Another Challenger Soon Arrives
Nijima: I'm not the only one who knows that you've won the match. There is a guy named Chukuba in the karate club, right? He knew about your results and said that he wanted to fight you too along with Y/n.
Y/n: Oh?
Kenichi: EH?! What did you say?!
Nijima: The guy who refereed your fight wants to fight you and Y/n. He's also a delinquent and has connections with a gang!!
Y/n: Ah Hell yeah, more people to fight! Are you excited Kenichi?
You turn your head to see the boy about to cry. Nijima laughed.
Nijima: Haha! This time, you are really done for!!
Kenichi: What the hell am I gonna do?!
Miu: Great job on your match, Kenichi!
The guy that refereed Kenichi's match was walking in a run downed building, he opened the door to see multiple people. He then saw a certain girl with short red hair and a hat sitting on a chair. He took something from his pocket and handed it to her. It was a picture of you and Kenichi. This girl held a grin on her face as she looks at her goon.
Red haired female: Hehe... Alright then~ I'll take care of the other guy, do whatever you want with the kid.
Chukuba: Yes ma'am.
He leaves the room, she looks at your photo once again and smirks. She then places your photo in her pocket.
It was morning, the sun rose up from the sky as your alarm clock rang filling your ears with the noise. You opened your eyes only to see the ceiling above you, you groaned as you got up from your bed and walked over to your bathroom. You brushed your teeth like you normally do and once finish, you get dressed for your early morning jog. Once you left your apartment, you were walking the way that you usually go but something was different. You felt a weird chill that came down your spine.
Y/n: For some reason... I feel like going the other path for today.
You nod to yourself as you then walk a different direction from your usual path. That was a good idea because waiting by the park where you'd usually pass was a certain girl waiting there for you. She was sitting on the bench, patiently waiting for you to come...
Kisara: Huh...? He should've been here by now. I'll wait a little more.
5 minutes later...
Getting a little annoyed, Kisara taps her finger on the wooden bench.
Kisara: ...
20 Minutes Later...
Kisara: Alright, I waited long enough... He must've went another way.
Hopping off from the seat, the short haired girl huffed and walked off. Though, what she didn't realized is that she was being watched by you. You were hiding behind the bushes nervously sweating.
Y/n: It's that girl again, why is she trying to look for me?
You then shook your head.
Y/n: Whatever it is, guess this'll be my new jogging route.
You quickly leave the bushes and go continue your jog.
Later... At School...
Miu was walking down the halls to go to her class, she passes by a couple male students that were drooling at her.
Male student #1: Do you see her dude, she's gorgeous!
Male student #2: I know right, she's like a beautiful princess.
She then stops and turns to her right and starts talking. The two male students start wondering on who the lucky person she is talking too.
Male student #1: Look, she's talking to someone right now.
The two look to look at the person and they found out that it was Kenichi or as some may like to call him "Weak knees". The boys were shocked to see the beautiful girl talk to such a wimp like himself.
Male student #1: What?!
Male student #2: That is totally not fair! How does someone like him get to talk to her!
With both Miu and Kenichi...
The young student noticed that the boy had his head down. She tapped his head to try and get his attention.
Miu: Hello, anyone there?
The boy slowly lifted his head up to look at the girl with a tired look on his face.
Miu: I decided that I am going to join the gymnastics club. Have you decided what other club you are gonna join since you left the karate club? Maybe Judo club, that doesn't sound too bad.
Kenichi held a weak smile.
Kenichi: The Gardening Club.
Miu: Eh?! Are you sure you don't want to join another martial arts club?
The boy nervously laughed as the girl started to sweat. Just then you opened the classroom door with a sigh.
Y/n: Man, I think I'm done with fighting idiots for the day.
Miu turned her head to see you, she waved her hand and greeted you.
Miu: Morning Y/n!
Y/n: Morning.
You then noticed Kenichi.
Y/n: Yo!
He didn't say anything as he was too busy laughing to himself.
Kenichi: Hahaha, no one will ever try to pick on me if I just go to the gardening club... Haha.
Y/n: Uh, is he okay?
Miu: I'm not really too sure myself...
She tries to get the young teen's attention by waving her arm again but it was of no use. He ignored her and continued to laugh.
Kenichi: Hehehe, no one will ever bother me ever again and I can live a peaceful and quiet life.
He slowly gets up from his desk and slowly walks out of the classroom. He then felt someone tugging his uniform shirt but that didn't stop him as he continued walking to the door.
Miu: Kenichi, chill out!
Y/n: Yeah, class is about to start. What is up with you, you were just fine yesterday!
???: I know why he's acting like this?
Y/n and Miu: Hm?
The two turned their heads to see the pointy ear Nijima. Miu lets go of Kenichi letting him fall on the floor.
Kenichi: OOMPF!!
Miu: Oh? Are you his friend?
Nijima: Why yes, I am. In fact I'm the closet thing he has as a friend.
Y/n: Well that's kinda sad... Not that I'm any different.
Nijima: Anyways, I'm Harou Nijima at your service.
He salutes the blonde girl as she bows.
Miu: And it's nice to meet you too Nijima.
Y/n: Well I better get to my seat, class is about to start.
You walk off leaving the two.
Nijima: I better do the same, I'll talk to you later about this Miu.
Miu: Okay!
With the upperclassman...
The man that refereed Kenichi's match was in class, legs folded and on top of his desk as he thought to himself how Kenichi was able to beat Daimonji. He was chewing gum and made blew a bubble making a loud pop sound.
Chukuba's mind: Damn brat, within just one week he managed to beat Daimonji. Then there's Y/n Kazama. That bastard thinks he is so strong,
He blew another bubble which popped again making the teacher turn around to look at him
Female teacher: Um... Excuse me Daimonji, you are disrupting the class.
The teen said nothing and continued doing what he did before, but this time he gives an angry glare.
Female teacher: EEP!!
She quickly turns around and continues her lesson while then teen continues to blow more gum bubbles.
Chukuba's mind: Once I knock those two down, they'll be made fun of all the time.
Later in gym class...
The students were running around the field, it was your turn to run so you stepped up. You slowly sweat dropped.
Y/n's mind: Man, this is shirt is really tight. Could've sworn I told the principle to get me a larger shirt.
You walk to the starting line and kneeled down. The coach grabbed his whistle and blew on it. This was the signal to run and you did exactly that. Bolting forward, you run on the field faster than the rest of the students.
Male runner: Eh?!
Female runner: He's so fast! I can't keep up.
In just a few seconds you were already done, you walked towards Miu who was doing some stretches.
Y/n: Alright Miu, now it's your turn. Where's Kenichi?
She sighed as she points at a sobbing Kenichi.
Kenichi: He's gonna break me in too!
Y/n: Is he still crying?
Miu: Unfortunately.
Nijima: Oh well, what can you expect from Kenichi.
The alien boy jumped behind Miu, but he didn't realize that was a horrible mistake. She grabbed his shirt and flipped him over, slamming him on the ground. You and Kenichi paused and stared at her.
Y/n: Why the hell did you do that for?
Realizing what she had did, she quickly apologized the pointy nose boy who was still on the ground.
Miu: I'm so sorry, I do that when someone is behind me.
Nijima: Wh... Who does that..
You pick up the pointy nose kid.
Y/n: So... What was it you wanted to tell us?
Nijima: So, was snooping around and I found Chukuba going against three people at once! Haha, Kenichi is so toast!
The brown haired continued to sob. Miu was relieved while you sigh.
Y/n: Oi, quit being a wuss.
Kenichi: Never!
Miu: Wait, I'm lost what is happening?
Nijima: Another person from the karate club wants to fight Kenichi after his match.
Miu: Huh? Another guy want to fight him, you had me worry for a second. I thought he was actually in trouble.
Nijima: I like your optimism but this guy is no joke.
Kenichi: I saw that guy break people's face with has bare hands! He also broke a wooden baseball bat WITH A SINGLE KICK!!!
Hearing this, the blonde haired girl thought to herself.
Miu's mind: You know what maybe this is bad. If he can do that, that means he's a black belt.
Y/n: I mean, I fought a bear before... I think it's name was Kuma..?
Everyone looks at you in silence.
Miu, Nijima and Kenichi: ...
You give them a blank stare like what you just said was normal.
Y/n: What...? Did I say something weird?
Afteroon time...
It was 4:50 in the afternoon, school was done, Kenichi, you and Miu were at the dojo. You were doing push-ups while Kenichi was watering the flowers with a sadden look. The boy sighed to himself.
Kenichi: ...
???: You know what you look like...?
A voice was then heard as Shigure came down from a tree, making the boy jump and squeal.
Shigure: A loser...
Kenichi: Kyaaa! Wait what is that supposed to mean?!
Akisame: She's saying that you have the look of defeat. Now that you've obtained victory the other day only lead to get you into further problems.
Y/n: He's right Kenichi, you should try doing something better with your time right now instead of watering flowers.
Akisame: Agreed, moping won't do you any good. The best way to fix this problem is...
He grabs a whip making the boy sweat.
Kenichi: AAAAAAH!!!
As the boy was being dragged you and Shigure just looked at each other and shrugged.
Y/n: I might as well go with them
You get up from the ground and follow the two.
Shigure: Ah.. Okay, later.
At Ryozanpaku's Entrance...
Kenichi: No please, I don't want to do this!
Akisame: Quit your yapping and start running.
Y/n: Hey, wait up.
Akisame turns his head towards you.
Y/n: Let me join you two.
Akisame: Sure I don't mind, why don't you start with these.
He then grabs more tires and rope and hands it to you. In just a few seconds you were ready.
Y/n: Alright, let's go!
You ran off so fast that it left an afterimage of you.
Akisame: Now it's your turn!
He raises the whip in the air and smacks the ground making a cracking noise.
Kenichi: Waaaaah!!!
He quickly moves his feet dragging along his teacher with him.
Kenichi: Master Akisame, isn't there any faster way to get stronger because there's another guy trying to beat me up?
Akisame: Faster training requires faster running... NOW GET MOVING!!!
He smacks the whip at Kenichi's back making the kid yelp in pain and continue running.
Kenichi: OW!! I'm not a horse, master!!
Kenichi: Ugh!
With you...
Running through the streets with no problem, people were gazing at the young teen as he was now shirtless.
Y/n: Alright, just a bit more then I'll head back.
You continue running through sidewalk as people continued to stare at you.
Later, back at Ryozanpaku...
Finishing your run around the city, you ran back at Ryozanpaku. You opened the gate and the first one to appear was Appachai.
Apachai: It's Y/n, Appa!
The felt a tap on your shoulder, you turned your head to see Tōchūmaru waving at you.
Y/n: Oh hey Tōchūmaru.
Hayato: Well you came back quick, I'd assume that Kenichi is still running.
Y/n: Yup, he should be here in about 45 minutes.
Shigure: Hey... Y/n.
The woman whispered in your ear as you quickly jump away.
Y/n: Christ, I can never get used to that crap that you do.
Kensei noticed the tattoo symbol on your arm.
The tattoo
Kensei: Say, that's an interesting tattoo on your arm.
Y/n: ... Yeah, it is. Now, if you excuse me... I have to go.
You walk to grab your things that were ground
Shigure: Your... Not gonna stay... Miu's made dinner...
Y/n: No thanks, I'm fine with what I have in my apartment.
Apachai: You know how to cook, Apa!
Y/n: Not much, best thing I could make is pancakes, eggs, French toast... And some rice, oh and not to mention sandwiches.
Apachai: Apa! You must give Apachai some! Apa Apa!
Shigure: I also... wouldn't mind having some too..
You went on to grab your things.
Y/n: Alright, I'm leaving now. Tell Kenichi I said goodbye.
You left the dojo while the other masters watched you leave. As you were leaving, you managed to see Kenichi in the distance. You smiled and walked off to your car, taking out your keys and unlocking the door. As you went into your car, you didn't realize that Tōchūmaru was with you still. You drove off.
With Shigure...
The beautiful weapon's master was looking around for her friend around Ryozanpaku. She looked everywhere, the trees, the dojos, cabinets, EVERYWHERE... But unfortunately for her no luck.
Sakaki: Shigure, what are you doing?
The man holding the beer raised an eyebrow, wondering on what the girl was doing.
Shigure: Tōchūmaru... Is gone.
While she was still trying to look for her pet, Kensei was following her with a camera in his hands. Trying to take a lewd picture of the girl.
Kensei: C'mon I almost got the perfect angle.
Shigure then threw ninja stars at the short man but he managed to dodge them.
Miu: Tōchūmaru!!
Apachai: Apachai remember Y/n with Tōchūmaru. Apa!
The blue haired man said as he punched Kenichi sending out of the atmosphere.
Miu: Oh no Kenichi!!
Shigure: I'm... Going to find him.
Akisame: Y/n should be still close by still.
The quiet girl nodded and quickly left the dojo.
Back to you...
You were driving home listening to some tunes. On your way home, you failed to notice that a certain girl was following you by jumping from building from building. In just about five minutes you arrived at your house. Unlocking the door and getting out of the car, you walked to your apartment door only to see a shadow.
Y/n: So... What do you want this time?
You turned around seeing Shigure.
Shigure: So... This is where you live?
You nod your head.
Y/n: Sure have, been here ever since I came to this town a couple weeks ago.
Shigure said nothing. Instead she whistled, her action confused you.
Y/n: Uh, what are you doing?
Shigure: Calling... Tōchūmaru
Y/n: Uh... Okay?
Just then you felt something in your pants pocket.
Y/n: What the-?!
The small mouse was hiding in your pocket the whole time.
Y/n: How did I not notice him while I was driving.
You looked at Shigure.
Y/n: Sorry about that.
Shigure: It's... Cool.
Then silence...
Y/n: S-So uh... I better get going, gotta prepare dinner for myself.
Shigure: What... About your family?
Y/n: They... Are not with me, I came by myself.
Shigure: ...
The weapon's master walked towards you and grabs your hand.
Y/n: Oi Oi! What do you think you're doing?!
Shigure: Gonna... Keep you company.
Y/n: I'm fine being by myself!
The girl ignored him as she signaled him to open the door.
Y/n: Would you please just stop already! Gosh, are girls always a pain in the ass to deal with?
You grabbed your keys and opened the door letting her in. She walked in and the first thing she noticed was that it was small.
Shigure: This place is small... How do you keep your weapons in such... A small place?
Y/n: That's because these are the only ones I need. I don't need more.
You walked into the kitchen and started gathering a bowl, a pan and some eggs.
Y/n: Hey Shigure, did you eat?
Shigure: No... I was trying to find Tōchūmaru that I didn't... get the chance.
Y/n: Fine fine, I'll make you something too. Do you want an egg omelette over rice?
She nods her head, signaling yes that she does want the dish.
Y/n: Alright, make yourself comfortable this'll take a bit.
Shigure: Ok... Where's your bathroom?
Y/n: Down the hall to your left.
She went to the direction the you told her to and went in the bathroom. You cracked open multiple eggs into the bowl and began stirring them. Once done, you took out a stick of butter and cut a small piece of it.
Y/n: Now to turn on the stove.
You did exactly that and turned the stove to low heat. You placed the butter that you've cut on the pan and placed it on the stove letting it melt.
Y/n: Okay, time to pour the eggs in.
Doing exactly that, you poured the eggs in the pan letting it cook.
Y/n: I should make the rice now. Thankfully I have a rice cooker.
Grabbing a bag of dried rice, you poured the dried rice into the machine and poured water in it. You tapped the button which labeled "10 minutes" and pressed start. You the grabbed some chopsticks and you walled towards your pan of eggs, you grabbed the pan handle and tried to flip half of the egg to form a half circle.
Y/n: Okay... Now to repeat this process again.
Another 10 minutes goes by and the food is ready to be served. Just then, you heard the door open. Knowing who this was you called out the girl.
Y/n: Hey Shigure, are you alright? You've been in the bathroom for awhile. Foods already do--ne...
You looked up to see the ponytail haired girl walking to the kitchen table with her clothes all messy. Her body was all shiny and had a nice smell.
Shigure... Man, she is so beautiful
You stopped talking as you stare at the girl who was now taking her seat. She didn't even fix her outfit and left it the way it was showing almost all of her chest. She looked up at you and tilted her head.
Shigure: Is... Something wrong?
Y/n: Your... Clothes are sloppy... Wait a minute...! You used my shower and my shampoo!!!
Shigure: I... Did, is there... A problem?
She said this as she takes out her sword. You just sighed.
Y/n: You know what never mind... It's too late to be starting a fight and I would like everything not to be broken. Still got bills to pay.
You opened up the rice cooker and grabbed a rice spoon, serving a couple of serving of rice and then placed the egg on top. You then grabbed a knife and carefully cut the middle of the egg letting all of the insides pour onto the rice.
Shigure clapped along with her pet.
Y/n: There, dig in.
You gave her some chopsticks and she waited. You served yourself food too and sat at the table with her.
Y/n: You... Waited for me so we can eat together?
Shigure nods her head, making your cheeks turn a little red. Luckily the girl didn't notice it though. Taking a piece of the food, the girl placed the chopsticks near her mouth and opened it placing it in her mouth. Her eyes widen and she looked at you.
Shigure: This... Is really good.
Y/n: Oh.. uh thanks...
Receiving this compliment made you smile a bit.
After you both ate dinner, Shigure left your apartment and went back to Ryozanpaku.
The next day...
You, Miu and Kenichi were both hiding behind the entrance. What was the reason that you three were doing this? It's because some of the karate club members were in the school entrance looking for both of you.
Kenichi: Ugh! This is so annoying. They just can't leave us alone!
Y/n: Sweet! More people to fight!
Miu: C'mon Kenichi, we have to get to class or we'll be late.
Kenichi: Nuh uh... No way, I'm running. These guys are too scary!!
Y/n: No their not... Watch this.
You get out of hiding and start walking the entrance. The two karate members noticed you and they both grabbed your shoulders.
Karate member #1: Stop!
Karate member #2: Chukuba wants to fight you scrawny punks.
You heard them call you "Scrawny" like you were no big deal. You paused and looked at the two goons with a pissed off look on your face.
Y/n: Sorry, I must be hearing wrong... Did you two call me scrawny like I'm some sort of weak ass punk?
Karate member #2: Yeah I did! Is there a problem--
The member didn't even finish what he was saying as he received a fist to the face sending him to the ground. You then grabbed the other goon's neck and put him in a chokehold. Losing his breath, the karate club member tapped his hand on your forearm signaling that he can't breath. So, you let go and grabbed the back of his head and slammed him into a wall.
Y/n: Alright you two, it's all good now!
Miu and Kenichi also got out of their hiding spot and quickly came by you.
Miu: See Kenichi, that was easy!
Kenichi: Easy for you to say!!
Y/n: C'mon, we gotta get to class.
The three students then went in their class while leaving the two beaten club members on the ground unconscious.
To Be Continued...
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