◇ Not Quite Our Angels
This oneshot is going to be probs a bit longer. Oh who am I kidding? These are too long to actually be called oneshots and are too short to be full fics. Anyway, this is what happens when the angel bros are turned human. And not just into humans, no - female humans. *Hands out popcorn* You might need this. If not, just eat it. Whether you feel the need to or not. Like most of these I'm going to do, this will be the Destiel half and the next one will be the Sabriel half.
~·~ Cas ~·~
I didn't remember much of the hunt. Gabe and I had taken to helping the Winchesters more on their hunts, so we also got the perks of having a room for us, even though neither of us really slept.
We'd been hunting a witch, I remembered that much. I also remember being extremely tired and falling asleep on the bed. But that was all.
Shrugging off the blankets, I stepped out of bed, wobbling. The ground looked a little closer than I remembered it being.
On the bed opposite, a lump was beginning to stir. I heard a groan and the covers were pushed away, revealing a girl with streaming golden hair cascading in messy waves and eyes like whiskey.
"What the hell happened last night, Cassie?" the girl asked, not looking at me. Her voice was fairly high, and she took no notice of how it sounded laced with morning husk.
I blinked, astounded. How did she know my name? Unless...
The girl swung her head around and choked on air when her eyes locked with mine. "Cas?"
I nodded. "Yes. I think we have a problem."
Gabe snorted. "You think?"
"No need to be rude," I replied with a frown. With my time around my brother - sister - and the Winchesters, I'd actually ended up learning how to speak normal. Most of the time.
Shaking his - her - head, Gabe stood up, grabbed my hand, and pulled me into the bathroom, shoving me in front of the mirror. I gasped at my reflection.
I stood about 5'2" with almost anime wide eyes and delicate pale features. My hair was down to my shoulders in curls, a series of alternating black and browns. My clothes were extremely too big, and I had boobs. No. That was not ok.
Beside me, Gabe was 5' to a T and she glared at me when she saw this. "Even as a girl," she muttered, shaking her head. She looked into the mirror again and added, "At least I've got the better boobs."
I grinned and shrugged.
~·~ Dean ~·~
A rhythmic knocking sounded at the door. I rolled over in my bed, groaning and forcing myself to get up. No need to make Princess Moosey Pants get up.
Sleepily I opened the door, coming face to face with two girls that looked oddly familiar. "I think you two have the wrong place," he pointed out nicely.
For the past little while, he couldn't get himself to bring home a girl. He hadn't gotten laid in months, which was seriously weird. He just hadn't had the urge. It was like a switch was flipped.
The taller girl - really cute btw - shook her head. "Dean, it's Cas and Gabe. That witchy bitch did something to us."
My eyes widened. This was Cas? And that was Gabe? Wow. Just. Wow.
I stepped aside, gesturing for the two of them to come in. They did and I quickly told them to let Sammy sleep. He'd been up most of the night researching for new cases.
"How'd this happen?" I asked, sitting down on my bed.
Cas went and sat on the far edge, Gabe beside her. "We don't know," she said sheepishly. "There's no memory of the witch doing anything, I just remember us being on the hunt."
Gabe nodded. "There's not really anything else that can shift genders like that," she added. "Angels can't."
"Wait, are you two still angels?" I asked.
Gabe snapped her fingers but nothing happened. She stared down at them sadly. "Guess not."
Sammy decided to wake up then. And he'd fallen asleep in his boxers. And he didn't know the angels - now humans - were girls. This will be good.
The moose hadn't looked over yet, just groaning and hauling himself to his feet, rubbing his eyes sleepily. He turned his head and screamed when he saw the girls, diving back underneath the blankets before any of them could say anything.
"Who are they?" Sam demanded, poking his head out.
I looked back at them, taking notice of how Gabe was trying not to stare. "Sammy, meet the angels again," I said in a talkshow voice.
He sputtered. "They're Cas and Gabe?"
Cas waved. "Hello, Sam."
Gabe didn't say anything. She did lean over to her sister and whisper something in her ear, causing Cas to giggle and cover her mouth.
Damn, that was cute.
Dean, this is Cas. What. The. Hell.
Sam awkwardly looked down at his duffle back. "Er, would you mind turning around?"
The girls shrugged, rolling their eyes, and spun on their heels. I went over to the fridge to grab the leftover food and came back, putting the plastic containers down.
"The two of you are going to need clothes," Sam was saying to them, now dressed.
Gabe smirked. "But the boobs are awesome!"
My brother blinked. "Gabe, you're getting a bra. And pants that fit you."
She pouted. Is it hard for anyone else to call Gabe a she? Cas is a little easier, but when we kept calling her Gabe?
I sat at the table opposite Cas, who had laid her head on the wood. "What's up?" I questioned with a frown.
"Just the ceiling," she muttered sarcastically. "I don't like being a girl. At all. I don't see the fascination with boobs and so help me if I have to go through a period..."
I cringed. "Vivid images there, Cas."
Sam said, "Dean, get the keys. We're going to the mall."
I sighed. "Do we have to?" I whined.
My brother bitch faced me. "Yes."
~·~ Cas ~·~
Malls. In all my time here, I'd never stepped inside one. From what Neveah had told me a few years ago, I was missing out. Dean told me that they were places of misery and selfish teen girls and Sam just said it was a shopping center. Gabe wouldn't say anything about it when I asked, too caught up in thinking about Sam to even say anything that wasn't about him. We really needed to change her back. Me too.
I stared out at the mobs of people as I stood with Dean just inside the entrance. Shops lined the hallway until it opened up into other corridors. It was crazy, but I found it interesting.
"I know," Dean said sadly. "It's horrid.
"This is awesome!" I replied, grabbing his hand and pulling him along. "Where to first?"
Dean gave me a sickened look and stopped me in front of a directory. He looked it over and pointed to one. "Rue 21. We'll get your underclothes there and then I've got a place in here - yes I actually like one store and you'll see why - where we'll get the rest of your clothes."
I nodded. "Let's go!"
We found Rue 21 quickly. I had to stop myself from racing to the men's section of it - luckily I had Dean to rein me in - and I also had to have the guy spin my vision to the girl part of the store.
He led me to the back, where the bras and panties (does anyone else just call them underwear? Like seriously. How do you even stand to call them panties?) were. "I'll get a sales lady to help you with bras," he offered, and quickly left.
I shrugged and began to look over the different selections. They were so different from the boxers I'd grown accustomed to, so small and triangular. I didn't quite like them that much. And the bras looked confining and bleh.
Dean came back with the sales lady. She looked confused. "My sister here got pranked by some guys and now she has no clothes," he explained hurriedly, a light blush on his cheeks.
She nodded, her eyes understanding and sympathetic. "Well, I'll take good care of her," she vowed, smiling at Dean, then at me.
Dean rubbed his neck. "I'll sit down outside the dressing room," he mumbled awkwardly.
Once he'd left, the lady turned to me. She had short brown hair and big chocolate eyes. "Don't worry, a friend of mine had the same thing happen to her."
I smiled at her, going along with it. It was things like this I still didn't understand about the human race. That and flirting. Dean kept telling me I was oblivious whenever someone came up to me.
She gave me a few things she told me would compliment me. The bras - 36B why did the author feel the need to say that? - were lacey and a sparkling Caribbean blue, a dark green that reminded me of Dean's eyes, and a magenta. The panties were the same colors.
Shrugging I went into the dressing room, which was deserted save for a Dean that was currently texting on his phone. He looked up when I came in, giving me a nod.
Taking in a breath, I stepped into the stall across from Dean. Quickly, I changed into the green pair, looking at myself in the mirror when I was finished. I didn't like I what I saw. (MCR reference? No?)
I hated the tiny figure. I hated the hourglass shape. I hated the curves. I hated the long hair. I hated the almost too large eyes. I hated the delicacy of my body. I hated having boobs. I hated the way they bounced when I moved.
I wanted the male Cas back. I didn't want to be stuck like this.
Opening the door, I peeked out at Dean, making sure no one else was in there. He looked up and nodded, and I gingerly stepped out.
~·~ Dean ~·~
Why was this not affecting me? Cas's female version was HOT. She had a pair of boobs from Heaven and her curves were amazing, skin free from marks. Yet, here I was, Dean Winchester, not being affected in the slightest.
What was wrong with me?
I knew what was going on. The lightbulb dinged in my head, putting me at ease. My brain knew this was Cas. And we'd fix Cas and she'd be back to normal soon.
That didn't really explain why I felt a sad pang in my stomach every time I looked at her.
This is going to be way longer, so I'm just gonna cut it here. I just can't seem to do actual dictionary version oneshots. So this is now going to be a full fanfic, and it'll be under the same name as this chapter. Keep tabs up for when I post it, because it will be a little while before I get a chance to move it over. Next chapter is going to be the Sabriel half teaser!
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