Night 3. Part 1

Fear allows a person to temporarily go beyond his abilities, allows him to quickly assess the situation. It would seem to be one plus, but everything cannot be perfect. You can miss small, but nevertheless important details...


Night 3. Part 1

I can now say with certainty that this place is definitely not my home. How did I come to that conclusion? It's pretty simple - I fall asleep at 6 a.m. every time, and wake up at 11:50 p.m.

Even a foolish person would see a pattern here. The night begins at Midnight (12:00AM) and ends at 6:00AM. So I have six hours to get through. That doesn't seem like much, but considering that I'm in danger every second, it's no longer such an easy task.

But it's not how long I have to hold out that worries me more, it's who I'm up against.

I don't know what to call them, but they look like beast-like people. I can't put it any other way.

The other question is, where are we and why did they kidnap me?

I'm not much different from the other kids, unless you exclude the fact that I have hardly any friends, if any at all.

But even so, that doesn't make me stand out. There are plenty of other kids who also, like me, have no friends.

So this option does not fit, which means that the reason is something else. But I cannot find it out yet. Or rather, I have no clues to dig out the truth.

Consequently, one of these beastmen must know something. But that brings up another problem: will they tell me anything?

They have no reason to help me, and yesterday's incident with the girl who was banging on my door shows that they have their own ideas about me.

And then another problem arises again - why are those foxes helping me? No, they haven't told me anything yet, but yesterday they at least saved my life.

I'm afraid to imagine what would have happened if I hadn't been grabbed and dragged into the closet.

I won't deny that I did feel comfortable with one of them, but that doesn't mean that she really treats me with kindness. Maybe it's all just her game, and she's trying to trick me this way.

Why am I so suspicious of everyone and why can't I be more trusting? Well, Mike did his thing. He taught me that you can't trust anybody.

I learned that a long time ago. I guess that's why I don't have any friends, because I always am trying to dig up the truth that's being hidden from me. And believe me, there are a lot of people who don't want anyone to know their secrets.

So it was easier for everyone to stop communicating with me. But to the surprise of others, I didn't care. I got used to loneliness a long time ago. For that, again, I can thank Mike. He once again "helped" me learn something.

Okay, I'm getting off-topic here. So, even though the fox called Mangle was trustworthy, I'm still going to be wary. Who knows what might happen.

In the meantime, while I was pondering life, night fell. And even more than that, I heard someone's footsteps almost immediately. Maybe it's just me, but every night they get more and more active.

Okay, now is not the time to think about it.

And no, you wouldn't think I was getting a little bolder.

The fear, the darkness, the phobia, it's all weighing on me even now. Even though I was thinking like an adult a few minutes ago, I'm still a child, and the feeling of fear isn't going anywhere.

It is not for nothing they say that a man is afraid not of the darkness itself, but of what it hides in itself.

So, we'll leave the beautiful quotes for later, the main thing now is to defend the first "attack" of these monster girls.

The sounds came again from the left side, so I immediately went to the left door.

I wanted to go with the old plan, but now I had an idea. What if I lit up the hallway the moment she was just coming my way?

I won't deny that this is the dumbest plan I can think of in this situation, but I still want to check it out.

I couldn't wait too long, so I got over my fear as best I could and got ready to execute my plan.

Opening the door, I pulled my hand with the flashlight out into the corridor.


I turned on the flashlight and the whole corridor came into view. But it didn't make me happy, it scared me.

I can see her.

She's looking at me and I'm looking at her.

Neither of us moves. I out of fear and she out of curiosity.

And I was right again - she's not human. Her hair was a dark purple color, with a pair of bunny ears visible on her head. Her eyes were purple with shades of red. Her clothes were a little ragged, but even so she looked very pretty.

But I wasn't oblivious to the fact that she was dangerous.

My greatest fear was that she was about to run toward me, and then I could tell for sure that I would be powerless against her. I'm sure that even if she is the weakest of her campaign, she will still catch me easily.

- ..... Oh, that's awkward, I didn't think you'd think of catching me like that....

What? What is she talking about?

- ... But here's the problem, you broke the rules yesterday, which means I can do the same.

What rules? What does she mean?

- ... I look at you and I wonder what to do with you. You're kind of cute, but at the same time you betrayed us. That's the dilemma.

What do you mean I betrayed them? It's the first time I've seen them! And what did she mean, she doesn't know what to do with me?!

- ... Hm? What do you think? What should I do with you? You know, I'm not the only one who resents you. But no, you're breaking the rules too, tell me - aren't you ashamed of yourself, huh?

I couldn't answer her. Fear still held me in its arms, not allowing me to move in any way. Involuntarily I got up again, remembering Mike's cruel jokes, which made me start to see different silhouettes in the dark.

- ... Why don't you say something?  Look, don't piss me off, you're being mean enough and you're not even saying anything! Do I have to come up to you to make you start talking? But I'm warning you - you won't like it.

I can see in her eyes that she's really mad at me, but I don't know what she's talking about. This is the first time I've seen them all! So when did I have time to do anything wrong to them?! And what the hell are the rules that I broke?!

- ... I see. You don't want to do this the easy way, fine, I'll "help" you.

Then she walked towards me. My fear grew stronger and stronger with each step she took.

But I still managed to overcome myself.

- ... don't...  don't... come... near... me!

Then my door slammed shut quickly. I tried with all my might to keep her from opening it, but I'm afraid my efforts would be in vain.

- ... Well, in that case, I shall not be so merciful to you, but be warned-this is going to be a hard night for you. Make sure I don't get to you, dearie.

She emphasized the last word with a very strange intonation, but I didn't have time to pay attention.

My breathing was intermittent, and sweat was dripping off me. Even though she was quite far away from me, I still felt that she was very dangerous.

There was no way I could let her get to me, or I was afraid to imagine what would happen to me after all this.

I had a short respite, because I heard footsteps again, only this time from the other side. And this was where I became even more worried. If it was the girl I had pissed off, I was afraid I wouldn't get rid of her that easily.

This time I decided not to risk it and closed the door right away, which was actually the right decision, because after a couple of seconds I heard someone scratching at the door from the other side!

No, this is all a joke, she's definitely not getting to me, it's okay. This door is pretty sturdy, it will definitely hold.

I locked the door, and also moved the nightstand there just in case. Man, why hadn't I done this before? I was ashamed of myself that I hadn't thought of it until now...

But my musings were interrupted by the sound of something breaking. I looked at the door and was horrified. It was cracking! No, it's about to start cracking!

- ... Well, hello, darling, long time no see.

I can see her red eyes through the little hole in the door. I've got to go! I'll die for sure if I stay here!

But that's when I started to panic, because the left door was deadlocked! I tried to open it, but I couldn't!

- ... ha ha, don't worry, you can't open it. My friend is holding it on the other side. You won't escape.

So they're working together?! I knew this would happen at some point!

Meanwhile, the door was almost busted open and the nightstand itself was all crippled, so just a few seconds later the door flew open with a loud noise, and behind it I could see the figure that did it.

It was the same girl from last night that I had pissed off, but never figured out how. What rule had I broken! If I don't even know about them!

- ... So what are you going to do now? Where are you gonna run or hide? Don't worry, there's plenty of time. I'm in no hurry.

- ... D-don't... c... come

That was all I could say to her, and then I started throwing at her everything I had at hand: pens, a lamp, the pieces of the door, screws, even toys, but it was all useless, and soon I had nothing left to fight back with

I looked around the room, trying to find something to help me in this situation, but I couldn't find anything.

Just a flashlight, that was all that was left. I thought for a long time about whether I should throw it, but now my life was in danger, so I decided to take the risk after all.

But the next second I felt a searing pain on my wrist, which made me scream. I also dropped my flashlight.

- ... Go ahead, scream. It hurts, doesn't it? So now understand our feelings when you betrayed us!

- Aaaaah!

I don't know how she got to me so fast, but that was the least of my worries right now, because she was the one holding my wrist and squeezing it harder and harder.

- Let go! I-I-I'm in pain! Stop it!

- ... Oh, let go? Hmm, let me think about it....... well, my answer is no!

Once again, her grip strength increased. It got to the point where I heard my bone crunch, causing a new wave of pain to roll through my body.

- Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh, that's enough! Let go! It hurts! Please!

She, on the contrary, lifted me by my arm, and the pain became even more monstrous. I was just hanging on my broken arm. But she didn't stop, she kept squeezing my arm harder and harder.

Suddenly, I felt something warm run down my arm. My eyes quickly noticed that there was blood where she had squeezed my hand.

She was squeezing me so hard that I was bleeding!

But that only made the pain worse. I tried to kick her and I succeeded, only she didn't care about it.

- ...annoying...

- Let go of my hand! Stop it! You're hurting me! It's all... Aah!

But I couldn't finish the sentence as I suddenly felt an attack of vomiting and a warm feeling near my stomach, accompanied by intense pain.

I frantically shifted my gaze downward. What I saw made me pale with fear and pain.

She ran her hand over my stomach...

Her hand plunged inside me, but after a while she pulled it out of me with a sharp movement

Trickles of blood began to flow out of my mouth, but from the wound itself it was coming out even more and had no plans to stop. I could even see my organs threatening to fall out of me. After a while, there was already a pool of blood colored blood underneath me.

My strength was leaving me quickly, so I had long since stopped fighting her off in any way. And my face grew paler and paler.

I only lifted my head to look at her. There was a question in my gaze that I wanted to ask - "Why?" But she only looked at me for a second or two before sending me flying into the wall.

As I slammed into her, I felt a new batch of pain, and more and more blood gushed out of my wound, and something else along with it.

But the pain passed quickly, and I gradually began to feel myself freeze.

Was this how I was going to die?

Lying in my own blood, unable to move, I was just serving my last moments of life.

If you could see me from the outside, I can tell you it would not be a pretty sight. You'd definitely have to see a psychiatrist after that.

I didn't want to die, but there was nothing I could do about it. The ambulance wouldn't make it to me in time, and even if it did, I didn't know where I was.

I began to hear the sound of the alarm clock ringing, but it was drowned out by a melody that was getting louder and louder.

Oh, it was probably my imagination or a death state. But the melody made me feel sleepy.

No, I'm not allowed to fall asleep. I had heard somewhere that if a person is in a death state and wants to sleep, he must never close his eyes.

I tried to overcome myself, but all my attempts were in vain, and I closed my eyes, and meanwhile the melody grew louder and louder.


- ... Come on, open your eyes, or are you that sleepy, honey?

What? Am I not dead? How can I hear voices?

Ah, perhaps it's the afterlife already? Well, I guess I really am dead.

But here was the next image that horrified me.

I woke up again in the same place where I usually wake up every night.

But how is that possible? I was dead!

Because of my panic, I didn't immediately notice that a girl with dark golden hair was sitting in front of me, but she also had ears like a bear. Her eyes were white with a golden hue. Her face was pretty, but I didn't pay much attention to that, because I was worried about something else

- Wh-who are y-you?! ......Are-aren't I... didn't... die.......

- ... No, you're alive! Or rather, you can't die!

With a smile she interrupted me. What did she mean by "You can't die!"

She knows for a fact that I was dying seconds ago!

- Who are you?! What do you want with me! I was just lying there dying, and now I'm sitting here, safe and sound, like it never happened and I imagined it!

- Well, let's get acquainted. My name is Goldie and I just saved your life.

She was still smiling innocently at me. But now I was just stunned by what she said. She saved my life? But how? How could she do it so quickly!

To be continued....

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