~With Aleki~
I was in Yamaguchi, in Japan for Stardom and I did promise Hana that I was gonna be at a Stardom event, and I was there, BUT, she gave me a VIP pass to go backstage, where the rest of the girls were, after the show of course.
To keep my tattoo hidden, I basically did the same outfit as last time, just a black long sleeve shirt, jeans, white Nikes, and a gold chain.
When I walked over, I looked to find Hana and get a bit of a surprise from her.
Then, I saw her over at a meet and greet table, chatting with the fans and signing autographs. So I walked over and let her know that I was here.
When Hana saw me, her eyes lit up and was happy to see me as I smiled at her.
Hana: アレキ!こんにちは! (Aleki! Hi!)
Me: 調子はどう?美しい君? (How you doin', gorgeous?)
She came around her table and hugged me as that was unexpected.
I mean, I didn't think she would do that, because it's frowned upon in Japanese society, but I guess Hana didn't care and did it anyway.
She released with a blush on her face as she kinda already knew that she embarrassed herself a bit.
Hana: すみません。ただ会えて興奮してるだけです。 (Sorry. Just excited to see you.)
Me: 分かりました。それで、誰と戦うんですか? (I understand. So, who are you going up against?)
Hana: 白帯をかけて宝城カイリと対戦。 (Against Kairi Hojo for the White Belt.)
Me: わかりました。幸運を祈ります。幸運が必要なのですから。 (Alright. I wish you luck. I mean, you're gonna need it.)
Hana: 絶対そうします。ありがとう。 (I definitely will. Thanks.)
Me: ではまた。 (See you out there.)
She rubbed my arm in almost a loving way, giving me chills, smiled, and went back to her table to catch up on the fans.
I kinda felt my arm a little bit and it was cold, after she touched me. It was surreal almost, but I brushed it off and went to my seat.
Still, that was unexpected from her as I'm now questioning whether she likes me or not.
You know what? I might as well ask her out. We there's a McDonald's nearby, maybe treat her to a burger or something after the show.
I saw that Kagetsu, another woman, and Kris Wolf were standing in Hana's corner as the match was about to begin and start looking to make excuses as to why they shouldn't be ejected from ringside. That's how heels are supposed to work anyway, but comparing this to western style wrestling, it's quite similar in a way.
When the bell rang everyone started clapping and chanting Kairi's name while looking to see which one will lock up first, but Hana, being a bit of a bitch, inside the ring not out, decided to offer her opponent a handshake.
And Kairi decided to fall for that because when she got close, Hana just turned away and flicked her hair while smiling.
As she did, she looked at me in the stands, way in the back, and playfully waved at me, almost flirty in hindsight. I didn't want to wave back, knowing that the attention would now be on me and not the match, so I smirked and kept my hands in my pockets.
Not only that, Hana kept working the crowd with flirty poses and expressions. This kind of thing can be annoying and very much a pain for some wrestlers, but it's working for her! She's really agitating the fans and I'm all for that. I might take something from her and put my spin on it whenever I'm gonna wrestle because this is ring psychology at its finest.
And just like that, Kairi had enough and the two started going at it until Hana started working on one of her arms, just causing pain into it, but Kairi countered it and locked in an arm lock of her own.
After a bit, a headlock was put on Hana and the two struggled for dominance until Kairi reached the bottom rope, causing the both of them to back away.
Hana kicked Kairi in the gut and Irish Whipped her and they were doing a dropkick routine until Hana rolled out of the ring, Kairi went to the top rope, and performed a crossbody onto her and Oedo Tai.
Then, a brawl started going out towards the fans on the outside, almost coming towards me, but I moved away, just so the camera doesn't capture me because I really want my own privacy and I don't be seen like Taylor Swift at Travis Kelce's games or some shit.
Hana was just womanhandling Kairi and just not caring about her own feelings as it went up the stairs.
On the stairs, Hana took off her sash from her waist and started choking Kairi with it, really concerning me, but then again, this is how a heel is supposed to work and it is working for Hana in this case, since she's a bitch-ass heel in the ring.
They went to the top of the entrance and Hana was just kick pushing Kairi down the stairs as they were going back down towards the ring.
When they were down near the ring, Hana was just dragging Kairi by her hair and just being absolutely merciless to her.
When they finally got back into the ring, Hana put Kairi on the ropes and they put their feet around her neck area and posed, causing the fans to boo at them, but personally, I loved it, as I took the chance to sneak a picture without anyone noticing.
The quality may not be that good, but it's still a great moment nonetheless, and I also got away with it, because no one was allowed to take pictures or record without anyone's permission in Japan, and hopefully I wasn't caught since I kept my phone on silent and there's usually a sound when recording or a pic is taken.
After that, the crowd really got behind Kairi and started rooting for her, but Hana put Kairi on the bottom rope and started choking her out with her foot before releasing at the four count.
She beat her down a bit and looked for a Muta-Lock, Great Muta's finishing submission, who I had the pleasure of meeting him when he visited the dojo in Pro Wrestling NOAH, but before she locked it in, Hana just danced a bit before locking it in on Kairi.
At this point, I'm wondering if Hana Kimura is even a character because sometimes I wonder myself on how wrestlers can turn it up once they're wrestling. I mean, here's this beautiful girl who is so sweet and so kind towards everyone and yet when she enters the ring, she's an asshole.
Kairi was about to tap, but Hana let go and the two started exchanging blows until Kairi was blown back into a corner, where Hana choked Hojo out again with her foot.
She let go, but before she could perform a Big Boot, Hana ran towards her, Kairi ran to the ropes and speared Hana before picking her up and then chopping her twice.
But when she was at the ropes, Kairi gave Hana, like, I don't know, 2 dozen chops before turning her over, running to the ropes, and then a front dropkick and then a spinning neckbreaker.
Kairi covered Hana but Hana kicked out at two.
After that, Kairi slammed the mat in a rhythm as the fans went along with it and I did too.
Kairi just went to the top rope and gave Hana a flying forearm and covered her, but Hana kicked out again at 2.
After that, Kairi locked in an Octopus submission hold, made famous by Antonio Inoki.
(A/N: Rest In Peace, Antonio!)
She locked it in and looked to make Hana tap out as the fans looked to give her their homecoming flowers, but Hana put the flowers she had ready for Kairi right into the garbage because after a little bit, she made it to the ropes, making Kairi break the hold.
After that, Kairi looked for an Alabama Slam, but Hana countered that and they started trading blows until Kairi just clocked Hana right in the ear!
That's how wrestlers get cauliflower ear and I have a feeling that Hana's gonna get that soon.
Then, they both slapped each other at the same time and went down.
After a minute, Kairi picked Hana up and body slammed her before looking to end it with her InSane Elbow, but Hana got up and forearmed Kairi before climbing to the top rope and then they were both brawling until Kairi looked for a double stomp, and then Oedo Tai got involved by distracting the referee while Kagetsu performed a Superplex on Kairi and then Hana performed a basic suplex on her, covered Kairi and then a kickout at two.
This is probably one of her best matches because Hana slapped the mat and went to the top rope for a front dropkick.
She covered Kairi but Hojo grabbed the bottom rope since she was that close to it.
Kairi, staggering, looked to perform a clothesline, Hana ducked and ended up getting hit by Kagetsu, leading Hana to give Kairi a Big Boot.
Then, Hana was shoving Kairi around with her for before Kairi just gave Hana a back fist and then a Sliding D, a running forearm when an opponent was sitting down on the mat, went for a cover, and just as the ref was about to count three, he gets pulled out of the ring.
After that, Oedo Tai just swarmed the ring and started giving Kairi the beats, giving her corner splashes before Hana came in with a boot.
Then, Kairi was in the middle of the ring, staggered until all four members looked to give her a combined Big Boot, but Kairi moved out of the way, making everyone hurt themselves until members of Queen's Quest or whatever took them out.
Soon enough, Kairi gave a couple kicks to Hana, put her on her shoulders, and put Hana in the Tree of Woe, where the opponent is hanging upside down in the corner.
Once she positioned her, Kairi went to the top rope and looked to end it, but Hana tried to interfere, but Kairi fought her off and double stomped her.
After that, Kairi pulled Hana away from the corner, went for the cover and got another two count, but just barely.
And just like that, Kairi performed an Alabama Slam on Hana, went to the top rope again, saluted, and performed an InSane Elbow for the three count.
The bell rang as I just applauded and cheered, out of respect for both Kairi and Hana as this match was just awesome.
Hey, Hana may have lost the match, but she won the night in my eyes.
Everyone was cheering for their hometown hero as I went to the back to see Hana and see how she was doing after such a great match, even if it was in Kairi's hometown of Yamaguchi.
In the back, I waited for her as Hana showered. I didn't mind that because I managed to talk to Kagetsu, Kris, and the others, and I gotta say, they're actually really nice people.
I don't mind talking with them, I'd hang with them any day.
Yukari: 今、バレットクラブにいますよね? (You're in Bullet Club now, right?)
Me: うん、でも主にタマトンガとタンガロアのせいだ。 彼らは私のいとこです。 (Yeah, but mostly because of Tama Tonga and Tanga Loa. They're my cousins.)
Kaori: うわー。 (Oh wow.)
Me: ですから、家族の周りにいることは本当に祝福です。特に、彼らが私よりもビジネスをよく知っている場合はなおさらです。 (So, it's really a blessing to be around family, especially when they know the business more than I do.)
Yukari: 同意します。 これは、レスリングについて学ぶ素晴らしい方法です。 (I agree. That's a great way to learn about wrestling.)
Then, Hana came out after the shower, and I thought she looked STUNNING.
Me: Wow.
Hana: それで、皆さんは何を話していたのですか? (So, what were you all talking about?)
Yukari: アレキと彼がレスリングを学んでいる様子についてです。 (Just about Aleki and how he's learning wrestling.)
Kaori: 彼はスポーツについても多少の知識を持っています。 (He knows some things about the sport too.)
Me: ええ、でも、物知りになるよりは、もっと学びたいですよね? (Yeah, but I'd rather learn more than be a know-it-all, right?)
Hana: それは良い。 (That's good.)
Me: また、私の家族は生涯レスリングに携わってきたので、私も多少は知っています。 (Also, my family's been involved in wrestling their entire lives, so I know a thing or two.)
Yukari: あなたはどこの家庭の出身ですか? (What family are you from?)
Me: アノアイ一家。 (The Anoa'i family.)
When I said my last name, their mood change from curious to excitement, only because they didn't know my last name yet.
Kaori: 何?! (What?!)
Kris: Oh my God.
Hana: 光栄です! (It's an honor!)
Yukari: 知りませんでした。ごめんなさい。 (I didn't know. I'm so sorry.)
Me: なあ、大丈夫だよ。あんたたちは知らなかったんだ。それに、兄貴の方が俺より寵愛されてるってわかってるから、そのままにしておいた方がマシだ。 (Hey, it's alright. You guys didn't know. Besides, it's better if I kept it that way, knowing that my older brother's more favored than me.)
Kris: And who is that?
Me: レアティ・アノアイ、あるいはローマン・レインズもお好みでどうぞ。 (Leati Anoa'i, or Roman Reigns if you prefer.)
Yukari: 何?なぜ彼が人気者なの? (What? Why's he the favorite?)
Me: 彼はスポーツでも人生でも私より多くのチャンスを与えられたとだけ言っておきましょう。私はそれを非難し、私の家族は私に背を向け、それが私が数年前に日本に来ることになった経緯です。 (Let's just say he's been given more opportunities in sports and life than me, I called it out, my own family turned their back on me, and that's how I ended up in Japan a few years back.)
Hana: なんてこった。 (Oh no.)
Me: 心配しないでください。私はアメリカにいるよりもここにいるほうが幸せです。 (Don't worry. I'm more happy here than being in America.)
Yukari: まあ、本当に? (Oh really?)
Me: ええ。ここの文化が大好きだし、タトゥーが入っているにもかかわらず、まるで故郷にいるような気分です。もちろん、ここでタトゥーを見せることはしません。ショーに再び来ることを禁じられると分かっているからです。 (Yeah. I love the culture here and I feel right at home, even though I got a tattoo on me. Obviously I won't show it here, knowing that I'll be barred from coming back to a show.)
Kris: No no. I'll talk to Rossy and see about you coming to more shows.
Me: それはありがたい。さて、もっと暗くなる前にホテルの部屋に戻らなくちゃ。 (I appreciate that. Well, I gotta get back to my hotel room before it gets even more dark.)
Yukari: お会いできて光栄でした。 (It was an honor to meet you.)
Me: もちろん、皆さんも同じです。 (Of course, same to all of you.)
I shook their hands, but when I got to Hana, we stared at each other for what felt like an eternity, but we soon let go and I walked away back to my car.
However, I saw Hana going with her friends to a car. I then remembered what I wanted to do, which was ask her if she wanted to get something to eat.
So, I walked over and just before she got in their car, I called her out.
Me: 木村さん。 (Kimura-san.)
She saw me, smiled and stopped what she was doing to talk to me.
Hana: どうしたの、アノアイちゃん? (What is it, Anoa'i-chan?)
Me: 食べ物を買いに行きます。一緒に行きませんか? (I'm gonna go get some food. Wanna come with me?)
Then, Hana was delighted and was about to say something, but she frowned and said...
Hana: お申し出はありがたいのですが、 (I appreciate the offer, but—)
Yukari: 花ちゃん。彼と一緒に行けば大丈夫。 (Hana-chan. Just go with him. We'll be fine.)
Hana: 本気ですか? (Are you sure?)
Yukari: きっとそうよ。彼と一緒に時間を過ごして。もしかしたら彼はあなたの彼氏になるかもよ。 (We're sure. Spend some time with him. Maybe he'll become your boyfriend.)
Hana: 石野さん!!! (ISHINO-SAN!!!)
They all laughed as I chuckled a bit, but seeing her outraged was kinda cute, seriously.
Hana: わかりました。行きます。 (Okay, I'll go.)
They smiled, waved, and drove away as it was now Hana and I.
Hana: それで、どこに行きましょうか? (So, where do we go?)
Me: マクドナルドはどうですか?近くに一軒ありますよ。 (How about McDonald's? There's one nearby.)
Hana: いいですね。行きましょう。 (I'd like that. Let's go.)
We went back to my car, but before she could open the door, I stopped her.
Me: 持続する。 (Hold on.)
I opened the door for as she seemed really appreciative.
Hana: 紳士です。ありがとうございます。 (A gentleman. Thank you.)
Me: いいえ、どいたしまして。 (You're very welcome.)
She got in the passenger seat, I went into the driver's, and I drove us to the McDonald's nearby.
The question is, how is she gonna perceive me as we eat some food?
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