Chapter seven: Shadow

2 weeks later...

i've been staying with taro ever since that day and things have gotten better.

i've gotten a job at akedemi high as a teacher, my students love me, and i've been taking self defense classes just in case... anything bad happens.

my PTSD has gotten better! i've been able to walk past the alley without having a panic attack.

everything has gotten better. today i get to go see my mother. it's been a while but i'm looking forward to it.

budo hasn't tried to reach me, but i'm okay with that.

i grab my purse off the counter before stooping down to pet taro's cat, Lua.

clever name.

but he named her that because of her eyes. for some odd reason when taro saw them he thought of the name.

she purrs under my touch making me chuckle.

"alright,you be a good kitty while i'm gone." i say picking up my keys.

she meows in response.

i smile at her before going to the garage where taro  is waiting.

"morning taro." i greet walking towards him.

my smile soon turns to a frown when i see his tie isn't tied right.

he gives me a small embarassed smile.

i sigh shaking my head before coming over to tie it.

as i tie it he stares at me, pink dusting his cheeks.

i smile a little before meeting his gaze.

"what?" i ask smiling.

he quickly averts his eyes.

" ehum! i-i just wanted to s-say thank you." he says quickly avoiding my gaze.

i chuckle before finishing.

"come on, i got to get to the school." i say walking to the passenger side.

he nods quickly before getting in the drivers seat.

we pull out the garage and start towards the school.

"h-hey y/n?" taro says getting my attention.

"hm?" i hum in response flipping through some graded homework.

" o-on your lunch break do you want to go to lunch with me?" he asks looking forward.

i tense.

"u-uh yeah sure." i stutter.

he lets out a breath.

" here we are!" he says pulling up in front of the school.

"thanks taro!" i say before getting out the car.

"uh, see you at lunch!" he calls out to me.

i nod my head before rushing to my classroom.

i run straight into mido rana.

"sorry mido." i say before moving past him.

he grabs my wrist and pulls me into him.

"leaving so soon, beautiful?" he asks seductively.

heat rushes to my face as my mind blanks.

he smirks before leaning close to my ear.

"someone's nervous." he says his warm breath fanning against my ear.

i glance over his shoulder and spot someone and gasp when i recongnize them.

those red eyes!


i hurriedly push mido off and mummer a sorry before rushing after nemeko's retreating form.

"hey! y/n!" mido shouts after me but i don't care my mind only on finding nemeko.

i turn the corner and only to face an empty hallway.

whatever i was feeling before is gone and replaced with disappointment.

i sigh deeply before turning to go to my classroom.

i reach my classroom without any trouble from mido.

my students enter and i start my lesson with a heavy heart.

was he really there?


Nemeko POV


you idiot! what was that! we almost got caught by that girl!

she seemed so familiar...

were here on a mission! no time for trying to locate memories.

your right... where's the target.

oh! maybe we would know if you didn't get sidetracked! boss is gonna kill us.

no, he isn't idiot. we can still finish this mission. we got to take out the new  photography club members.

let's check the old photography room.

good idea.

i walk silently through the hallways for some reason these hallways feel familiar.

like i've been here?

( lil note: nemesis was brainwashed...again)

i reach the photography room and hear hushed voices.

"this is who fredduo jonzu warned us about, along with our parents. this assasin guy is still out there and we need to catch him. so here's the plan! we should all split up and search the building. i know he's here! i can feel it." a red headed boy says.

all of them nod and start to disperse, i silently step back into the shadows.

they all walk pass  me with nervous looks before splitting up.

a sadistic smirk crosses my face.

this will be easy...

{ time skip cuz i'm bored}

i wash the last of their blood of my hands before exiting the bathroom.

i get to the school gates and contact HQ.

"is it done?" a raspy voice asks.

i grunt in response. it's grant.

"heh, it's good to have you back. but their's a change of plans! we need you to kill some. important to boss." grant say deviously.

i remain silent.

"ugh, your silence annoys me but i guess that's on me. well no witnesses, no mess, and no evidence. got it?" he says harshly.

i grunt in reponse again.

he sighs before hanging up.

my phone dings indicating i had recived the targets information.

i open the message and freeze as my eyes land on the targets smiling face.

it's her.

the familiar woman from the hallway.

her name...


it sounds so familiar.

she so beautiful.

why does grant want her dead?

No questions! we need to kill her.

your right and i won't fail.

my face hardens as i continue to read her info.




y/h,y/w (height and weight)


social butterfly

background: after a tramatic incident in her teen years she was moved across town where she continued her life in fear. for some unknown reason she was brung back and is now working as a history teacher at akedemi high.

i put my phone back in my pocket before heading to my well hidden car.

the yuzuka's motto rings through my head, making me numb.

' we don't live in darkness, darkness lives in us... and we'd kill for it."


author's pov


y/n stood impatiently outside waiting for taro when she got a text.

" your mother is in the hospital and she requested you be here."

that text stopped her heart.

why was her mohter in the hospital?

she quickly dialed taro's number.

he didn't pick up.

she tried again.


and again.

no response.

she was on the brink of tears until someone tapped her shoulder.


"what's a pretty lady like you doing out here?...w-wait. are you okay?" he asks his smug smirk turning into a confused and shocked face.

y/n let out a sigh of relief before feeling nervous.

" h-hey mido? can i ask a favor?" she says staring at her shoes.

the seductive male lifts her head.

"anything for you, princess~" he says his smirk returning.

"c-can you drive me to the hospital? my mother is there and i have no ride." she says quickly.

he chuckles at her adorable little outburst before pulling his keys out his pocket.

"let's ride, toots" he say before sauntering off.

little did the two know a person was watching their encounter with great intrest.

but so was a certain somebody.

who could easily be mistaken for a...



hiya readers!

okay so i know pretty short but hold on!  i actually have an idea that might make up for this chapter!

so do you think that Y/N should join the yuzuka?

cuz if she did then maybe her and nemeko could actually have a spark fly between them that could cause a nice lemon filled wildfire! but no promises.

if not then i'll just wing it.

love you nuggets!



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