Chapter Three : Mine
Where am I ?........
Am I dead?......
It's s-so cold.....
What's dripping on me?.......
It's warm......
Wait I can open my eyes!.....
I open my eyes to see a bloodied corpse on the ground and gasp.
I open my mouth to speak. but nothing comes out.
the corpse moves.
it slowly starts to stand up and I see it's blood caked face.
it's osana.
she has a freshly cut throat that's spilling blood.
she shambles towards me.
"YoU dId tHiS tO mE!" her voice sounds disoriented.
I stumble back in fear, shaking my head.
"iT's YoUr fAuLt!!"she gurgles.
then blood comes spraying out of her neck.
it splatters everywhere.
in my hair.
my mouth.
my eyes..
then everything goes black again the only thing I hear is my own heartbeat.
then next thing I know I'm standing in a glass box that's slowly filling with blood.
I see everyone at my school with slit throats shambling towards me slowly.
"YoUr FaUlt!YoUr FaUlT!YoUr FaUlT!YoUr FaUlT!YoUr FaUlT!YoUR FaUlT!" they all chant.
The blood was at my throat when I saw ayono possessively pull a zombie looking taro into her arms and laugh maniacally.
in a flash ayono was standing over me with a sharp kitchen knife wearing a sinister smile.
"SENPAI IS MINE!!"She shouts before she repeatedly stabs me in the face
I could feel the excruciating pain of every stab wound.
the last thing I see Is her walking off with taro.
then darkness follows
I'm S
My eyes snap open to my dimly lit room and I sigh in relief.
It was a dream...err..nightmare.
My eyes automatically shot to my door expecting my mother to come in and comfort me.
but she isn't there.
where is mom?
this is going to be a long night.
I walk with taro in silence as he continues to glance and blush at me.
the dream still haunts me.
why did ayono do those terrible things.
and all that for taro?
I glance behind us and see....
I almost scream but instead I grab taro's hand and start running to school.
"whoa! y/n what's wrong?!"he ask trying to keep up.
I can't tell him!
"come on, slow poke! come and catch me!!" I shout in a playful tone and put on a smile as I run from him.
"i'm going to catch you!" taro shouts back as he speeds up to catch me.
for a split second I felt safe. happy even, but then....I tripped.
everything happened so... slow.
I fell forward...
taro yelled my name......
someone stepped in front of me then.....
I saw him.....
he caught....
" whoa , watch your step." he says helping me up.
"s-sorry budo." I stutter still embarrassed about yesterday.
"no worries!" he says with a wide grin.
"hey y/n, you okay?" taro ask rounding the corner.
"uh, y-yea." I say feeling awkward.
he chuckles.
oh god! help me.
"h-hey taro, how about that book?"I squeak feeling tension.
"okay! let's go!" Taro says cheerfully pulling me along.
I feel budo's eyes linger on me longingly.
please not another one!
Taro and I reach the fountain and sit down, eager to read.
while I was focused on the book I didn't realize ayono sneak past.
the book was getting better and unconsciously I lean forward.
it wasn't until I felt lips touch my neck that I realized how close I was to taro.
I jump back.
HE WOULDN'T!......
he did.
"t-taro.." I stammer trying to find the right words.
"I-i'm sorry, I just messed up didn't I? "he says facepalming.
I can't handle this nonsense.
"I have to use the bathroom!" I practically yell.
"o-oh I-" taro starts but cut him off.
" BYE!" I shout running off.
Oh my gawd! that just happened.
like, seriously taro?!
your making me so confused!!
I need a chicken nugget.
I walk into a stall and start contemplating my life.
Since when did I become attractive? if I remember correctly I look like an avocado.
And I'm pretty sure taro's little sister refuses to let him date. Then why is he trying?
Wait! does taro like AVOCADOS? that would make sense!
Oh mah lord, what am I even thinking?
Why can't I just accept taro's interest in me? maybe because I feel like he isn't the one.
That's when the lights flicker and completely go out.
"who turned out the lights? probably someone immature." I mummer to myself opening the stall door.
My hands feel along the wall for the switch.
"where the hell is it?!" I say frustrated.
I give up! fuck this light!
I huff and leave the bathroom.
something at the back of my mind was telling me it was a set up.
I hurry to my class feeling irritable, due to the lights interrupting my important thoughts.
"try to make it to class on time. take your seat." the teacher says impatiently.
I resist the urge to roll my eyes and walk to my seat.
class continues and my eyes wander over to Ayono's seat expecting her usual glaring face but instead I see a empty desk.
what's she doing?
I push my thought aside and force my brain to focus even though I still want chicken nuggets.
Then suddenly the door opens and ayono is standing there in her gym clothes.
"please make it to class on time, take your seat please." the teacher says ticked off.
ayono nods and takes her seat.
she notices me staring and sends a bone chilling smirk my way.
I snap my eyes away from her instantly.
she's planning something .
I can feel it.
my thoughts continue to wander as I chew my lip.
the bell tolls indicating lunchtime and I hurry to the rooftop ignoring ayono.
I reach the rooftop and instantly scope out a sad looking taro.
with each step I take towards him my heart tightens.
how would he react if I told him how I really feel.
would he hate me?
would he scream?
hit me?
no, that's not taro.
" what's wrong taro?" I ask pushing my thought aside for the moment.
he looks at me with sad puppy eyes.
"you probably think we shouldn't be friends anymore because of earlier." he says looking down.
" what?! pffft , No! I wouldn't dream of it. It was a mistake and I didn't mind. Were friends Taro it's okay, really!" I say shocked he thought that.
"I-I just thought you hated me when you ran off so abruptly." he says smiling a little.
"I just...erm.... needed to pee really bad. y'know too much tea this morning, haha." I lie nervously.
"oh, okay!" he says brightly.
I sit and we continue our lunch telling jokes and eating bento.
but I can't shake the feeling that something bad is going to happen later.
I hope not.
{time skip brought to you by a sexy shirtless nemesis-kun because damn XD}
The last bell rings, taro has to rush home because hanako lost her key and is waiting.
We bid farewell and I watch him jog home.
I shortly start my walk home after grabbing my stuff.
The day shifts into night as I take my time walking home, knowing my mother won't be home.
I hum a random tune that came to mind as I look at the stars.
the moonlight illuminating my path as I sway lost in my humming.
It wasn't until my back felt a sudden white hot pain that I realized my surroundings.
I let out a shriek and grasp at my back to feel a warm liquid oozing from my now torn shirt.
I turn to face my attacker and my blood runs cold.
she gives me a psychotic smile and swings the blade at me again.
My senses kick in and I duck at the last second fearing my life.
I scramble away from her trying to find a place to hide.
I run straight to a dead end and my heart drops to my feet.
I'm so stupid!
Now I'm gonna die!
Adrenaline practically becoming my blood I turn to face Ayono as she slowly walks down the alley towards me.
"senpai is mine and mine only." she says in a low dangerous tone.
"p-please ayono, don't hurt me!" I beg.
she burst out in sadistic laughter while I stared at her in confusion.
" 'p-please ayono, don't hurt me waaah' oh shut up!" she says mocking me.
tears rush down my face.
"don't worry, this will hurt you more than me!" she says before swinging her knife at me.
I don't know how but I duck.
she grunts before kicking me into the garbage bin behind me, causing me to hit my head.
ouch! that hurt.
I shake my head dazed.
"did ou elly ink ou ould ave enpai?" I couldn't understand Ayono's words as I slowly started to lose conscious.
next thing I know I see a blur and hear ayono scream.
fist connect with flesh.
Then ayono limping away?
I look up at the mysterious figure and gasp.
I see a mesmerizing cold red eye staring back at me.
I was on the brink of completely losing consciousness when I heard the figure say
Then darkness.
oooo, cliffhanger!
ayono attacked you finally! how do you feel? thoughts? questions?
well nemesis has finally joined the chat! how do you feel about that?
well if this chapter seemed sloppy my bad it's 4:58 am and I'm tired so yeah.
give me feedback on what you think of the book so far! the first to comment gets a shoutout.
welp I'm off to bed ( not really I'm going to watch vines, ssshhh don't tell anyone.)
love you nuggets,
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