Firing Squad
~With Aleki; July 6th, 2018~
Ever since my shoot promo, it's been hectic for weeks.
Many of the people who watched my promo thought that what my comparison to Pensacola to Tokyo was too far and it sounded racist, but I really don't think it is because that's the heel me talking through rather than my actual self.
I love Japan and it's my home, I'd live here for the rest of my life if I want to, so solve that problem with the controversy, I personally asked the editing team of New Japan's YouTube channel to put up a disclaimer at the bottom of the video, in both English and Japanese, saying, "The views and opinions of Alek Hunt are not of New Japan Pro Wrestling nor this platform", just so everyone can calm the fuck down about it all.
And sure enough, the hate slowed down and they understood that it was for a show than to express actual animosity, but for that point on, at least from my knowledge, whenever I was gonna cut a promo, that disclaimer was on the bottom of a video, no matter what I say into the mic or wherever I am.
Anyway, Hana thought the comparison I made was genius, and it actually got a lot of hate from the fans who saw us the bad guys, even though we really are.
We also have the G1 Special in Sacramento, in California, where I learned that we're gonna finally attack The Elite from behind and prove our dominance.
So, Hana and I went ahead to Sacramento, where we would be waiting for the BC OGs and The Elite to arrive. Whereas the two of us, we were gonna be going on a date, just to have some fun.
~11 Hours Later~
When we finally landed, we managed to grab our stuff and head to the hotel, where we were gonna rest our heads and have some fun the next day before we have to get ready for the G1 Special.
As we finally got to our hotel, we managed to check in to our room, and while the room costed a few hundred bucks a night, it more than made up for it with privacy.
I mean, I made sure to see that everything was up to our standards, and if not, we were gonna have a problem.
Anyway, after we made our way up to our room, we just put our stuff down, and Hana, being that much of a cutie, laid down back first onto the bed with a loud "ah" while smiling.
Whenever she does this, I just laugh because of how adorable she is.
Hana: とても柔らかい。 (So soft.)
I decided to mess around with her a bit, just to show how much I love her, even if she already knows.
Me: おい、花ちゃん。そんなに可愛くしないで。 (Come on, Hana-chan. Stop being that cute.)
Hana: 何?! (What?!)
Me: 冗談だよ!とにかく、君は僕にとってそれほど大切な存在なんだ。 (I'm just kidding! You mean that much to me, anyway.)
She giggled as I went up to her, wrapped my arms around her, hers around my neck as we just stared into each other's eyes with a smile.
Me: ほら、たとえ私が多少の論争を引き起こしたとしても、あなたが私と一緒にいてくれてどれほど感謝しているか、あなたに一度も伝えたことがないと思うわ。 (You know, I don't think I ever told you how grateful I am to you for being with me, even if I caused some controversy.)
Hana: 何があろうともあなたのそばにいるって言ったでしょ。好きなだけ押し進めてください。あなたが言うことやすることすべてにファンを引き込む必要があるので、必要なことをしてください。 (I did say I was going to stay by you no matter what. Push it as far as you want. Do what you need to do because you need to pull the fans into whatever you're saying and doing.)
Me: あなたに出会えて本当に幸運です。 (I feel so lucky to have you.)
I had to hug her as she did the same to me.
It was only after that to where we decided to lay down and nap, just because of the jet lag, but tomorrow, we were going to wreck havoc on The Elite, and I had to make a decision, whether to join the OGs or not.
And I know my answer already.
~July 7th, 2018; The G1 Special~
When we woke up, we had to get to the arena.
It was only a matter of time before Hana got in the shower and dressed in there as I brought in my change of clothes and did the same.
After that, we had some breakfast, and it wasn't that much, just a few pieces of fruit and some pork sausages and eggs.
I mean, it's not much, but it's definitely better than nothing.
Anyway, when it was time for us to go to the arena, we packed our stuff and drove over.
On the drive over, I called Ali to let him know that we're gonna be there in a minute or two.
Ali: Aleki?
Me: Yeah, we're coming over. We'll be there in a few minutes.
Ali: Take your time, cuz. We got all the time we need.
Me: Alright. See you then.
I hung up and as we just said, after a few minutes, we made it over, and I learned that The Elite was here, including Cody, as I learned that he and Kenny have a No DQ match going on tonight, as the main event.
So, I'm not against it, at least it'll give us some time to plan out the attack.
As we arrived, Ali, Tev, and Tonga came out to greet us, as this was gonna be a good night.
Hana was smiling like always and was going to be in the crowd, at ringside, when we finally carry out the attack.
So, I had to talk to her in advance about some things before we even get started.
Me: 花ちゃん、君のお母さんがデスマッチに参加していた頃の、君の子供時代のトラウマを思い出させることになるから、事前に警告しておきたいんだ。 (Hana-chan, I want to forewarn you that I'm gonna be bringing back some trauma from your childhood, when your mom was in those deathmatches.)
Her smile faded almost instantly and was confused by what I meant.
Hana: どういう意味ですか? (What do you mean?)
Me: 光線銃などは使用しませんが、彼女が現役時代に使用していた武器をいくつか使用します。あらかじめお知らせしておきます。 (I won't be using light tubes or anything like that, but I will be using some weapons that she used during her career. I just want to let you know in advance.)
Hana: アレキちゃん、あなたが何を思っていようと、私はあなたから目を背けたりはしません。あなたが私のことを気遣ってくれて、母が傷ついた時のことをわかってくれてありがとう。でも、私のことは心配しないで。大丈夫。 (Aleki-chan, whatever you have in mind, it won't make me turn away from you. I appreciate you looking out for me and being aware about how that time was with my mom being hurt, but don't worry about me. I'll be fine.)
Me: 本当にそうでしょうか?つまり、PTSDが再発してほしくないんです。 (Are you sure? I mean, I don't want any PTSD coming back to you.)
Hana: 信じてください、大丈夫ですよ。 (Trust me, I'll be fine.)
She kissed my cheek and smiled, just being an all around the sweetest girl I've ever met in my life.
Hana: 君のために我慢するよ、いいかい?心配しないで。何もかも事前に知らせなくてもいい。言いたいことは言って、やることはやればいいんだよ、アレキちゃん。 (I'm willing to put up with it for you, okay? Don't worry about me. You don't have to forewarn me about everything. Just say what you're gonna say and do what you're gonna do, Aleki-chan.)
Me: わかりました。後ろから見てるんですよね? (Okay. You'll be watching from back here, right?)
Hana: もちろんです。私はあなたと一緒にゴリラのポジションに立つつもりです。 (Of course I am. I'm gonna be at gorilla position with you.)
Me: さて、装備を整えて準備を整えましょう。 (Well, let me get dressed in my gear, and we'll be ready.)
Hana: わかった。 (Okay.)
She smiled and we kissed as I had to get into my segment gear in the dressing room.
~Hours Later~
Kenny and Cody finally made up after a 34 minute match, basically saying that they're friends now, but I'm the one to make the decision, whether to join the Elite or the Bullet Club itself.
I know my answer, and that's to be revealed later on.
Anyway, Ali, Tev, and Tonga came out into the ring and celebrated with them, walking them up the ramp and onto the stage, where they were going to do their pose, the Elite Pose.
And as far as I know, Cody ain't out there no more since he was helped to the back, so we'll have to see what happens.
Anyway, when I saw that The Elite were doing their pose, I quickly kissed Hana on the cheek, put my hood up and my face mask, ran through the curtain, and speared him from behind, onto his lower back, before flipping over to look at Matt and Nick, as they were shocked and confused from who I was, even though I just took shots at them the week before.
However, when I pulled down my hoodie and face mask to reveal my face, the fans booed me out of the building like there was no tomorrow.
Commentator 1: ああ、神様! アレック・ハント! (Oh my Gods! Alek Hunt!)
Commentator 2: アレック・ハントがケニー・オメガを破った! (Alek Hunt just destroyed Kenny Omega!)
Commentator 1: 彼が究極の暗殺者と呼ばれるのには理由があります。彼はあなたが最も予想しないときにあなたを殺します! (He's the Ultimate Assassin for a reason! He'll take you out when you least expect it!)
To show just how crazy I can be, I then smiled with my tongue sticking out, as an insult in Samoan culture, gave the Buckaroos playful "bye-bye" gesture as Ali and Tev ambushed them from behind!
They were just beating them down as Matt was thrown off the ramp and I threw Kenny into the ring before pulling out a chair and then beating down his back with it as Kenny flipped over and screamed in pain!
Then, I flipped him over, put the chair down on his back, went to the top rope, did a firing gun gesture, and gave him a Splash!
I managed to get back up and let Ali and Tev perform a Powerbomb/Neckbreaker combo onto Kenny and I saw the Young Bucks stumbling to the ring to stop us, but when they got to ringside, I gave them a suicide dive before throwing them both into the ring.
And just before I got back into the ring...
Kid: I hate you, Alek!
Me: Shut up, kid!
I flipped the apron up, and I managed to grab this...
...before I threw it in, went inside the ring, wrapped it around Kenny's neck and I started choking him with it before I took out something that will get everyone talking.
I'm paying tribute to Kyoko, Hana's mother since she used this at one point in one of the deathmatches she took part in, so why not use it, to show how much of a bastard I can be?
And once I took this out of my pocket, the fans started to scream in horror as I'm about to cause some more pain onto Kenny.
And just like that, Ali and Tev took either side of the chain, while still wrapped around the neck of Kenny Omega, and started stabbing his forehead so many times that many women in the audience started to scream out in horror!
I was moving the prongs around and just laughing with joy, and after some time keeping the fork in his head, I took it out and kissed it before letting go.
I then taunted the crowd...
I then taunted the fans again by saying,
I pointed at my ear with a mocking smile...
I looked back at Kenny, and much to my delight and the people's dismay...
Ali: Alek! Look! He's bleeding! He's fucking bleeding!
...he's been split open.
I saw Hangnail come out and looked to stop us, but I quickly put an end to it by spearing him, making sure that whatever he was gonna do to us backfire.
Then, Marty came out and I gave him a suicide dive and then thrown him inside the ring as Ali, Tev, and Tonga pretty much decimated him with all there moves.
Then, two more nobodies came out to stop us as the bell ringer kept ringing that bell, basically annoying the shit out of me.
So, I went out, grabbed the hammer he was using, and basically set him straight!
Me: If you keep ringing that fucking bell, I'll shove this hammer right up your ass! You understand me!
I threw the hammer right back at him, but forcefully onto his chest as I went back in and just like that, those nobodies were destroyed.
I then realized I was getting hot in the hoodie, so I took it off and showed the shirt that we were wearing...
I even smiled at Kenny, who was looking at me while wincing in pain, and I know I did a number on him with that spear to his back.
I went back inside the ring and just as I did that, Marty got back up into his feet, so I took the chair and whacked him on the head with it!
And just like that, Kenny was about to get himself killed, so I moved him over to the middle of the ring while I had a handful of his hair, making him watch his friends get destroyed.
I then screamed into his ear...
Me: You see this, Kenny? You see this? This is all your fault! You caused all this! You never had the balls to be a leader for the Bullet Club! This is what happens when you put your group first before the Bullet Club! This is what happens when you steal the spotlight away from us! And you're about to get what you deserve, you son of a bitch!
I handed the chair to Ali as he was gonna beat Kenny down with it, but I saw Cody stumbling out here after his match with Kenny and stopped Ali from attacking him.
I know that backstage, I told him that whatever group he decides to join and whatever I do to him inside the ring tonight, he doesn't take it personally because I still respect him after all the shit VKM has put him through, as well as his family's legacy in professional wrestling.
He got into the ring and he was given the chair.
He looked at it for a while and it looked like he was gonna hit Kenny with it, but then he turned to me and said...
Cody: Aleki, I'm sorry.
He hit Ali with it and when he looked to hit Tev with the chair, I had no choice in this, but I hit him with a PYT, much to the pain in my heart.
I hated doing that to him, but I had no choice, I had to show my loyalty to the Bullet Club.
Even after I gave Cody the PYT, I was frozen, but Ali noticed that and pulled me into a one armed hug, in front of all the fans in the arena, and talked to me in my ear...
Ali: I don't blame you for feeling bad, man, but just know that you did the right thing at the end of the day, alright?
Me: Alright.
Tonga hit his Piledriver on Kenny as it was all over after we did an underhanded Too Sweet gesture, showing that the BC OG Firing Squad was born!
I smiled to stay in character while sticking my tongue out at Kenny, insulting him and when we got out of the ring, the fans were booing us out of the building.
There was even a sign that a kid had made for the show at ringside to show his support for The Elite, so I went up to the kid, swiped it out of his hands and tore it into pieces while throwing those pieces of the sign in his face.
The kid cried and I knew I struck the fear of God into him, much to my personal satisfaction as I got a lot of heat from the crowd.
And when I was brought to the back after posing for the cameras one more time, I knew I was doing my job, but when I walked through gorilla, I just broke down crying.
I hated putting Cody down after he expressed his allegiance to The Elite, especially when his entire family was involved with wrestling: Dusty, Dustin, now him.
I wanted to be alone, but Hana noticed me crying, ran up, and hugged me while helping me back to the locker room.
Hana sat down with me and helped me let it all out, just because of what I did out there.
I love Cody's family and I have a deep respect for their legacy in the sport and that's something I can't say if I burned that bridge.
Hana: アレキちゃん、あなたは何の橋も燃やしませんでした。あなたはローズ家の伝統をとても尊敬しているのがわかります。 (Aleki-chan, you didn't burn any bridge whatsoever. I can tell that you have so much respect for their legacy the Rhodes family has.)
Then, I heard someone walk in and it was Cody, but he didn't seem too serious about what happened out there.
Instead, he smiled and sat down next to me before saying...
Cody: Hey, man. I know what you did wasn't intended and I don't blame you for doing that.
Me: Cody, did I burn any bridge between us?
Cody: I don't see any bridges being burned at all. I can appreciate the love and respect you have for my family, and that's enough for me to have you as a friend. Keep your head high, and don't let this get to you, okay?
Me: I will. Thanks, Cody.
Cody: See you later, right?
Me: Yeah.
We bro hugged and he went on as Ali and Tev was looking on and held back so Cody and I could have this moment.
When we released he went on his way while Ali and Tev checked on me.
Ali: You did the right thing. It was hard, but you made your decision. It's all that matters at the end of the day. For now, you go on back to the hotel with your girlfriend. We'll handle it here.
Me: You sure?
Ali: Yeah. You look like you need some time, anyway.
Me: I appreciate it. Thank you.
I bro hugged them as I was gonna go, but I wasn't expecting this: Hana hugged Ali, Tev, and Tonga as Ali said to her, in Japanese...
Ali: どうか彼と一緒にいてください。彼はこれからの数回のショーであなたを必要とするでしょう。どれほど大変かは分かっていますから。 (Please stay with him. He's gonna need you the next few shows, knowing how hard it's gonna be.)
Hana: それはできます。約束します。 (I can do that. You have my word.)
She smiled and hugged them again as we now left the building and arrived back at the hotel, where I basically showered and went to sleep as Hana did the same when I finished in there.
She basically wore gym short shorts and a t-shirt, like every other time we spend time together in a hotel room after a show.
Her being by me is the best feeling in the world, and I don't think anything can ever tear us apart.
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