Night 2. Part 2

What would you do if you realized you were in a nightmare, but you couldn't get out of it? What if it kept recurring on a daily basis? I'd see how you'd deal with it.....


Night 2. Part 2.

The only thing that has always been with me is fear and darkness. Nothing else, just them and me. No one can help me, which means I'm alone. In this room that looks like mine, but isn't. It's a pathetic fake.

This house I once lived in is also a fake. Nothing here can be true. But there is always one exception.

In my case, you can't say for sure whether it's good or bad.

I am not alone in this house, but together with unknown beings. Their goals are unknown to me, but I am fully convinced that their motives are connected to me.

Why else would they keep me here?

How did I know this place wasn't real? It's pretty easy, there's no one here but me and them. Not my parents, not even Mike, who though he bullies me, I'd still be glad he was here.

But these are all just my fantasies that are not destined to come true. These girls, that's the only way I can call them, since I don't know their names, and it wouldn't be right to call them creatures.

So, these girls were dangerous. No, they don't seem dangerous, but my senses tell me otherwise, and I trust them more than my eyes. Why? Because over time, because of Mike, my senses have stopped letting me down, and I've always trusted them.

And this case is no exception, but even so, it does me no good. I'm powerless against them if they catch me in their clutches, and I obviously don't want that.

Saying goodbye to life is clearly not in my plans.

But I had to interrupt my thoughts. I heard footsteps again, only this time they came from the right door. Was she back too soon? She'd only been gone a short time, and already she was coming back?

But realizing that I would not be able to get an answer to my question, I decided again to use the old tactic that had never failed me so far.

Leaning my ear against the door, the first point accomplished. The footsteps were clearly audible, and they kept coming toward my door. Is she really that determined to catch me?

Well, I'm not going to lose that easily either.

After waiting a little longer, the footsteps stopped near my door. But there was a slight difference. I couldn't hear anyone's breathing. Silence.

Now fear had taken over again, and with it came panic, making me sweat profusely. I had already begun to stare into the darkness, hoping to see the outlines of the girl, but the darkness seemed to be on her side, because I could see nothing.

What if I shined a flashlight on her?


- ... I wouldn't advise you to do that.... if you don't want to get hurt or for me to break the flashlight, you'd better not turn it on...

I remember her words. It's like they're burned into my memory so I won't make a mistake in the future.

Should I turn on the flashlight or not?

This question tormented me for a long time. On the one hand I wanted to turn it on, believing that in this way I could make sure that there was someone behind the door. But on the other hand, if I did and she was there, what would she do next, after I turned on the flashlight?

The unknown is always scary, especially when your safety is at stake. But I can't think too long. I have to find out if there's someone at the door or not.

And for that a plan is urgently needed, but in my situation it was akin to a dying man of thirst to offer a glass of water.

There were many ideas, but they were all either too stupid or too dangerous. Only one idea seemed quite clever to me, but at the same time incredibly risky.

To make a deceptive way out of the room.

To put it bluntly, the plan was to leave the room, and if I heard even the slightest sound, it meant that someone was really there.

Of course, I couldn't go too far out, or I just wouldn't be able to run back into the room. I would only take one or two steps, and then I would immediately run back in.

I stood for a while longer, hoping to come up with a better and safer plan, but alas, I couldn't.

But fear had not let go of me for a long time, so it was quite difficult to take the first step, and what is difficult, it was as if I was taking a step into hell.

But it was for my safety that I had to risk it.

Gathering all my willpower, I took a step out the door. The very step that made me shiver like an aspen leaf. It felt like a little more and the sound of my bones trembling would be heard.

But an incomprehensible sound quickly brought me out of my musings.

- ...heh....

I heard someone chuckle! Without thinking, I quickly rushed back into the room and locked the door, but it didn't end there, she started pounding on my door

- Hey, you know, you're not acting by the rules right now! You've already lost! Open the door, or you're going to get hurt!

I could hear her screaming, and she was obviously angry. The door shook from her blows, telling me she was very strong. Involuntarily I began to back up toward the closet.

Needless to say, her words only made my body tremble more, and sweat began to drip profusely from me. What's more, tears began to appear on the edges of my eyes.

- For the last time, either you open it yourself, or I'll do it myself! But be warned - if I do it, you'll regret it!

That's it, I'm done. My consciousness gradually faded, and my eyes became blank. The darkness began to press in on me with renewed vigor. It already seemed to me that my door was slowly opening, and in the darkness I could see a pair of red eyes staring at me.

My flashlight started flashing, signaling that it was about to turn off.

I didn't know what to do. I didn't have a plan for this situation. There was no point in running. She would catch me before I noticed. Hide? I didn't know where.

Realizing this, I felt despair, causing small trails of tears to roll down my face. Somehow I had a gold teddy bear in my hands, but I don't remember when I took it, it just always calmed me down, and I guess on the level of instinct I unconsciously took it.

In the meantime, the door threatened to open at any second. A few seconds and I'd be dead.

I was almost close to the closet when suddenly a pair of hands appeared from there and grabbed me. One covered my mouth, apparently so I couldn't scream, and the other dragged me into the closet, and then it closed.

Here I was again. In a dark closet, with this unknown fox-girl.

- ... shh... if you don't want her to find you, then be quiet and don't move.... trust me...

Someone whispered these words in my ear, but something else surprised me. This voice was different from the stranger's voice from yesterday. It was more childlike and gentle, but nevertheless I felt that she was clearly older and stronger than me, as I could not free myself from her grip.

But surprisingly I was not uncomfortable, on the contrary, for the first time I felt comfortable and safe. For the first time since my awakening, I felt no fear or pressure from the darkness. I was finally able to relax and mentally rest a little.

- ... Foxy, what's the situation?

Once again her voice was heard, though it was gentle and even soothing, but that was not what I was paying attention to. She called someone "Foxy." So she wasn't here alone, but with someone?

I was a little worried again, but the fact that she held me tightly to her made me calm down again. I was still wary, though.

I didn't know what she was up to, did she want to help me, or was she trying to steal the prey, me, from her enemy?

- ... This chicken is still trying to find him, but she won't come in here, the rules say she can't do that.

I couldn't figure out what they were talking about, but maybe they wanted to help me? Aren't they all here after me? Is someone willing to help me?

But I quickly dismissed those thoughts, trying not to get my hopes up too early.

- Man, where did that kid go, so unfair, doesn't he know the rules? He's already lost, but he still ran away from me and hid! If I don't find him in 30 minutes, I've lost! Aaaaah! Damn kid! If I find him, he'll regret what he did!

From my room I heard the angry voice of the very girl who had been banging on my door. She was obviously furious that I had locked the door, but her words frightened me even more.

What if she finds me? What would she do to me? Would I die? But I don't want to die!

Once again a shiver together with fear gripped me, and I resumed my attempts to get out, but all was in vain

- ... Hush.... Calm down, it's okay, don't worry, she won't find us, I won't let her hurt you, I promise.

She must have sensed my trembling, but her words somehow inspired trust. For the first time my senses weren't screaming at me to run, on the contrary, I felt like I was really safe.

The very owner of that sweet voice hugged me, and put hers on top of mine. Surprisingly, it really helped me.

I was surprised too much. What is going on here?

We sat like this for about five more minutes, and the girl who was hugging me constantly whispered something in my ear, calming me down as well as encouraging me. And it paid off; it was as if a mountain had fallen from my shoulders.

- ... She's gone, Mangle, what's next? What's your plan? What do we do about the guy?

Again, just as I relaxed, I immediately tensed at Foxy's words. What if this was her way of lulling my guard so she wouldn't have to deal with me for long?

The fear slowly returned, but I no longer had the strength to resist. It was too much stress for me today.

- Hey, Foxy, come on, can't you see you're scaring him? I just reassured him, and you're asking these questions like we're going to hurt him! I told you he doesn't remember us! I mean, he doesn't know yet!

- Uh, you're probably right.

I didn't understand what they were talking about, but if I got it right, they certainly weren't going to hurt me, which allowed me to exhale in relief.

Then, quite unexpectedly for me, a dim light came on. It was so faint that almost nothing changed, but it still allowed me to see a red-haired girl with fox ears and a small tail behind her, which puzzled me greatly.

- Let me sit in front of you too, so you can see me

I heard a voice behind me as I felt someone's hands let go of me, but the next moment I saw a white haired girl and to my surprise, she too had fox ears and a tail behind her.

Both girls were similar in appearance, but still there were slight differences.

But even though I couldn't see them clearly, I could say with certainty that they looked a lot like humans, but at the same time were very different from them.

We would sit there in silence until one of them spoke first.

- ...This is my first meeting with you, but I've waited a long time for it, let me introduce myself, my name is Mangle.

After her little introduction, she smiled softly, looking at me. That's something, but she had a very beautiful appearance.

- ... Well, this is the second time we've met. I think you remember me. After what happened last night. And yes, my name is Foxy, I'm her sister, if I may say so.

She said, pointing to Mangle, and meanwhile I remembered yesterday's incident in the closet. I still remember how scared I was then. All I could think about was that my life was over.

But now she was acting different. Was she more.... kind?

I don't know how to describe the feeling, but it seemed to me that she was a little different after yesterday.

But even with all these facts, that I was comfortable with one of them and the other had changed her attitude toward me a little, I still acted wary. I couldn't trust them completely. What if they were trying to deceive me this way? To give me false hope of salvation?

But even if I realized that, I didn't know how I could keep myself safe from them.

In terms of strength I was losing to them, you don't even have to talk about that. Outsmart them? I don't think so. Once they get their act together, all my efforts will be useless.

And I'm not sure there's anyone among them willing to help me.

- ... Hey, why don't you introduce yourself? We do want to get to know you, don't we?

Her voice snapped me out of my thoughts again, forcing me to pay attention to them.

Introduce ourselves? That's strange, why would they do that?

- Uh... um... w... well....... my n... name is Yuki

Yes, I still am afraid of them. The fear has been with me for two days and I couldn't talk to anyone. It wasn't until now that I was finally able to say a few words, if I may say so.

Why did I stutter? Well, it happened a long time ago, when Mike came up with this cruel joke. When I woke up in the night, I heard strange noises from across the room. Then I decided to check to see what could have caused them, and it was my mistake.

As soon as I stepped out of the room, Mike with a fox mask on his face jumped out from behind and screamed loudly. I didn't know it was him at the time, and of course I got really freaked out.

It took me about a week to come to my senses. And I've been stuttering ever since. I also developed a phobia of foxes. Again, all thanks to my beloved, older brother.

And then a realization came to my mind, these girls were something like foxes. No, I realized this long ago, but I only noticed it now!

The darkness, the fear, the phobia-it all came back to me. I began to see monsters in them, my vision blurred, my body trembled again, and I began to sweat profusely.

- ... Hmmm?... Why are you stuttering and shaking? Are you still afraid of us?

Asked the red-haired fox and approached me.

To her this action was normal, but to me it seemed as if she wanted to kill me. A child's mind is a rather strange thing.

- ... d.don't... come... near... to... me... please... don't... kill... me.

- Huh? What did you say?

She stopped and looked at me with confused eyes, not understanding why I said that.

- ... p... please don't... don't... kill... me.

She realized she obviously didn't hear what I was saying, but now she had another question about why I was saying that.

In the meantime, I crawled back a little, trying to keep myself safe. I remembered again that day, that fear, and the nightmares I'd had because of Mike.

In them I was dying in all kinds of ways, but there was one thing that was in all the dreams. Foxes, in all those nightmares I saw foxes. That's why I became afraid of them and developed a phobia for them that I can't get rid of to this day.

- Foxy, wait, there's something wrong here. Go back to your seat, and I'll try to figure out what's going on with him.

The red-haired girl listened to her and went back to her seat. She knew that Mangle was the best judge of people and always had a way with them. So it was best to leave it to her now.

The white-haired girl herself came closer to me and started talking.

- ... Hey Yuki, it's me, Mangle, can I talk to you for a bit?

I couldn't answer her, so I nodded instead, but tried to keep my eyes on her.

Suddenly, she pulled something out from behind her back, but I quickly recognized the thing.

It was the same mask! It was the one Mike was wearing!

Instantly, all my Nightmares, which I was trying hard to forget, appeared right in front of my eyes.


Panic and fear gripped me again. I couldn't see the mask!

- ...I see, - the fox said in a whisper.

- ... Look, Yuki, you're so afraid of her, aren't you? So let me help you with that.

And the next second the mask broke in two.

What just happened? Did she break it? But why? Why is she helping me? She wants to kill me, right?

- ... Let me ask you, Yuki, why are you afraid of us?

She stared at me with curious eyes. I don't know how to describe it, but I got the feeling that she really wanted to help me.

- ... Y-you-....-you're obviously... very... similar...

I pointed to the remnants of the mask that had brought my fears back. That's all I could say; I just didn't have the strength to say more.

She was a little surprised by my answer, so she looked at the mask again and lingered on it for a few seconds. But after a moment, she looked at me again, but with a smile.

- ... You're right, we do look a little like each other.

- ... Yuki, let's do this. I promise you that I'll never hurt you, but in return I'll ask you not to be afraid of us. We'll never hurt you. Am I right, Foxy?

Though she looked at the other fox with a smile, the red-haired girl was somehow frightened to see her sister looking like that

- ... Y-yes, you're right Mangle.

Then she turned her gaze back to me.

- ... You see! Now I hope you won't be afraid of us!

She uttered that sentence with a smile. The white-haired fox was obviously waiting for an answer from me.

Maybe I really should trust them. They may look like foxes, but somehow I think they really want to help me. Could I really trust them?

A lot of doubts plagued me, but after thinking for a while, I made my decision.

I nodded slowly but surely, which made her smile even wider. But before she was happy about it, we suddenly heard the sound of the alarm clock.

So soon? How is that possible?

- ... Well, I guess that's it for today, but I'm glad you're willing to trust us.

I felt very sleepy again. Looks like I was right, this place is obviously unusual.

- ... good night, sweetie.

I couldn't hear her last words as I drifted off to sleep. I wondered how long I would last.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the living room there was a conversation between the two girls .

- ... Mangle, what was the matter with him? Were you able to find out anything?

In answer to her sister's question, she merely nodded and pulled out the very mask, but this time it wasn't broken.

- ... Yes, it's all about that mask. Something happened to him in the past and he suffered a mental trauma because of it, and the mask is an object that his consciousness has remembered as the cause of his fear and phobia. And his fear of us can be explained by the fact that we were indeed a bit like this mask. But I have a suspicion that something else has happened to him, but what - I cannot yet understand.

Foxy was silent in response; she wasn't as smart as Mangle, though she was stronger than she was.

There is something wrong with this boy, but what - is unknown yet

To be continued....

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