Malec's Dinner with Maryse
The next morning at Magnus's loft, inside the bedroom, Alec and Magnus were both still sleeping, while their clothes were still scatter around the floor, and they both seem really peaceful. Then Alec started to wake up, he then saw Magnus sleeping on his chest peacefully, and Alec smile at him.
'Wow, last night was really amazing, and Magnus makes me melt every time I'm with him.' Thought Alec as he smiles at Magnus.
Then Magnus started shift a bit as he snuggles closer to Alec's chest, which have cause Alec to blush, and then Magnus started to open his eyes a bit, and then Alec rubs his head gently as he smiles at Magnus.
"Good morning." Said Alec as he smiles.
"Good morning." Said Magnus as he smiles." How did you sleep darling?"
"I slept great, and what we had last night, I have never felt that happy in my entire life." Said Alec as he smiles at Magnus.
"Well, Isabella did say that you have always work really hard and your body sores, so I thought that you deserve a better treatment." Said Magnus as he smiles.
"Well, I gotta say, I really like it, and it was really nice." Said Alec as he blushes a bit.
"Yeah, especially the way you blush when I was in the outfit yesterday." Said Magnus as he smiles a bit.
"Hey I couldn't help myself, I mean you look so gorgeous, and especially with the glitter." Said Alec as he blushes a bit.
"Well, I always did look gorgeous with a bit of glitter, and red is kinda my color." Said Magnus as he smiles and rubs his finger all over Alec's chest.
"Magnus, red is your color, even with that nail polish." Said Alec as he smiles at Magnus.
That got Magnus to smile at Alec for the compliment he said, and then he kissed Alec which got Alec to kiss him back. Then a few hours later in the afternoon, Alec was now in the Institute wearing a dark grey button up shirt, black pants, and black boots on.
He was at the weapons room with his sister Izzy as they were both looking over at some reports about the demon attack that has been going lately, and then Izzy started to look at Alec with a big smile on her face and started to speak.
"So Alec, how was your date night with Magnus last night?" Asked Izzy as she smirks.
"How did you know about that?" Asked Alec as he blushes a bit.
"Oh please, Magnus as me for the body massage oil and the nail polish, I always get suspicious about you two, and besides you two love each other and he always tells me that every Friday you always have a date night." Said Izzy as she still smirks.
"Oh well, it was nice." Said Alec as he blushes more.
"Nice, oh please Alec, judging by your face, I'm guessing it was amazing." Said Izzy as she smiles.
That got Alec to roll his eyes at his sister, then a fire message have started to appear, and Alec have caught it as soon as it was heading towards him, and Izzy and Alec began to read it. Meanwhile Magnus was with Underhill to check on the Angelic Core.
"Well, the Angelic Core seems to be in good shape." Said Magnus as he smiles." How's Raj and his friends?"
"Oh they are fine, I just need to check on them, and make sure that they have done a well job with our seraph blades." Said Underhill as he smiles.
That got Magnus to smile at Underhill and nodded a bit, then Magnus started to go look for Alec and Izzy and tell them the good news, and he have found them in the armory room.
"There you are!" Said Magnus as he enter the room." Good news, the Core is off the Ley Line grid and free of demonic corruption."
"That's good news." Said Alec and he and Izzy doesn't seem to excited." Thank you."
Then Magnus saw that both Izzy and Alec don't seem happy at all, cause they receive something that made them feel a bit upset, and Magnus see that needed to be alone.
"All righty, then I'll make myself scarce." Said Magnus as he was about to leave.
"We just got a fire message from Mom, saying she's "dropping by" for an impromptu "family dinner." Said Izzy as she explains.
"Those are a lot of air quotes." Said Magnus as he look at Izzy.
"Mom doesn't just drop by for anything." Said Alec as he look at Magnus.
"Yeah, we're thinking it has to do with her and Dad." Said Izzy as she look a bit upset." They're finally making their divorce official."
Then Magnus have started to remember about Alec and Izzy's parents. You see, Maryse and Robert Lightwood are both the parents of Alec, Izzy, and their little brother Max, and the adoptive parents of Jace, and they were both the most strongest and respected Shadowhunter's of the Shadow World.
But apparently they always seem to fight every single time, and Maryse has always been very strict with her children and making sure that they don't do anything to mess up their family name. But the reason why is because Robert has been cheating on Maryse behind her back, and she couldn't be able to tell her children.
Alec, Izzy, Max, and Jace have always worship Robert knowing that they are proud of being his children, but Maryse was worry of how they will react if they found out that Robert has been cheating on her with another, she could bare it, but she was worried that it might destroy and broke their hearts.
"My condolences." Said Magnus as he look at Alec and Izzy.
"It's for the best." Said Izzy as she tried to calm down." Problem is, instead of just being sad like a normal person, she starts trying to fix everyone around her."
"Which usually includes grilling her children on everything she thinks is going wrong in their lives." Said Alec as he look at Magnus.
"So where are you holding this suspenseful dinner?" Asked Magnus as he look at the Lightwood siblings.
"Definitely not here." Said Izzy as she look serious about it.
"The Institute tends to bring out her inner Inquisitor." Said Alec as he look nervous.
Then Magnus look and see that this dinner really means everything for Izzy and Alec so they can try to impress their mother, and then he got an idea on where to hold the dinner.
"How about my place?" Asked Magnus as he smiles.
"Magnus, you don't have to." Said Alec as he look at boyfriend.
"I insist." Said Magnus as he smiles at Alec." You can have the place all to yourselves."
That got Alec to smile that Magnus offer his place for Alec and Izzy to have dinner with their mother, even Izzy was really happy that Magnus have offer his place for them, and then she got an idea.
"Wait." Said Izzy as she look at her brother and Magnus." You should be there."
"Wait what?" Asked Alec in shock.
"Think about it, if Magnus is there being his usual charming self, mom won't have time to interrogate us." Said Izzy as she look at Alec.
"I am charming." Said Magnus as he smirks at Alec.
"You don't think it's too much?" Asked Alec still looking nervous.
"Too much" is my middle name." Said Magnus as he smiles at Alec." Look, clearly this is important to you. Ergo, it's important to me."
Then Alec smile that his beautiful warlock boyfriend that he wanted to help him for him and his sister for their family dinner and he agreed with that. A few hours later at Magnus's loft, it was already the evening, and Alec and Magnus were both in the kitchen making dinner for Maryse when she's coming.
Alec is wearing a dark blue button-up long-sleeve shirt, has black dressed pants on, and black shoes on. He's also wearing the star necklace that connects him and Magnus.
Magnus is wearing dark blue shirt with gold designs on, has dark blue dressed pants on, has rings on his hands, and black boots on. He's also wearing the star necklace that connects him and Alec.
"Are you sure this is exactly half a cup?" Asked Alec as he look at the cup of salt.
"Cooking is an art, not a science." Said Magnus as he look at Alec.
"If that were true, then there wouldn't be instructions." Said Alec as he looks at the piece of paper with the ingredients.
"Hmm." Said Magnus as he look at his cup and stir his drink with a spoon.
"Now, this is an old family recipe, Izzy and I found it right after my grandmother died." Said Alec as he stir the stew." My mother was inconsolable until the day we made her this stew, that was the first time that I saw her smile."
That got Magnus to smile at Alec at how he was so caring and making stew for his mother, and he started to go to Alec.
"Well, you're a sweet man, Alexander." Said Magnus as he picks a piece of radish off of Alec's hair." And so adorable with radish in your hair."
Then as Magnus started to throw away the piece of radish that was stuck onto Alec's hair, Alec have started to pick up the spoon with a bit of the soup and gives it to Magnus for him to taste it.
"Here." Said Alec.
Then Magnus started to take a bit of taste of the soup that Alec have prepared for when his mother arrived for dinner. Then Alec look at Magnus to see if it's good for Magnus.
"How is that?" Asked Alec as he look at Magnus." Good?"
"Mm-hmm!" Said Magnus as he nodded.
"Yeah, OK!" Said Alec as he smiles.
Then Alec's phone began to ring at the other room, then as Alec left the kitchen to get his phone, Magnus started to make a disgust and horror face, and then he grab his cup and spits out part of the soup and wipes his mouth a bit.
"Oh, God!" Whisper Magnus in a bit of fear." I love Alexander's pancakes, but he really needs to learn how to cook some other food better."
Then Magnus slowly approach to the pot of soup, and then he uses his magic to make the soup taste better, then Magnus saw that Alec is coming in the kitchen, and he started to stir the soup and pretends that he likes it, without letting Alec know he was using his magic.
"Izzy texted." Said Alec as he goes to Magnus." Out, out, out, out, she's going on mission with Clary and Jace which means that it's just me tonight."
"Just us." Said Magnus as he smiles at Alec.
That also got Alec to smile at Magnus that he is here with him by his side, and then they both started to hear the door knock, meaning that Alec's mother have arrived, and then Alec have started to feel really nervous and then looks at Magnus.
"OK." Said Alec as he look at Magnus." Remember, my mother is on edge and that means avoiding any sensitive subjects, like my dad, or like that I turned down that job at the Clave."
"Or the fact that you're dating a dastardly warlock?" Said Magnus as he look at Alec.
"I'm sorry." Said Alec as he felt horrible about what he was about to say." Am I being terrible?"
"No, no, no, you're just tense." Said Magnus as he stroke his gently and grabs a cup of wine." Here, drink this."
Then as Alec grabs the cup of wine from Magnus and then drinks it with one big gulp, which got Magnus to get really shock, then Alec give the cup back to Magnus, and Magnus look at the cup in a bit of shock, and then Alec look at Magnus.
"I'm OK." Said Alec and Magnus look at Alec." You're OK?"
"Oh, I'm OK." Said Magnus as he smiles and Alec leaves the kitchen to greet his mother." You're OK."
Then Alec had a black blazer coat on while Magnus has a dark brown blazer coat, then they both went to the entrance, and he open the door to see a woman standing outside of the loft.
The woman has long black hair, has brown hairs, she wears a red long-sleeve dress that goes to her knees, has a black coat at one arm, she's holding a bottle of wine, and has black heels on. The women's name is Maryse Lightwood, Alec's mother. Alec thought that his mother might have a serious face, but Maryse has a smile on her face.
"My boys!" Said Maryse as she smiles.
Then as she comes inside the loft, she gave Magnus a hug which have surprised Magnus and Alec, because before Maryse didn't like Magnus that much because Alec dated him, but now here she is hugging Magnus, and then she started to hug Alec.
"I'm far from being a boy, but I appreciate the sentiment." Said Magnus as he smiles.
"My apologies." Said Maryse as she smiles at Magnus." I should respect my elders."
"Can I get you a drink?" Asked Alec as he look at his mom and got the bottle wine.
"How about a round of Magnus' famous cocktails?" Said Maryse as she goes to sit down.
"This is your mother on edge?" Asked Magnus as he grab the bottle from Alec.
Then as Magnus goes to sit down, Alec started to get really confused and thought that his mother might be serious, but here she is happy and got him a surprise, and then he started to go sit down.
Alec, Magnus, and Maryse all eat the soup that Alec have prepared for the dinner , they were also talking and laughing about some practical jokes they are saying, and Magnus started to speak as he laugh a bit.
"I'm serious, Truman Capote was a total closet warlock." Said Magnus as he laughs a bit." And he never knew when to leave, he was all like. . ."I'd like to stay here the entire night drinking cognac and regaling you all with all my stories," I mean seriously, it gets on my nerves."
"Well, you do know how to host." Said Maryse as she smiles at Magnus.
"Oh, please." Said Magnus as he smiles at Alec." Tonight was all Alec."
"Really?" Said Maryse in surprise and looks at Alec as he smile at her." That stew was incredible, who knew you could cook?"
"Well, I've made that for you before." Said Alec as he smiles.
"Ah, how could I forget?" Said Maryse as she looks at Magnus," Alec and Isabelle made this for me when they were little kids, to see the looks on their faces when they brought it to me, it still warms my heart, but that stew, I still have nightmares!"
"I thought you loved that stew." Said Alec as he look at Maryse with a bit of confusion.
"Well, I do now!" Said Maryse as she smiles." Whatever you've done to the recipe, it's unrecognizable."
Then when Maryse have said that, Alec started to look at Magnus thinking that he must've use his magic to do some changes to the stew, and Magnus just turn away a bit with embarrassment, and he started to speak.
"Would anyone care for a digestif?" Asked Magnus as he tried change the subject.
"Mm no, thank you." Said Maryse as she picks up her glass." I'm probably embarrassing Alec as it is."
"Oh, we're just happy to see you in such good spirits." Said Magnus as he smiles.
"We thought you might be upset what, with the divorce and everything." Said Alec as he look at his mother with concern.
"I've made my peace with that." Said Maryse as she smiles and then frowns." But your instincts are right, I do have some unpleasant news, I wanted Isabelle and Jace to be here, but you need to know."
Then Alec and Magnus have both started to wait for Maryse to give the unpleasant news that she wanted Alec, Izzy, and Jace to hear, and then Maryse took a deep breath, and started to speak.
"In light of Malachi's coup, the Clave has reopened its investigation of former Circle members." Said Maryse as she explains.
"You had nothing to do with Malachi." Said Alec as he look at his mother.
"Still based on a review of my actions in the Circle, the Clave has reclassified me a traitor." Said Maryse as she looks a bit upset.
"What?" Asked Alec in shock.
"They're stripping me of my runes." Said Maryse as she began to feel upset." In a few days, it'll be announced that I have been exiled from Alicante."
"This is completely unjust." Said Alec in anger." You've given your life to the Clave!"
Maryse then try her very best not to cry as she place her hands together, Magnus saw that this tension is going a bit hard, and he realizes that Alec needs to be alone with his mother for a moment about the unpleasant news that he had.
"I'll go and check on the desserts." Said Magnus as he gets up and goes to the kitchen.
"This is total hypocrisy, what about the Pangborns, the Blackwells?" Asked Alec as he look at his mother." Do they keep their positions, what about. . . What about Dad?"
"He was assigned to the LA Institute as part of a deal." Said Maryse as she explains.
"That is exactly my point!" Said Alec in a bit of anger." He gets a slap on the wrist, not exiled!"
"Please, don't make this harder than it already is." Said Maryse as she tried to calm Alec.
But apparently Alec wasn't calming down and he's really upset that his mother have to exile and deruned, and Alec was rubbing his head in anger because he knows that his mother doesn't deserve this, and then Maryse saw how upset Alec, that she got up, sit next to him and then started to speak.
"My punishment is more severe because my crimes were too." Said Maryse as she began to explain." Back in the days of the Circle, I was convinced Valentine had all the answers, I recruited many good people including your father, and together with Valentine, I orchestrated all the bloody details of the Uprising."
"But you got out." Said Alec as he look at his mother.
"Only after I knew we were doomed." Said Maryse as she confess." Once I saw Valentine for who he really was, I couldn't believe what I had done, I vowed to devote the rest of my life to the Clave, but the charges against me are just."
"That's very noble of you, Mom." Said Alec as he look at his mother with proudness in his eyes." But if you're not going to fight this thing, I will, even if that means stepping down from the Institute."
"No, seeing what you have accomplished as Head of the Institute nothing has made me prouder." Said Maryse as she grab Alec's hands." The Clave's always had its faults, my generation nearly destroyed everything in our passion to fix it, yours will have to be wiser."
Then Alec saw that his mother is really proud of him at how much he have accomplished, and then he smile at his mother as Maryse smile back at Alec, then Magnus have came back with a plate of a few Baked Alaska.
"I hope that you two are hungry for Baked Alaska." Said Magnus as he place the silver platter down." Made by the finest chef."
"My, this looks really delicious." Said Maryse as she smiles and goes back to her seat.
Then as Magnus took his seat, Alec smile that his mother is being brave about all of this, even she doesn't deserve this, and they all started to have their desserts. Then after they all had their dessert, Maryse had to leave, so she grab her coat, and goes to the front entrance with Alec and Maryse.
"Thank you again." Said Maryse as she smiles at Alec and Magnus." Tonight couldn't have been nicer."
"You're welcome anytime." Said Magnus as he smiles at Maryse.
"And, um I'd appreciate if you could keep our conversation between us." Said Maryse as she looks at Alec." I'd like to tell Isabelle and Jace myself."
"Of course." Said Alec as he smiles.
Then Maryse hugs Alec as Alec have High is mother back, then after the finished their hug, and then Maryse took a deep breath, and started to look at Magnus.
"I suppose we'll be seeing more of you?" Asked Magnus as he look at Maryse.
"I'd like that, I may have had my prejudices in the past but seeing you stand by Alec, it's what every mother wants for her children." Said Maryse as she smiles at Magnus.
Then Maryse have started to give Magnus a hug, and then Magnus started to hug Maryse back, and Alec smile at how his mother now like Magnus.
"Thank you for loving my boy." Said Maryse as she smiles.
Then as Magnus finished his hug with Maryse, Alec opens the door for his mother and then Maryse started to leave as Alec closes the door, then Magnus look at Alec and saw that he smile, meaning that the dinner went well.
"Well, this was quite the evening, and I should clean things up." Said Magnus as he turns around.
Then as Magnus was about to go and clean the table, Alec have stop him when he put his arms around his waist, and pull him closer to him, which have got Magnus to get really confused.
"Wait a minute Magnus, don't think you are going anywhere right now, after what you did." Said Alec as he smirks at Magnus.
"What do you mean Alec?" Asked Magnus as look confused.
"I'm talking about you doing magic on the soup I was making." Said Alec as he look at Magnus.
"What, I don't know what are you talking about." Said Magnus as he acts like he doesn't know what Alec was talking about.
"Yeah right, since I know that you did it, you are going to get a punishment." Said Alec as he look at Magnus." But not right now, because I'm going to think of one for you."
Then Alec started to leave to think of a punishment for Magnus, as he have left the room, Magnus rolled his eyes and started to clean the table, and the one thing he knows is that this dinner went really with Maryse, and that she like him now.
Shadowhunter: The Mortal Instrument belongs to Freeform
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