◇ I'm An Angel, Cas
Before y'all yell at me for writing like this because I told ya that you wouldn't read anything sad here, I'm going to say that it ends super duper happy. If you don't believe me, scroll your butts down there and see for yourself. This is also different from how I usually write, thanks to lack of sleep.
(My others are probably better)
Thanks bunches!!
- Ari
It's been six months since Dean died from a bad hunt. Cas hadn't been able to save him, much to the sadness and anger of Sam, despite his angel abilities. They hadn't worked and Cas still blamed himself for it.
Dean now watched his moose of a brother and the love he'd lost from his spot in Heaven. His piece of it was beautiful. Well, in its own way. It was actually a version of the bunker, but happier and more lonely at the same time.
Everyday he'd go to a pool he'd placed just shy of the old barn and stare into its depths, which were a poor substitute for Cas's eyes. He'd use it to watch his family for hours, until one of his friends dragged him away.
Dean had admitted to himself long ago that he'd fallen for Cas. He was just stupid and didn't tell the guy. It was too late to do that now.
"Dean," a familiar voice said from behind him. He frowned and slowly turned around to meet the whiskey orbs of Gabriel.
"What are you doing here?" Dean asked the angel quietly. "Why aren't you with Sammy and Cas?"
Gabe smiled. "They asked me to check on you since Cassie's not allowed in here for a while," he said.
"Are they ok?"
He hesitated. "Look, Dean, I'm not going to lie to you. Cas blames himself that you died, even still, and Sam's trying everything to get rid of his sorrow." Gabe gestured to the pool. "What you see there is less than half of what they've been doing."
Dean looked down at the green grass at his feet. "Can you promise me something, Gabe?"
He was about to do something he never thought he would. If he didn't know what Sam was going through, he probably wouldn't. But if this was going to bring his baby bro some happiness...
Gabe nodded. "I'll try my best, Deano."
Here goes nothing. "I know you and I don't see eye to eye and all, but I see what's between you and Sam."
Gabe opened his mouth to agrue, eyes wide, but Dean held up a hand and continued. "Save it, Gabe. I'm going to do something I didn't think I'd ever do because of so many reasons and give you my figurative blessing."
The angel stood there, shocked, and Dean started to worry. Then he was suddenly wrapped in the smaller man's arms.
"Thank you, Dean," Gabe choked out. "You probably wouldn't believe me if I told you how much that meant."
Dean patted his back awkwardly. "Go and make him happy," he said. "Make sure Cas knows it wasn't his fault that I'm here."
Gabe nodded and pulled away. He looked around at Dean's heaven. "This is where you met Cassie, isn't it?"
Sheepishly, Dean whispered, "It was."
"It's good to know that he's in your Heaven," Gabe said with a grin. "He'd be really happy."
Dean froze. "Don't tell him. I'll tell him, no matter what," he promised. "I just, I want to be able to hug him and tell him I love him myself."
Gabe winked. "Can't stop me from dropping hints, though!" He giggled and vanished with the all too familiar flutter of wings.
Sighing, Dean plopped down on the side of the pool. Instead of looking into it, he ended up staring at the sky, which was painted in a stunning assortment of blue that still wasn't quite like Cas's eyes.
He rolled over, slightly annoyed to be bothered again. His eyes went to the face of Chuck, who was staring at him with a serious expression on his face.
Dean scrambled to his feet. "Chuck!" he exclaimed.
Chuck laughed. "No, but close enough. I'm here because one of my two OTPs got ruined, even though I was the reason why."
Dean blinked. "You made it so that I'd die and Cas couldn't heal me?" he asked in a monotone.
"It was the only way I could make it eternal," he explained in a mutter.
Dean choked on air. "What?"
Chuck's eyes lit like he'd just remembered something. "Right! I didn't do the thing!" Clearing his throat, he abruptly put his hand on Dean's head.
Dean shrieked and the world shot into black.
When Dean came to, the first thing he noticed was the chatter going through his head. Wincing, he willed the voices to shut up, and they stopped. Later, he'd learn that this was angel radio.
He coughed and sat up, looking around. Pavement greeted him on one end, and the other was a field of green. He was on the side of some road he didn't recognize. Strange.
Getting to his feet, he immediately began to wobble. Dean stopped with a groan and looked behind him, gasping as he saw what caused his instability.
Black wings with red feathers throughout them spanned out under his gaze. His eyes widened and he had the sudden urge to fly.
Wait, is this what Chuck had meant by eternal? He'd turned Dean into an angel?
If he was angel, that meant he also had grace.
Grinning, Dean flicked his hand, willing for a pie to appear in his palms. To his amazement, a cherry pie slice was sitting there a split second later.
Glancing to his left, he saw a small gas station. He willed his wings to be invisible, and he began walking, hoping they were. He could still see them, but he didn't know if anyone else could.
The guy at the counter didn't act strange when Dean walked in, so that was a good sign. Sneaking a peak at the calendar behind him, he saw that it had been a week since Gabe had visited him. Hopefully that would be good for all of them in the long run.
"Excuse me," he asked the counter guy, "are there any motels in this town by any chance?"
The guy nodded. "There's one just a little ways down the road to your left."
Dean quickly thanked him and exited the store, quickly following his instructions. He figured that if Chuck put him here, then his family should be here somewhere, too.
The motel was actually farther than he thought. It took him forever to find, even though in the end it was insanely obvious, but that's not the point. It was just like something they'd stay in, and even more of a tip off was Baby sitting in the lot.
Relief and excitement raced through him. Cas was there. And Sammy was there. And now, Dean was an angel and he could be with Cas forever.
He cursed himself for almost standing up and singing Hallelujah just off the key of reason.
"Is there a Christensen staying here by any chance?" Dean asked the lady inside, thinking back to Sam's favorite ID choice.
She moved her black hair out of her face and clicked on her computer. "Travis Christensen?" she asked.
He frowned as he caught her gaze, fixated on his lips. "Yeah. He and my boyfriend left with his own early," he said, trying not to let his disgust show.
She nodded, looking somewhat upset. "Room 69, Family Suite on the far end of the building," she said.
Of course that's their room number. Dean would expect nothing less. He quickly found it and stood standing outside, suddenly nervous.
How would they react? Would Cas even be accepting of Dean's love? Would Cas love him back? Was Sam drinking away his sorrows?
Finally, Dean knocked on the door, biting his lip. His heart was racing, beating against his ribcage.
The door opened and Gabe stood there, blinking. "Dude," he burst out. "I can't believe Dad made you an angel."
Dean was staring at his wings and grace. It was weird, being able to see the golden feathers folded against his back. Even stranger was the bubbling grace swirling inside of him, emphasizing his eyes with a bluish tint.
"He did and now I'm back," Dean whispered with a grin. "Are they here?"
Gabe snorted. "I'm offended, Deano," he gasped. Then he smiled. "Yeah. Come in, but follow behind me."
Dean did as he was told and stood behind the other angel. He noticed that the motel was actually divided so that the only thing visible was the living room and a closet.
Gabe let out a sigh of relief. "Good." He pointed to the closet. "Get in and stay."
"Just do it." He snickered. "This'll be good."
Shrugging, Dean opened the closet door and got inside, plunging himself into the tight darkness of the small room.
Outside, Gabe was putting his epic plan into motion. He should've known Dad wouldn't let his OTP die. So now he was making the best plan in the history of his plans to introduce Dean back and get his moose and bro to stop moping.
He yelled, "Cassie! Sammykins!"
After a moment, a loud grumble was heard and a tall Winchester poked his head out of one of the rooms. "What, Gabe?" Sam grumbled.
Cas opened his a second after, but didn't say anything. He looked at his brother with sad, hopeless eyes.
"I have a present for you two," Gabe beamed with a smile.
Sam snorted. "Yeah, because a present is gonna cheer us up. Just find us something to gank."
Sighing, Gabe grabbed both of their hands and dragged them out, pulling them to the living room. He placed both of them on the couch.
"Look," he said. "An angel came by because he knows how depressed you've both been and knows how to cheer you up."
Cas sniffled. "The other angels hate us, Gabe," he muttered, wrapping his arms around himself tiredly.
Gabe snickered. "There's one angel that adores the two of you." He made an exaggeratedly innocent face. "And before you ask, it's not me."
Sam shook his head. "No angel gives two shits about us besides you, and I still don't understand why."
Gabe flinched, but quickly hid it. "Then I guess you wouldn't be happy to see this certain angel?" He grinned, wiggling his eyebrows, and opened the door of the closet with as much pizzazz as he could muster.
Dean fell out with a shriek, landing his face. "Coulda warned me," he groaned.
Going back to Dean's head, it was overrun with bubbling excitement. Even though his face was slightly in pain, Cas and Sam were right in front of him.
He pulled himself to his feet and smiled at his brother and his love. "Don't I get a hug?" he asked cheekily, his sight growing hazy.
Sam stared at him for a moment before lunging at him and clinging to him. "I thought you were gone forever," he sobbed into Dean's shirt. "We couldn't save you."
Dean awkwardly patted his brother's head. "Chuck told me he made it so I'd have to die," he amended quietly. "It wasn't either of your faults."
Sam nodded against his side and let him go, backing up a few steps when he caught Gabe's eyes. "I'm gonna go get you some food," he mumbled before zipping off.
Dean watched him go, then turned to Cas who was still sitting on the couch. He had his head turned down, silent tears falling.
The newest angel grasped his hands and pulled him to his feet, positioning Cas in front of him. Not too close, not yet, but enough so that he knew he was there.
"Cas, trust me when I say it wasn't your fault," Dean told him gently, still holding both of his hands.
The shorter man looked up, his sad but beautiful blue eyes locking onto Dean's. "But I still watched it," he whispered. "I still couldn't do anything even though you trusted me to."
"I told you, it's not your fault and I'll never, ever blame you for it." Dean squeezed his hands a tiny bit, then brought him into a tight hug.
Cas's face burrowed into Dean's shoulder. "Gabriel told me your heaven was blue," he commented solemnly.
Dean smiled. "It wasn't just any color of blue," he replied cheekily.
"It was my favorite shade." Dean leaned his head closer to Cas's, their eyes still locked.
Cas's breathing hitched a little, making Dean have to fight the urge to grin. "Although, the color was a poor substitute for the actual one."
"Why did he bring you back?" Cas asked, his eyes searching Dean's.
"So that I'd be able to live my life with the person I love," the Winchester said.
Cas bit his lip and looked away. "Oh. I'm sure she will be very happy to know you've returned."
Dean lightly turned his love's face towards him again. "Cas, you're really oblivious," he muttered with a chuckle.
Cas's eyes flashed with confusion and Dean leaned down, pressing their lips together softly. The older angel gasped and tensed for a moment, but his hands quickly found their way into Dean's hair and his eyes fluttered shut.
Dean's heart soared. Kissing Cas felt even better than he thought it would. His lips were like caressing silk, tasting lightly of honey. Nothing could ever compare to this, he didn't think.
He broke away and rested his forehead against Cas's. "I love you, Castiel," he whispered.
Cas grinned, his eyes shimmering. "I love you, too, Dean." He tilted his head. "So that's why you're an angel now."
"Yep. And now you get to have the pleasure of showing me the ropes."
Cas frowned. "Dean, if you wanted ropes, they're in the closet in the bunker."
Dean laughed, shaking his head. He pressed to lips back to Cas's, and this time, there was no hesitation.
I know, I know. I'm really not the best at writing. Especially oneshots. Like, in my head they're good, but then when I type them at midnight or so they're just kinda... bleh.
Anywayssssss, If you have any suggestions for oneshots or full fanfics, please give them to me! I'm looking for ideas!
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