
"That's actually a great idea, there's just one problem, how are we supposed to track down the one who is behind the demonic energy?" Asked Alec as he look concerned.
"Maybe we should ask Magnus, since his magic is so strong, he can be able to track the demonic energy." Said Clary as she looks at Alec.
"Good idea Clary, I can see why Jace really loves you, you are really smart." Said Alec as he smiles at Clary.
That got Clary to smile at Alec, then she started to put away the bottle of white sand and the spell that Asmodeus gave to them in her closet so no one will find them, then Clary and Alec started to go to Magnus's loft. Then a few minutes later, they arrived at the loft, and they saw Magnus with a lady.
"You've never let me down, Magnus." Said the lady as she smiles at Magnus and started to leave with a bottle of medicine.
"Break a leg." Said Magnus as he smiles.
Then as the lady left Magnus's loft, Alec and Clary's have both enter the room where Magnus is, then Magnus saw them coming in, and then he started to get up from his seat and goes to them.
"Alexander." Said Magnus as he kiss Alec and looks at Clary." Biscuit, it's good to she you both."
"Hey Magnus." Said Clary as she hugs Magnus and Alec started to speak.
"Who's that women?" Asked Alec as he look at Magnus.
"Stella Woods, a longtime client and the lead in Wicked." Said Magnus as he smiles." She lost her voice, a touch of ground ox claw, some calcified lizard's feet, and she's back on the bill."
"It's been a long time since I've seen you with a client." Said Alec as he look at Magnus.
"Yes, well, it's frowned upon when you're the High Warlock." Said Magnus as he look at Alec and Clary." Potential conflicts of interest and such, but since I've been dismissed, I'm free to see whomever I want."
That got Alec and Clary's to smile at Magnus that he's doing okay, but they know that he's still upset that he's not the High Warlock of Brooklyn anymore, but they decided to put that aside for now.
"So, what is it do you two need?" Asked Magnus as he look at Clary and Alec.
"Today we went to talk to your father." Said Alec as he look at Magnus.
"Wait what. . . Please don't tell me that you two went to Edom?" Said Magnus as he started to feel worried.
"What, of course not." Said Alec as he look at Magnus.
"Oh good, but wait if you two didn't go to Edom, then how were you able to talk to my father?" Asked Magnus as he look at Alec and Clary.
"We went to see a warlock who can channel spirits, and we were able talk to Asmodeus, and to be honest, he did enjoy torturing my father." Said Clary as she explains.
"And why would you say that?" Asked Magnus as he look at Clary.
"Because we saw the blood stain on his hands." Said Alec as he look at Magnus.
"Well, my father is a Greater Demon, anybody who gets him so angry, he will tortured them." Said Magnus as he look at his boyfriend and best friend." So why were you two talking to him?"
"We were really curious about the demonic energy last at Lorenzo's party, so went to speak to your father to see if he's the one behind it." Said Clary as she explains.
"He told us no, because one he said that he may be a Greater Demon, but he's your father and he will always care for you." Said Alec as he look at Magnus." He also said that in order for him to even make this demonic energy, he had to be here, but he's still in Edom."
"Well, that's a good thing, but I know that there something more to it." Said Magnus as he look at Clary and Alec.
"But still we don't know who is still behind the demonic energy." Said Alec as he look at Magnus.
"Well, who ever is behind the Demonic Ley Lines, we have to stop them." Said Clary as she looks worried.
"First we need to track the demon down." Said Magnus as he look serious." And this magic is unique, but if I can study the corrupted ley lines, we might be able to find them."
"What are we waiting for?" Asked Alec as he look at Clary and Magnus.
"We need to get into Lorenzo's mansion, and I'm afraid we'll never be able to portal through his wards without him knowing." Said Magnus as he look concerned.
"We don't always have to use magic." Said Alec as he look like he had an idea." Like taking a shower, right?"
"Breaking and entering isn't exactly like taking a shower." Said Magnus as he look at Alec.
"Who said anything about breaking in?" Said Alec with a little smirk on his face.
Then Magnus have started to realize what Alec meant when he was explaining his plan, then Clary have started to realize that Magnus and Alec are both planning to sneak into Lorenzo Rey's mansion to find the demon who is making the Demonic Ley Lines, and she realize that she wanted to help them.
"I'm coming with you two." Said Clary as she looks at Magnus and Alec.
"Wait, Biscuit are you sure?" Asked Magnus as he look at Clary.
"Yes Magnus, you always help me all the time whenever I have problems, now I want to help you." Said Clary as she looks serious." And besides, I wanted to rub the Lorenzo Rey's face when we prove that you are not behind that demonic energy."
"Oh yeah, she still doesn't like Lorenzo, you should've seen how scary she was, she said that if nobody wasn't looking, she would've crush Lorenzo's bones and make them into a cake." Said Alec as he look at Magnus.
"Woah, Biscuit is that true?" Asked Magnus as he look at Clary in surprise.
"Well, yeah it's true, but he was the one who has to mention that Valentine is my father." Said Clary as she looks at Magnus and Alec.
"Anyway, let's go find out who's controlling the Demonic Ley Lines." Said Magnus as he look at Clary and Alec." But we should wait till it's dark."
Then a few hours later, it was already getting really dark, and then Magnus, Alec, and Clary have all arrived at Lorenzo's mansion, they were hiding somewhere from the front door, and then Magnus looks at Alec and Clary.
"Okay, so you two know the plan?" Asked Magnus as he look at Alec and Clary.
"Yes, Alec is going to distract Lorenzo Rey so that we could sneak into his home without him noticing." Said Clary as she explains about the plan.
"And while I distract Lorenzo, you two will try to figure out who is behind the Demonic Ley Lines, and once you find out, signal me to leave." Said Alec as he was about to go to the front door.
"How are you going to be able to distract Lorenzo?" Asked Clary as she looks at Alec." I'm hoping you can hit him with a hammer."
"Clary!" Said Magnus in shock.
"Sorry, but I just don't like Lorenzo." Said Clary as she looks at Magnus.
"As much as I want to do that, but I'm not going to, no matter how much I would like to." Said Alec as he cross his arms.
"Well, here's what you can do, when you go inside, keep him distracting by making him talk about his values and antiques." Said Magnus as he look at Alec." He really loves to brag about how much treasure and antiques he has."
That got Alec to roll his eyes that he doesn't really want to do this, but he has to do it so he, Magnus, and Clary will find out who is making the Demonic Ley Lines. So Alec started to go forward to the front entrance of Lorenzo's mansion, then he knock on the door, and the door open revealing Lorenzo Rey.
"Señor Lightwood." Said Lorenzo as he look at Alec." I suppose you're here to defend Magnus Bane?"
"No." Said Clary as she looks at Lorenzo." Well that's a bit true, but actually, I'm here to defend you."
"Oh really?" Asked Lorenzo as he look at Alec.
"And as the head of the Institute it's my job to keep you safe." Said Alec as he look at Lorenzo.
"What if I can prove that Magnus is involved?" Asked Lorenzo as he look at Alec." Seems like you have a conflict of interest, no?"
"My interest is in stopping the person who corrupted your ley lines." Said Alec as he look at Lorenzo seriously." You have my word."
"Not a very loyal boyfriend, are you?" Asked Lorenzo as he look at Alec.
"I believe in justice, Mr. Rey." Said Alec as he tried to convince Lorenzo." Now if you don't mind, I would like to come in and take an official statement."
"But of course." Said Lorenzo as he smiles.
Then Alec have started to enter Lorenzo mansion and Lorenzo uses his magic to close his door, then once the door was closed, Magnus and Clary have both have come out of their hiding place and knew that phase one of their plan is complete.
"Okay, Alec is inside, meaning that it's time for phase two of our plan." Said Magnus as he look at Clary.
"I just really hope that Lorenzo won't spot us." Said Clary as she look worried.
"You really believe that Magnus did this out of spite?" Asked Alec as he look at Lorenzo.
"Magnus Bane is the only warlock I know capable of conjuring that type of demonic magic." Said Lorenzo as he look at Alec.
"Well, I assure you if Magnus is behind this, I will turn him over to the Clave myself." Said Alec as he look at Lorenzo.' Although if I had my way, I would arrest him for accusing Magnus for something he didn't do.'
"Spoken like a true Shadowhunter." Said Lorenzo as he smiles." The law is hard, but it is the law."
'Yeah, even though it is a really pain in my neck.' Thought Alec as he force himself to smile." Yes, well how about a toast, to our new partnership?"
"An excellent idea." Said Lorenzo as he smiles." Do you want scotch or whisky?"
"I'll have whatever you're having." Said Alec as he smiles.
"An old fashioned then and I do mean old-fashioned, I've been drinking this recipe for over 200 years." Said Lorenzo as he smiles." You're absolutely going to love it, I could conjure it, but I find mixing by hand to be the only way to achieve perfection."
Then as Lorenzo go to the table where all his alcoholic drinks are, making sure that Lorenzo is not looking, Alec saw Magnus and Clary's peeking from the backyard door, signaling him to unlock the door so they could sneak inside the mansion.
Then Alec started to go to the backyard door, then with one quick flash, he started to unlock the lock, then he started to go back to his spot where he was before. Then Lorenzo came back with two glasses of drinks as Alec looks at the ceiling.
"These ceilings are spectacular." Said Alec as he look at Lorenzo.
"Thank you." Said Lorenzo as he gives Alec glass cup.
"Cheers, to our new partnership." Said Alec as he smiles.
"Cheers." Said Lorenzo as he and Alec took a sip of the drink.
Then as Alec took a sip of his drink, he saw Clary and Magnus coming in quietly without making any noises, then as Clary close the door softly so Lorenzo won't hear, then Clary and Magnus both move slowly without making a single sound, and Lorenzo was about to turn till Alec began to speak.
"Perfection, it truly is." Said Alec as he smiles which gives Clary and Magnus to quickly hid behind the couch.
"Oh, I'm glad you like it." Said Lorenzo as smiles at Alec." It's my favourite."
Then as Lorenzo was looking at his glass, Alec look to see Clary and Magnus behind the couch, then Magnus motion Alec to keep Lorenzo distracted so that he and Clary can investigate the mansion.
"Such exquisite taste in fabric, you have a beautiful home." Said Alec as he look at Lorenzo.
"Mm-hmm." Said Lorenzo as he agree.
"I seem to remember that you have an amazing antique pot upstairs?" Asked Alec as he tried to act normal.
"It's a 16th century Ming Vase." Said Lorenzo as he explains." I procured it from a Castilian trader when it was still new."
"Incredible craftsmanship." Said Alec as he smiles.
"You have an interest in ceramics?" Asked Lorenzo as he look really impressed.
"I dabble." Said Alec as he smiles a bit." Would it be too forward of me to ask for a tour?"
"Not in the least, I must show you my Faberge egg, it was a gift from the Tsar himself in the spring of 1887." Said Lorenzo as he smiles." Or was it 1888?"
As Lorenzo walks by Alec to give him the tour, Alec look over at the couch to see Clary and Magnus standing behind the couch, they were looking at Alec to see if he was crazy or something, but Alec mention them that it was the only way to distract Lorenzo and he started to follow him.
"Oh, I know! It was late 19th century." Said Lorenzo as he and Alec went upstairs." Anyway, I was at the Romanov Easter party and Nicholas comes up to me Nicholas, I can barely remember the colour of his eyes."
Then as soon as Lorenzo and Alec are both upstairs, Magnus and Clary have both came out of their hiding place, and making sure that Alec and Lorenzo are not in sight, clary began to look at Magnus.
"Well, it looks like Alec is distracting really well, meaning we might have enough time." Said Clary as she looks at Magnus.
"Well then, let's get to work Biscuit." Said Magnus as he look at Clary.
Then Magnus started to use his magic to try to down the Demonic Ley Lines, while Clary activities her tracking rune to help Magnus out, and they both started to scan around the room. Meanwhile upstairs in another, Lorenzo was showing Alec all of his antiques that he had for a long time.
Alec didn't seem to like the idea of being with Lorenzo and distracting him, while Magnus and Clary are tracking down the Demonic Ley Lines, but he has to do it so that he can prove to Lorenzo that Asmodeus isn't the one doing it, and then he started to see a painting of angels surrounding a baby, and Lorenzo started to speak.
"Does this baby look familiar?" Asked Lorenzo as he smiles.
"Yes." Said Alec as he smiles but doesn't know.
"It's actually me." Said Lorenzo as he smiles." El Greco was a friend of my mother's and he used me as his inspiration."
"Oh, of course!" Said Alec as he acts like he knows.
"Needless to say, growing up in Toledo during the Siglo de Oro was quite the experience." Said Lorenzo as he explains.
"Needless to say!" Said Alec as he smiles and sips his drink.
Meanwhile back downstairs at the living room, Magnus and Clary were both trying to find the Demonic Ley Lines to track down the demon who is causing it, but they felt like they haven't found anything yet.
"Have you found anything yet Biscuit?" Asked Magnus as he still uses his magic.
"No, not yet, even my tracking rune still can't sense anything yet." Said Clary as she looks around.
Then as Magnus and Clary kept on continuing to look for the Demonic Ley Lines, they both sense something behind them, then as they both turn, they both saw the Demonic Ley Lines and as Magnus's magic started to touch it, the Demonic Ley Lines started to affect Magnus's magic, which cause him to fly back to the wall with a loud crash.
"AGH!" Said Magnus as he falls to floor.
"Magnus!" Said Clary as she goes to Magnus.
"Did you hear something?" Asked Lorenzo as he heard the crash.
"No." Said Alec as he pretend not to hear anything.
Meanwhile back downstairs, Clary was kneeling next to Magnus to see if he's okay after he was crash to the wall.
"Magnus, are you okay?" Asked Clary as she looks at Magnus.
"Yeah, I'm fine Biscuit." Said Magnus as he shook his head.
Then Clary and Magnus both look and saw that Demonic Ley Lines are everywhere in the room, then as they both got up, they saw that the Demonic Ley Lines have began to disappear, and then Magnus uses his magic to fix the wall he crash into.
"I'm sure I heard something." Said Lorenzo as he and Alec went downstairs.
When Clary and Magnus heard Lorenzo and Alec coming down, they both started to realize that Lorenzo must've heard Magnus crashing into one of his walls, then they both started to leave the mansion. Then as Lorenzo and Alec both arrived at the living room, they saw that everything look normal.
"Strange." Said Lorenzo as he look confused.
Alec look at Lorenzo and acted confused as well, then after a few minutes later, Alec have started to leave Lorenzo's mansion, and then he met up with Magnus and Clary as soon as they left the mansion.
"What was going on down there?" Asked Alec as he goes to Magnus and Clary.
"Whoever did this is definitely from Edom, but judging by the energy signature, it's not my father." Said Magnus as he explains.
"Well, that's a good thing, right?" Asked Alec as he look at Magnus and Clary.
"I'm afraid not, this magic is very old and very evil." Said Magnus as he look concerned." The demon responsible is as powerful as they come unlike anything I've seen before."
"So, worse than Asmodeus?" Asked Alec as he look at Magnus.
"Much worse." Said Magnus as he grow more concerned.
"Well, the one good thing about this, is that at least we know that Asmodeus is telling the truth, and that he wasn't behind the Demonic Ley Lines." Said Clary as she looks at Magnus and Alec." But the big question is, if Asmodeus isn't the one behind the Demonic Ley Lines, then who is?"
Once Clary have Asked that, it got Alec and Magnus to get really concerned on who's behind the Demonic Ley Lines, but little did they all know, is that Lorenzo's mansion isn't the only place corrupted by the Demonic Ley Lines.
Shadowhunter: The Mortal Instrument belongs to Freeform
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