Magnus's Depressing News
During the day somewhere at a park at New York, inside a church that looks abandoned, is the New York Institute, that is glamour to look abandoned so that the mundane's will not get suspicious on what's inside the Institute.
Inside the Institute, there were many Shadowhunter's walking around looking through the computers for any danger that is going on at the city, while some were carrying their weapons. At the main room, there were two girls and two boys talking about the demon attacks while they are all waiting for Alec to finish the reports.
The first girl has long black hair, has dark brown eyes, has many tunes all over body, has a dark ruby necklace around her neck, has a black sleeveless shirt on, has a dark brown leather jacket on, has a serpent bracelet on her wrist, has black ripped pants on, and black ankle boots on. Her name Isabelle Lightwood, or Izzy for short, she is a Shadowhunter, and she is Alec's little sister.
The second girl next to Izzy has long red hair, has green eyes, has many runes around her body, has a dark red shirt on, has a black leather jacket on, has dark blue pants on, and black ankle boots on. Her name is Clary Fairchild, she is a Shadowhunter, and she is Izzy's best friend.
The first boy at the other side of the table has blonde short hair, has blue and brown eyes, wears a grey muscle shirt on, has a black leather jacket on, has black pants on, and black boots on. His name is Jace Herondale, he is a Shadowhunter, Clary's friend, and he is also known as Izzy and Alec's adopted brother, and Alec's parabatai.
And the second boy has dark brown hair, has brown eyes, he wears a grey shirt on, has a blue plaid flannel shirt on, has dark blue pants on, and black and white shoes on. His name is Simon Lewis, he is Clary's Best Friend, and he is a vampire but not just a vampire, he is a daylighter vampire.
"Man I can't believe that it has been a year since Valentines death." Said Simon as he smiles." And can you believe that after Clary's rune ceremony, all the people of Alicante are all congratulating Magnus for killing Valentine?"
"I can, I mean Magnus did sacrifice himself to protect all of us, and he did kill Valentine and stop him from getting rid of all the downworlders." Said Izzy as she smiles.
"But I can't believe that Malachi, the Council of the Clave, will ever end up as a Circle Member, and has been working along side with Valentine behind our backs." Said Jace in anger.
"Me either, I started to feel so heartbroken when I heard that, I mean we heard him giving out so many speech about preach loyalty to the Clave." Said Izzy as she feels sad.
"Well, the most important thing is that Valentine and his Circle Members are gone, and the Downworld is safe." Said Clary as she smiles.
That got the others to smile at Clary when she have said that, then a few minutes later, Alec have started to come out of his office, and started to go to the main room to see the others. Alec also happens to be the Head of the New York Institute, and he make sure that everyone is safe.
"Hey guys." Said Alec as he smiles.
"Hey Alec, you finished all the demon reports?" Asked Clary as she smiles.
"Yeah, and I'm telling you, it's a pain in the neck to me, I don't even know why I have to do this." Said Alec as he look exhausted.
"Well it is the job for the Head of the New York Institute." Said Jace as he smirks at Alec.
"Yeah, I really wish you could've at least find somebody else to do it because I was really having a good morning with Magnus." Said Alec as he glared at Jace a bit.
"Speaking of which, how's Magnus doing so far?" Asked Simon as he look at Alec.
"He's doing great so far, he's still trying to get over his fear of being alone, and he's doing good at it." Said Alec as he look at the others.
"I don't blame Magnus, I mean he has been through a lot ever since he was Valentine's slave, and I don't even wanna know what Valentine did to him." Said Simon as he look worried.
That got the others to agree with Simon as well, they all know that Magnus doesn't like being all alone after being a slave to Valentine, and they all know how Magnus doesn't want to remember that. Then Alec's phone begin to ring and Alec check to see that it was a message from Magnus.
"Hey Alec, what is it?" Asked Jace as he look at Alec.
"It's Magnus, he just send me a message." Said Alec as he look at his phone.
"What did he say?" Asked Clary as she looks at Alec.
"Hey says that he's inviting all of us out for dinner because he has some news he wanted to tell us." Said Alec as he look at the others.
"Oh, I wonder what he wanted to tell us?" Asked Simon as he look at the others.
"Maybe he might be still upset about what happen with Valentine." Said Izzy as she looks so concerned.
"Well, whatever it is maybe we should support him." Said Clary as she look at the others.
That got the others to agree, and then they all started to go to their rooms to get ready for dinner. Then a few hours later, at Magnus's loft, Magnus was getting dinner ready for his boyfriend and his friends to come over.
He was using his magic to set the table, set all the plates and food for his friends and handsome shadowhunter boyfriend, then as he set the cups and the wine on the table, he started to get ready till his friends get here.
Magnus has his necklaces around his neck, has rings on his hands, he wears a dark blue shirt that opens a little to see his bare chest, has a dark red blazer coat on, has black dressed pants on, and dark grey boots on.
He was getting his hair ready as he has two red tips on his hair, he has gold eyeshadow on, has black eyeliner on, and has dark blue nail polish on. Then as he started to look at his reflection in his mirror, he started to look upset and frown a bit.
"I don't know how I'm going to tell the others what happen." Said Magnus as he look so upset.
You see a few hours ago, in the morning, Magnus has received a message from the Warlock Council and then when he went to see them, they confirm to him that he has to step down as High Warlock of Brooklyn. Magnus was so shock about that because being the High Warlock means everything to him.
The Warlock Council explains to Magnus that ever since he have sacrificed himself to Valentine, they think that he abandoned all the warlock's to fed for themselves, but Magnus tried to explain to them that he did it to protect the whole Downworld and killed Valentine before he could get rid of them.
Of course the Warlock Council are really grateful that Magnus has killed Valentine and save the Downworld from being extinct, but based on that, they think that Magnus was being a coward for sacrificing himself to a rogue shadowhunter who hated the Downworld more than anything.
All the warlock's try to convince the Warlock Council to not let Magnus step down as High Warlock of Brooklyn, but the Warlock Council said that they had no other choice and Magnus should step down, and there was nothing else they could do.
"I don't know what to do now, I mean they are right, I was a coward for sacrificing myself." Said Magnus as he look so upset." And now I don't even know who I am now."
Since Magnus has been step down as High Warlock of Brooklyn, he started to feel like he doesn't know who he really is now, I mean he is a very strong warlock and is beloved from everyone, but he doesn't know who he really is on the inside.
"I mean I know who I really am on the outside whenever I see my reflection, but once I saw it, I don't even know the person right in front of me." Said Magnus as he look at the mirror.
Then as he kept on looking at his reflection in the mirror, Chairman Meow have started to enter the room, then the cat started to go to Magnus and jump onto the makeup vanity, and it got Magnus to smile at his cat and pets his head gently.
"Oh Chairman Meow, I just don't know what I will do now, and I wonder when will my reflection show who I really am inside." Said Magnus as he look at his cat.
Then as soon as when Magnus have said that, all of a sudden, music have began to play, and Magnus have begun to sing as he started to stand up and brush his hair a bit.
Magnus Bane: Look at me
I will never pass
For a perfect leader
Or a perfect warlock
Can it be
I'm not meant
To play this part
Now I see
That if I were truly
To be myself
I would break
My family's heart
Then as Magnus continued to sing, he started to look at his reflection in the mirror, and he started to feel like he doesn't know who he really is, and then he continued to sing.
Magnus Bane: Who is that
Man I see
Staring straight
Back at me
Why is my reflection
Someone I don't know
Somehow I cannot hide
Who I am
Though I've tried
When will my reflection
Show who I am inside
Then Chairman have started to nuzzle at Magnus, then as Magnus pet on Chairman Meow's head gently, he started to walk into the other room that has his spell books and potions on some cabinets and bookshelves and Magnus continued to sing.
Magnus Bane: How I pray
That a time will come
I can free myself and
Meet their expectations
On that day
I'll discover someway
To be myself
And to make
My family proud
As Magnus kept on looking around his room, he started to remember when he was as the High Warlock of Brooklyn and he help so many warlock's and downworlders, and Magnus continues to sing.
Magnus Band: They want a
Strong leader
No one knows
Who I am
Must there be
A secret me
I'm forced to hide
Must I pretend that
I am someone
Else for all time
When will my reflection
Show who I am inside
When will my reflection
Show who I am inside
Then after Magnus have finished singing his song, he started to hear a door knock from the entrance of his loft, realizing that it must be Alec and the others, and then he took a deep breath as he go to the entrance of his loft.
Then as he have arrived at the entrance of his loft, he used his magic to open the door, and then Alec, Clary, Izzy, Simon, and Jace have all went inside the loft, and they were all dressed for dinner.
Alec is wearing a dark blue button up long-sleeve shirt on, has a black blazer coat on, has black pants on, and black shoes on. Alec also has his star necklace around his neck, he always dress to impress his beautiful warlock boyfriend. He was also hold a pot with hot soup.
Jace is wearing a black button up long sleeve shirt on, has a dark blue blazer coat on, has black pants on, and has dark blue dressed shoes on.
Simon has a dark red button up long-sleeve shirt on, has a dark blue coat on, has dark blue pants on, and he has black shoes on.
Clary has her hair tied into a high ponytail, has a butterfly necklace around her neck, she is wearing a dark red shoulder-off high low dress on, and has red heels on.
Izzy has a ruby necklace around her neck, is wearing a dark blue shoulder-off dress that goes to her knee, has a silver serpent bracelet on her wrist, and she has black heels on.
"Hey Magnus." Said Simon as he smiles.
"Ah my friends, I see that you are here." Said Magnus as he smiles.
"Hey we wouldn't miss it for the world Magnus." Said Alec as he kisses Magnus.
"And beside Magnus, you made this wonderful dinner and we wouldn't skip this special occasion." Said Izzy as she smiles.
"Well, would anyone care for a drink?" Asked Magnus as he smiles.
"How about your famous cocktails?" Asked Clary as she smiles.
"Alright then, let's all begin to eat, before the food gets cold." Said Magnus as he smiles.
Then Magnus, Alec, Clary, Jace, Izzy, and Simon have all started to go to the table, and started to have dinner. They all eat some of the food that Magnus made and the pasta Alec have prepared, they were also talking and laughing about some practical jokes they are saying, and Magnus started to speak as he laugh a bit.
"I'm serious, Truman Capote was a total closet warlock." Said Magnus as he laughs a bit." And he never knew when to leave, he was all like. . ."I'd like to stay here the entire night drinking cognac and regaling you all with all my stories," I mean seriously, it gets on my nerves."
"Well, you do know how to host Magnus." Said Clary as she smiles at Magnus.
"Oh please, Alec was the one who made this stew, and I gotta say, his cooking is really getting good." Said Izzy as she smiles.
"Oh how could I forget, Alexander have always cook breakfast for the both of us, and it always warm my heart." Said Magnus as he smiles at Alec." But apparently one time, he almost set our kitchen on fire."
Then when Magnus have said that, it cause Alec to get really shock and embarrassed when he said that, and he almost spit out his drink, and cause the others to laugh a bit when Magnus said that.
"Magnus, how many times do I have to tell you that it was an accident?!" Said Alec as he blush really red.
"What happen when Alec almost burned down the kitchen?" Asked Jace as he wanted to hear it.
"Well, the last time Alec was trying to cook for me, he was really distracted that the food started to be set on fire." Said Magnus as he laugh a bit." And it almost set the whole kitchen on fire, if I hadn't use my magic to stop the fire, the whole apartment would've been burned."
"Oh my god, really that almost happen?" Asked Izzy as she smiles.
"Magnus, I already told you that it wasn't accident!" Said Alec as he blush in embarrassment.
That got the others to laugh at Alec's embarrassment, and then Izzy have started to clear her throat and started to speak to get the others attention.
"Would anyone care for a digestif?" Asked Izzy as she smiles.
"Mm no, thank you." Said Magnus as he picks his cup up." I'm probably embarrassing Alec as it is."
"Oh, we're just happy to see you in such good spirits Magnus." Said Izzy as she smiles.
"Yeah, we are just really happy that you are okay." Said Clary as she smiles at Magnus.
"We thought you might be upset what, with happen with Valentine a year ago." Said Alec as he look at his boyfriend.
"Yeah, when you send that message to Alec, we though you might be still upset about that." Said Simon as he look at Magnus.
"And we all wanted to make sure that you are okay." Said Jace as he look at Magnus.
Then once Jace have said that, it Magnus's heart started to warm up when he realized that his beloved boyfriend and his friends have all cared about him, and then he smile at him and started to speak.
"I've made my peace with that." Said Magnus as he smiles but then frowns a bit." But your instincts are right, I do have some unpleasant news, I wanted to make sure you are all here, and since you are, you need to know."
Then everyone have started to wait for Magnus to explain the unpleasant news, then as Magnus took a deep breath, he started to explain.
"This morning, I have received a message to see the Warlock Council, they wanted to speak to me about what happen with Valentine last year." Said Magnus as he explain." In light of which of what happen last year, the Warlock Council were talking about what with me being Valentine's slave."
"But you had to sacrifice yourself in order to protect the downworlders." Said Clary as she look at Magnus.
"Yeah, I mean you did it to protect everyone you love." Said Alec as he look at Magnus.
"Still based on a review of my actions when I sacrificed myself to Valentine to become his slave, the Warlock Council think that I was being a coward." Said Magnus as he explain." And based on that review, they are making me step down as High Warlock of Brooklyn."
"What?!" Said Alec as he and the others got really shock at what Magnus have said.
"They're making me step down as High Warlock of Brooklyn." Said Magnus as he explains." In a few days, they are going to find a replacement to take my spot as High Warlock."
"This is completely unjust." Said Alec as he feel really angry." You've given your life to protect the downworlders!"
"Alec is right, you've sacrificed yourself to protect all of us!" Said Jace as he look at Magnus.
"This is total hypocrisy, what about the vampires, the werewolves, and the Seelies?!" Said Izzy as she look really upset." I mean they really appreciate you protecting them from Valentine!"
"And what about the warlock's?!" Asked Simon as he also look upset as well.
"The warlock's have appreciated that I protected them from Valentine, along with the vampires, the werewolves, and the Seelies." Said Magnus as he explains." The warlock's all try to convince the Warlock Council to not let me step down, but still I had too, but the warlock's didn't like the idea."
"That is exactly my point Magnus!" Said Alec as he look at Magnus." They all understand that you should be rewarded, not stepping down as High Warlock of Brooklyn!"
"Please, don't make this harder than it already is." Said Magnus as he tried to calm his friends and boyfriend.
But apparently the others are not calming down and they were all really upset that Magnus have to do this, and Alec was rubbing his head in anger because he knows that Magnus doesn't deserve this, and then Magnus saw how upset they are and then he started t speak.
"My punishment is more severe because my sacrifice is severe too." Said Magnus as he started to explain." When I was still Valentine's sex slave, I convinced Valentine to make sure that he won't hurt all the downworlders and making sure he won't get rid of them, I almost tried to kill myself and made sure that Valentine won't kill them all."
"You made sure that Valentine won't harm any of us." Said Simon as he look at Magnus.
"Only after I knew that he had lie to me." Said Magnus as he explains." Once I knew that Valentine lied to me about staying away from the downworlders, I couldn't believe what had happen, I was so ashamed of what Valentine did, that I did everything I could to get him to stop hurting my family and friends."
"That's very noble of you, Magnus." Said Alec as he look at Magnus." But if you're not going to fight this thing, I will, even if that means stepping down from the Institute.
"No Alec, you have accomplished as Head of the Institute and it was your dream." Said Magnus as he look at Alec." I can't let my problems interfere yours."
"But Magnus, you are one of the greatest High Warlock ever, you've risked your life to protect all of us." Said Clary as she look at Magnus.
"Clary is right Magnus, you don't deserve this at all." Said Izzy as she looks at Magnus.
"I know that, but I have to accept this, I may not like it but I have to do this." Said Magnus as he look at the others." For the sake of the warlock's."
That got the others to get really upset that Magnus Bane has to step down as High Warlock of Brooklyn, they all know that Magnus does not deserve this pain, but they had to respect that for Magnus, and then Simon started to speak.
"So, who's your new replacement?" Asked Simon feeling a bit nervous to say that.
"His name is Lorenzo Rey, he is going to be the new High Warlock of Brooklyn." Said Magnus as he explains.
"Even if he is going to be the new High Warlock of Brooklyn, you will always be the greatest High Warlock of Brooklyn Magnus, and nothing will ever change that." Said Alec as he holds Magnus's hand.
"Alec is right, you will always be the High Warlock of Brooklyn to all of us." Said Clary as she and the others smile at Magnus.
That got Magnus to smile at his friends and boyfriend that they will always see him as the greatest High Warlock of Brooklyn, and then they started to continue to have their dinner, but little did Magnus know is that he will prove to himself that he is much more stronger that he ever is without being as the High Warlock of Brooklyn.
Shadowhunter: The Mortal Instrument belongs to Freeform
The song Magnus sings is a parody of "Reflection" is from the movie "Mulan"
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