
After that day, Arthur came to him once an hour to check on him. Each time he would bring Merlin some kind of food or drink or flower. Arthur knew that Merlin was not in a good place, and he would not leave his fiancé's side. In the mornings Arthur would wake Merlin and deliver breakfast. At lunch he would come back to take the still full tray, and hand him a piece of fruit that was preserved. And at lunch he would take the usually half eaten preserve back, and give him dinner. At dinner he would make Merlin eat, and Arthur would eat with him. It broke his heart to see Merlin so sad. This went on for a couple days, but Arthur noticed that Merlin was feeling better. He sometimes woke up before Arthur woke him, and he would eat at least half of everything Arthur gave him. Merlin became more social, and even asked for some of his friends to stop by to talk. Arthur thought he had done something good for once.

Really it was Merlin's will. Merlin was devastated the first day or so. But then he was reminded by the ring. The gold ring that Arthur gave him. He knew that he would have to get better for him. And soon Merlin started feeling better. He was more happy. Because he didn't think about the far future, but he thought about the present. One morning he went to Arthur's room before he woke up.

Merlin was still wearing his pajamas when he padded into Arthur's quarters, and climbed into Arthur's bed. Arthur immediately knew who was there, and curled up next to him. They both were awake, but they laid next to each other.

"Are you finally feeling better?" Arthur asked softly, running his fingers through Merlin's hair. He nodded.

"I'm sorry I've been such a pain. I don't mean to bother you so much, I just really did not feel... alright. But I feel much better now. And to have you in my life, to know you're alive, makes me feel ever better."

Arthur kissed his forehead and pulled him close.

"So about that wedding..." He asked. "When do you want to have it?"

Merlin thought for a moment. "Anytime is alright with me. Just having you is enough."

"Good. Because I want to get married as soon as possible. So I can finally call you my king." Arthur told Merlin boldly. He gave him a peck on the lips, and went to get dressed. Merlin headed back to his room, and got dressed as well. It was the first time in awhile since he was out of pajamas. It felt nice. He wore all black, as usual, but he sported a red necktie. He found it tucked away from long ago, and hadn't worn it since. It was usually there to hid his scars. But there were no more scars to hide. Merlin felt it was more nostalgic. To have his old piece of cloth around his neck. He wore a brown cloak to accommodate it, and he walked out. This time he fetched Arthur breakfast.

He piled the tray high, and walked back to Arthur's room. When he opened the door, Arthur was gone. Merlin set the tray on the table.

"Arthur?" He called. No answer. He left the room, and walked down the halls. He passed many servants and maids, and many were surprised to see him out of his room after so long. Some even looked scared slightly. Merlin walked on, until he rounded a corner, and bumped into Arthur.

"There you are. I was wondering where you went." Merlin giggled slightly. The two walked back to his quarters.

"Sorry. I had to go tell the servants to set something up."

The two arrived to the his quarters, and ate while chatting.

"So what are you setting up? If I may ask." Merlin said, sipping on some milk.

"I told the servants to set up the throne room. You said you did not mind when our wedding was, so I told them to set up for a wedding." Arthur shined a cheeky grin. Merlin's mouth gapped.

"You mad man! You cannot simply set up a wedding out of nowhere! It takes at least 3 days to set everything up!" Merlin exclaimed. He knew from listening to the retired servants. King Uther's wedding took at least 5 days and nights to set up. Arthur shook his head.

"That only happens because you need to set up for royalty you see. It should only take today to set it up, and then half of tomorrow. Because you are not royal descent, you aren't bringing 30 or so guests with the taste for only the finest. Plus I never really was into the whole extravagant weddings. They take up time that you could be spending with your new partner." Arthur explained. Merlin had to admit that Arthur was right. Merlin only knew of one person whom he wanted to attend who did not already live in the city, and it was his mother. Surely he could get his mother to attend the service by tomorrow. If not carriage, then by a beasts back.

"Something reminded me. What happened to Kilgarrah, Izusa, and Ebony?" Merlin asked. He was not completely up to date on everything happening outside his room.

"Kilgarrah flew and said he would come if you called, Izusa is roaming about Camelot, and Ebony is roaming around the city and woods in whatever forms she pleases. She likes to play around with the children as a dog, and scare the older folks by turning into lions. It's quite hilarious." Arthur told him. Merlin laughed at the thought.

"Well then I can surely get Izusa to pick up my mother. Hunith will trust any dragon she meets because she knows that they would come from me." He joked.

The two finished breakfast, and Arthur set off to oversee the throne room. Merlin headed outside into the courtyard to see the progress. The town did have some missing buildings, but overall everything was being well repaired. From all the way down the street, Merlin could see Ebony carrying around lumber. She caught the scent of Merlin, and dropped what she was doing to run to him. She pounced onto him, and Merlin pet her face and wears. Once he was permitted to stand up, Ebony continued on with her work. The townsfolk seemed to be okay with Ebony. Most were too afraid to try to hurt her. Merlin walked around, and greeted the people. He soon reached the gates, and exited the city.

Merlin stood in the clearing, and called Izusa. She must have been close, as it only took her a minute to arrive.

"Hello Izusa. I need you to go fetch my mother and bring her here. I've got a wedding to attend to. Are you able to find her?" Merlin asked. He was mostly expecting a nod of her head, or a tilt to signify confusion or understanding, but instead he heard words.

"Tell me where she lives, and I can track her by familiar scent." Merlin heard a feminine voice erupt from Izusa. Merlin was shocked. He thought he had a couple years until she would start talking, but he guessed wrong.

"You can speak! Why so soon!? Aren't you too young!?" Merlin exclaimed happily.

"I spent some time with Kilgarrah, and he helped me learn to speak. I knew the words, just I couldn't voice them." She explained. This brightened Merlin's mood drastically. He felt so proud.

"I would love to stay and chat some more, but we are on a limit. My mother Hunith lives in Cendred's kingdom, in a village called Ealdor. If anyone gives you trouble, say you are the property of King Arthur and King Merlin of Camelot. They shouldn't lay a hand on you." Merlin advised. She nodded, and flew off. Merlin watched her flew off in amazement, before he practically bounced back to the city.

As the walked back to the castle, he was met with a joyful high pitched squeal.

"Merlin! There you are!" Gwen exclaimed. She hugged him, and Merlin reciprocated.

"How do you feel?" She asked.

"Very happy. Izusa can speak! Kilgarrah taught her how to speak for druids sake!" Merlin told her happily.

"That is wonderful." She smiled. "I heard from a little servant that a certain king is getting married, and that is why I was sent to help. Now I wonder who that could be?..." Gwen joked, looking around as if a bride would pop out anywhere. She nudged him and they both laughed.

"I am actually your maid for the day. Arthur didn't want a servant to help you get dressed, so he got me to help. Although I'm really just here to tell you what to wear, how to walk, act, what to say, and keep you company till tomorrow." Gwen told him quickly. She looped an arm around Merlin's, and she rushed him past the servants up to his room.

"Wait. What do you mean 'till tomorrow'? Am I not allowed to see Arthur?" Merlin asked. Gwen shook her head.

"The two who is getting married should not see the other a day prior to the wedding. Yo technically should not have seen each other this morning, but oh well. You and I can stay in the room till tomorrow." Gwen told him. She closed the door, and opened the curtains to let all the sunshine in. Even though it was the middle of winter, with light snow outside, the sun easily melted it, and provided great lighting.

"But I've been in this room for days. Are you sure I cannot go?" Merlin asked. Gwen shook her head, again.

"Not until the wedding. You can have visitors of course. Just not Arthur."

"Well my mother should arrive here in an hour or so. I sent Izusa to bring her. How can I show my own mother around the city if I'm stuck here?" Merlin pleaded. Gwen sighed when Merlin gave her a puppy-like look.

"Alright. I can get Gwain to keep Arthur in the castle while you walk around the city. But I will be waiting for you at the door to shut your eyes as we walk back inside." Gwen teased, earning some laughter.

Gwen recited some of the etiquette that was necessary at a royal wedding, and showed him proper posture. Carrying heavy equitment for a year made his posture very weak. Then Gwen showed him what to do when Arthur holds the sword over him. Soon two hours had passed, and someone knocked onto the door.

"Who is it?" Gwen called from the other side.

"Hunith. Merlin's mother." Hunith's voice rang through the door, and Merlin became extremely excited. Gwen opened the door quickly, and walked her inside. Merlin immediately hugged her.

"Oh mother its been so long since I've seen you!" He rejoiced. She gladly gripped onto him.

"I'm so happy you are alright. I heard from travelers that Camelot had been taken over, and then that you went missing. I was so worried that you were gone." She told him. He felt like she could cry, but she held it back.

"The rumors are true. But that story is all for another day. How was your trip?" Merlin asked. Gwen just watched the spectacle before her. She decided to leave the two some room, and she went to grab some items for Merlin.

"It was spectacular! How did you manage to tame a dragon while working for Arthur! I swear that ride made me feel a century younger!" She exclaimed. 

"I hope Izusa did not fly too high. Or you got cold during the trip."

Hunith waved her hands. "No problem at all, the trip was thrilling. And her body warmth was enough to keep me warm. Anyways tell me what has been happening now that you're back." Hunith asked. She was secretly worried. She mailed Merlin multiple times, bribing people who were going to Camelot to deliver letters, but she never got any back.

"Actually, today was the first day I left my room. You see the first week I was back, I was sleeping the entire time. It wasn't a coma, but my body just did not allow me to wake up. Then I finally woke up, and I stayed in my room for awhile longer. I did not feel like leaving my bed. Just today I felt happy enough to leave, and the first thing Arthur does is ask if when the wedding should be." Merlin told her. The two moved to a table, and they sat down talking.

"How come you did not leave your room?" She asked. Merlin sighed.

"I did horrible things during the fight. I think I murdered about half of Morgana's side just from anger and the access power. And just before we won, I became so scared. I just could not leave my room. I didn't want to see anyone or look at the castle in general. But I finally felt okay today, so I decided to venture out." Merlin explained to her.

"What happened before you won?" Hunith asked curiously.

Merlin paused. "I had a vision. Of Arthur being stabbed through the heart. And Morgana was left laughing. And then it happened. And when I rushed over to Arthur, I realized it was Lancelot. The Seer who lived in the valley made Lancelot look like Arthur, and hid Arthur until he was able to strike Morgana. I was extremely shocked because I thought Arthur had died." Merlin took a break. "I kind of felt like that set me over the edge. And why I couldn't bare to really leave. And the fact that Arthur visited me everyday with food and kissed me goodbye every time I guess helped me cement that he was real and alive."

Hunith nodded. She reached over and grabbed Merlin's hand.

"I am glad Arthur helped you. And that you feel better. I hate seeing you in pain. And I've seen you in pain more times than a mother should." There was a knock at the door, and Gwen walked in with some clothes and some dresses.

"I brought you some clothing options, and I brought a couple dresses for you. You are attending the service I presume." Gwen smiled cheekily. She hung the dresses for Hunith to see and laid Merlin's clothes on the bed.

"Of course I am. Thank you so much." She thanked.

"Thank you Gwen." Merlin thanked her. He walked over, and looked at the colors she picked out. Most of them were dark. Probably because Gwen knew Merlin liked dark colors.

"Since the King can wear any colors, but the bride has to wear white, you get to wear anything because you are not a bride, yet you are not yet the king. So have at it." Gwen informed him. Merlin definitely went in for the older style black outfit. It was fancier than a lot of his clothes.

The jacket was form fitting, with silver buttons lining down the front. The collar was high, but not button, and the sleeves were pointed at the back side of his hand. The jacket stopped right at his hips, and there was silver thread trimming around the bottom and around his sleeves and collar. Gwen looked away as Merlin climbed into some wrinkleless black pants, and black leather boots with a silver toe. Once done, Merlin looked away as Gwen helped Hunith into a somewhat complicated dress that Hunith picked. It was medium green, with ivory accents, ivory corset laces, and the ruffles were ivory colored. Merlin turned back around when she was done, and smiled. His mother looked gorgeous and cleaned up. Hunith marveled in how clean cut Merlin looked as well.

"You look stunning, mother." Merlin complimented her. Gwen took her work bonnet out of her hair, and tied it up casually.

"You look quite handsome yourself. You look like a true king. Very elegant." Hunith told him. She fiddled with Merlin's jacket, even if it was snug. Gwen left the room for a split moment to fetch something, and she came back with something behind her hands.

"Arthur had this made awhile ago, and told me to keep it from you until you two became engaged. He had me make this." Gwen told Merlin. She revealed a black cloak. But when it was unfolded, it bared Camelot's crest on the back, in bright red color.

"You will have to wear some kind of Camelot crest once you become king to show your status, but Arthur knows your fondness with black and neutral colors. So he had me make this one for your wedding, and I'm currently working on five more in different colors with red dragons on the back. It is the same crest as Arthur's, except Arthur wears the traditional red cloak with the white dragon crest." She explained. Merlin held it up, and hugged her.

"This is amazing. Thank you for making this. And thank Arthur as well." Merlin told her.

"You and your dark colors." She laughed. "I was afraid that once you got some freedom you would dress in all black. I mean look at the room. The most color I can see is the green detailing on the carpet." She laughed.

"I do have to say black suits him. I guess it's because of the black hair, pale skin, and bright blue eyes. Dark colors look nice on him. Plus he's very slim." Gwen agreed with Merlin. As Merlin and Hunith looked in the mirror, he noticed that his hair had grown a lot longer. It was still wavy, and occasionally fell into his eyes. Hunith's hair had as well grown. It now touched the bottom of her back.

"So you think this I what you will be wearing? If so I will need you to change out of it so I can hang it up for tomorrow." Gwen asked. The other two nodded. Gwen helped Hunith out of her dress, and Hunith got dressed while Merlin undressed. Gwen left to bring the other clothes back to where she originally got them.

The two talked for a while, and Gwen permitted him to leave the castle to show her around. Gwen made sure Arthur stayed in the castle, and Gwen waited on her house porch washing some linens, waiting for them to return.

As the two walked around, Merlin told her about all the new laws, and how everything has played out. He confided to her about his immortality, and told her of the assassination attempts from the past. She found this both scary and humorous. She had always thought Merlin would be immortal. When he was young, nothing could kill him. Now even accidentally drowning in a lake killed him. She always thought it would end up that way.

Merlin told her that he was thinking of having her move to Camelot. Merlin wanted to see her more often now that Merlin would be able to buy a house for her in the city.

Once they got back to the castle, Merlin stayed in his room while Hunith and Gwen walked around and talked.

Merlin sat on his bed, and thought of the many things he had not thought of in awhile. Suddenly he remembered Ethel. The little girl with pale hair and skin, but bright eyes. He panicked for a moment, but soon found his stone hidden in his nightstand drawer. He pulled it out, and brought it to his mouth.

"Ethel. I need a word, please." He called.

"Merlin! It has been so long since I've talked to you." Merlin heard a happy girly voice speak back to him.

"Are you alright? What happened while Morgana had taken over?" He asked.

"We left before she took over. We hid in the mountains opposite of the fated valley. I was safe, and only one of two died from the cold, but they were sick already. All the men left when you called them, and most of them came back. Thew is a little injured, but it recovering perfectly, and our Seer is healthy. I am great, and I made some friends here. I'm best friends now with this boy named Ian. We play in the creek all the time." She rambled on. Merlin was glad to see she had opened up, and could express herself more.

"That is lovely. I had an idea. Would you like to come to Camelot? I am getting married, and I would love to have you, your family, and Thew attend the service. Tell them we can provide fancier clothing if you need it." Merlin told her. He could tell his voice was fading. The stone was not powerful enough to hold long connections.

"Of course. Mrs. Moore will do anything you'd like. We can arrive at the end of this day if we move fast. We're not too far away. I will tell Thew as well to come." She said. Her voice was rapidly fading.

"The wedding is tomorrow evening. Be there before. I will see you soon."

"I will see you soon." She ended. The stones gave out, and Merlin placed it on his nightstand.

He laid back onto his bed, and he thought more. Thankfully his thoughts were positive. He felt that his mind just needed some time to cooperate, and he would be better soon. Merlin could feel it.

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