Chapter 7: Night 4 - Just Run, Only Run, Don't Look Back
Sinakumi: "The noise outside, subsided...I think this is...night 4..."
Freddy: "...Don't worry, you said-"
Toy Bonnie: "Urgh, I can't believe it!"
(the guys/Sinakumi): "...!!!"
Everyone was still inside the parts and service room and everyone but Freddy and Sinakumi were sleeping...that is, until Toy Bonnie uncharistically roared out in anger. Bonnie sat up his eyes flickering slight red in irritation. A small audible growling sound seethed through his teeth. Sinakumi's skin pricked at the sound. They all stopped and strained to listen.
Toy Bonnie: "Ow-! My lady, whatever was that for...?"
Bonnie's face scrunched up at the whining tone in his voice. Though froze, like everyone else, when he heard Toy Chica's flaring voice.
Toy Chica: "If the reason you are so agitated is from that annoying dollop of plastic frosting being missing, I want EVERY detail THIS instant!"
(all): "......"
Everyone was silent. Though Sinakumi and the guys could hear the sound of Chica pressing his hands on his face, choking in slight tears, and his tattered clothes smearing against the dirty wall as he sinks happily down to the floor. Sinakumi couldn't see it, though she repressed a chuckle when she imagined Bonnie rolling his eyes, Foxy's playful smirk and Freddy just merily shaking his head as if to say, 'That's Chica for you'.
Toy Bonnie: "What...? Oh, no no no no. I have no care for those untasteful old animatronics. I am depressed, I am! Oh, what shall I do...?"
They heard his voice subside into a hopeless murmuring, and his footsteps nearing the door of the room they were in. Sinakumi felt her arm being weakly tugged toward a memorized corner of the room. She then felt 2 bodies slightly pressed on her. By the slight sillowette of the ears, it was Freddy and Foxy.
Toy Chica: "...What do you mean."
Toy Bonnie: "I mean about our princess."
Toy Chica: "That fantasy nightguard?"
Toy Bonnie: "Oh, not ANY nightguard, my lady. The King's."
Toy Chica: "What...?! I though it was the cupcake!"
Toy Bonnie: "Oh, no. Not the cupcake. The wedding cake, indeed. But alas..."
More melodramatic wailing. And more hissing sighs.
Toy Bonnie: "It would appear that her heart has been stolen by another."
Foxy: "What."
Sinakumi: "Huh...?"
All eyes in the parts and service slowly turned to face her. Their glowing eyes to Sinakumi made her skin flare, blushing.
Toy Chica: "...Did he already have his...way with her as planned...?"
Freddy's hands immeditelly slapped itself onto Foxy and Bonnie's mouths. They were now glaring angirly at the door wanting to take a punch at him.
Toy Bonnie: "That man! Whom that plain nightguard came with! I shall never let him have her!"
Freddy: "Man...?"
Sinakumi: "The only man who Sailor would come with would be..."
Foxy: "Either Vincent or Aurum, right?"
Bonnie: "Si...Sina...k-kumi..."
Bonnie's voice was quaking with rage for, to the rest, an unknown reason. Sinakumi placed her hands on his shoulders and tried to pry him down against the wall, shushing the rest in the process.
Toy Chica: "Who is it? If we can take him out and present the princess to the King, we might be able to leave this place forever."
Toy Bonnie: "...So we're not killing her as proposed, hmm, my lady?"
Toy Chica: "Quit that snarky tone, toy boy. All we have to do is find her on tonight's shift."
???: "A-A-And spe-e-eaking of whi-i-i-ich-ch-ch-ch....i-i-i-it's 3 A-M-M-M."
Sinakumi heard a vocaloid woman's voice that replicated a motherly tone. Though the words she said were chopped up and some sounds were repeated numourus times. It sounded sad to her for some reason. And another thing she awkwardly felt was that it slightly resembled the older brotherly tone in Foxy's voice. Like a guardian type of person.
Toy Chica: "3-?! The nightguards are already in office! Toy Freddy?!"
???: "He-he-he-he already careful-ul-ul-ul..."
Toy Bonnie: "Of course, Miss Mangle. I suppose you wouldn't mind trying out tonight?"
Sinakumi: "Mangle...?"
Mangle: "I'm not as sta-sta-sta-ble as I-I-I-I used to-to-to-to b-b-be. N-N-No thank you-you-you."
Toy Bonnie: "Ah, how sad for children to treat you as such. Your voice used to be so beautiful. Not that it isn't now, Miss."
Mangle: "You're-you're s-s-so sweet. Haha."
Their footsteps and light conversation faded away and so did the small creaking of wrenching tubes and pipes and scraping parts. Freddy was the first to speak up to break the silence.
Freddy: "She reminded me of Sinakumi and Foxy."
Bonnie: "Really? She sounded more like Sinakumi than anything."
Chica: "Huh? I though there was more of Foxy."
Foxy: "Uh, guys? We can hear you, you know."
Sinakumi: "Ah, let them, they might be smiling."
Bonnie: "Am not...!"
Sailor: "Hey, hey...! Okay, deep breaths, deep~ breaths..."
Aurum: "Sailor, I don't think this is a very good idea..."
Sailor: "Aurum, this is, at least, the tenth time you've said that. You're gonna be fine."
Aurum: "Urgh, they wouldn't have these other cameras if all you gotta do is keep it on cam 11."
Sailor: "They're distractions. Hey, little girl? Bella, is it...?"
Bella: "...!"
Sailor: "Yes, she calmed down."
Sailor and Aurum were inside the office rushing into the camera system and trying to get Bella to talk. Apparently Sailor saw Bella running around the party room and nearly screamed when she saw Sailor. So she just picked up the crying girl who just ran up to her arms, squeezing the heck out of her.
Sailor: " name is Sailor. This is Aurum."
Bella ran up to Aurum and climbed up to his shoulders.
Sailor: "Whoa, she's quick at that. Does she always climb up you guys?"
Aurum: "Well, yeah. Most like up Chica, though."
Bella: "...*whisper, whisper*"
Aurum: "Oh, that's one of the nightguards. She's a good person."
Bella: "...the fantasy nightguard...?"
Sailor: "What...?"
Bella: "...he was delusional."
Sailor: "...Whoa...didn't expect that word to pop outta her mouth."
Aurum: "Yeah, her vocabulary is actually very big. Freddy's very knowledgeable."
Sailor: "Yeah, Bella, what do you mean by 'delusional'?"
Bella: "...He was talking about this teal blue girl that he genuinely fell in love with and got angry before the shift started."
Sailor/Aurum: "Teal..."
Bella: " guys are the night...guards...?"
Sailor: "AHH!!! THEY GOT SINAKUMI?!?!?"
(all): "...?!"
They started hearing heavy, hard, and fast stomping sounds heading their direction and lo and behold, it was Toy Chica. But the part that freaked them out was the half transformation look on her between the model mode and animatronic mode. The bottom half of her body was the pounding metal. Sailor's arms flailed around for an idea as she dashed closer.
Sailor: "Uh, ah...Aurum you take Bella! Down there, GO!"
She shoved Aurum (while Bella latched her arms around Aurum's neck like a baby panda) down causing his head to crash into the metal frame of the left vent (your right). He turned around for a millisecond, just in time to see Sailor disappear in a lightning fast army crawl down the opposite vent and Toy Chica slam and crash land into the office desk. The half transformation was throwing her off. Not wasting a second more, he scrambled down the vent, clawing at the sides for help, because when your animatronic mode had no exoskeleton, so then your model mode bones are as weak as heck, a toddler will weigh a butt-load.
It's almost 6 AM, and Sailor and Aurum were lost. Aurum still had Bella in tow and had no idea where Sailor was. Suddenly, a bright light flashed behind him that was coming from the one arm that Bella wasn't hanging onto Aurum with.
Aurum: "...Ah, ah...! Bella, what are you doing?! Was that you eyes?! Shut that off!"
Bella: "What's this screen thing...?"
Aurum: "Huh...?"
Aurum sets Bella on the floor (causing her to latch immediately onto his leg) flips through the cameras on the screen. There was one camera labeled parts and service that he swiped through then immediately swiped back to. There were 4 larger, sitting figures that were battered up bellow and a shadowy thinner figure that was slowly moving around.
Aurum: "It's...!"
*tap, tap, tap*
Aurum started rapidly tapping the screen, but stopping almost instantly when the entire picture lit up like a...flashlight, out of no where. He pressed the screen again, holding it down this time. There they were, frozen in fear, staring directly at the camera, especially the once-thought shadowy figure who Aurum was happy figure out that it was just Sinakumi. Trapped in the parts and service with Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy.
Bella: "Golden? Why are you crying?"
Aurum: "'s fine. We know where your brother is now and everyone else. By the way, it's Aurum."
Sailor, on the other hand, was finally already at the door, digging her nails into the side of the frame, to create a small opening to shake to rust off. The unoiled and rusty creaking sound of the door aroused a faint but audible yelp from behind the door. Sailor couldn't help but smile a little at the sound of her best friend's voice.
Sailor: "Gosh, why's it always me that has to save your sorry, little butt."
Sinakumi: "...Sailor...?!"
Foxy: "Sailor!"
Sailor: "Helping me pry this sucker would help a bunch."
Light poured out from the crack, coming from the nearest corner to the door.
Sinakumi: "Do you have the tablet?"
Sailor: "No, Aurum...did...why?"
Sinakumi: "Well, someone is turning the camera light on and off in here. Probably by tablet."
"Sorry, Bella nicked the tablet and we didn't know how we started flashing the lights."
Chica: "Bella...? Bella!?"
Sinakumi: "Aurum! You're here!"
Bonnie: "Aurum! You have a LOT of explaining to do!"
Freddy: "Bonnie, we'll take care of that later..."
Sailor: "Okay! Aurum cue the lights!"
Sailor: "...Aurum...? Where are the animatronics...?"
Aurum: "Oh, we locked them all up in the office."
Sailor: "The vents...?"
Aurum: "Jammed."
Sailor: "Okay, guys, this sucker is loose enough to pull out so everyone get ready!"
Sinakumi: "W-Wait...! A-Aurum...shut off the lights and...everyone in front of me."
Sailor/Aurum: "...Why...?"
(all): "....."
Sailor: "Oh...mushrooms...we gotta go. NOW."
Aurum: "Everybody push!"
Bonnie: "Ah-!!!"
Foxy: "Go, go, go...!"
Freddy: "Urgh...Chica, grab Bella!"
Chica: "Bella!"
Everyone scrambled off of the floor and did there best to run. Adrenaline is amazing. They were all pumping with it, following Sailor and Aurum waving their hands to them and making their way to the door...with Sinakumi somewhat behind.
Sailor: "Everyone in the car. IN THE CAR!"
Sailor and Aurum were flinging car doors open and the guys dived into the seats and scrambling seatbelts on. Aurum dashed into the passenger's spot while Sailor took the driver's.
Aurum: "Wait...where's-?!"
Everyone's head snapped facing the pizzeria, and there she was trapped in a wire-clustered grip and with a sickeningly, pool-noodle skinny creature staring at her. Static glitched around the 2 and reappeared as an solemn, adult woman figure with most of her metal joints distorted and showing. Her arms are way too long, so she has a firmer hold on her body. The thin creature transformed into a slender, elegant-looking man with white hair, tipped purple, slicked back like a mobster. He was wearing a tuxedo with white gloves and white stripes on his sleeves and dress pants.
Bella: " the King..."
Sailor: "...B-Bella...tell me right now, who the heck...what is he...."
The King: "....."
The man turned his head in a slow, smooth fashion and casts a sideways glare at Sailor and the rest like he's some noble being disgusted of them as a group of beggars. Sailor only saw half of his face, though she could see his black-sclera eyes and white-dot pupils. Just like Aurum's eyes. She also noticed that his pale white face had a hint of red on his cheeks and purple looking bruises...scars...trailing from his eyes down.
Bella: "We need to go. Now!"
Aurum: "S-Sailor...?!"
Sailor: "Y-yeah...yeah, let's get going..."
Foxy: "What about..."
Sailor: "Whatever's gonna happen, we're always gonna save Sina. No matter what happens to her. Because Scott isn't gonna get what he wants. That's just how we play this game."
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