Chapter Twenty-Nine
They told her to take a break and recuperate, so Esme did. For like, two days.
She watched the sun rise and set two times before she finally grew tired of staying in her apartment talking to a holo agent and doing boring training tasks all by herself. She really considered an accomplishment she lasted that long.
Like seriously, when she asked LYLA if spider-man had any fun activities she could try, she didn't mean a training routine that was more stale than the home videos her great grandparents used. She had been thinking more on the lines of puzzles, painting, even taking up sewing classes.
"¡Es pura paja!" She had said as her holo agent made her do another sit up on the ceiling with a hundred pound weight.
All of it was just a repetitive cycle of exercises spider-man had somehow convinced himself to consider "fun". And after several hours of sweating profusely and feeling the ache in her limbs, she seriously doubted he even knew the meaning of the word. Still, it kept her occupied. Just not entertained.
Esme tried to go through all the decrypted files she had so called "access" to but none were helpful, at best she could make a few things in quantum physics and being able to travel to worlds that mirrored their own- dimensions that were parallel to theirs, branches of timelines that could be anything she imagined. It didn't fill her in on her situation, but instead fed a curiosity that demanded to be satisfied.
So here she was, on her little rebel outing. And okay, she didn't completely ignore Conchata's advice. She still took some time to try the 'meditations' Lyla had given her and tried a little bit of pouring her heart out to the wall, but it wasn't exactly ground breaking.
She was absolutely bored. So, today she decided to hit up Xina and go somewhere that always cheered her up. A club.
It wasn't all fun and games though- Esme had thought long and hard about the enemies she was facing and what other leads they could follow on Spectre- at least until the gala, and Xina said she knew a contact in the cyber-net that could help. A trusted source, for sure this time. Someone who knew all the inner workings of the dark web and had tabs on the comings and goings of prominent black market sellers.
Spectre wasn't a legitimate company, and with everything monopolized it would be difficult for them to purchase anything without companies such as Alchemax or Stark-Fujikawa noticing, so Xina's best bet was that they'd be purchasing things on the black market, and selling smaller projects to get resources.
So an hour after getting dolled up in a iridescent, green top and a black leather skirt, Esme stepped out of the cab and stood before the glimmering "Club Azule". The city practically swam in light, bathed by bright signs and neon projections.
It reminded her of back home in the entertainment district of New York. It had the same chatter and feeling in the air as back then, and it was a comforting presence. Finally, she was back in an environment she was familiar with.
"This is a popular spot in the city for tech junkies and party goers alike." Xina stepped beside her in her purple zebra patterned dress as the hover cab drove away. "My friend wanted to meet here because of the VR ports inside."
She looked hot, and Esme wondered if Xina had a boyfriend. And then Esme realized how surprisingly little she knew about her colleagues. She would have to amend that.
"He wants to meet in the virtual plane?"
"He thinks he's been tailed this past week, so he's paranoid we'll be overheard. Talking in a virtual world with an encrypted security will provide a more secure conversation, and he feels more comfortable being surrounded by people."
"Poor guy. And you're sure he'll have info that can help us?"
Xina nodded. "Thomas knows everything and has access to all the back doors in downtown. If anything shady happens where the Public Eye can't see, he's the one to ask."
Esme looked back down at the stairway leading down to the shining club entrance. The door was closed with a bouncer occasionally checking tickets of the few that walked in. As the door opened, the sound of music and chatter poured out in a bustling cacophony.
"Let's go then. We're far behind in this game Spectre is playing, and it's about time we finally make room on the board." Esme stepped forward but felt herself pulled back.
"Wait, I invited one more person to help us out, if that's okay." Xina smiled wryly, holding Esme's arm.
"I invited my boss." She glanced away, shrugging as if it had been expected. "Just to fish for anyone else who has information. He has a knack of getting people to say things in the heat of the moment."
Esme lifted a brow. 'Her boss? Which one? Did she mean Miguel or a different higher up?' It didn't matter she guessed if she wasn't seeing him herself.
"Fine, but I'm not waiting for him."
Xina smiled mischievously. "Let's go then."
Esme pushed down her annoyance and followed Xina in as the bouncer nodded at their raised tickets, letting them pass.
The material on Esme's top was stiff, making her feel like a plastic doll dressed up in silicone. But when she went inside she felt relief to see she wasn't the only one dressed odd. Everyone there wore bright colors and in odd shaped sleeves or skirts. It felt like she had stepped into a sci-fi movie, but that was just a another reminder that this was not her world.
They moved through the room of jumping bodies, making their way over to the bar made of glass and filled with fish like an aquarium. Esme leaned against the glass, her eyes caught on a jellyfish swimming past before the bar tender cleared his throat.
"What can I get you ladies?" She looked up to see his inquisitive smile.
Xina leaned beside Esme and raised two fingers as she spoke, "Two Irish hounds on the rocks, and access to two VR ports."
When he turned around Esme quirked a brow at Xina. "Is it really best to drink on the job?"
Xina shrugged. "I thought you wanted to let off some steam while we were here?"
Esme smiled. "I'm going to need more than one drink then."
Xina laughed gently, then trailed her eyes towards the back of the place. There were some lingering forms there, either seated in the dim lit booths or standing near the wall with several black doors. The music playing sounded familiar to Esme, but so foreign at the same time. She found herself tapping her foot along to the beat, trying to place the pattern in her mind and imagine herself dancing to it.
She looked back as she felt the bar tender's approach. "Hey, here's your drinks. Unfortunately we only have one port available for use, the others are full."
The two exchanged looks.
"I guess you should be the one to do it since it's your friend," Esme shrugged. "I can just keep watch out here."
'Especially if someone's been following the guy.' Esme almost added.
"Are you sure?" Xina hesitated as she took a key from the bar tender along with her drink.
Esme nodded. "Yeah-" she faltered, her eyes catching onto someone sitting on the other side of the bar. Dark hair draped over his eye and red clothing. Andrés?
"Puchica, Halcón is here."
Xina made to look but Esme grabbed her shoulder to stop her. "Don't look, he hasn't noticed us."
"Why is he here?" Xina sneered.
"He must be the one your friend was talking about. Spectre must have figured out they had a loose end, which is even more reason you need to get in that VR and find your contact before he-"
"-Here's your drinks," Esme turned back to the bar and forced herself to quickly smile, taking the two drinks from the bartender.
She looked back to see Xina looking away from Halcón, glancing to the VR ports, then giving Esme a worried look.
"If anything goes wrong, alert LYLA immediately and the Public Eye will be here in five minutes. Don't try to fight when you're still recovering. I can handle myself just fine."
Esme nodded. "I've got it covered Xina. Go."
As soon as Xina had entered the room out of sight, Esme turned her eyes back to Andres. He was looking around, subtly, but obvious to anyone who was paying attention to his darting eyes.
Esme took a sip of her drink and slowly moved towards him. The alcohol had a different flavor than she was used to, but it felt nice and cool on her tongue and eased her nerves. If she was going to distract this guy without using any of her powers, then she definitely needed it. She took another sip.
She carefully made her way over, weaving through the crowd and trying not to get bumped. She must not have been as smooth as she thought because someone slammed into her from the side, her heels scrambling to keep balance before someone from behind bumped into her.
In her attempt to not fall, she felt something wet soak through the front of her top and looked down to see the tilted cup that splashed its contents on her.
"Por el amor de Dios!" 'Oh for the love of god-'
Great. There went her drink.
Esme looked back up, quickly searching for Andres and finding an empty spot at the bar instead. Even better, she just embarrassed herself and lost her target. Awesome.
"Te pido disculpas," someone said beside her.
Esme snapped her head to see who caused her to fumble so badly, ready to chew them through- and instead fought the urge to drop her jaw. As angry as she was, she couldn't help but feel her heart move faster than the dancers around her.
He was handsome by all meaning of the word. Tall- very tall, with broad shoulders and arms that poorly hid just how capable they were beneath. If it had been a few years ago, she definitely would have had him on her list of potentials, caught in his bad boy aesthetic.
It didn't matter though, because her annoyance definitely out voted her infatuation.
"No problem buddy, I'll walk it off." She bit her tongue, turning her head away and looking for some napkins she could use to dry off.
"Here," she looked back at him to see his hand offering her a handkerchief- who carried those around still?!
"Thanks, don't think this makes it up though." She muttered, dabbing at her dress.
"What would then?" He smiled and she finally let her eyes focus on his face in the flashing lights. Right now his skin was illuminated red, but a brief second of white showed the bronze tone of his face, and eyes hidden behind his shades.
She had half expected everyone here to be dressed in the ugly, bizarre clothing she had grown accustomed to, but his wasn't half bad.
A high collar black jacket with thick sleeves, matching straight leg pants, and a red undershirt with a skull on it. 'I dig it'.
She glanced around again for signs of Andres, and saw him talking to a woman, who playfully took his hands and tried to pull him towards another room. Okay, maybe he was off duty? 'Weird.' But then, just as she was about to ignore him, Andres looked towards them. But more specifically towards the stranger who bumped into her- and saw his eyes narrow. He pushed the woman away, and began moving in their direction through the crowd.
'Puchica, is this guy Xina's friend Tommy? If that's the case then I need to keep this guy away from Andres.'
Esme looked back at the stranger, deciding what to do with him to keep him busy without alarming him. If he looked scared that would only draw more attention from Andres. He seemed like a proper type by his actions alone, but the way he dressed was definitely the opposite. Maybe he was trying to be someone he wasn't? Hide the fact he was a programmer- and if so, he was doing an excellent job at it.
"A dance. You can make it up to me with a dance."
As she predicted, he immediately shifted on the balls of his feet and looked around uncomfortably. She noted the way he clenched and unclenched his large hands, 'fighting the urge to run huh?'
"Alright. Sure."
She smirked and took his hand, leading him to the dance floor. One thing she had paid attention to was the way dancing had evolved in the years. It was more stiff honestly, like no one really knew how to dance except jump around and throw their hands about. Conchata hadn't been lying about the arts being a dying breed.
She checked for Andres one more time, and to her relief he had lost sight of them. But now he was looking to the VR ports. Great. Time to get his attention back again.
"Do you know reggeaton?"
He's shook his head. "Only a little bit."
"Salsa?" When he stared blankly at her she began listing off more. "Bachata? Merengue? Not even cumbia?"
"Okay I don't really dance." He practically bit out the words, but it was hard to hear him when his face was turned from her.
"What?" She tried to lean closer to hear him better.
"I don't dance. Never have time for it." He mumbled. She realized he was doing it purposefully and felt her heart ache. Poor guy was shy.
"Okay, look, I'll try whatever you know and if I can't dance to it then you're free to go."
"Are you sure you don't want to change your punishment? Sounds like you'll only end up torturing yourself." He smirked and she laughed.
"Oh, I never back down from a challenge." Esme winked, taking his hands.
He smiled and slid them down her arms, one hand shaking to her waist. "Are you ready then?"
Her eyes rolled. "Always ready"
He spun her first then moved his hand to her lower back, his other hand in hers while she pressed her palm against his neck. It was warm, and she was pulled closer as they began to dance. It was fast and steady, predictable back and forth and every-time he wanted to spin her he would squeeze her hand, guiding her to be ready. He was a good lead, making sure she could read his body language and keeping track of hers.
That was the thing with dancing that Esme loved. You could pretend and lie with your voice and face, but when you danced with someone else you could tell exactly the kind of person they were. Sometimes he was hesitant with his steps, not because he was doubting her capabilities but because he was unsure of himself. But whenever he led her he was strong and confident, and after feeling her out for the first minute, he finally let himself trust her.
She liked this programmer guy. He was fun and assertive. His smile was infectious. She almost stepped on his foot because she had been so distracted, but quickly regained her composure and spun again.
Andrés was watching from afar. Their spinning and quick dancing had demanded more space on the floor, so much of the crowd had moved back to stay out of their way or stopped completely to watch them. Her distraction was working, because he was definitely focused and seemed to be muttering something to his watch. His eyes then met hers.
She shook her head and resumed her focus, lifting her arms above her head and shifting her hips as he moved her to spin again, moving fluidly in a way that made her body look like she had been possessed by a serpent to all those who watched her in the room. Like she knew what she was doing rather than distracted by the bronze of his skin.
Esme put as much force in each hip drop to the rhythm and lifted sharply to the beat, then looked back at her handsome stranger with an intensity that he couldn't help but find himself lost in.
She was trying not to smile so much and make her enjoyment so obvious, this was all for a mission after all. But it was fun, she had to admit. Fun to dance with someone else after so long.
The crowd moved further back as the beat quickened and she spun in a circle over and over then kicked her feet and resumed dancing again, pressing her body against his and maneuvering together. She moved her body like tapestry to the notes that conducted each arc of her arms and curve of her hips. She followed her partner's lead, bouncing on each step before moving her feet back, keeping her arms elevated and slowly turning as she rocked her hips, adding some spice to it.
She tried to look for Andrés to make sure he was watching, but a different set of eyes was pulling her in. She knew if she looked she wouldn't be able to tear away, but she couldn't help herself.
Esme met a gaze as red as the alarm bells that went off in her head. It felt sinful, hallucinating even. She blinked and his eyes were back to dark, the light that casted over his shades moving across the room as the LED lights flashed.
His jaw was tightened as he returned her gaze, and even so close up it was hard to tell if his eyes narrowed in that already hardened face.
She wondered if those tense lips had ever lifted past the small crevice of his cheek, wonder if the wrinkle between his brow was ever smooth as he stared at her with the most intense look she had ever seen. She almost double checked the air above his head for a storm cloud. For a rolling thunder as he looked at her like a face stolen from the Fallen Angel, eyes that not even Cabanel could replicate.
She regained her composure as she was forced to avert his gaze, spinning on her toe with her arms creating a V above her head as the song finished with a swell of trumpets. His hands gripped her waist and held her weight just enough to let her lean forward, then pulled her back with a spin to land right back in his arms.
The room erupted in claps, but she barely registered them above the ringing in her ears. Those alarm bells were still going off, unsettling every nerve in her body and higher than any octave the singers could have hit.
'There you go, Xina. I hope this distraction shocking worked.' Esme thought between breaths, her eyes skimming past the crowd, looking everywhere except the pair of eyes she could still feel trained on her like a lion targeting it's latest prey.
There Andrés was, watching with the rest of his men with a smirk. He stood up and seemed to be heading towards her. Crap, if he talked to her without her glasses there was a chance he could connect her to spider-woman and figure it out. She couldn't let him get near enough to do that.
She turned around and the next song begun, but as her handsome stranger made to leave she took his arm and pulled him back.
"Do you know how hard it is to find a good dance partner?" She hoped that was a convincing start.
"Almost as difficult as accepting an apology?" He smirked.
"Haha" she hadn't meant to sound that awkward and prayed he didn't notice. "Look, Tommy, im going to have to ask you to humor me for a moment and keep dancing with me."
"What?" He began but Esme didn't let him finish as Andrés was getting closer.
She pulled him in closer than before, her hips on his with her leg resting against his side. He seemed taken aback but she didn't give him much time to adjust before they started dancing again.
After checking her corner view for Andrés again, she looked back to see her stranger staring at her- which wouldn't be strange when one is dancing, except it was different than before.
He cracked a smile and leaned down to her level, his lips close to her ear. "You don't know who I am, do you?"
Esme faltered, pulling back and looking at him. Was he testing her to see who she was? "You're Xina's friend?"
Miguel spun her around, her back pressed against his chest, her arms crossed over herself with each hand holding his. His skin was warm, his fingers enveloping hers. She could feel his breath against her neck.
"You could say that." His voice fluttered against her ear and she felt her heart stutter.
He spun her back, her arm extending with her skirt in a flourish before she was pulled back in, completing the dance with a dip. She looked in his eyes, his hand in the small of her back. Has she made a mistake? Was this not Thomas? Or whatever his name was? Who had she been guarding this whole time then if he wasn't? How did Andrés know him?
"Who are you?" Esme whispered.
For a moment, she forgot who she was. Everything about where she was and what she was supposed to be doing. He was looking so intently at her, examining her bit by bit. She felt like he could see straight through her, his eyes a deep amber. In this lighting, she almost thought they looked red. She blinked. No, that couldn't be.
Her thoughts were broken as the crowd erupted into claps. She was lifted back to her feet, the man pulling away from her. She could still feel the faint warmth of his hands on her, despite knowing otherwise.
"Miguel O'Hara."
The room swam with red. Heart racing, she restrained herself from slamming a hand to her mouth. 'MIGUEL O'HARA?! XINA INVITED HIM?!'
"Is there a problem? Who are you? How do you know Xina?" He crossed his arms.
Esme stammered. "I, I uh. Me? I'm Esmerelda- the new lab technician?"
'Stop sounding so unsure! You sound so suspicious!' She scrambled. This couldn't be any worse. She didn't have her glasses- and what's worse, out of everyone s at risk to figure out her identity, it had to be the guy who issued her arrest.
"Esmerelda?" He tilted his head. Miguel thought the name sounded familiar, but he couldn't register where he had heard it. Xina must have mentioned it to him.
"Esme! Great, you found Miguel!"
Esme turned, a man running up to them with Xina trailing behind him. As Xina got closer in the crowd Esme mouthed to her, 'Miguel O'Hara- the CEO of Alchamex?!'
Seeing her angry reaction, Xina paled.
Esme turned back, looking at the man standing before her, the man she just danced with- the Miguel- the guy basically the boss of her boss and so on- and almost felt faint.
This man was half responsible for her difficult predicament. Responsible for all of Alchamex. Responsible for not just New York but basically the whole world. Even her very own life in this dimension. The big mysterious guy who held her life like a piece on the board she was yet to even see. He held all the information she needed. And he just danced with her like it was nothing.
Esme swallowed. Miguel glanced at her briefly. Though he didn't smile, his eyes gleamed in amusement. Was he laughing at her?! Esme internally groaned. He probably thought she was such a bobble head.
'Good going, Esme.' She thought to herself.
Miguel walked past her to greet Xina and the man beside her- a brown haired guy who seemed pretty average. And then she remembered Andrés.
Though drawing attention had been the point to distract Andres, she had definitely ended up blowing Miguel's cover in the process.
"Xina, we need to get out of here- fast. Andrés is moving this direction."
"Who's that?" Thomas asked and Xina shook her head.
"It's best you go right now. We've got you covered. Don't get caught."
Thomas nodded and shifted back into the crowd, disappearing before Esme could even blink. She looked back at Xina and Miguel.
"Glad to see you two met." She smirked as they began walking to the exit.
"She thought I was Tommy." He looked at her with a suppressed laugh and Esme prayed the LED lights would conceal her red face.
"Not my fault you look like a nerd. You spilled my drink on my dress- that's a pretty nerdy first impression if you ask me."
"Maybe if you watched where you were going." He clicked his tongue and Esme would have punched his smug face if Xina didn't cut in.
"Did you find anything out?"
Miguel shook his head. "Nothing useful. Small rumors of shipments going missing on the docks though. I figured I'd send someone to follow up on it tonight and see if maybe Spectre is behind it. And if so, find out what it is they've been stealing. How about you?"
Xina smiled in victory. "He pulled through. I've got a list of pseudo names who I assume were agents of Spectre spotted at the black market. Descriptions of them match up with our main trio of terror. Items that were sold to them was a few mundane items like coils from special electric cable, things like that. I assume parts for the collider. Also, what really struck my curiosity, was a pair of Mayan artifacts."
Esme froze.
Miguel and Xina looked back at her. "What?"
"N-nothing." She walked past them, avoiding Miguel's gaze. "That's um, weird."
"Right," Xina glanced worriedly at Miguel. He shrugged.
"Excuse me miss," a hand reached out to Xina and she quickly pulled herself away.
Esme glanced back and paled. 'Crap, Andrés!'
Xina smiled. "Sorry, I'm not interested."
Andrés opened his mouth but was cut off as a voice in the speakers cut off the music.
"It's 20:00 folks which means it's time to crank up the music and let loose!"
The crowd cheered loud and began to jump in unison, their feet forming a loud beat each time they landed. It was enough to distract Andrés long enough that by the time he looked back, the trio was gone.
"Thanks Lyla, no one even noticed it's thirty minutes earlier." Esme laughed, taking in the air of outside. She couldn't call it fresh because it was definitely worse than inside the club.
"No problem" LYLA giggled before disappearing back in the watch.
"What next?" Esme looked at the two.
"I'm going to get you back home. Me and Miguel have some stuff to do at Alchemax." Xina took her arm, exchanging a look with Miguel, who much to Esme's confusion didn't look eager to agree with Xina.
Something was up. "I uh, okay."
When they were some feet away from Miguel Esme pulled away from Xina. "You invited the guy who hates me almost as much as spider-man!?" She whisper yelled.
Xina made a face but Esme wasn't sure what it meant. "Wha, no one said he hates you-"
"He put a warrant out for my arrest!" Esme crossed her arms.
"Okay okay he did but that doesn't mean he hates you." When Esme made a deadpan Xina lifted her hands. "Besides, he doesn't hate Esmerelda Costello, so it shouldn't be a problem."
When Esme's expression didn't change Xina switched to a different tactic. "You didn't seem to have any problems when I saw you dancing with him."
Esme bit her cheek and exhaled loudly. "That was to distract! I didn't enjoy it!"
"Riiight." Xina winked. "I'll see you later Esme, you just get home and I'll update you later, alright?" She waved and a car slowed towards the side of them.
"Don't think you're off the hook, Xina!" Esme huffed. She only smiled back and guided her to hover-cab, opening the door for her to step inside.
"Oh, definitely not." Xina smiled. "Be safe and take it easy. Thanks for your help this evening."
Esme grumbled and crossed her arms, refusing to look at Xina as the door closed.
Xina smiled and watched her leave. She was definitely was off the hook if she was right about the way Esme looked at Miguel. Some cats just can't be caught after all. She turned back to look at Miguel.
'Now if only that could be said the same for a spider.'
AHH I'm so hyped this is getting to the end of what I call the acclimation Arc and our two protagonists have finally met in their alter identities. I don't like spoon feeding stuff to the audience but I will explain that the glasses Esme mentioned were the ones Conchata gave her, and she wasn't wearing them at this club. Which was why she was worried about Halcón and Miguel figuring out she was spider woman since she's never bothered to change her voice in the suit. Not to mention Halcón has already a basic idea of her appearance from Roulette's first encounter, so Esme has to be extra careful.
Super excited for the next chapter, sorry for the late update. I've been trying to wrap my head around how I want this story to go, several different paths I can take- all leading to one ending that I'm very much in love with. But you can see why I'm having difficulty choosing how to get to that ending.
Anyway that's all, thanks for reading and I enjoy reading all the comments you guys leave- it's such a joy to see everyone's reactions to certain scenes and interactions- and helpful for my future writing. So thank you for that! And of course thank you for the votes!
See you next Sunday!
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