Defending Magnus

The next morning at Magnus's loft, in Magnus's bedroom, Magnus and Alec were both still sleeping in their bed, the covers were covering them but their bare chests were showing. Magnus lay his head on Alec's head looking so peaceful, while Alec has one arm behind his head and the other wrap around Magnus, and he was sleeping as well.

After what happen last night at Lorenzo Rey's mansion, and with all the shaking and that the warlock's can't control their magic, they have been a bit terrorized by it, and they had sex last night. Then Magnus started to wake up, then as he lift his head, and look at Alec who is still sleeping.

Magnus smile at how peaceful Alec is, then he raise his hand and lay its on Alec's chest and then he massage it a bit, it cause Alec to moan a bit when he felt Magnus's hand, and then he started to wake up.

"So, you're finally up." Said Magnus as he smiles.

"What time is it?" Asked Alec as he still look tired.

"It's like 10:00 am, apparently what we did last night, I think we overslept." Said Magnus as he smiles at Alec." And to be really honest, I have never seen you this tired before."

"Hey, I couldn't help myself last night, you were really gorgeous and your cat eyes really melt me." Said Alec as he held Magnus close to him." And to be honest, I'm really happy to be here with you."

That got Magnus to smile at Alec for what he had said, then he started to press some kisses on Alec's chest, which have cause Alec to moan a bit, and then as Magnus kept on kissing Alec's chest, his mouth capture one of Alec's nipples between his teeth and gave it a tentative bite, sucking on it slowly, and Alec arched his back and cried out in sheer pleasure.

"Oh god, do you have. . . To do that. . . Seriously it makes me want you to do more often." Said Alec as he moans and rubs Magnus's head." Seriously, it's like a yin fen that I really wanted more."

"Well, I guess that I'm your yin fen for now, and I can't help myself, you are just so perfect." Said Magnus as he smirk at Alec.

Then as Magnus kept on kissing Alec's sensitive nipples, Alec's phone began to ring and then Alec's started to grab it, and he saw that Jace is calling him, so he answered his phone while he tried his best not to moan while Magnus was kissing his chest and nipples.

Alec: Hello?

Jace: Good morning, I'm sorry if I'm calling you right now, and I disturbing you.

Alec: No. . . You're not disturbing me or anything. . . Like that.

Alec tried his best not to moan as Magnus kept on kissing his chest, and then as Magnus kept on kissing on Alec's nipples, and then Alec continued to talk through his phone as he tried not to moan.

Alec: So, what is that you need Jace?

Jace: The Clave had been having some reports on the shaking that we felt last night at Lorenzo Rey's mansion. They think that it's really serious.

That got Alec to get really curious about what the Clave have about the shaking that has been going on last night, and then Alec started to speak.

Alec: Okay, will be there Jace, we just need to get dressed for.

Jace: Okay Alec, but before I go, are you sure I'm not disturbing you and Magnus, or are you two having a great time, because I can sense that you are having a great time.

That got Alec to blush really red when Jace have said that, then Magnus kept on kissing Alec's chest and has a spot that almost made Alec moan in pleasure but he tried his best to not moan, and started to talk.

Alec: No of course not. . . We were just resting from last night. . . We're totally. . . Fine.

Jace: Okay, I'll see you later.

Then after Alec have hang up, he started to moan loudly when Magnus bite a part of his chest, and then Alec started to speak.

"Oh my god Magnus, did you really had to do that while I was talking to Jace, I mean seriously, he was almost suspicious." Said Alec as he look at Magnus.

"What, I can't help it Alec, you have the most sexiest chest ever, either you work out a lot or you want to impress me." Said Magnus as he smiles and trace his hand at Alec's chest.

"I do workout a lot, but we have to go now." Said Alec as he look at Magnus.

"Oh do we have to, I kinda just want to stay here for a while." Said Magnus as he kept tracing his hand over Alec's chest.

"As much as I love you trying to make love with my chest, we have to go, Jace called and said that the Clave have some reports on the shaking that happen last night." Said Alec as he look at Magnus.

That got Magnus get really serious about what happen last night, so he and Alec started get out of bed and Magnus started to get changed while Alec started to take a shower.

Magnus is now wearing a dark blue button up shirt, has a black blazer coat on, has black dressed pants on, and grey boots on. He also has black eyeshadow on, and black nail polish on. He also uses his magic to fix his bed.

Then a few minutes later, Alec have finished taking a shower and he was already changed. Alec is now wearing a dark green shirt, has a black leather jacket on, he has dark blue pants on, and black boots on. He was also holding one of Magnus's shampoo bottles and likes the smell of it.

"Is something wrong with my shampoo Alec?" Asked Magnus as he look at Alec.

"Uh, no, it's actually way better than what I have back at the Institute." Said Alec as he smiles." Where do you buy it?"

"I don't buy it, I brew it." Said Magnus as he explains." It's a special blend of Indian sandalwood that I started mixing back in the 18th century."

"You make this?" Asked Alec in amazement.

"Alexander, mixing potions is the cornerstone of the warlock arts." Said Magnus as he smiles.

"Well, I know, I just I mean, if you can wash your hair magically, why do you go through the trouble?" Asked Alec as he look Magnus.

"Because I enjoy taking showers." Said Magnus as he smiles.

All right, well, if you're not too busy, can you, you know, brew me a bottle?" Asked Alec as he look at Magnus.

"Sure, but we should probably get to the institute now." Said Magnus as he look at Alec.

That got Alec to agree, so he started to put down Magnus's shampoo bottle, then Magnus started to create a portal and then he and Alec started to go through the portal. Then after a few moments later, they both have arrived at the main room of the institute, and then a man went to Alec and Magnus.

The man has blonde short curly hair, has blue eyes, he wears a black long-sleeve shirt on, has dark blue pants on, has a black belt around his waist, and black strap boots on. The man's name is Andrew Underhill, and he is a Shadowhunter in the New York Institute.

"Alec, Magnus, the others are waiting for you two." Said Underhill as he look at the two couple.

"Thank you Underhill." Said Alec as he smiles.

"So Magnus, how are you doing, after what happen a year ago?" Asked Underhill as he look at Magnus.

"I'm totally fine, I have made peace after what Valentine did to me." Said Magnus as he smiles a bit.

"Well that's good, I'm also very sorry that you had to step down as High Warlock." Said Underhill as he look at Magnus.

"That's okay Underhill, I was a fool to become Valentine's slave, but I did what I had to do to protect the downworlders and the shadowhunter's." Said Magnus.

"Well, I'm just really happy that you are okay." Said Underhill as he smiles.

That got Magnus to smile at Underhill, then Alec and Magnus have both started to go to where Clary, Jace, Izzy, and Simon are, then they both found them at a table looking over the research the Clave have send them.

"Hey, Magnus." Said Clary as she smiles." Your magic working OK after last night?"

"Totally back to normal." Said Magnus as he smiles." And since I'm not the High Warlock, whatever doesn't affect me is no longer my problem."

"Well, the Clave have reported that the shaking isn't really a earthquake." Said Jace as he explains." It has something to do with demonic energy."

"Demonic energy, that's impossible, there hasn't been any alerts of demon attacks for days now." Said Alec as he look suspicious.

"But who ever was responsible for that shaking, it is related to demonic energy, because the warlock's couldn't be able to control their magic." Said Magnus as he look concerned.

"Well, whoever is behind this, I'm guessing that the trouble is just starting." Said Clary as she look worried.

"Oh brother, it's like Valentine all over again, but with someone who is far more dangerous." Said Simon as he shudder a bit.

"And I think we need to be prepared for what's coming." Said Izzy as she look concerned.

"Well then first things first, we need to find out what were those ley lines and who is creating them." Said Alec as he look serious.

"Well, let me check something." Said Magnus as he look at the others.

Then Magnus started to go to one of the computers to check out some more information about the shaking last night, then as he continued to look over the research, someone grab him by the shoulder and turn him and Magnus saw Lorenzo glaring at Magnus.

Clary was walking to look for Magnus, then when she saw Lorenzo with Magnus, she started to step aside to hear what Lorenzo and Magnus are talking about.

"Lorenzo?" Said Magnus as he look shock." What are you doing here?"

"I didn't want to give you the chance to avoid me." Said Lorenzo as he glared at Magnus.

"Why would I do that?" Asked Magnus as he look confused.

"Because you thought you could get away with sabotaging my party, the ley line under my home was intentionally corrupted." Said Lorenzo as he glared at Magnus." I knew you were petty, I just didn't realize you'd go this far to make me look bad."

"You saw my eyes." Said Magnus as he look at Lorenzo." My magic was as useless as anyone's."

"An exposed mark proves nothing." Said Lorenzo as he glared Magnus." You think I don't recognize Asmodeus' handiwork when I see it?"

"I haven't seen Asmodeus a year ever since he help me, Alec, and Clary after I killed Valentine to save the Downworld and the Shadow World." Said Magnus as he look concerned.

"Yet you do know him far better than anyone else in this dimension." Said Lorenzo as he glared at Magnus." I know what he's capable of, but more importantly, you know how to use his demonic magic."

"As High Warlock, it's my job to keep my people safe, Bane." Said Lorenzo as he glared at Magnus." And if I have to banish problematic warlocks to the lower reaches of the Spiral Labyrinth for their crimes, then so be it, I know you're behind this, and it's only a matter of time until I prove it."

Then when Lorenzo have said that, Clary had enough of Lorenzo accusing Magnus for something he hasn't done, that she decided to go to the two warlock's, and then she glared at Lorenzo.

"Hey, who do you think you are, blaming Magnus for something he didn't do?!" Said Clary as she glared at Lorenzo.

"Ah, Clarissa Morgenstern, I see you wanted to defend Magnus for what he is doing." Said Lorenzo as he look at Clary.

"It's Clary Fairchild, and Magnus didn't do anything wrong last night, he was as shock as we are!" Said Clary as he glared at Lorenzo.

"Oh please, you are trying to defend him, you may be as Valentine Morgenstern's daughter." Said Lorenzo as he glared at Clary.

"HEY, don't you dare compare me to Valentine, he may be my father but he is a traitor to me, and I'm nothing like me!" Said Clary as he glared at Lorenzo." Magnus didn't do anything wrong and he would never put the warlock's in danger."

Then as Clary argue with Lorenzo, Alec was walking with Jace, Izzy, and Simon trying to figure out about the shaking last night, till Alec then to see Lorenzo Rey with Magnus and Clary, and he felt like somethings wrong so he started to go to them along with Jace, Izzy, and Simon.

"Lorenzo Rey, what are you doing here?" Asked Alec as he look at Lorenzo.

"Apparently, Lorenzo here is trying to blame Magnus for what happen last night." Said Clary as he glared at Lorenzo.

"Wait, what?" Asked Alec as he look at Lorenzo.

"Apparently, the shaking was actually cause by demonic energy, and I know for the fact that Magnus Bane is the one who did it." Said Lorenzo Rey as he glared at Magnus." His father is a Prince of Hell, this is working all along, and I'm accusing Magnus Bane for it."

"Wait a minute, you are accusing Magnus about last night. . ." Said Simon as he look at Lorenzo." You can't just accuse Magnus for that, just because his father is Asmodeus, you don't even have any proof."

"Well, I know that the shaking is caused by demonic energy. . ." Said Lorenzo as he tried to continue.

"That doesn't mean that Magnus did any of this, we saw that he was shock as well from last night, and he will never do any of this." Said Alec as he look at Lorenzo.

"Now I suggest you leave this institute now, before we do something we will regret." Said Jace as he glared at Lorenzo.

"Fine, but I know that you are doing this Magnus Bane, and I will prove it." Said Lorenzo as he glared at Magnus.

Then Lorenzo have started to leave the New York Institute, Alec and the others have all glared at Lorenzo for accusing Magnus for what he didn't do, and Magnus look really upset.

"The nerve of Lorenzo Rey." Said Clary in anger and started to look at Magnus." Are you okay Magnus?"

"Not really." Said Magnus as he felt upset:

"Magnus, don't let Lorenzo's words get to you, you didn't do this we all know." Said Izzy as she looks at Magnus.

"Yeah Magnus, Lorenzo is wrong, we all know that it's not you, and I know in my heart that Asmodeus will never do anything like this." Said Clary as she look at Magnus." He may be a Greater Demon, but I know that he will never doing anything like this to you."

"But what I really want to know is that who have caused this demonic energy?" Asked Jace as he look concerned.

"I don't know, but all I know is that maybe this is just the beginning, and that we need to be prepared." Said Magnus as he look worried.

"Why don't we all take a break for now, and tried to get this tension off of us, cause I really need a break." Said Simon as he look at the others.

"Yeah, I could use a break now." Said Alec as he look exhausted.

That got the others to agree as well, then Magnus started to make a portal and then Magnus and Alec have started to go through the portal, while the others have all started to go through their separate ways to take a break from all this.

Then as Alec and Magnus have both arrived at the loft, Magnus started to take off his coat, as well as Alec, then Alec started to look at Magnus, who have started to head to his bedroom to do something.

"Magnus, are you okay?" Asked Alec as he look at his boyfriend.

"I'm fine Alexander, I'm just going to take a shower." Said Magnus as he head to his bedroom.

Then as Magnus have arrived at his bathroom, he closed the door, then he started to take off his clothes, and then he turn on the water and started to take his shower. Magnus was in the shower for thirty minutes, which have got Alec to get worried, and then he went inside Magnus's bedroom and knock on his bathroom door.

"Magnus, are you okay in there?" Asked Alec as he look worried.

"I'm okay Alexander." Said Magnus as he kept washing himself." I'm fine."

Then Alec knew that he doesn't feel fine and thought that Magnus needs some company, so Alec started to open the door silently so that Magnus doesn't hear, then he closed the door quietly, then Alec started to take of his clothes, and then he started to pull the shower curtains, and Magnus turn to see Alec without his clothes on, and blush a bit.

"I thought that you might want some company?" Asked Alec as he smiles.

Then Magnus smile at his boyfriend and nodded his head, then Alec started to step into the shower, then he closed the shower curtain, and then Alec and Magnus have both started to kiss each other as they both started to get wet from the hot water.

Then as they kept on kissing in the shower, Magnus and Alec have both started to wonder who was the one who created the ley lines, but little did they know is that they will find out who created the ley lines and find out that its someone who is more dangerous than any other demons.

Shadowhunter: The Mortal Instrument belongs to Freeform

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