
Louis was currently running laps with the rest of his team, lifting his shirt up to wipe his sweat from his forehead as he ran. Though coach called them to stop after only one lap, which confused them until they saw him sprinting out to Louis.

"Your mother just called. Harry's in the hospital. Go get-"

"What?" Louis screeched, "my Harry?! W-What?! Why?!" he asked, worry fuming through his eyes. "What happened to him!" he yelled when the coach didn't answer.

"He got in a car accident! From what I know the car is totaled, f-flipped over or some shit I don't know. But he's in the hospital. Just go, Louis!" he exclaimed, rushing the boy. And that's when Louis' mind suddenly snapped, sending him shaking and running off.

Niall chased after him, knowing that he would be in too much of a worried and scared state to drive. And he was right, because when he made it to the older boys car only seconds later he found Louis fumbling miserably with his keys to unlock the car.

"Here," Niall took the keys, and pressed the unlock button before running to the other side and climbing into the drivers seat, almost instantly driving off.

Louis called Jay, who answered after not even one ring. "Is he okay?" he spat out.

"Louis, calm down. He's alive, he's not dead. Not paralyzed anywhere or anything. He hasn't waken up yet but he's okay. I-I can't see him. Anne and Gemma are on their way over too but I'm not family so I can't see him. Just calm down, okay, honey?" she spoke calmly, and Louis took a deep breath, sighing heavily as the slightly good news settled. He was okay.

"Okay," Louis nodded, "okay. I-I just, I got so caught up in the fact that he was in the hospital, I-I didn't know if he was okay," he breathed, "God, it scared me so much," he told her.

"I know, honey, I know. But he's okay, from what I know," she said a bit uncertainly, though Louis didn't notice. He just nodded slowly to himself, and said goodbye before hanging up.

❊ ❊ ❊ ❊

The two boys eventually got to the hospital, Louis mentally cursing it for being so far away. Though once he got inside all of his thoughts vanished as he ran up to the receptionist. "Uhm, Harry Styles? I-Is he here? Is he okay?" he instantly asked, his hands gripping the counter.

The woman smiled warmly at him, "Don't worry, he's alright. It's family only though. I'm sorry," she pursed her lips.

The words flew out of Louis' mouth before he could stop them, "I'm his husband," he told her.

Why the fuck did I just say that, Louis thought instantly, I just lied right to her face.

The woman looked back to her computer screen, an embarrassed look on her face, "I'm sorry, he's in room 210 second floor," she informed him, and before he could say thank you he darted to the elevator with Niall hot on his tail.

"You little shit you just lied to her," Niall chuckled.

"Shut the hell up Niall it was mandatory," he snapped, waiting for the doors to reopen already. When they did he gave a little tug on Niall's arm, "c'mon," he muttered before he went off again, running down the halls. He spotted his mum as well as Anne, Robin, and Gemma a little bit down, and scurried to them.

"He's right in here but he isn't awake. Just go in. No one'll know you're not related," Gemma told him, gesturing to the door. She had light tear stains on her cheeks, and he knew that that couldn't of been a good thing.

Louis took a deep breath before turning the handle, and opening the door. He gasped at the sight, his hand coming up to his mouth in shock. Because there laid Harry, unconscious on the bed. His skin was pale, making his lips look even darker than they were. It wasn't a pleasant sight. With the IV stuck in his arm and the dead look to his face, the cuts and bruises on his face and arms. There was a cast on his arm as well as a bandage wrapped around his head and chest, telling Louis that he had obviously broken a rib again. His eyes were unshowable and hidden underneath his eyelids. And Louis yearned to see the foresty green glow they held in them. Though his hair still laid bouncy and light, the dark chocolate curls framing his pale face in the way that Louis loved.

A tear fell down his cheek, and god knows where, as Louis stepped closer, coming to stand at the side of the bed. "Oh angel," he whispered, his voice cracking. He collapsed in the chair next to the boy, and took Harry's limp hand into his. His hands were still warm as ever though, making Louis chuckle, because even at a time like this where he looked so cold and dead he still worked like a space heater. "What even happened to you," his voice was still in whispers, "my beautiful Harry," he kissed the boy's hand, "I love you," he mumbled, then went to rest his head in his hand as more tears fled silently down his tan cheeks.

The door opened minute later, and in stepped a doctor, "are you alright, son?" the man asked, his slightly grey hair falling lazily on his forehead.

Louis looked up, and nodded weakly, "Yeah, I'm just," he paused, "he's alright, right?" he asked, the hope he held showing in his eyes.

The doctor nodded thoughtfully, "He's alright. Only broke two ribs and cracked his skull. Got various bruises on his chest due to the impact of the seat belt and the airbag against his chest. A couple cuts on the arms and face as well. He had some broken glass from the windshield stuck in his skull, so we got that out as well. One rib punctured his left lung, but he's okay. Just has to take it easy on the breathing when he eventually wakes up," he told the boy, who furrowed his eyebrows with worry, because suddenly every little thing became aware to him.

"What do you mean eventually. He will wake up, th-they said he was fine. W-What do you mean?" Louis voice raised a bit, as he had started to get worked up.

The doctor pursed his lips, "Well, Harry's entered a slight coma. Not a very strong one so it's assured that he will most likely wake up in two or maybe three weeks at the most," he said, causing Louis into a second of panic. Though the doctor calmed him down within seconds.

"You're not his husband, are you?" he smirked.

Louis' mouth gaped open, "w-well, I uh-"

"It's fine," the doctor chuckled, "I already knew from the start. It's on his file that he isn't legally married, but It's fine. I did the same thing when I was about your age. My girlfriend had gotten hurt in football and she ended up in the hospital. I was being paranoid and told them we were married. Turned out it was only a concussion, wasn't anything serious," he shook his head as if it was nothing, "I've got to go apply my time to other patients as well so I'm gonna leave you with him," the doctor smiled to Louis, giving him a nod before he stood and waltzed out of the room.

Louis ran his thumb over the knuckle of Harry's hand, and leaned forward to press a soft kiss to his forehead. "I love you."

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