Malec's Hot Glitter Date Night

*Warning: This chapter has Sexual Smut Content.*
*So brace yourself if you can handle it.*

A few days later after the events with the Demonic Ley Lines, Magnus is at his loft talking with Clary and Izzy, and are having a friendly chat. Magnus was feeling a bit better now that his fever is gone, for using too much of his magic to use the Angelic Core to destroy all the Demonic Ley Lines.

"So Magnus, how are you feeling today, after what happen a few days ago?" Asked Clary as she looks at Magnus.

"I'm feeling much better now, and after that event, my magic is now back to normal." Said Magnus as he smiles and sips his drink.

"It's quite a drink." Said Clary as she looks at her glass.

"It has been quite the day a few days ago." Said Izzy as she looks at Magnus.

"I'm guessing Raj and his friends didn't take their banishment well?" Asked Magnus as he look at the two girls.

"Oh, Wrangle Island isn't banishment." Said Izzy as she smiles." It's more like character building."

"Well, if you ask me, I think Lorenzo Rey could use a bit of character building." Said Clary as she looks at Magnus and Izzy." He's was about to take all the credit for fixing the ley lines, but Catharina told all the warlock's that it was you that fix the Ley Lines."

"Ah yes, I have been receiving every single text from the warlock's that they are very grateful that even though I'm no longer the High Warlock of Brooklyn, I'm always there to protect them." Said Magnus as he smiles." Except I got this hateful message from Lorenzo that I'm still behind the Demonic Ley Lines."

"Such an ass." Said Izzy as she looks annoyed.

"Whatever corrupted those ley lines is still out there." Said Magnus as he look worried.

"And Lorenzo has to stop blaming you for being Asmodeus' son, and help us track the demon who's responsible." Said Clary as she frowns a bit.

"I just don't get why Lorenzo Rey accuse you for that Magnus, I mean sure you're the son of Asmodeus the Greater Demon, but you are nothing like him Magnus." Said Izzy as she touch Magnus's shoulder.

"Thank you Izzy." Said Magnus as he smiles at Clary and Izzy." You know, to be honest, I still feel like my father does care about me, I still remember the first time I met him."

Then Magnus have started to remember the first day he have met his father after his mother committed suicide and he killed his stepfather.


Magnus was around ten years old when his mother died and he killed his stepfather, he was living in the streets, and he doesn't know who he really is and doesn't know what to do. As he look at his mothers blade, and started to cry a bit.

"Why did mommy have to kill herself, and why did I kill my stepfather?" Asked Magnus as he cries.

As he kept on holding his mothers blade close to him, he then started to see a shadow covering most of the light, then Magnus started to look up to see a man standing in front of him. It was none other than Asmodeus smiling at Magnus.

"Who are you?" Asked Magnus still a bit crying.

"Do not be afraid my son." Said Asmodeus." I'm your father, Asmodeus."

"Asmodeus, as in the Prince of Hell?" Asked Magnus as he started to feel scared." Stay away from me!"

"Don't not be afraid Magnus, I know you may be scared, but you don't have to be." Said Asmodeus as he shows his cat eyes." See, I'm just like you Magnus, I'm a warlock."

Then Magnus saw that Asmodeus has the same cat eyes like him, then Asmodeus started to look at the blade that Magnus is still holding in his hands, and then Asmodeus started to speak.

"The women known as your mother have abandoned you because of who you are." Said Asmodeus as he looks at Magnus.

"My stepfather said that I was the one who caused my mother to kill herself and that I was an abomination." Said Magnus as he cries a bit.

"Your stepfather is the abomination, he doesn't realize that you are much more powerful, and that you are special." Said Asmodeus." Because you are a warlock."

"But I don't even know what to do." Said Magnus as he still cried.

"Then let me help you my son, let me show you the way what it mean to be a warlock, and it will help you use this pain you have to make you stronger." Said Asmodeus as he smiles at Magnus.

Then as Magnus look at Asmdoeus an saw him opens his arms to him, Magnus started to walk to him and he started to hug Asmodeus as he cried at how his mother killed herself and have abandoned him, while his stepfather called him an abomination, and Asmodeus hugs Magnus back as she tries to calm him.

"Sh. . . I got you." Said Asmdoeus as he continued to hug a crying Magnus.

End of flashback

"Magnus, are you okay?" Asked Izzy as she looks at Magnus.

"Oh, yeah I'm okay, I guess I was still think of how my father is doing now." Said Magnus as he look at his glass.

"I'm sure he's doing fine, and by fine, I mean torturing my father's soul." Said Clary as she sips her drink.

"Well, I can't say I blame him anyway." Said Magnus as he look at Clary.

Then Magnus's phone have began to ring a bit, then he pick it up and saw that it was a text from Alec, and reads a bit.

"Hey Magnus, who is it?" Asked Izzy as she looks at Magnus.

"It was Alec." Said Magnus as he finished reading his text.

"Oh really, what did he say?" Asked Clary as she got curious.

"He said that he is very busy today about with all the paperwork he has, all the shadowhunter's that are report with some demons, and more." Said Magnus as he explains." He's not sure if he'll be back in time for our date night."

"You guys do date night?" Asked Izzy in surprise.

"Yeah, every Friday after he's done with work, we always have a date night." Said Magnus as he smiles.

"That's good, but I don't think you might have a date night, cause he's going to be sore tonight." Said Izzy as she rolled her eyes.

"What makes you say that Izzy?" Asked Clary as she looks at Izzy.

"Because when Alec has the much work to do, his body aches so much, I remember this one time he was training to much, he was so ache he couldn't be able to move." Said Izzy as she explains." I swear, on that day, Alec stay on his bed for a few days and we have to help him get ice."

"Wow, I bet that must've painful for Alec." Said Clary as she look at Izzy.

Then Magnus started to realize that maybe Izzy might be right that he and Alec might not go out for date night, but then when Izzy mention how sore Alec might be after work, it got him a great idea for date night, that it got him to smirk.

"Magnus, is everything okay?" Asked Izzy as she looks at Magnus.

"Yeah, do you have something in mind?" Asked Clary as she looks Magnus.

"Isabelle do you have any body massage oil and any red glitter nail polish I could borrow?" Asked Magnus as he look at Alec.

"What?" Asked Izzy in shock as well as Clary." Why?"

"Can you at least get for me please?" Asked Magnus as he look at Izzy.

"Okay, I guess I can, Clary can you come with me?" Asked Izzy as she looks at Clary.

"Sure, I'll create my portal." Said Clary as she takes out her stele.

Then Clary started to make a portal, then she and Izzy have both started to go through it, and Magnus started to wait for them. Then a few seconds later, the portal appeared again, and Clary and Izzy both step through the portal, while Izzy has a bottle lavender massage oil and red glitter nail polish.

"Okay Magnus, heres the massage oil you ask for and the red nail polish, which has a bit of glitter." Said Izzy as she hands them to Magnus.

"Thank you my dear." Said Magnus as he grab them and smile.

"But what do you need them for Magnus?" Asked Clary as she still look really confused.

"Let's just say that I had a special plan for date night with Alec and let's just say that he might enjoy it." Said Magnus as he smirks a bit." And I need to get ready."

"Wait, that's it, you sure you don't want to talk more?" Asked Clary as she look confused.

"Oh I would love to keep talking to you two more, but I need to get ready for tonight, and let's just say that Alec will need a special treatment." Said Magnus as he smirk.

Then Izzy and Clary say goodbye to Magnus and started to leave the loft, then Magnus started to enter his bedroom, then as Clary and Izzy are both outside of the building, they were both wondering what Magnus is planning.

"What do you think Magnus is planning?" Asked Clary as she look confused.

"I don't know, but I don't understand why Magnus needs. . ." Said Izzy as she was about to continue.

Then before Izzy could continue to say anything else, it got her to get really shock and understand what Magnus is planning, then when Clary saw the look on Izzy's face, it got her to get curious.

"Izzy, is everything okay?" Asked Clary looking so curious.

"Wait a minute, Magnus ask for body massage oil, and nail polish for him." Said Izzy as she started to smile." Do you think that Magnus might. . ."

When Izzy look at Clary with that same smile on her face, it got Clary to final realize what Magnus is planning to do with Alec for their date night, and it was Clary's turn to smile and then she started to speak.

"Okay Izzy, I'm going to bet you twenty bucks, that Magnus will seduce Alec while massage him." Said Clary as she smirks.

"Oh, you are so on Clary, I'm betting that Alec will love that." Said Izzy as she smirks." I can't believe that Magnus and Alec really like having sex with each other, and I cant Magnus is going to this to Alec."

"Hey, everyone loves a good massage." Said Clary as shrugs a bit.

That got Izzy to agree with Clary with that and then they both started to go back to the New York Institute. Then a few hours later at the Institute, Alec started to get ready to go back home, but he still feel really sore all over his body, except for his legs, and he started to put on his jacket and started to leave.

Then as Alec was about to leave the Institute, he saw Izzy and Clary inside Clary's bedroom, playing some game with cards as they were both sitting on Clary's bed.

"Do you have any twelves?" Asked Clary as she look at Izzy.

"Only when it's my pay day." Said Izzy as she looks at her cards." Oh, I mean goldfish."

"Hey girls, I'm going to Magnus now." Said Alec as he look at Izzy and Clary.

"Okay Alec." Said Izzy as she smiles at Alec." See you in the morning."

That got Alec to smile at Izzy and Clary and then he started to leave the Institute, as he have left the Institute, Izzy and Clary both started to smirk at each other, and knowing that Alec might have a great time with Magnus tonight.

"Magnus, I'm home." Said Alec as he went inside the loft.

Then Alec started to put his bow and arrows at the closet and still feel a bit of pain through his arms, neck, chests, and a bit of his abs. Then Alec started to realize that he hasn't had a response from Magnus, them Alec made his way to their bedroom.

"Magnus?" Said Alec as he open the door.

Then when Alec have enter the room, he started to really surprise at the sight of the bedroom. The floor was covered with red and white rose petals, there were candles lit around the room and there were a bit of rose petals covering the bed a bit. Alec was a bit impressed of the room as he closed the door and didn't realize that someone is behind him and that person is none other than Magnus.

"Hello darling." Said Magnus as he smiles.

"Hey Magnus, I'm sorry I made us had to miss. . ." Said Alec as he was about to continue to speak till he saw Magnus and his eyes widen." Wow!"

Alec is glued to his spot with his eyes widen. There behind him, is Magnus Bane in a very seductive pose, his head propped on one elbow. He has a long sleeve red silk shirts that opens up bit to see his bare chest and has red silk baggy boxer shorts on. He has red glitter eyeshadow on, his head has two red tips which makes attractive, and he covered in gold glitter, from chest to toe.

Alec was really speechless at how Magnus is now and he could barely take his eyes of him. He slowly took steps towards the bed but was stopped by Magnus as he raised a figure to Alec.

"Wait a second, take your jacket and boots off first, handsome." Said Magnus as he smiles at Alec.

Then without having to have any argument, Alec started to take of his jacket and boots off as well as his socks, but his eyes never left Magnus, who slowly began to walk towards Alec, and Alec started to blush really red and couldn't be able to speak.

"What's the matter, darling?" Asked Magnus as he got closer to Alec." Cat got your tongue?"

Then Alec started to swallow a bit and he shook his head, as if to deny the accusation and shake his shock at the same time. Then as he look at Magnus, he started to speak as he still feel a bit nervous.

"By the Angel, you look so hot." Whisper Alec as he look at Magnus.

Then Alec started to move forward to Magnus, but as he reached to Magnus to lean for a kiss, Magnus started to place a finger to Alec's mouth, and push him a bit away from his face.

"Uh-uh no touching!" Said Magnus with a mischievous smile.

"What?" Asked Alec in frustration.

"You can't touch me. . . Not just yet." Said Magnus as he brush his finger across Alec's face gently.

Alec's eyes wandered over Magnus' glittery chest, then he started to look at Magnus's hands, and look at his nails. Magnus's nails were painted in a shimmery red glitter, which made him blush even more red than he is. Then Magnus started to notice Alec's lingering gaze on his painted nails and smile at him.

"It's called Royal Glitter Rose." Said Magnus as he smiles at Alec." The nail polish."

"It looks really nice." Said Alec as he moan a bit.

"Oh, so you like it?" Said Magnus as he smirks.

Then Magnus slowly started to move his hands down from Alec's body, till he reaches the end of his shirt, while keeping his gaze on Alec's face, and he started to take of Alec's shirt, and then Alec let out a low moan as Magnus started to lift up hid short, and locked eyes on Magnus again. And as Magnus took Alec's shirt off, he saw that his muscles started to feel harden and Magnus brushes his hands all over Alec's muscles.

"Someone's already half hard." Said Magnus with a smirk as he move his hand all over Alec's chest.

"It shouldn't be surprising." Said Alec as he moan a bit.

"Oh, how so darling?" Asked Magnus as he turn Alec around and hug him behind.

"Look at yourself." Said Alec as he look at Magnus." It's not that hard to figure out."

That got Magnus to smile at Alec, then he started to kiss his neck, which caused Alec to moan a bit more. Then as Magnus kept on moving his hands all over Alec's chest, Alec place his hand over Magnus's.

"What else is nice?" Asked Magnus as he smirk.

"Everything." Said Alec as he moan and turns to face him.

Alec saw a bit of glitter on Magnus's lips which makes Alec blush even more than ever. Then Magnus moved closer to Alec and slowly slid his hands down until he reach Alec's abs, which made Alec have a shivering effect. Then Magnus's beautiful cat-eyes appeared, which made Alec really attractive to him.

Then Magnus started to lean over and kiss Alec at the lips, which got Alec to kiss Magnus back, as he wrap his arms around Magnus's waist, and then after they finish their kiss, Magnus started to move his hands over Alec's arms and neck which got Alec to groan a bit.

"I see that you had a rough day." Said Magnus as he smiles at Alec.

"I'm a bit sore right now." Said Alec as he groan a bit and Magnus lean closer to his ear.

"Then let me help you." Whisper Magnus and Alec blush really red." Lay down on the bed."

Then Alec started to go towards the bed and started to lay on his back, as he puts hands behind his head a bit, and then Magnus started to get on the bed and crawls to Alec, and then Magnus pulls the covers over Alec except for his bare chest and stomach.

"Now just relaxing darling, while I give you a bit of pleasure for tonight." Said Magnus as he smirks at Alec.

It cause Alec to blush really red at what Magnus have said, then as he tried his best to relax, then Magnus started to pick up the massage oil that Izzy gave to him, then he started to pour some over Alec's chest and stomach which made him shiver.

Then as Magnus put the massage oil bottle down at one side, he started to massage Alec's chest first, and Alec started to moan in pleasure. Alec started to like the way how Magnus's hands massage his chest, which made him arch his back a bit.

Magnus started to smile at how Alec is moaning at the pleasure of him massaging his chest, then Magnus started to move his hands down to Alec's stomach and abs, and Alec started to moan louder as Magnus massage him.

As Magnus kept on massaging Alec's stomach, Magnus started to lean down to Alec and kiss him right on the lips, which Alec kiss back a bit, and then Magnus went back to massaging Alec's stomach.

"Do you like it darling?" Asked Magnus as he smiles at Alec.

"Yeah. . . I like it Magnus. . . It feels so good." Said Alec as he moan at Magnus's touch.

That got Magnus to smile at Alec at how much he likes this, as he kept on massaging his stomach and abs, and then as he was near Alec's belly button, it made Alec moan and blushes, and it got Magnus to smirk at how much Alec like.

And then Magnus kept on massaging Alec's belly button, and it have caused Alec to moan really loudly, and it cause Magnus to smirk at Alec's moans, then as he move his hands up to Alec's chest, and then Magnus stop massaging Alec. Then Alec move his hands over Magnus, and loves to Magnus's hands over his body which made him moan even more.

Then Magnus smile at Alec, then have started to lean down to Alec, making sure he was on top of him, and then he kissed him right on the lips. Then Alec started to wrap his arms around Magnus, to pull him closer to him, and he started to enjoy of being with his beautiful warlock boyfriend.

Then Magnus kissed Alec's neck, and Alec moan so much as he hold Magnus much closer to him as he kept on kissing his neck. Then Magnus started to travel down his body, as he kisses around Alec's chest, and he started to lose himself in Alec's chest hair, it was so damn masculine and so damn sexy, that he wanted to spend the rest of his life there.

Then Magnus's mouth capture one of Alec's nipples between his teeth and gave it a tentative bite, sucking on it slowly, and Magnus watch with awe at how Alec arched his back and cried out in sheer pleasure as he pull Magnus closer to his body.

Alec kept on moaning at how Magnus was kissing his chest and kissing his nipples, and wanted to keeping feeling the pleasure. Then Magnus kiss all over Alec's chest as he was so pleasure by his chest hair, then he kissed down to Alec's stomach to his amazing abs and then Magnus kiss Alec's navel as his hands were at Alec's chest and massage it, and Alec to moan in pleasure.

'Oh my god, Magnus is so good.' Thought Alec as he has his eyes still closed.' I'm so lucky to have him.'

Then as Magnus kept on kissing Alec's navel, he trail some kisses at Alec's abs, then Magnus started to kiss back up to his chest and neck, which cause Alec to moan even more at how Magnus is kissing him and he continue to kiss him more.

Then Alec started to push Magnus up in a sitting position, and he started to kiss him with so much pleasure, and Magnus kissed him back as he wrap his arms around Alec. Then Alec started to take Magnus's shirt off.

Alec's eyes widened, seeing Magnus's beautiful stomach and the tight abs, Alec trailed his hands over the six pack, and Magnus moan at Alec's touch. Then Alec started to pin Magnus down, much to Magnus's surprise.

Magnus started to look at Alec and admire his blue eyes, as he trace his finger through his lips, which made Alec capture one of his fingers and biting them gently and Magnus moan a bit.

Then Alec gently laid his hand on Magnus's chest, as he slowly trace a line down to the slope of his abs and ending at the waistband of his pants. Then Alec started to lean forward and began planting feathery kisses on Magnus's chest, which cause Magnus to moan a bit more, then Alec kiss all the way down to his navel, and Magnus moan in pleasure.

Then Alec started working his way back up to Magnus's nipples, then he capture them with his mouth, then as he kissed Magnus's nipples, he started sucking on them gently, bringing the nubs to complete hardness. As Alec is making love to his sensitive nipples with his mouth, Magnus' eyes are close shut, as he hands were grabbing on the bed sheet and he kept on moaning in pleasure.

"Oh, Alexander." Said Magnus as he give himself over to the pleasurable sensation of Alec's wet mouth on his nipples.

Then as Alec finished making love to Magnus's sensitive nipples with his mouth, Alec slowly trailed kisses and licks against his chest and stomach. Magnus reacted at Alec's kisses and move up a bit. Then Alec pushed him down again with a smile. Then Alec moved over, kissing against Magnus's face, which made Magnus moan.

Then Alec moved up, trying to pull off his belt and get to his jeans. Magnus laid down as he looks at his boyfriend, then Magnus smile at Alec, as he run his hand over Alec's chest. Then Alec yanked off his jeans before he pull out a condom, which got Magnus to get really impressed.

"What?" Asked Alec as he pull off the wrapper with his teeth.

"I'm just surprised that you wanted to go this far." Said Kevin as he move forward and kiss Alec again.

Alec kissed Magnus back as he yanked off his underwear and placed the condom on him, then Alec started to pull off Magnus's underwear, then Magnus wrapped his legs against Alec's back as he slowly started to moan in pleasure. Then Alec looked up at Magnus and rubs his shoulders.

"Are you ready for this Magnus, we don't have to do this if you're not ready." Said Alec as he look at Magnus.

"Can you just kiss me already?!" Kevin groaned, moving up and kissing him hard.

Then Alec kissed Magnus back, then he grab Magnus's wrists and move up above him. Then Magnus started to moan, as his legs move around. Then Magnus's hips started to move up as he did, then Alec pushed himself inside of his beautiful warlock boyfriend. Then Magnus scream out in complete utter pleasure, while Alec groan as well in pleasure.

"More, Alexander, please more." Said Magnus as he moan when Alec pushed himself into his beautiful warlock boyfriend.

"Do you like that?" Asked Alec as he rub Magnus's jaw." Do you like this?"

"Yes, I like this so much, please more Alec." Said Magnus as he groan and dig his nails hard into Alec's back.

Magnus scratched hard into the tan skin of Alec's as he kept on kissing him. Then Alec started to pushed even more deeper to Magnus, earning some screams of pleasure from his beautiful warlock boyfriend.

"Yes. . . Oh god Alexander, yes!" Said Magnus in pleasure.

Alec pushed himself into Magnus one last time before he move forward and he start biting down hard on the opposite side of Magnus's collarbone. It got Magnus to moan in sheer pleasure as Alec finished biting Magnus's collarbone.

The two collapsed on the bed, sweat beading from the bodies. Fangs looked up and wiped some hair away from his face.

"Well. . . That was. . . Amazing." Said Alec as he kept breathing heavily.

"Did you enjoy it?" Said Magnus as he pull the bed sheets to cover his and Alec's body except for their bare chests.

"I loved it, apparently I never felt this way I'm a long time." Said Alec as he puts his hands behind head.

Then Magnus started to move closer to Alec as he wrap a arm around him. Then Magnus started to cuddled Alec close to his chest as he lay his hand on his stomach, which made Alec moan in pleasure.

"You know that I'm all sweaty right?" Asked Alec as he pull off the filled condom and tossing it aside in the trash bin the bedroom corner.

"I don't really care." Said Magnus as he snuggle into Alec's chest." That was amazing for our date night."

"Oh my god. . . You look so gorgeous with glitter on you. . . Even the way you kinda massage me, makes me feel my whole body melt." Said Alec as he wrap his arms around Magnus to pull him closer.

"Well, this is the greatest date night I ever had." Said Magnus as he smiles at Alec.

"Yes it is." Said Alec as he kissed Magnus head.

Then as Alec and Magnus kept on cuddling each other, they both started to fall asleep, as the candles have their lights turn off, and the moon from the balcony window began to shine at Magnus and Alec, knowing that their love is as strong as ever and no one will ever break that love.

Shadowhunter: The Mortal Instrument belongs to Freeform

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