Chapter Six: Lost Light
warning: blood and gore in this chapter along with some good ole' torture! along with some rape suggestion, yes i know disturbing but if you can't handle the heat then get out the kitchen.
so anyway this chapter is going to be mostly about nemesis's 'childhood' and how he became who his is.
y/n pov
Ever since taro found me in that hallway I've haven't seen that man, whose name is nemeko.
I guess he sorta had to leave me. his IS an assassin and I'm a student. that wouldn't have worked.
then why do I feel so...
did I care that much?
or do I like him?
I can't he's a murder y/n! for crying out loud realize the situation you're in!
I let out a shaky sad sigh and push nemeko to the back of my mind.
I should be happy I'm alive.
I glance around the hospital room and feel my mood drop further.
why is it so bland?
I feel no comfort...
I miss him...
I miss my mom...
a lot.
where is she?
it's been 12 hours since my surgery and the doctors said she's on her way. I just need a hug.
right after that thought, my door swings open.
I jump immediately on guard.
it's my mom.
she looks at me with relief before starting to cry.
"m-mom? don't c-cry," I say tears slipping out my eyes.
I hold my arms out for a hug and she hurries into my arms.
"I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have left!" she says sobbing.
we sit there crying and comforting each other.
the happiness of the moment is enough for me to completely accept that the worst was over.
well for me at least.
nemesis POV (the yuzuka and nemesis have history so they're trying to bring back the killer nemesis. just thought I'd explain.)
ugh, my head...
I slowly open my eyes to a bright light.
my vision blurs before adjusting.
I'm tied to a chair.
" Hello again,nemeko." a raspy voice I know all too well says.
the yuzuka found me.
"oh? no hi. still a mute?" he asks snarkily.
I slowly raise my head and look him in the eyes.
" FUCK. YOU." I say in a cold low tone.
I see his eye twitch, he's angry.
"hm, we'll have to fix that tongue of yours. man, what happened to the nemeko I knew? huh? he didn't even let the target blink before he slit their throat, he tortured people to the point of insanity without hesitation! he killed everyone leaving no witnesses! what happened?!" he rants.
this question actually makes me think.
what did happen to us?
it's was her.
y/n... she made me feel.
yes, she did. and you know it.
no, we're still emotionless!
not completely, she sparked something.
no, I won't accept that!
I miss her.
no, you don't.
yes, I do. everything about her makes me feel.
her h/l h/c hair...
her beautiful e/c eyes...
her perfect smile...
her smooth s/c skin...
she makes me ALIVE!
he's going to stab us.
were about to be tortured.
god, you're cheesy.
yandere much?
"arrrghh!!!!" I grunt as he slams the knife into my hand, straight through the bone.
"oooh! you feel pain? what happened to the shell of a man? were make you the assassin you once were and then you can guard boss again. you remember him right?" he says grabbing a hammer.
I watch as he hovers it over my pinkie.
"this little piggy went to...THE SLAUGHTERHOUSE!" exclaims mid-sentence before slamming down the hammer.
"AAARRGHHH!!!" I yell in pain.
he smiles sadistically.
"you've always had the best screams nemeko! and now I can hear them again," he says smiling pervertedly.
my stomach drops as I feel a memory crawling to the front of my mind.
^fffllllllaaaaaaasssssshhhhhbbbaaaaacccckkk!!!!! wwwwhhhhoooosssshhh!!!!!^
good job nemeko! your the best in the class!" my teacher says as I grab my backpack.
"thank you, sensei!" my cheerful 8-year-old self says.
"be safe!" she says waving goodbye to me as I exit the school room.
if only she gave me a ride that day...
if only...
I walk down the sidewalk, dragging a stick on the metal fence, resulting in a satisfying clink.
I wonder if mom cooked my favorite.
food being the only thing running through my mind I didn't notice a man approach me.
"Hello little boy." a raspy voice says
(lil nemesis not really him but whatever.)
I stop slowly turing to face him.
who's he?
"h-hi" i say still unsure of this strange man.
he gives me a bone-chilling smile.
"it's alright, i know your father!" he says.
my childlike joy fills my face as i smile at the man, not knowing the danger i'm in.
he takes a step towards me.
"it's alright, your father owes me and some friends some money and we need your help getting it." he says smiling widely.
my smile falls.
i take a step back thinking of running until he grabs my arm.
"going so soon? i guess you'll have to come with me by force!" he says before placing a cloth over my mouth and nose.
my little body tenses before i relax and slip into a dreamless slumber.
i slowly open my eyes to a dark room and immediatly notice my bound arms and legs.
the room is cold and empty but i can hear a dripping sound.
my heartbeat echos in my ears as my adrenaline rockets through the roof.
i was kidnapped!!
i start struggling with all my might feeling tears well up in my eyes.
where am i?
why am i tied up?
i wanna go home.
tears fall down my face as i start to cry.
the tape on my mouth restricting my sobs.
suddenly a door slams open sending a bright light into the room.
hope sparks in my heart as i look at the person standing in the door with anticipation.
"happy to see me" a familiar raspy voice says.
my heart plummets to my feet as i start shaking in fear.
it's the man from the road.
"oh. why the long face. expecting mommy?" he taunts.
i burst out into tears at the mention of my mother.
where is she? can she save me?
the man chuckles at my pitiful state.
"don't cry. you don't have a reason to yet!" he says creepily caressing my face.
i recoil from his touch.
he grips my chin before giving me a perverted smile.
"all the things i could do to you right now."he says lowly, lust seeping into his eyes.
"get away from him grant! we still need him." a booming voice yells.
the perverted man,that i now know as grant jumps away from me.
"oh, come on boss! i just want a little fun!" he whines stepping further away from me.
the man steps through the door and i can see his face after grant flicks on the light.
he has black slicked back hair,cold gray eyes and he's wearing a expensive looking suit.
the man gives me a look of disgust before speaking.
"your hechiro's son, correct?" he asks.
i nod slowly not know what was coming next.
"good..." he says staring at me.
i stare back with hopeful eyes, hoping he'll let me go after learning that i'm the son of the wealthiest family but instead he smirks.
"i hope you enjoy your stay because you will be here for the reminder of your life until your father pays your ransom and our money!" he says before turning to walk out.
he pauses.
"grant, i'll give you permission to torture him but nothing more! got it." he commands.
grant grunts in response.
the man leaves and grant gives me a sick smile, lust still gleaming in his eyes"let's begin shall we?" he says before walking towards a metal cabinet and pulling out a tray of sharp tools.
his eyes gleam as he gazes at the tools.
he picks up one and it gleams in the light.
he looks at me menacingly before tracing my jaw with the item.
"hm, you'll have to lose a couple of layers so i can do my work." he tutts as his eyes wander all over my small frame.
i shift uncomfortably.
i've never gotten this type of attention before and i didn't like it.
he smirks at my movement before raising the scissors.
"let's start with that pesky shirt!" he says gleefully.
i shake my head vigorisly hoping to stop this evil man but he continues his actions.
it's not long before my shirt is on the ground and his calloused hands start caressing my bare chest.
"sooo soft..." he mummers absentmindedly.
he continues to run his hands all over my chest.
i feel tears starting to well up in my eyes.
i shudder, hating the contact.
this snaps him out of his trance and he focuses on my pants and smiles.
"i almost forgot about those." he says before hooking his hands on my pants.
i squeeze my eyes shut as i feel my pants being removed.
hot tears threaten to spill out my eyes but i refused to open them.
i feel him trace the waistband of my underwear and no longer can hold my sobs.
"sshh. the fun hasn't even started!" he says pressing down on my throat causing me to choke.
i cough my eyes shooting open as i struggle to breathe.
is he going to kill me?!
oh how i wish he had.
he eventually let's me go and my lungs instantly try to gather air.
he turns around with a sharp razor like saw.
he smiles at me wickedly before turning it on.
my eyes widen as he brings it close to my thigh.
then he suddenly stops and reachs up ripping off the tape.
i whimper.
"scream for me." he says with an empty voice.
without a second to waste he begins to push the razor into my skin.
my screams echo throughout the room as he continues to use different instruments on me.
( time skip~ during this short pause i'd like to apologize for my spelling and grammar. my app to fix this isn't working and neither is autocorrect. some of the things don't sound right either because i forgot to type the word and thought i did or the reason i explained. so please don't hate me or this book and i hope that you can give me another chance because for these past few days i haven''t been getting sleep and it's really taking a toll on me. anywho time to get back to the story.")
by the time he's finished i'm covered in cuts, bursies, and gashes.
i'm barely concouis when the door swings open to reveal the man from earlier.
"change of plans, boss wants to train him to be an assassin." he says in a cold voice.
grant sighs before walking over to me.
"looks like our time was cut short, but i'll see you soon." he says as he unstraps me.
i topple to the ground, a pained moan leaves my mouth as i try to rise.
the burning pain in my limbs make me collapse, this time staying down.
the world begins to spin as i completly lose Consciousness .
little did i know the moment i woke up ,the world of pain and lonlieness would begin.
ok so this has a lot of typos and grammar mistakes but who cares?
so anywho nemesis basically is going thourgh his flashback stage while he's in tourture.
i know y/n's part was very short but i had to focus on the man we know so little about!
i most likely will come back and edit this to have it make more semse and fix minor mistakes but other that that i love you nuggets!!!
another edit: 1/ 19/ 2019 ~ 12:53
okay so i fixed what i could i probaly didn't change much but hey it's a start so the next xhapter is going to be a little confusing so i might as well explain some of it considering it's really different.
okay so basically nemesis is back in the yuzuka and you grew up and are now working an office job. you and taro have a thing going now so...yeah.
you basically were told nemesis was dead and you were forced to move on with your life.
just in case i didn't say this already it's been 4 years since you have seen nemesis and things have changed. a lot.
you matured and made alot of friends and became the girl everyone wanted to see but on the inside your still hurting for some unknown reason so basically your broken from faking all these emotions and it's tearing you apart.
nemesis on the other hand has gone back to silent, cold, empty nemesis 2.0. he's been killing for the yuzuka and he's like a well trained dog. he no longer thinks for himself. he's a slave to the game. he will be later sent to kill you which he almost succeeds in until.... well you have too figure that out.
sorry for the lengthy talk but i just want to make sure the next chapter is understandable.
love you nuggets,
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