Night 5. Part 1

It's scary when a person is in a dangerous situation, but they realize it's pointless to fight...


And again I wake up, after a little sleep, if you can call it that, when I suddenly blacked out last Night....

Looking around, I see everything the same: the flashlight, the batteries, the two doors to my left and right that are always open, as well as the closet

Nothing has changed in these damn Four Nights....

Although no, something had changed, in me to be exact. After my conversation with Goldie, I had lost all hope of winning. If I may say so, perhaps I had just reached my limit. It just doesn't make sense, for what are my chances against her?

I'm already prepared for one of them to come to me now and do whatever she wants to me. And I'm more than sure it will end in my death. All my encounters with them were a threat to me in one way or another, only luck played a big role here, because I had no way of knowing how each of them would treat me....

Well, one could, of course, try to guess who it was that would come to me this time to do something to me. And for that matter, I'm betting on the girl who already killed me once. The events of that night are still fresh in my mind: the way she stabbed me, threw me across the room and left me to die a rather unpleasant death, the sensation was just awful.

Now all that's left to do is wait for one of them to come after me.

I won't even check the doors or the closet, for what's the point? They won't let me pass this Night anyway, and entertaining them with my pathetic attempts to save myself - no, I'll make them get around with it.

Putting the flashlight aside, for it's usefulness to me was now zero, I decided to just lie down on my bed for the first time in a long time and just think about something.

But nothing came to my mind, for all my memories were fuzzy.

I remember only up to the moment when Mike and his friends grabbed me and carried me to some animatronic, and then everything is foggy, but for some reason it makes me feel bad, as if something bad happened, but I don't remember what it was... Something very important that I mustn't forget, because I'm sure it's very important.

But then a sound from the right door caught my attention. I guess my bet paid off, ha ha.

I decided not to drag this meeting out too long, so I crouched on the edge of the bed, waiting for the one who had come for me.

I'm hardly saved from death, if you can call it a death after which I reappear in this cursed room, even though I've lived in it since birth? Okay, it doesn't matter, after all this I just want to be alone.

Do I feel fear? Yes, just a little, still I don't want to suffer, but I don't have a choice. I would say that right now I rather feel a little excitement and curiosity about who exactly is coming after me to amuse myself.

I'll find out a few seconds later anyway.

And as soon as I thought about it, the handle of the right door began to turn slowly, revealing first a yellow hand and then a body.

My first thoughts were that it was the same girl who had killed me, but when I saw her face, I realised I was wrong.


It was Goldie.

She was staring right at me, and I was staring back at her, not taking my eyes off her. The amazing thing was that even now I wasn't afraid of her.

She was staring at me, and I was staring back at her, keeping my gaze on her. I was surprised that even now I wasn't afraid of her, except a little, but even so, I rather disliked her as someone I didn't want to be around after what she'd done.

Meanwhile, she slowly walked into my room, still looking at me as well, but the look on her face made me a little uncomfortable.

Her eyes.... She was looking at me without any aggression, hatred, indifference as it was a moment ago. I'd say she was more worried about something?

Yes and if you look closely, you can immediately notice that her actions are somehow unsure? She's looking at me cautiously.

Wait, she's probably trying to lower my guard again so that she can do something at the last moment like last time, so is this another deception on her part? But why would she do that when she already knows that I won't interfere in any way with her doing anything. What else does she want from me?

Maybe they like to see their victim experience the emotion of fear before their death and they enjoy it?

But before I could even continue my thoughts, I heard her voice.

-Yuki....Pleasecan we talk to you?


At first I thought I was just imagining it and she said something completely different, so I decided to just not answer her, thinking I was just hallucinating, but I was wrong when I heard her again.

- Yuki....Please, can I talk to you?


I thought at first that I was just imagining it and she said something completely different, so I decided to just not answer her, thinking I was just hallucinating, but I was wrong when I heard her again.

Yuki....Please, can I talk to you?

Why? Why would she talk to me? What does she want from me?! I mean, she's already got everything she can get. If that's how she wants to have fun, then no, I'm not going to give her what she wants.

At least that's what I thought until she started to approach me, causing me to regain the former fear I had felt for four nights!

Involuntarily I got out of bed and took a couple of steps back towards the other door, for old habits were starting to take over, namely saving myself.

- Yuki, I really want to talk, please, I don't want to...

But while she was saying all this, I noticed that she started to move towards me, which triggered my memories from the previous Nights.

Again I felt the fear that I had that First Night when I first saw one of them. The way it restrained me, the way it lowered my body temperature, making me shiver, and also making her image in my mind all the more horrible!

Why did she start to seem taller to me, her eyes even started to glow a bit, and they didn't express anything good themselves.

I said earlier that I wasn't afraid of them anymore. I take it back, she's the one I fear the most in the world!

*3rd person narration*

Goldie thought that this way she could get Yuki to listen to her, because she really didn't want to do anything to him.

But what she didn't expect was that he would just turn around and run the other way, running out of his room.

She wanted to teleport after him in a flash, but quickly realised that it wasn't going to work, because she was still in place

- Goldie, it's certainly good that you're trying to connect with him, but do you really think I'm going to let you do it that easily?

- What does that mean, Marie?! Why can't I teleport after him?!

- It's very easy, I'm not letting you do it. See, I want you to see for yourself what it's like to try to do something. I'll tell you one last thing, if Yuki passes this night and you can't earn his forgiveness, then our agreement is cancelled.

- But you do realise that if I can't earn his forgiveness this Night, then I can just kill him to start the Night all over again.

........ I'll be honest, yes, you can do that and I won't stop you. But think about it, how long will it take if you kill him? And are you sure he's gonna forgive you after that? Believe me, the events of Night 3 are still fresh in his mind.

- Honestly, I wish I could just keep you away from him, but then you'd just get mad at him, and I don't want that, so Goldie, it's up to you. I can protect him, but in situations like this, he has to decide for himself what he wants.

- But Goldie.... you need to know that if I will feel that all this is only hurting him, you can safely say goodbye to your desire. I won't let you keep playing with him the way you want to. Well, I wish you good luck getting his forgiveness.

There was silence in the room. Only one bear remained standing in one place, thinking about something.

* Meanwhile, Yuki *

- Ha....ha....ha....ha....ha.

Honestly, even though this run was fast, I feel tired nonetheless. I am now in the garage, the same place where Plushie found me, only this time I hid myself more securely and checked that I couldn't be seen.

My legs are trembling now, for as soon as I sat down, I immediately felt weak in them. I don't know how long I'll be able to stay, for I'm sure she'll find me somehow anyway, but I'll hope it won't be soon.

Honestly.... I'm really tired.

I just want to wake up from this Nightmare and see my parents and Mike and my friends.

I'm tired of waking up every Night and thinking about how I could survive. Even now, realising that I have no chance, I'm still trying to save myself.....

I want someone to hold me and tell me that everything will be okay, that we'll get through this, that I'll wake up from this Nightmare soon.

But I know that no one will help me...

Please, at least someone, help me... at least now.... I pray you.... I feel very bad....

After these thoughts I started crying, which I couldn't hold back. I had been trying to hold myself together for 4 Nights, even though I was not very good at it. But now, realising the sadness of the situation, all I want to do is cry.

I need someone to comfort me, to be there for me, but no one will come to my rescue, absolutely no one....

My thoughts started to take over me, it seemed that hysteria was just around the corner, but suddenly I heard footsteps.....


I quickly wiped away my tears, locked myself in my hiding place and closed my eyes so that I wouldn't give myself away. Now I relied on my hearing, which had never failed me before.

The footsteps got closer and closer, which pressed me harder, but I still hoped I could escape her. I want to live too badly...

Somebody, tell me it's going to be okay....

*3rd person narrative again *

Goldie walked to the last place Yuki could hide, for she had checked all the other rooms thoroughly. The garage was the last place he could hide. Even though he made her tense up, she was surprisingly not mad at him.

She stopped in front of the door that led to Yuki's, carefully opened it and stepped inside. Yes, the furnishings here weren't great, but it was perfect for a place to hide.

- Yuki... I know you're here. The rest of the rooms are empty, for I have checked them all completely... So please don't complicate things further, I just want to talk to you...

But as she expected, there was no answer. There was still the same sepulchral silence in the room.

It was as if no one was there

- Please Yuki, just come out, I promise I won't hurt you... I really want to talk to you, otherwise I'll have to use another way to check this room like the others, I'll just break everything here like the other rooms....

Those words already made Yuki shudder at what he heard, for he realised that if she really started smashing things around here, she would find him sooner or later.

Even so, he decided to sit in his hiding place until the very end, for he hoped that he could survive the Night that way, even though the chances were pretty damn slim.

Realising that there was no response, the bear only sighed doomfully and walked over to a huge old cupboard.

- If you thought I was joking, I'll have to prove to you the seriousness of my words.

Then, swinging her foot from the side, she kicked the cupboard, which broke in half, making the room noticeably more spacious.

- I think you realise now that I was serious...

Yuki, looking at this, was only more frightened, for her strength was even greater than Plushie's, which frightened him even more!

He almost sobbed out of fear, so he had to quickly cover his mouth with his hand, but it still made the bear's ear twitch.

- So you're in the other half of the room - it turns out that this half is useless, which means I can destroy it completely!

And literally in a matter of seconds, the other half of the garage was completely smashed to splinters. It only took her about 10 seconds to do all of this, which once again showed her staggering strength.

Yuki realised this, but it didn't make him feel any better, just the opposite: he was once again convinced that this was a Night he couldn't survive, no matter how much he wanted to....

* Back to Yuki *

Why did it have to turn out this way again?! Is that so much to ask?!

I just want my life back to normal, that's all! I don't want to be in constant fear for my life every Night and then hope I can get out of this damn place and never see those Girls again!

All I wanted was to have a couple friends who could always support me and most importantly believe me, because loneliness depresses me a lot. Watching others having fun while you sit somewhere alone with the hope that someone will still dare to talk to you.

- Yuki, are you here? - I heard a new voice that was very different from Goldie's, but painfully familiar to me!

When I turned around, I didn't see anyone and wanted to get out, but suddenly a new thought appeared in my head like a snap of a finger. What if she was trying to trick me into giving away my hiding place?

The only thought I had in my head right now was to try to discreetly see who was really outside right now. I know it's silly, for who else could it be, since you're locked in the same room as the killer, but even under the circumstances, something was screaming at me to check who was out there.

I only poked my head out a little as shock struck me lightning fast out of disbelief at what my eyes were seeing before me.

There stood a familiar girl from my childhood, only now she was a more grown up version of her, if you could call it that?

I remember her, but the name still does not come to mind... She was the girl who was friends with me sincerely, but for some reason I did not believe her, so our friendship ended on a bad note, after that she seemed to vanish....

Honestly, sometimes I thought back to her and always came to the conclusion that I was wrong back then. I really wanted to apologize to her, but no matter how much I waited for her, no one had seen her since that day. A lot of people who knew her blamed me for that, because she had a lot of friends besides me, which wasn't surprising since she was an attractive girl from childhood. They thought that it was because of me that she disappeared, and because of that I in a way became a common object of hatred....

But that's not what's important now, what's she doing here? I'm pretty sure no one should be here but me and the Nightmares.

- Yuki...? - Her voice came out again, but it was more uncertain.

Maybe it's really her, because as far as I know, these Monsters shouldn't be able to turn into people I know, right?

Coming out of my hiding place, I just stared at her at first, afraid to say anything. She obviously heard my footsteps, so she turned to me at first with a look of incomprehension in her eyes, which quickly changed to joy, and a matchless smile shone on her face.

-'s really you ...., isn't it?

- Ava, and yes, it's me! Long time no see, Yuki, I missed you! - she spoke cheerfully

Ava... yes, that was her name, though I had forgotten about it. Looking at her, I myself can't understand why I decided to cut things off between us then?

- W.. what are you doing here? H-how did you get here?

- He-he, you're still stuttering, Yuki, just like before. I know you have a lot of questions, but let's talk to you in a cozier environment, shall we?

I didn't even have time to react before she grabbed my hand and led me towards the backyard, through the door in the garage. Oddly enough, I distinctly remembered that door never opening no matter how much I tried.

But the next thing that struck me was that it wasn't night, as I thought, but day! But how could it be, because I remembered it was night!

I was about to ask her what was going on here, but suddenly we stopped and she turned back to me with the same smile on her face.

- I know, Yuki, you have a lot of questions for me right now, but I have one request for you, let's you ask me all the questions once we get to the same place, okay? You believe me, don't you? - she spoke with a pleading look in her eyes.

It was hard for me to refuse her, so I just nodded with a sigh, because I too was curious where she would take me, for this was the first time I'd ever gone anywhere further than my room. Well, unless you counted the garage....

As she led us to some place, I noticed many familiar places from my childhood: houses, a playground where I often played, a shop....

And then we stopped near one place that I had visited on my last birthday that I remembered.

Fear slowly started to return to me again, but Ava felt it and squeezed my hand a little tighter, and looked at me seriously.

- Yuki, I know you're scared, but please, just trust me now. I promise you'll be fine, I've never lied to you. - she said with a smile on her face at the end.

I didn't understand what was going on, my brain was subconsciously telling me that there would be something in this place that I wouldn't like very much, but on the other hand Ava would be by my side, so everything should be fine?

When you think about it, what do I have to fear? If I go back, nothing will change, because there are still Nightmares out there, waiting for me. I have nothing to lose, so all I can do is trust her and hope that everything will be okay.

- Okay, I'll trust you Ava, because I have nothing else to do but that. You probably don't know what I'm talking about, but thank you for getting me out of that awful place. I'm sorry for everything that happened between us, I know words are few, but I act-.....

Ava abruptly covered my mouth with her palm, stopping my triad of apologies.

- Yuki, I'm glad you're feeling better now, after all you've even stopped stuttering, but this is not the time for apologies, I'm glad to know you want to make amends, but save it for later, there's something more important right now, and it's right in this building, the place where you celebrated your birthday, the place where the tragedy happened....

- The tragedy? What are you talking about, Ava?

I didn't quite know what she was talking about now, because I didn't remember any tragedy on my birthday.....

- You'll understand what I was talking about soon enough, Yuki, now go, and remember, I'm always here for you.

Ava said with a slight but soothing smile on her face, and then she gently pushed me toward the open door of the pizza place where my birthday party was being held.

Once inside, I immediately looked around, but I didn't see anyone, everything was too quiet and peaceful, but to my great surprise, it didn't create an oppressive atmosphere.

At the moment I was exploring the pizzeria, after all it was interesting to remember the place where I spent my birthday. The only thing that bothered me a lot was why did I know this place so well?

Those slot machines where there were 4 boys playing, who kept the other kids from having fun, for they were constantly chasing them away, and only the security guard was able to get them to clear the machines for others.

I especially remember these tables where many children were seated, eating their food at great speed with cheerful faces and smiles. Just like every holiday should be. But something was still bugging me, something wasn't right. I remember exactly that I was not here at this moment, but where....?

And at that moment my gaze fell on a lonely dark corner that was perfect for hiding in it from prying eyes. As if someone had heard my thoughts, as a child appeared in that corner, sitting quietly in the arms of a teddy bear.

But there was one problem...

That child was me.

I found it hard to believe, but it really was me! The droopy eyes, the perfect place to hide so no one would find me, and the clothes I was wearing, and the birthday boy's cap, all was pointing at me....

I wanted to approach the younger version of me, but at that moment my body abruptly stopped moving, as if something was restraining my movements. And only the ability to move my head remained active.

Panic slowly began to set in, because this picture reminded me of something, and my intuition screamed at me that this episode would not end well, but the only thing I could do now was to watch.

And I didn't have to wait long. About a few minutes later, Mike and his friends headed my way.

- Hey, Yuki, why are you sitting here alone? It's your birthday! Or are you afraid of those robots? Ha ha ha ha ha, - he laughed, as if it really sounded funny.

Yes, it was his style, he always addressed me that way, even on holidays. I always had an idea that he liked to bully me, especially if I was in a bad mood.

-, it's just...I'm...I'm a little I thought I'd sit in,' I replied in my standard style.

It was only thanks to Mike that I had never been able to speak without stuttering, because his stupid joke when I was a kid had made it impossible for me to do so. Even here, he managed to mess it up for me....

- Come on, Yuki, I can tell you're afraid of them! As your big brother, it's my duty to help you! Guys, we can help Yuki overcome this fear, right? - he suggested with a smile on his face.

I realise now that he's up to something, but I don't understand what it is yet. He has a plan, and his friends already know about it, but I still have a feeling that it's going to end very sadly...

- Of course! It's our duty to help the younger ones! - his subordinates answered in unison, for I never considered them his friends, for even they were afraid of him, though they skilfully concealed it from the outside world.

- Well, then, let's take him and show him together that they are harmless! - Mike said through his laughter.

At those words, my heart stopped. Where are they taking me? Usually Mike's jokes weren't so well thought out and ended with just enough words to scare me.

But I couldn't ponder that for long, for what my eyes saw made me feel a chill run down my spine.

Mike put my head in the mouth of the robot mascot. Even the dumbest person knows that it's best not to stick something somewhere unless you're sure it's safe. And sticking a baby's head in an animatronic's mouth is certainly not one of the safe things to do.

I tried to run towards me, but my body still refused to listen to me!

- Mike, you fucker, get him out of there!

In a panic I tried to shout to him, but all my attempts were in vain, he didn't even look at me, only laughed as he watched my younger version screaming and wriggling in the robot's mouth.

But that wasn't the worst of it, as I thought, because the next second I noticed one small but very important detail - the bolts near the mascot's mouth started to dangle. And that's when I realised that something very bad was about to happen.


I panicked, I started screaming and forgot that he couldn't hear me. As hard as I tried, the bolts wobbled harder and harder with each passing second, as if taunting me, until at one point they completely came off, allowing the jaws to slam shut, which crushed my head....


Disbelief froze in my eyes, and from shock I even took a couple of steps back, not noticing that I had regained control of my body. The crowd of children around me started screaming and crying as the little self bled into the jaws of the killer robot. My arms dangled limply downwards, allowing trickles of blood to drip down onto the floor, creating a huge pool of blood beneath me.

The robot didn't look any better, its entire fur dyed scarlet with warm paint that didn't even plan on stopping. And the toy I had was lying in the very centre of this horrible event.

I didn't want to believe it, was this really how I died? Through the fault of a stupid older brother who was constantly bullying me, because there's nothing else he can do. What did I do to get this kind of death?!

Anger gradually began to overpower me, because it wasn't fair! Why did I have to die!!!


I could no longer hold back my scream, but even after that he did not turn towards me, but only stood silently, with disbelief in his eyes, looking at my helpless body.


But someone behind me sharply covered my mouth with his hand.

- Stop, Yuki, come to your senses, it's only your memories you should have seen. Understand, this all happened over 5 years ago. You have a lot to learn. But for now, you have to relive it all, please.

That voice was Ava's, but she's asking me the impossible! How am I supposed to get through all this, knowing that my own brother killed me!

Anger was bubbling up inside me now, for all my suffering was because of him! It was all his fault!



I couldn't contain my emotions now, seeing what had just happened. Anger was being replaced by resentment, because dying in such a stupid way was the worst thing that could happen. And it's all Mike's fault!


What? But how did she do that? Those are my memories? Wait, I just realised that she wasn't at my birthday party, so she couldn't have known about it!

How did she end up here with me? I'm pretty sure no one was supposed to be here but me and the Nightmares, so why is she here?!

- Who are you and how did you get here? That's what you're thinking right now, am I right Yuki? Well, you already know me, but let me start over.

And something I didn't expect happened, because she turned into the one who caused my Nightmares.

- Nice to meet you again my dear Yuki, my name is Goldie, let's start over, shall we? I really want to help you honey~

To be Continued...

A/N - I FINALLY DID IT!!!! Night 5 Part 1 is FINISHED!!! Have a Wonderful Christmas and a best New Year, my dear Readers!!!

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