
"I kissed him!"

"You kissed him?!"

"I kissed him!"

"Did he kiss you?!"

"Yes and no!"

"What the hell does that mean?!" Louis asked, confused.

Niall ran his hands over his face, taking a seat on the couch. "I-I don't know! I mean, I kissed him and he kissed me back but then eventually he pulled away and started freaking out because him and Sophia, and he kept saying like 'we can't do this' and I don't know what to do!" Niall's eyes weld up with tears, "he hasn't spoken to me in a week," he mumbled.

Harry tilted his head, taking a seat besides his friend, "Niall, you need to talk to him. Figure this all out. Don't fret over it, for now, though," he said.

Niall took a minute, but nodded, "Yeah, okay," he sighed, and then looked to the couple, "let's talk about you two, instead, though. Have you done anything about the 'soon to be' wedding and such?" he asked.

Louis grinned at the subject, "Well, I only proposed a week ago, Ni. We haven't talked about it much, but I'm assuming we'd be doing it at that church right in Holmes Chapel. That large, nice one that Harry said his mum got married in," Louis looked to his fiancé.

Harry's cheeks turned scarlet, "You remembered I wanted to get married there?" he asked softly, smiling sheepishly.

Louis had a fond look at him, "Of course I did!" he chirped and kissed Harry's temple.

"Yeah, I did say I'd like it there. It's big, a nice size, but it's still got that nice, warm churchy feel. I-I don't know, it's just really nice. I remembered going there when I like, first accepted that I was gay. I was only in like grade seven and was stupid enough to ride my bike twenty minutes to get there," he chuckled, "but I went and I wasn't too late to find the priest after that session of mass so I asked him if being gay was a sin, since one of my friends back then said his mum told him that. He didn't agree with her thankfully, but he told me she said that," he hummed in thought, and pursed his lips.

"What did the priest say?" Louis asked, not ever hearing this story before.

"Oh," Harry blushed, "uh, he told me 'heck no it's not' and that God accepts everyone. He said like, that everyone should be accepted for who they are and that like everyone is accepted in the church or face of God or whatever and that it doesn't matter what your sexual presences are because love is love," he said.

Niall raised his eyebrows, "Was that like a 'special place' to you after that, then?"

Harry laughed, "You're funny," he rolled his eyes, "I hadn't gone there at all for two years after that, until my mum got married. That was the last time I've been there."

Louis chuckled, "Good story, though," he shook his head in amusement. "I wonder how long it'll take to plan the wedding, though. I remember my mum and Dan planning their wedding and it took like... nine months or so.

(in this story Dan and Jay got married almost years before when Louis was 20 and Harry was 18.)

"I remember Jay just being so paranoid about planning things right," Harry laid his head against Louis' shoulder. "I don't feel like going through all that though. I just want something nice and small."

"Yeah, me too," Louis agreed, "the church would be good, I've been there once or twice. And then where would we have the reception?" he asked.

Niall cut in, "How about the reception room connected to the church. I mean, not that it's meant for weddings or anything," he said, coating his words heavy with sarcasm.

Louis rolled his eyes, "Ey, shut it. I-"

"Oh wait!" Harry exclaimed, "we could do it in one of our mums backyards!" he cooed, "I've seen pictures of wedding receptions in backyards and they just look really really nice and pretty," he smiled.

Louis secretly took those words to heart, keeping them to remember for later. "Yeah. And I agree with you for the uh-"

Louis' sentence is cut off from a hard knock at the door. Niall had gone to the kitchen, so he shrugged, and got up to get it instead.

Liam stood at the door, but now wore a surprised look on his face. "Oh, uh, hi," he said, not expecting for Louis to be standing there.

"Right," Louis pursed his lips, "Niall! Liam's here!" he shouted, resulting in a crash coming from the kitchen. "Alright, uh, Haz! Love! We're gonna go now!" he exclaimed when walking back into the living room. Harry saw Liam walk in behind the shorter boy, and instantly stood up.

"Oh, yeah, we should leave," he chuckled awkwardly and followed behind Louis to the door. "Good luck," he whispered to Liam, patting his shoulder on the way out, reminding Louis that he needed to take a pill when they got back in the car.

Liam sighed heavily, and walked into the kitchen, seeing Niall picking up broken pieces of glass from his cup. "Oh no, Niall," he chuckled.

Niall tried acting normal, "Th-That was one time," he smiled uneasily. The next thing he knew was that Liam was kneeling next to him, helping him clean up. He was scared to move when picking the pieces up, nervous of being so close to the person beside him.

After cleaning up, Niall got out a new glass and poured himself some water. He offered Liam some, as well, but the older man declined politely. Minutes went by with silence between them.

"This is ridiculous, Niall. Please, just say something," Liam insisted, "I mean, last time I saw you I thought I was straight. Now, I don't even know what to think of my sexuality. Especially after you kissed me."

"You kissed back," Niall mumbled quietly.

Liam heard the comment despite Niall's want of him to. "But that's not the point! The point is that we made out and I'm fucking scared! I technically still am dating Sophia!" he exclaimed.

Niall bit his lip, "I'm sorry," he mumbled.

Liam sighed, "That doesn't help-"

"Than what does, Liam? Huh? Either way you kissed me and I kissed you. There's no taking that back now! The only thing I can say is I'm sorry for being in love with you! But you don't-"

Niall was cut off by Liam, who stepped forward and attacked the younger man in a kiss. Niall was taken by surprise, and it took him a second to respond and kiss back. Liam's arms were connected to the small of his back and the side of his face while Niall's fingers tugged on his hair.

"That's not what I meant," Liam mumbled, kissing him again, "I don't need an apology. I just need you to help me figure out what or who I am," he told him, continuing to kiss Niall despite him having a girlfriend. Niall didn't object, though, and kissed him back with just as much force. They were both panting into each other's mouths, tongues soon roaming and rubbing against the other.

"Just," kiss, "don't leave," kiss, "please," kiss, "not yet," he breathed. They both pulled away, breathing hard and leaning their foreheads together. "This is just as confusing for me as it is for you. So please," he spoke unsurely.

"I'm not going to. Not until we figure this out," Liam paused, "I... I-I think I'm going to break up with Sophia. This isn't fair for her," he told Niall. "I feel bad enough as it is for cheating on her. Plus, I feel like it's not working out with her anyway," he bit his lip, and sighed. "I-I'm just a bit uh... scared... I guess. I mean, for one, I didn't even know you were gay until you kissed me-"

"I didn't really either," Niall chuckled, "I had realized over the past couple of months that I liked you and then fallen in love with you, therefore being gay. I felt like I almost had a panic attack while on the phone with Louis talking about it," he said quietly, suppressing a small weak smile.

Liam furrowed his eyebrows before taking his friend into a hug. He wrapped his arms around Niall's shoulders while Niall snaked his around Liam's waist. They were silent for a few minutes.

Liam spoke first, "I'm scared of what people will say," he mumbled, "I've never even questioned my sexuality, and now here I am not knowing if this will be a phase or if I'm really gay or straight, or bisexual, even. The only experience I've had with figuring out something like this was in grade seven when Harry realized he was gay and had trouble coming out to his friends, parents, and me even," he shrugged.

Niall pulled away. He wore a slightly hurt expression when the other man mentioned it being a phase. "Can we try it out? I-I know you're still with Sophia but like, if you break up. Could we be together?" he asked quietly, keeping his eyes on his hands instead of meeting Liam's gaze.

"Well, I already know Sophia and I are going to break up. Thing's aren't going good with her and I don't want to lead her on or hurt her. But I'll make sure to come by later. I want to try it out and figure something out between us," he said, a small smile on his lips.

Niall looked up, and grinned. He threw his arms around Liam's neck, and connected their lips again.





Ok so we had field day today at our school and by the way my groups shirts are cool. We cut red muscle shirts and on the back nine days Styles and 94 in black block letters with glitter glue outlining it. They look perty cool. My friend Lauren's said Clifford, Taylor's is O'Brien and Gabby's is Bieber. Not to mention my makeup and hair looked fantastico.

ANYWAY I'm scared to know what hall won (red hall against green hall) bc like red hall usually wins every year bc we're just amazing like that but tbfh we sucked this year. Idk I think we still have a chance but I'm fucking scared and we find out tomorrow who wonnnn!!! :oOoOoO

But like the stupid fucking sixth graders were all like "oh yeh we won" or "I know sixth red beat sixth green" or "green won" or "red won" or "eighth grade red lost" and I'm literally here like "yOU KNOW nOTHING bITCHeS NO oNE KNOWs aNYTHING"


yeah ok so I'm done. Sixth graders annoy the shit outta me. Luv you all kbye

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