Chapter 33: Reunion


Chapter 33: Reunion

            "You always have a faraway expression nowadays." Dawn commented, brushing some hair off my forehead.

            I closed my eyes, scooting a bit closer. We were on the couch in the Pokemon Center, fortunately left alone for once, "There's so much to think about since we've been reading the past few days."

            There truly was. So many ideas. So many stories I was relearning in such a different way. So many things in my life I wanted to change. It would take time, and I couldn't change all at once, but I was content with trying my best.

            "You seem happier." She murmured.

            "I am." I paused, "But..."

            "But what?"

            "I'm concerned about Electivire. My Electivire."

            "He'll show up."

            "I'm starting to doubt that." It had been twenty-three days since we'd first arrived in this town. Electivire had been gone for about three-quarters of the time we'd been here. Did it really take two weeks to decide if he wanted to travel with me?

            "Well, that's why we're spending time at the church. He knows you're always there. I bet he watches sometimes." She curled closer against me, "Just ask Luxray about him when we go later."

            I wrapped my arm around her, still thinking about my scarred partner.

            I found Luxray in the garden, watching Peachy scurry around as Demi tried to tag him. He seemed a bit bored, though his eyes were curious as they landed on me.

            "I need to know if you've seen Electivire."

            After he gave a low growl, which I'm sure was aimed at Demi, I heard his thoughts, The hatchling is far more stubborn than I gave him credit for.

            "So you speak with him?"

            I understand that he is your partner, but you are not privy to that subject unless he gives his consent.

            "That's answer enough."

            It must be answer enough. That is the only answer you will obtain.

            "Well, if you speak so often then why hasn't he shown himself?" I asked, a bit stung that Electivire would open up to Luxray and not even come to see me once. Yes, I was horrible to him, but how could it take him such a long time to make up his mind?

            Human, you do not understand your partner if you are this impatient.

            "I am impatient, but I didn't say I wouldn't wait for him. He can take all the time he needs." I said gruffly.

            Love is patient.

            "Yes, Corinthians. I know." I startled myself into indicating which book it was from.

            I see you have been paying attention.

            "Photographic memory." I said offhandedly.

            Demi read that aloud if I recall correctly.

            "Tell Electivire I'll be waiting for him." I said, irritated. I turned to walk out of the garden.

            I got to the entrance, turning immediately towards the church to head closer to part of the forest I thought Electivire may be, but instead ran into something. A bit annoyed, I pulled away from the mass to come face to face with Robert.

            At a loss of words, I just stood there. It was stupid to walk away without saying something and avoid him after this, though my goal had been avoiding him. I still wasn't sure what to say.

            "Hello, Paul." He said kindly. His eyes softened.

            "Hello." I said stiffly.

            "What brings you here today?" Robert asked.

            "I was asking Luxray about my Electivire."

            "I see. I've seen him hanging around the trees all around the church, though I pretended not to notice. It's pointless for some conversations to happen unless both parties are ready, don't you agree?"

            The statement was painfully accurate and applicable. I wished he hadn't said it, "I agree."

            "What needs to happen for you to be ready?"

            "Why is it that talking to you feels like a counseling session?" I asked bluntly.

            "Truthfully I don't know how to speak with you. You remind me so much of Ben and how much wrong I've done, including not caring for you when he passed."

            "I don't see what you could have done." I stuffed my hands into my pockets and started walking out into the field surrounding the church.

            He followed at the same pace, "I could have been there for you."

            "I would have pushed you away." I sighed and stopped, hesitating, "If you want the cookie cutter Christian answer, I would say that God knew not to work in my life until this point because I wasn't ready for it."

            "And what do you actually have to say?"

            "That I loathed you and nothing anyone did would have mattered, no matter how long they stuck around. It's better this way."

            "At least you're honest." He smiled, "You share that in common with Ben."

            "He was a lot nicer about it." I stated roughly.

            "Yes he was. But not as a child."

            "Really?" I asked, my frustration dissipating, "What was he like?"

            "Strong headed. He wanted to be the best at everything and was a sore loser when he didn't get his way. He was also very determined and encouraging when someone did do what he liked. You already know about his child-like enthusiasm. He always had that. It was just different back then. He dreamed big, even if it meant falling hard."

            "I never would have guessed that."

            "People change a lot over the years." Robert said. He stopped walking, "I know this must sound weird, and I know I don't know you well, but I think Ben would be proud of you."

            "I really doubt that." I said, feeling a lump form in my throat without my permission.

            "I didn't say he'd be as proud as possible." His eyes glimmered, "Just that he would be proud. He'd say you could do better."

            Robert turned towards the church doors. I hesitated as he began walking up the steps before following, ready to make him prouder.

            Robert and I ended up spending the afternoon talking about ourselves and our faith. Or at least his faith and what little faith I was slow to admit I possessed. I was growing used to having long conversations and appreciated the time that Roric and now Robert gave to discuss what I considered to be difficult questions about Christianity. They in turn challenged me about my own beliefs and actions. Robert seemed very interested in Dawn to the point where I was surprised he didn't give me a speech about abstinence. I'm sure he was saving it for our next conversation. Because which guy enjoys that speech during their first conversation with a pastor?

            Right. None of them.

            "Well, Paul, that was really nice." Robert leaned back in the pew, smiling. He looked a lot younger when he smiled. I was glad to see him more at ease around me at least. He really wasn't a bad guy and broke the stereotype about Christian leaders that I had. He did not smash the Bible into my face as I had predicted and didn't ask me to repent and believe. We'd just simply had conversations and he asked me to make my own choices.

            "I enjoyed myself." I said truthfully, standing up.

            "You don't look as afraid as you did when I first saw you." Robert commented.

            I looked down at him, "Well, Demi was keen on keeping me in the dark about your identity."

            "That was the strangest meeting." He confirmed, "Though she told me she didn't know we knew each other until then."

            "I know." I looked out the stained glass, realizing the sun had begun setting, "I need to go. It was actually nice getting to know you, Robert."

            "Anytime you want to talk, I'll be here."

            For what felt like the millionth time, I hesitated, "I'm sorry for pushing you away."

            "There's nothing to forgive. I'm sorry for not trying to care for you all those years."

            "Yet again, it would have been impossible." I stated.

            "I guess we're even then." Robert stretched before standing up, extending his hand.

            I shook it, giving him a slight nod before heading out the doors, for once realizing I wasn't afraid to step inside the building that had harbored so much ill will.

            My eyes scanned the forest as I walked towards the hill leading to town, landing on bright yellow fur and a pair of red, serious eyes staring right at me.

            I felt his own pain swirl inside me momentarily, as if we were mentally connected. It broke as he turned away and faded into the foliage.

            Instantly, I sprinted towards the place he had disappeared, smacking into the thin branches in my way as I entered the trees, not bothering to slow down. My anxiety peaked as I ran another fifty steps without spotting him. I came to a halt, breathing fast as I listened.

            "Electivire." I said quietly, "Please come out."

            No answer. I felt his presence nearby, though I couldn't be sure exactly where. I had apologized to him multiple times, but that didn't seem to matter as I launched into another, "There's nothing I can do now to change my past behavior. I can't go back and change how I treated you, as much as I want to. Out of everything I've done in my lifetime, that was the worst thing. And I'm so sorry."

            A breeze stirred the leaves, but I heard nothing from my partner.

            "I don't blame you if you never forgive me, or you never want to see me again, but... I feel like we were meant to be partners for life." I grimaced at the cheesiness, "I know that's ridiculous childishness, or what I used to call ridiculous childishness, but I do believe it to be true. That there are humans and Pokemon that could reach their full potential by only training together. I believe that's what we are.

            "But I don't want to train like we used to. I want to be kind and gentle. To push you to do your best, and for you to push me, but never over the edge. To never be cruel. I want to get to know you and have a friendship with you. I do care about you, Electivire... even if my past actions don't show that. I want to change that. And if I ever don't live up to your expectations, then you can leave. You will never be forced to stay with me. You are free to make your own choices."

            I took a breath, wondering if he would show himself. Wondering what his answer was. Wondering if there was a point in trying to persuade him to stay or if he had never even considered wanting to stay with me, "I've said everything I've wanted to, Electivire. I am more than willing to hear anything you have to say."

            A soft landing behind me made me turn around. He was more intimidating than I remembered. He wouldn't look me straight in the eye, though I could see his disgust. His pain.

            He pointed to himself twice.

            "My uncle's Electivire?" I guessed.

            He nodded, then sat down, his back hunched over as he stared at the ground.

            "Are you asking if I'm upset that you sent me in the wrong direction?"

            Electivire's tails flicked uncomfortably.

            "I'm not. As if something so trivial should upset me when I've put you through so much." I sat down in front of him, wanting him to meet my eyes.

            Instead, he put his hands in the air and shrugged, which I took to mean, What now?

            "Well, that's your own decision."

            He shook his head and pointed to himself twice again.

            "Oh. My uncle's Electivire. Do you mean is he going to travel with me?"

            A nod.

            I sighed, "I haven't talked to him about it yet. I've missed so much time with him. I abandoned him too, you know. When my uncle died."

            Electivire flinched.

            "I don't want to abandon anyone again." I murmured, pulling my knees up and resting my head on my chin. It was a vulnerable position. One I never used.

            My partner slowly pointed to himself, the pain in his eyes infiltrating my emotions yet again.

            "Would I abandon you? Would I ever care more for my uncle's Electivire more than you? Do I have a preference?" I asked.

            He nodded fearfully.

            "Of course not." I took a deep breath, feeling like a weak Happiny with its low defense stat as I said, "I love you both."

            I felt him stiffen in shock and decided not to say anything, yet knowing I should be stating my love on a daily basis. That would change. Still, the silence passed by and became even more embarrassing. I put my forehead on my knees as if to hide, not caring about appearances. Everything was off the table now that I had stated my affection.

            A strong hand gently pressed into my back, causing me to look up. Electivire opened his mouth in what I guessed what embarrassment before removing his hand, shifting uncomfortably yet again.

            "I know I would say hugging was for wimps before, but I've changed my mind." I murmured, "It's a good thing to be affectionate."

            He slowly put his hand back. I smiled up at him.

            We sat there in companionable silence as the shift in our relationship began under the surface. If Electivire had any anger towards me, I no longer felt it. My own thoughts became focused on being patient and loving, letting him take the steps he wanted to when he was ready. Just because I was the Trainer didn't mean I was supposed to make decisions by myself, or that my decision weighed more. If we were truly partners, if we could reach our full potentials together, then Electivire would need to be free to be himself.

            He patted my back what seemed like half an hour later, standing up. I stood up as well, rolling my shoulders to loosen my muscles. He stood facing the church, yet again hesitant.

            "So this is your decision?" I asked. Despite not getting a confirmation as of yet, I felt peace. We seemed to be on good terms now, no matter what he chose.

            His eyes showed the calmness I felt as he nodded.

            I reached up to pat his arm gently, smoothing out his fur. He stood stiffly, not used to the affection, before I stopped, "We'll get better at this."

            He let out a determined growl, followed by a smile.

            "Shall we?" I asked, turning to face the church.

            He started forward. I matched his pace, our bond becoming firmer with every step.

            Walking down the hill with Electivire was like a dream. The sun had set and all that remained in the sky were hundreds of stars and a sliver of the moon. I heard Pokemon make an occasional noise in the distance, our feet and breathing, but otherwise it was silent.

            We were going at the same pace. His presence was so welcome and I wasn't sure yet how to change to best suit his needs. Would I have to become affectionate to the point where I was squeamish at myself? Would I have to declare my love every few minutes? Would hugs now be a daily routine at a scheduled time, right in between our cardio and evasive drills?

            My thoughts seemed to whirl out of control. Distracted, I didn't notice a giant rock in my path, my foot catching on it. Right as I was trying to figure out the best way to fall to avoid breaking my wrist, Electivire caught me in his sturdy grip. He released me gently once I was securely on my own two feet.

            "Thank you." I said simply.

            He gave a grunt, which then led to our silence feeling more awkward.

            "Electivire." I said, "I feel like I need to let you know that being nice and loving are new to me. I'm not really sure how to show affection or be the type of Trainer that would be best for you."

            Electivire snorted.

            My eyebrows raised, "What was that for?"

            It was really too dark to see him, but he used Brick Break so that his arm was glowing. His face was in shadow, but I saw him blink rapidly as if batting his eyes. And then he did a pretend hair flip. It was the most ludicrous thing I'd seen in a very long time.

            "Are you mimicking Dawn?" I asked.

            Duh. His face seemed to say.

            "Are you saying that if I can be affectionate to her, I can be affectionate to other people?"

            I got the "duh" vibe again.

            "I see." I mused, "So you would enjoy me kissing you and holding your hand?"

            He growled in disgust. I turned my head so he couldn't see my grin.

            "I didn't think you'd enjoy that either. Romance and friends are much different when it comes to affection." I paused, "If you haven't noticed, I'm not good at making friends."

            He motioned for me to look, his eyes now glittering as he placed his hands together as if praying before jumping up and down. Possibly more ludicrous than his first mimicry.


            Electivire nodded. Then crossed his arms and sulked.

            "Is that supposed to be Roric?" I tried not to snicker, then frowned, "Wait, how do you know Roric? Have you met him?"

            He paused mid step before shaking his head.

            "Were you spying on me?" I asked slyly.

            A bit of a hiss escaped him.

            I took a moment to take that in. He had been around the church probably more often than I imagined. Even though he was upset with me, he still stayed around, "That really means a lot, Electivire. That you wouldn't just leave. Thank you."

            He was silent.

            "I think you're a far better friend than I have ever been. Perhaps you can teach me."

            I felt him punch my shoulder gently, which I took as, We'll teach each other.

            "Fair enough." I smiled.

Yay, they're back together! Pokemon partners!

Pokemon Question of the Day: Who is that "destined" Pokemon that you have that feels meant to be yours? I'm reminded of Ash and Greninja. Because, really, I pretty much think if partners have that strong of a bond, they can somehow Mega evolve too. No idea how, but it's Pokemon.

Keep being awesome.


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