Chapter Five: Bandages

y/n POV


I walk alongside taro with a forced smile.

the plan was to act like everything was normal and I wasn't attacked yesterday.

"Hey y/n, are you okay?" taro asks grabbing my hand.

"uh, yeah," I say holding his hand back.

man, I really hope our plan works. I'd hate to see taro in a forced relationship.

we step onto school grounds and I tense.

the man said to keep an eye out for anything.... unusual?

"hey, taro?" I say turning to face him.

"Yeah, y/n?" he says giving me his full attention.

I take a deep breath.

"if something were to happen to me, can you promise me something?" I ask holding both of his hands.

his eyes grow serious after hearing the tone of my voice.

"what do you mean something is going to happen to you? is someone trying to hurt you?" he asks bombarding me with questions.

"taro! I  n-need you to promise me!" I say shakily while staring straight into his eyes.

he goes silent before nodding.

" i-i need you to promise that you'll tell my mother that I love her and that it wasn't her fault. c-can you do that?" I say on the brink of tears.

taro stares at me shocked.

"t-taro, please!" I say a single tear escaping my eye.

he swiftly pulls me into a hug.

"i-i will! I promise," he vows while I sob in his arms.

for a quick second, I felt safe. like I wasn't going to die later.

then I saw ayono watching me, glaring.

I was going to pull away from taro until I remembered what the man said.

"make her as mad as you can, so she'll come after you herself."

the perfect thought comes into my head as I pull away from the hug, wiping my tears.

"taro?" I say placing my hand on his cheek, grabbing his attention immediately

"y-yes?" he says with a light blush as he meets my gaze.

"I love you, "I say before connecting our lips.

he instantly kisses back.

I open my eyes and shoot ayono a challenging glare.

she practically has steam shooting out of her ears, she's twitching, angrily.

I close my eyes as I start to enjoy the kiss.

taro puts his hands on my waist as we slowly part.

"miss. l/n and Mr. Yamada! inside now!" the gym teacher says.

I smile at taro before making my way to my class.

(time skip brought to you by nemesis sneaking into school)

I walk up the stairs towards the rooftop for lunch when a gentle hand grabs my shoulder and yanks me into the storage closet. 

"what was that back there!" a deep male voice demands.

it doesn't take me long to recognize who it is.

" you told me to make her mad!" I say turning to face him. 

his face is scrunched up into a frown while his arms sit crossed over his chest.

"I didn't tell you to kiss him!" he snaps glaring at me.

"why do you care so much anyway!?" I ask getting angry.

he looks taken aback.

why does he care?

after a moment his face goes back to a frown.

"because you could mess up the plan," he says calmly.

I glare at him before I spin around and exit the closet.

who does he think he is?!

he can't tell me what to do!

he's lucky I haven't called the cops.

I get to the rooftop and taro starts waving me over.

I take a step forward only to have a cold hand clamp tightly onto my arm and yank me back.

I turn to see an angry ayono glaring right back at me.

" what do you want, ayono?" I say annoyed even though I'm scared for my life.

she pulls me closer then presses a knife to my stomach.

"you don't know who you're talking to. I will kill you if you touch my senpai again! and I'll make sure it's slow and painful." she threatens, a shadow falling over her face.

I remember more things the man told me.

"don't let her see your fear."

I let out a breath and grab her hand that's holding the knife and shock her with my next action.

I pressed the knife to my chest where my heart is.

" do it, bitch!" I say in a deadly low voice.

for the first time, this week ayono looked surprised.

that's when I knew I got her.

I shove her hand away and smirk.

"watch your back, Aishi," I say in a dark voice as I walk away.

I get over to where taro is and let out a breath I didn't know I was even holding.

" you all right?" he asks smiling.

I smile back.

"yes," I answer before opening my bento.

I take a bite and instantly cringe.

it tastes... weird.

I bring my bento up to my nose and sniff.

it smells as weird as it tastes.

before I can investigate anymore a sudden pain shoots through my stomach.


what's in this bento?

I stand up wobbly and hold my stomach.

the pain was unbearable.

"Hey, you alright?" taro asks concerned.

" y-yeah, just a little...sick" I lie while grunting in pain

I wobble away feeling the pain get worse.

I stumble down the hallway as my vision blurs.

I bump into Mai waifu who looks at me concerned.

" are you alright? do you need to go to the nurse?" she asks helping me stand straight.

I nod leaning onto her for support.

she helps me down the stairs and we make our way to the nurse's office.

we round a corner and run into a tall figure.

"where are you taking her?" a familiar voice says coldly.

Mai waifu shakes in fear so I answer for her.

" s-she's t-taking me to the nurse." I pant as I sweat uncontrollably.

even though my vision is blurry I can still make out his red eyes.

"I'll take it from here," he says before taking me out of mai waifu's arms.

"b-but you can't! we don't know you!" mai waifu responds defiantly before tugging me back into her arms.

I sway on my feet feeling really weak.

"she's obviously sick! now let her go!" he shouts in her face enraged.

why is he so mad?

she nods and reluctantly lets me go.

I feel his strong arms lift me up as mai waifu scrambles away.

his hold is surprisingly gentle as he briskly walks through the halls.

"what happened?" he says in a surprisingly gentle and concerned voice.

"b-bento" is all I can manage to say.

we enter a dark room and he pushes open a door and leans me over something.

"puke," he commands holding my hair back.

as if on cue my stomach lurches and vomit spews out my mouth.

I kept going until I felt relief in my stomach.

then I realize his hand rubbing gentle circles on my back as I wipe my mouth.

" w-what's wrong with me?" I ask shivering.

"I have reason to believe you've been poisoned," he says calmly.

that's when I felt a sudden surge of anger.

"ayono!" I say anger evident in my voice.

he places a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"calm down," he says softly.

I smack his hand away.

"calm down? CALM DOWN!!!! THAT BITCH HAS TRIED TO KILL ME TWICE! I THINK I HAVE A REASON TO BE ANGRY!" I shout shooting up from my spot on the ground.

he sighs and stands.

"don't worry, she'll get what's coming to her," he says coldly.

" can you guarantee my safety for the rest of the plan?" I asked expecting a no.

"yes...yes I can," he says gently.

I nod before heading towards the door.

he took me to the haunted bathroom?!

" just go along with the plan and everything will be fine," he says walking in the opposite direction.

breathe y/n everything is going to be alright. just go along with the plan.

{time skip brought to you by ayono contacting the yuzuka.}

ayono POV


this girl just won't die!

she has to be getting help from that guy who stopped me from killing her.

she's being a nuisance.

I called my mother for some help and she gave me the number to the yuzuka.

how does she know them? I don't know and I don't care. all that matters is my senpai.

I can't wait to have him in my arms. and my arms only.

he won't need anyone else but me and my love.

that y/n won't even live long enough to stop me!

the yuzuka are on their way and I'll deal with her helper while they take care of her.

I can already hear her screams.

when she kissed senpai, I felt angry.

ii wanted to kill her on the spot but my will to have senpai kept me frozen to the spot.

she has to die!

or senpai will confess his love to her.

don't worry senpai you'll be with me soon.

but I have to focus on the matters at hand. I need do the favor the yuzuka asked for me to kill fureddo jonzu.

they said something about him taking incriminating of them on their last 'job' and they wanted the pictures too.

I make my way silently to the photography room to find him by himself.

this going to be easier than I expected.

"yuzuka what are you up to?" he asks murmuring to himself.

I shove my knife into the side of his neck and he immediately tries to escape my grasp but I hold him tighter and he slowly dies.

I don't waste time as I gather all the photos and carry his body to the yuzuka.

I drop his body in front of them and hand them the photos.

"hm. were pleased with your work. who's the target?" he asks.

"y/n l/n" i answer.

" can you distract her?" he asks.

" that's the hard part. I can't get close to her anymore because of some man protecting her. he's always there even when she doesn't know." I answer annoyed by the mans existence.

he stands there silent for a moment.

" okay, we will separate him from her and you can deal with him," he says.

"okay," I confirm then walk away to go find y/n.

her little lover can't be too far behind. he never is.

I walk the hallways searching for her until I turn the corner and run straight into her lover's chest.

before I can do anything he grabs my arm and slams me into the wall.

I look into his eyes and see nothing but rage in them.

" where. is. she!" he says in a deadly low tone.

is this what they meant by separating them?

I decide to play dumb.

"I don't know. you should keep up with your toys," I say nonchalantly.

his glare intensifies by one hundred and he slams me into the wall again, this time much harder.

" WHERE IS SHE!!" he yells in my face.

I sigh before stabbing him in the side.

for a second he looks surprised before his angry glare returns and he throws me on the ground.

he glares at me before stalking off.

he thinks this is over?!

I jump up and run at him with my knife raised.

he turns his head slightly before sidestepping my attack and tripping me.

"you'll have to be faster aishi," he says coldly before stalking off.

this is going to be harder than I thought.

I run at him and this time he catches my hand.

I stare at him in shock.

I see him smrik before he forces my knife into my stomach.

"AAAAARRRGG!!!!!" I scream.

he gives me a sadistic smile.

"not  so tough anymore are you?" he says before letting me drop to the flloor.

"stay out of my way." he says walking off.

the pain was unbearable.

i slowly pull out the kniife.

i sit there breathing heavily.

oww! shit.

then i hear footsteps and i get up and hooble out of sight.

my senpai comes around the corner.

"y/n? anyone? who's blood is this? please don't let it be y/n!!" he says before walking off.

this is why i'm doning this.

so senpai will be mine!

and so that bitch can die finally.

i get up with the fire to have senpai burning in my heart i push through the pain.

i grip my knife tighter and limp towards the way he went.

i get further down the hall and hear voices.

"where were you?!" a very familiar deep voice  asks.

"t-this man in a black suit grabbed me and tied me up and left me in the storage clost. a-and i think ayono had something to do with it." a pathetic tearful voice says.

" don't worry about her. she's gone." the deep voice says codly.

i've had enough and i hobble over to them.

his back is to me and i raise my knife.

y/n's eyes widen as she spots me 

" behind you!" she screams but she's to late.

i stab him in the back repeatedly.

i push him over and hobble towards y/n who's frozen in fear.

"s-stay away! please!" she begs tripping  over her own feet.

she starts crawling away but i slice her legs.

" I."

" TOLD."




"SENPAI!" I   say while slicing her legs then i stab her in the shoulder.

her screams of pain bring a wide psychotic smile to my face.

i kick her over and stare at her tear streaked face.

"t-taro will never love you!!" she chokes out defiantly.

i climb on top of her and press my knife to her neck.

"yes. he. will!" i say angrily.


 nemesis pov


get up you disappointment!

i-i can't.

yes you can!

n-no i can't...losing too much blood.

so is y/n! ayono is  going to murder her!


yes her dumbass!

i-i can't let that happen.

then get the fuck up!

i shakily rise ignoring the immense pain i'm in and turn to ayono and y/n.

" yes. he. will" is all that ayono says before i tackle her off of y/n.

she swing her knife violently at me,slicing my forearms.

i knock it out her hands then repaetdly start punching her in the face.

her face starts bleeding badly as i renlentlessly punch her.

she falls unconciuess but i don't stop my anger getting the best of me.

it wasn;t until i felt a gentle hand touch my should that i stopped.

"don't sink to her level." a weak voice says.

i turn and see a bloodly y/n looking at me.

i quickly pick her up and limp away.

the student council are in a meeting and the student should be out of class soo so i place y/n's  body in front of the door.

she looks at me confused.

"your iinjured theyll take you to the hostpital. i'll be fine."i say standing up.

she grabs my sleeve weakly.

i turn and look at  her she motions for me to get closer.

i lean in listening until i feel somthing warm and soft touch my lips.

she's kissing us!

what do i do?


she pulls away with a sad look in her eyes.

" bye." she says before turning away.

i walk away and try not to think about what just happend.

then everything goes black.



this chapter was crap.

i know,i took forever and gave you this crap, yeah this new year sort of made me anything but foucused on this book and yeah 

but what did you think anyway?

wee you surprised?

were you irritated?

or did you just completely give up on this story?

sorry for the spelling errors grammarly was not working (my spell check app)

anyway I will always love you nuggets,


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