Enter Lilith

Later the night somewhere in an abandoned cathedral, inside the building, there was a beautiful woman walking down the hallway to go to a room, and the woman started to look really concerned as she kept on walking.

The woman has long black hair, has brown eyes, has red lipstick on, has a diamond necklace around her neck, she wears a golden sparkle dress long-sleeve on, and black heels on. The women's name is Lilith, she is a greater demon, but not just any demon, she is the Mother of all Demons.

You see, Lilith was the first wife of Adam in the Garden of Eden, she loved Adam with all her heart and thought that they will be together forever and maybe have a child together to start a family, that is until she was cast out and replaced by Eve.

According to Jewish folklore, from which most of her folklore is sourced, Lilith was punished for her disobedience by being made unable to bear children, or at least, she was only capable of gestating infants who then died upon their birth. Lilith is further associated with the harming and weakening of human babies.

With so much vengeance inside of her and anger growing inside of her, Lilith have tricked Adam and Eve's first son, Cain, into killing his brother, Abel, by turning him into a vampire and make him killed Abel with a rock and make him drink his blood.

At some point when she have use her demonic powers to turn Cain into a vampire, she have became known as the Mother of Demons and see every single demon as her children. At some point, Lilith also became sworn enemies with the Seelie Queen of the Seelie Court and her immediate successor. In revenge, the Queen endowed Eve with Seelie beauty.

"I will soon get my revenge on everyone who have ruined my life." Said Lilith as she look angry.

Then she have started to enter a room that has many candles lit up in a straight line, and there was a tomb at the center on the room, and she walks up to it and see's a body on a man and it was known as Jonathan Morgenstern.

"Oh my dearest son, soon you will be in my arms again, and we will be happy together once and for all." Said Lilith with sadness in her eyes.

You see around the 1990s, Valentine Morgenstern came to her once and asked for demon blood to be given to his unborn son, through the child's mother's womb, for his experiments to make his unborn son much more stronger than anyone can ever imagine.

As she'd suspected, the young boy, named Jonathan Morgenstern, have eventually proved too powerful for anyone to control, and too hungry for death to control, that Valentine Morgenstern was sent to Edom when he was around eleven years old. And Lilith loved him like he was her own child and raised him as her own, which Jonathan have loved since his father abandoned him and not letting get to know his birth mother or sister.

But almost a decade ago, Jonathan returned to Earth to help his father to get rid of the Downworld and get revenge on Valentine's for sending him down to Edom for and not letting him see his mother and sister, but he met his doom in a battle against Jace and is killed as he was thrown over a bridge.

In his dying moments, Jonathan used his blood to open a rift to Edom and called for his mother Lilith after his last breath. Through the rift, several asmodei entered the world, one of which took Jonathan's body and brought him to an isolated cave. The demons then coalesced into Lilith, and she was reunited with her "son".

Bent on resurrecting Jonathan, Lilith set herself up in an abandoned cathedral in New York City where the energy from the ley lines are strong. She called it the Church of Talto. And Lilith set up an altar, specifically, a sacred tomb with a pattern carved into the stone, with Jonathan directly underneath.

"Soon my son, you and will be reunited again and we will get revenge on the person who did to you." Said Lilith as she look at the tomb." And we will be together forever and be happy as mother and son, like the day you were sent to me."

Then as Lilith continued to look at Jonathans tomb, she have started to remember the day when Valentine Morgenstern have send Jonathan down to Edom and Lilith was happy to be with her son.


Years ago in a cabin in Idris, when Valentine Morgenstern was still alive, he was starting to send his son Jonathan to Edom because he was to powerful too control and Jonathan was screaming in pain and ask Valentine to stop.

"MAKE IT STOP!" Shouted Jonathan as he look at Valentine as fire started to go around him." DAD!"

Then a few moments later, Jonathan started to look around to see that he have arrived at Edom, he saw many demons flying around from the red sky, he saw many dead tree's and the Land look so dry, and Jonathan started to feel so scared.

Then as Jonathan started to turn around, he started to see Lilith standing in front of Jonathan, she is wearing a white cape dress that goes to her feet and has white heels on, and she smiles at Jonathan.

"My precious boy." Said Lilith as she goes to Jonathan.

"Stay away from me!" Said Jonathan as he look so scared.

"It's all right, there's nothing to be afraid of." Said Lilith as she look at Jonathan with gentle eyes." See, I'm just like you."

"Who are you?" Asked Jonathan as she look at Lilith.

"I am your mother." Said Lilith as she was in front of Jonathan." I'm so happy your father finally sent you to me."

"My mother hates me." Said Jonathan as he feels so upset." That's why she left us."

"That woman who abandoned you, Jocelyn Fairchild, is not your true mother, my blood is what made you so special so powerful." Said Lilith as she stroke Jonathan's cheek." And your father punished you for it, but I won't because I know what a gift you are to this world, I love you more than anything, and I will never let anything bad happen to you."

Then as Jonathan look at Lilith an saw that she was right, Jonathan started to hug Lilith as he cried at how Valentine have abandoned him, and Lilith have big Jonathan back as she tries to calm Jonathan.

"Sh Mother loves you." Said Lilith as she continued to hug a crying Jonathan.

End of flashback

"Oh my dearest son, I have always kept on praying that we will be together again, and once you will be in my arms we will be happy once again." Said Lilith as she look at Jonathan's tomb." I will always do my evening prayers for you, because you are my precious son."

Then as soon as Lilith have said that, all of a sudden, soft music have began to play, and then Lilith have began to sing as she strokes the tomb.

Lilith: Father almighty
He's only a child
But the demon is
Waking inside her
He will be lost
If his passion runs wild
So I can't let
Him stumble and die
As you helped
Your child divine
Give me the strength
To help mine

Then as Lilith continued to sing her song, she started to stroke the tomb gently as she looks at her dead son as she started to shed a tear in her eyes, and then Lilith continued to sing her song.

Lilith: I never wanted to
Cause you such pain
But there are times
When my life is so
Maybe I do things
That I can't explain
But my feelings for
Him never change
You are still
My precious one
Can you forgive
What I've done
I was wrong
It hurts me
To hurt you
I'd rather die
Then see you suffer
One day you'll bless me
Fir lighting the way
Look inside your heart
That's where
Forgiveness must start
After all
We have no one
Except each other
The world outside
Can't understand you
When they betray you
I'll always be here
You're the reason I'm alive
You're the only
Reason I survive
In my life there's
Only one thing true
I will always love you

Then after when Lilith have finished singing her song, she started to hear the door from the room opened, then she she turn around to see two men and three women coming inside the room and stop as they were in front of Lilith, and then a men started to go to Lilith.

The men has black hair, green eyes, and he is wearing some kind of male nurse uniform on, and has white sneakers on. The mans name is Tim Dempsey.

When Lilith is exploring the mundane world, she found her way to a hospital where she looked at the newborn babies in the maternity ward. She asked a nurse, Tim Dempsey, who approached her if she could hold one of them, lamenting that she was barren because of her ex-husband.

The nurse, though sympathetic for Lilith's pain about not bearing a child, politely refused her request and gently escorted her out. Lilith noted his kindness and chose him as her first disciple.

"Ah, my disciples you have all returned." Said Lilith as she goes to her disciples.

"We have our mother, and we have sacrificed our loved ones for your son." Said Tim as he look at Lilith.

Then Lilith have smile at her disciples for doing this for Jonathan, then as she stands at one side of the tomb, Tim started to go in front of the tomb, and then Lilith started to speak.

"Which beloved have you sacrificed my dear?" Asked Lilith as she looks at Tim.

"My wife." Said Tim as he look at Lilith.

"And how did you kill her?" Asked Lilith as she looks at Tim.

"I stab her by the heart with a knife." Said Tim as he explains.

Then as Tim moves forward to Lilith, she use her nails to cut a bit of his neck, and then blood started to pour onto the tomb, then after a few moments, Tim started to back up a bit, and then a woman started to walk up to the tomb.

"Which beloved have you sacrificed my dear?" Asked Lilith as she looks at the women.

"My husband." Said the woman as she look at Lilith.

"And how did you kill him?" Asked Lilith as she looks at the women.

"I strangle him with an extension cord and choke him to death." Said the women as she explains.

Then as the women moves forward to Lilith, she use her nails to cut a bit of her neck, and then blood started to pour onto the tomb, then after a few moments, the woman started to back up a bit, and then another woman started to walk up to the tomb.

"Which beloved have you sacrificed my dear?" Asked Lilith as she looks at the second women.

"My best friend." Said the women as she look at Lilith.

"And how did you kill her?" Asked Lilith as she looks at the women.

"I drown her in the lake when we're walking down the park and I almost got myself caught." Said the women as she explains.

Then as the second women moves forward to Lilith, she use her nails to cut a bit of her neck, and then blood started to pour onto the tomb, then after a few moments, the second women started to back up a bit, and then a man started to walk up to the tomb.

"Which beloved have you sacrificed my dear?" Asked Lilith as she looks at Tim.

"My brother." Said the man as he look at Lilith.

"And how did you kill him?" Asked Lilith as she looks at the men.

"I beat him up with a rock until he was bleeding all over." Said the men as he explains.

Then as the men moves forward to Lilith, she use her nails to cut a bit of his neck, and then blood started to pour onto the tomb, then after a few moments, the men started to back up a bit, and then a second men started to walk up to the tomb.

"Which beloved have you sacrificed my dear?" Asked Lilith as she looks at the second men.

"My father." Said the second men as he look at Lilith.

"And how did you kill him?" Asked Lilith as she looks at the second men.

"I burned him in the fire place while he was a sleep." Said the second men as he explains.

Then as the second men moves forward to Lilith, she use her nails to cut a bit of his neck, and then blood started to pour onto the tomb, then after a few moments, the second men started to back up a bit, and then a third men started to walk up to the tomb.

"Which beloved have you sacrificed my dear?" Asked Lilith as she looks at the third men.

"My sister." Said the third men as he look at Lilith.

"And how did you kill her?" Asked Lilith as she looks at the third men.

"I zapped her with an electric cord into she was burned into a crisp." Said the third men as he explains.

Then as the third men moves forward to Lilith, she use her nails to cut a bit of his neck, and then blood started to pour onto the tomb, then after a few moments, the third men started to back up a bit.

"It's going good, but I still need more disciples for the ceremony, and get my son back." Said Lilith as she look at her son's tomb.

"But mother, the shadowhunter's will stop you from bringing your son back." Said Tim as he look at Lilith.

"He is right mother, we will protect you and make sure that you will bring your son back." Said the first men.

"I really appreciate all of you, but it doesn't seem to work like that, I need to find someone who can bring more disciples to bring my son back." Said Lilith as she look at the tomb." All I need is Jace Herondale."

"But mother, that Shadowhunter is the reason why your son is dead." Said the women as she frowns a bit.

"She is right mother, if he finds out that you will try to bring your son back, he will stop you from doing that." Said Tim as he look at Lilith.

Then when Tim have said that, Lilith have started to go up to him, at first Tim was scared because he thought that Lilith will slap him, but Lilith place her hand on his cheek gently and she started to speak.

"That is why I'm going to possess him into my demonic servant." Said Lilith as she smirks evilly.

Then when Lilith have just said that, all of a sudden, music have began to play, and then Lilith started to speak as she walks up to her sons tomb.

"Jonathan has always shown a greater power to everyone that he never shows fear to anyone." Said Lilith as she look at her disciples." When I bring my son back, the demons will be free to take whatever they want, because a demons hunger is never full."

"But the Shadowhunter's are far too powerful to challenge and we might not be able to stop them." Said Tim as his goes to Lilith and she began to sing.

Lilith: The Shadowhunter's
Is yesterday's message
A clapped-out
Distracted regime
Whose failings
Undoubtedly presage
The need for
A different dream
Leonine times are a-changin'
Which means that
Demons must too
My vision is clear
And wide-ranging
And even encompasses you
So prepare for the
Coup of the century
Prepare for the murkiest scam
Meticulous planning
Tenacity spanning
Decades of denial is
Simply why I'll
Have my son back
And seen for
The wonder I am
My teeth and
Ambitions are bared
Be prepared

Disciples: Be prepared
Be prepared
Be prepared
Be prepared
Be prepared
Be prepared
Be prepared
Be prepared

Lilith: Be prepared
Be prepared

Disciples: Be prepared
Be prepared
Be prepared
Be prepared

Lilith: Be prepared

Disciples: Be prepared
Be prepared
Be prepared
Be prepared
Be prepared
Be prepared
Be prepared
Be prepared

Lilith: Be prepared

Disciples: Be prepared
Be prepared
Be prepared
Be prepared

Lilith: Yes
Our teeth and ambitions
Are bared
Be prepared

Then after Lilith have finished singing her song, she started to see that her disciples have all bowed down for her, and Lilith have smirked evilly that she will soon have her son back, but little did she know is that apparently when her son comes back, he will have a plan that will make her more prouder for her son and will rule the world with a iron fist.

Shadowhunter: The Mortal Instrument belongs to Freeform

The song Lilith sing is a parody of "Evening Prayers" from "Riverdale: Carrie the Musical Special"

The song Lilith sing is a parody of "Be Prepared" is from the movie "The Lion King 2019"

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