Chapter eight: escape
i sit next to my mother's sleeping form feeling restless.
mido left the hospital over an six hours ago and i'm reluctant to go home.
taro has called me twelve times and sent sixteen text asking me where i am.
the moonlight illuminating my face as i sit there staring at the floor.
feeling empty like a husk.
i finally get up and leave for the vending machine.
my shoes making a quiet tapping noise as i make my way down the dark halls of the hospital.
how come when things get better something has to go bad again?
i learned my mother is in a coma.
life can't get any worse right?
i reach the vending machine and decide on some plain chippu's.
i stand there waiting for the spiral to let go of my chips when i see in the refelction of the glass a pale face.
i gasp and spin around and come face to face with ...
i open my mouth to say something when a sharp pain shoots through my stomach.
i let out a strangled cry as i look down and see nemeko's gloved hand holding the handle of a knife, the blade buried deep in my stomach.
i slowly bring my eyes to his face in shock.
his face is blank.
his red eyes watch me with a killer intent.
he pushes the knife in further.
i clasps my hand over his, trying to remove the knife but he shoves me against the vending machine.
his eyes squint in frustration.
i bring my hand up weakly to his face.
he stares at me with determination not even glancing at my hand.
i let out a growl of anger before bringing down my hand in anger.
my hand makes contact with his face leaving a scratch under his eye and a red mark.
he stumbles away from me in shock.
i take this as my chance to run and quickly run past him.
my breathing heavy and pained, i try to pick up my pace as he stalks after me.
i past my mother's room and hope he won't hurt her.
i stumble over my feet feeling weaker from my blood loss.
i look frantically for nurses but find none.
i turn down a hallway and gasp.
the entire hallway is littered with dead bodies.
the lights flicker as i make my way shakily to the exit.
my breathing becomes heavier as i get light-headed.
come on y/n your almost there.
i reach my hand out for the handle but it only brushes it before i'm tackled and pinned to the ground.
i stare up drowsily into the red eyes i used to adore.
they narrow at me before ripping out the knife in my stomach.
i cry out in pain before i feel the absence of weight on my waist.
"j-just put me out of my m-misery." i whisper barely audible.
he glance down at me before looking back at his phone.
my eyes grow heavy as the blood loss takes a toll on me.
he sighs before bending down and scooping me up.
i wince in pain.
"w-what are y-you doi-" was all i could muster before falling losing consciousness.
Nemeko POV
why do i feel...guilty?
i walk briskly through the doors of the hospital towards my car.
what made me stop?
no time to think ! we need to hurry up and run before grant figures out she's alive!
i quickly throw open my car door and gently put her in the car.
she makes my heart feel werid.
seeing her like this gives me pain.
i run to the driver seat and start the car.
i make up my mind of where i want to go and hit the gas.
i was on a clock since she had lost so much blood.
i run a red light and swerve out the way of a oncoming car.
hurry up! i think she dying!
i'm trying!
try harder!
i stop at a drugstore and rush past the cashier.
i grab medical supplies before throwing a stack of money at the cashiers face and rushing out the door.
i open the passenger door and tear open her shirt and freeze.
my eyes were stuck on her body.
holy shit!
stop staring you perv! your gonna get a nose bleed.
something warm spills out my nose snapping out of my trance.
told ya!
i swiftly wipe my nose after seeing it was blood.
i start stitching her wound and struggle to keep my eyes from admiring her figure.
come on,focus nemeko!
i grab the achohol and splash it on her wound before getting a gauze.
i hold it there before grabbing medical tape to keep it in place.
i sigh in relief before folding her torn shirt close and swiftly getting back in the drivers seat and driving off.
while driving my phone rings and i know immedeatly who it is.
with one hand i continue driving while with the other i toss out my phone surely breaking it.
i glance at y/n's pocket and see her phone.
i quickly pull it out and toss it too.
now they can't track us.
well yet.
i turn onto a straight road and take my hands off the wheel and grab my knife.
i need to remove my tracker.
i untie my tie and unbutton my shirt.
i look at the scar on my chest and swallow.
i remember when i got that.
i let out a breath before slicing it open.
the stinging pain barely fazes me as i stick my finger's in and yank out the tracker, disconnecting it's wires in the process.
i place one hand on the wheel before stitching the cut close.
i've done this too many times to count.
i toss out my tracker and roll up my window.
i reach the dead end which is infront of a lake and stop the car.
i open my door before taking out y/n and head to my trunk.
then i open the trunk and shift y/n in my arms before reaching for the secret compartment button.
after pressing it , it reveals my weapons and emergency escape supplies.
i grab the large empty duffel bag before loading everything into it.
the last thing i grab is a set of house keys and car keys and a brick.
i walk to my drivers side and place the brick on the gas pedal.
the car drives into the lake as planned.
i look down at y/n's unconscious form and a werid feeling tugs at my heart again.
what is she doing to me?
i sigh before starting my journey to my secret safe house.
just on the outskirts of town and far enough away for someone not to come looking.
i've told maria that the house was too much but she insisted on it being luxurious.
i sigh at it's size before walking to the door.
some of my henchmen rush to my aid while others open the door.
i hand y/n to the first henchmen and give him a threatening look before he hurries to the infirmary.
then i turn to the second henchmen and hand him the duffel bag and he rushes to my bedroom.
then i turn to the third henchmen and give him a nod and he contacts maria.
i walk into the house and get to my room.
at least maria got the colors right.
i walk to the bathroom and strip out of my clothes.
i turn on the shower and step in.
the mist rises as i relax leaning my head against the wall as the hot water cascades down my body.
my mind wanders.
why does she make my heart feel werid?
did we know her?
maybe, we should try to get closer to her-
what?! no!
you didn't let me finish! and gather information.
hmm, sounds good enough but how?
um... talk?
you know i can't do that.
you can if you'd just remember your past.
no! i-i can't.
you have to try.
no. it hurts too much
just then the door slams open and then closes.
i turn and see a red faced y/n.
i raise an eyebrow and her face gets redder.
well this is one way to start a converstation.
"i-i - sorry." she spins around and rushes out the bathroom.
the corners of my mouth twitch upward.
that was adorable~
are you smiling?!
what?! n-no.
i-i mean that was pretty adorable.
y/n POV
i run as fast as i can from that buff guy.
i had just woke up on a metal table with some buff guy writing on a clipboard and i just so happened to stab him with a scapel in the shoulder to escape, he's angry now.
"get back here!" he yells his voice echoing through the halls.
i don't know where i am or how i got here but i'm in pain and i wish i knew where i was going.
i turn down a hallway and run towards a shiny black door.
i open it and shut it quietly.
i turn and see i'm in a red and black bedroom.
"wow..." i mummer admiring it's size.
this room is huge.
it wasn't until i heard thundering footsteps did i snap back into reality.
i panic and run towards the bathroom door.
i throw open the door and slam it close before letting out a sigh of relief.
my relaxation didn't last long because then i realize the shower was running.
i slowly lift my eyes and my eye contact with... a naked nemeko.
my face heats up as he raises his eyebrow.
my eyes wander over his toned pale chest before stopping at his waistline.
luckily the glass fogged up on his bottom half.
"i-i - sorry!" i exclaim and rush out the bathroom.
i just saw nemeko...
damn he's hot.
what am i thinking!
he probably thinks i'm a perv now.
i sit on the bed and put my head in my hands.
my life really has fallen apart?
as if things couldn't get any worse the bathroom door opens.
revealing a half naked nemeko.
his towel hangs loosely around his narrow hips.
i start to drool as my eyes watch a bead of water run down his toned chest and abs and v-line before disappearing nderneath the towel.
i finally tear my eyes away from his body and stare at the floor trying to hide my blush.
then i realize my shirt is torn open showing off my white bra.
my face heats up again and i scramble to hide myself.
i take a deep breath.
"c-can i get a shirt." i stutter not looking at him.
i hear his soft footsteps walk off somewhere before he returns fully dressed in a white button up and black slacks.
he hands me a black t-shirt.
he turns away so i can change which i do quickly.
"how d-did i get here?" i ask shakily.
his red eyes stare at me before he opens his mouth.
heyyyy readers,
so yeah i decided to wing it! hope you like it and also i had inspiration from an angel from the comment section on the last chapter. so i actually will try to keep updating regularly for their sake.
love you nuggets,
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