Ch. 7
Another chappie x
Enjoy x
Harry walked into the firestation at seven a.m , signing himself in . He walked into the kitchen to help start making breakfast until the rest of the firefighters will arrive , greeting Charlie and Ben who already started .
"Morning , lads ." Harry patted their shoulders , the two smiled at him , "Morning ."
"What can I help with ?" Harry asked .
"You can cook the eggs ." Ben nodded towards the eggs near the stove , Harry nodded and started .
Liam walked into the kitchen and greeted the three , going up to Harry , "So , how was your date ?"
"It went perfect ." Harry smiled at him , "Louis is just ... the best I could ever ask for ."
"As long as you're happy , mate ." Liam smiled and rubbed his shoulder , "Do not do anything until he's atleast twenty one , do you hear me ?"
"You're talking to me like I'm a child , mate ." Harry chuckled , "But I won't do anything until Louis is ready , I don't even know why I'm thinking about it since we started dating literally three days ago ."
"I know you'll take good care of him , but you need to be extra caring ."
"I know , I held him when he wept as he house collapsed ."
"Just reminding you this , do your best ."
When Harry was done showering after being at the gym , he got dressed back into his uniform just in time for the alarm to go off .
"Field caught on fire , Liam , Harry and Oli in truck 14 -"
The three took their yellow field suits and ran to the firetruck , Liam got into the driver's seat and drove out of the station quickly , while Harry and Oli got into their uniform .
A few minutes later they reached the field , Oli was the first one to get out and start backing people away from the fire .
Harry got out of the truck and took the firehose , Liam helped placing everything as Harry stepped closer to the fire . He turned the stream on and started putting out the fire , while another firetruck arrived at the place for help at another side of the field .
An hour later the field was put out , Harry sighed out in relief and carried the hose back to the firetruck .
"Good job , mate ." Oli patted his shoulder and took the hose from his hands , Harry smiled at him and took off the helmet , oxygen mask and suit coat , when he felt a tap on his shoulder .
He turned around , a smirk spreading on his lips when he saw Louis , "Are you following me ?"
Louis blushed and shook his head , "No ."
Harry raised an eyebrow cheekily , Louis hit his chest , "Zayn , Niall and I were having a picnic when we heard there's a fire , so they dragged me over to see if you're here ."
"We did not ! You dragged us to see if he's here ." Niall laughed , Louis shook his head at Harry , "Don't listen to him , he's lying ." He blushed .
Harry laughed and opened his arms , "Do I get a hug anyways ?"
Louis smiled and gave him a hug , scrunching his nose , "You stink ."
"I showered before I was called though ." Harry chuckled .
"Wasn't a smart idea with your job ." Louis giggled and pulled back .
"Mate , we're - oh , hi ." Liam approached the two , "Louis , right ?"
"Yeah ." Louis nodded , "You're Liam , right ?"
"Right ." Liam nodded and shook Louis' hand with a smile .
"My friend thinks you look good ." Louis said loud enough for Niall to hear , making him gasp , "I do not !"
"Yeah you do ." Louis giggled , "This is a payback for all the embarrassing things you did to me ." He stuck his tongue out at Niall , who blushed .
"Tell your friend I find him cute ." Liam said , giving Niall a wink . "Say goodbye to your boyfriend , we got another call ." He patted Harry's shoulder and walked to the truck .
"I need to go ." Harry sighed , Louis nodded , "I heard ."
"I'll text you tonight , yeah ? We'll make some plans for tomorrow ." Harry suggested , Louis smiled at him , "I'd love that ."
Harry leaned down to peck his lips , "See you , tiny angel ."
"See you , Hazza ." Louis blushed , the smile never leaving his lips .
Harry kissed his forehead before turning around and getting into the truck , waving at Louis .
"You're whipped and barely even started dating ." Oli laughed and ruffled Harry's hair , Harry chuckled and shook his head , "He's perfect , mate ."
"I'm glad you're happy ." Oli smiled .
Later that day , Louis recieved a text from Harry .
Hey love , I thought about our date tomorrow . We could bowling and have lunch together , what do you say ? x
Louis smiled as he replied .
Sounds great ! What time are we going ?
I'll come to pick you up at 11 a.m , is that okay ?
It's good , I'll see you tomorrow then x
See you tomorrow , tiny angel :) x
Louis blushed with a grin on his lips , he locked his phone and pressed his face into the pillow under his head .
Suddenly a body landed right next to his own , he turned his head to see Zayn , "Go to sleep , what are you doing here ?"
Zayn took Louis' phone and unlocked it , "Making sure you're not sexting your boyfriend ."
"I do not sext him or anyone else , stop it ." Louis snatched his phone back .
"Is that so , tiny angel ?" Zayn teased , Louis pushed him off the bed , "Shut it , Zayniepoo ." Louis teased back , Zayn got up from the floor and growled , "Oh it's on !"
He took a pillow and hit Louis with it , Louis grabbed the pillow from under his head and hit him back . The pillow fight turned into a wrestling fight , that turned into the two of them laying next to each other , calling truce .
"You tired me out ." Louis sighed , "Go away so I can sleep peacefully without someone threatening me ."
Zayn laughed , "Hell no , you're stuck with me ."
Louis groaned , "Just promise me you'll let me sleep ." He got under the covers , Zayn ruffled his hair , "I'm going to bug Niall , you're boring ."
"Thank you ." Louis called , sighing into the pillow .
"Lou ? Louis wake up , you slept in ."
Louis was shaken awake , he groaned and turned to the other side , "Wake me up at ten , I have a date with Harry at eleven ."
"It's eleven fourty , Lou . You slept in ." Niall sighed , almost laughing at how fast Louis sat up , "Oh no ."
"Yeah , Harry called your phone a few times but you slept through it , so I picked it up and told him you didn't wake up ."
"No , no , no . I ruined everything ." Louis covered his face with his hands .
"You didn't , he's downstairs waiting for you to get ready . I'll tell him to come up to your room ." Niall got up from the bed and walked out of the room .
Louis lied back on the bed and covered himself in the blanket , when the door opened .
"Good morning , Lou ." Louis heard Harry's voice , then his weight sitting next to him .
"I'm sorry , Harry ." Louis said through the covers , not taking them off his head . Harry smiled and uncovered Louis , making Louis turn and lie on his front to hide his face in the pillow .
"Love , look at me ." Harry placed his hand on Harry's back , rubbing softly . Louis' cheeks heated up at the pet name and the warm feeling on his back , he sighed and turned his head to the side so he could see Harry from the corner of his eye . "I'm sorry ."
"Don't be sorry , you just slept in ." Harry smiled at him , "We could stay in bed a little bit more if you'd like , there's no rush ."
Not waiting for an answer , Harry took his shoes off by the end of the bed and got under the covers next to Louis , wrapping an arm around his small body .
"I've been waiting to cuddle you properly for a while now . You're tiny , warm , soft . Perfect cuddle buddy ." Harry smiled at him and brought him closer , chuckling quietly when Louis buried his face in Harry's chest , due to his cheeks turning bright red from blushing .
Harry rubbed circles into Louis' back , "What would you like for breakfast ?"
"Don't know ." Louis mumbled into his chest , Harry rubbed his nose against his hair softly , "You know what , we'll go for early lunch then go bowling , what do you say ?"
"Okay , sounds good ." Louis nodded , "Then I uh - I need to get up to get ready ."
"Mhm , nope , I'm to comfortable right now ." Harry smiled and brought him closer , Louis blushed , "Okay , then uh - how do I escape this death grip ?" He giggled .
"You don't . You're stuck with me ." Harry chuckled , squeezing Louis into him .
"Hazza , I can't breath !" Louis giggled and pushed at his shoulders , Harry laughed and released his grip a little , still keeping him close .
"Can I get up now ? I'm quite hungry ." Louis looked up to Harry , Harry nodded and kissed his forehead , "I'll wait for you downstairs , okay ?"
Louis nodded and got out of bed , fixing his shirt before walking into the closet . Harry watched him , and all he wanted to do is wrap his arms around his small waist , and just hug and cuddle him forever . He couldn't help but stare at his bum aswell .
He got out of bed and put his shoes back on , walking out of the room and to the kitchen , where Zayn and Niall were sitting .
"So , where's your tiny angel ?" Zayn chuckled , making Harry roll his eyes with a smile , "He's getting ready , I'm taking him out for early lunch and bowling ."
"He really likes you , you know that ?" Niall smiled at Harry , "He opened up to you pretty quickly , he always had a bit of a problem with new people . You guys just seem to click ."
"He's beautiful and absolutely adorable , what's not to like about him ." Harry smiled and sat next to Niall .
"Treat him well , he's fragile ." Zayn pointed a finger at him , "You're a good guy , but even the good ones cause problems ."
"I promise that I will never hurt Louis intentionally , he's too precious ."
"You're going to make me puke from talking like that ." Niall laughed , Harry shook his head with a smile , "I've always been the goofy-romantic-cheesy kind of guy ."
"And it's good , that's exactly what Louis needs . Along with a protective kind of guy ." Zayn said .
"I always protect the people I love ." Harry looked Zayn dead in the eyes , Zayn nodded , "Good , keep it up ."
Louis walked into the kitchen and crossed his arms over his chest , "Harry , what embarrassing things did these two tell you ?"
"They didn't tell me anything , love ." Harry chuckled , "They just gave me the 'you break his heart I break your face' talk ." He got up from his seat and leaned to pressed a soft kiss to his lips , "Are you ready to go ?"
Louis nodded , "Yeah , just - just my shoes ."
Harry nodded and watched Louis going to the entrace , he picked up a pair of white shoes and walked into the living room .
Harry walked over to Louis and kneeled in front of him , taking the shoes from his hands , "Let me ."
"Hazza -" Louis tried to protest , but Harry just took his ankle and helped his foot into the shoe .
"You don't have to do this ." Louis said , blush spreading on his cheeks as he watched Harry tying the laces for him .
"It's nonsense ." Harry smiled up at him and took his other ankle , "I quite like spoiling you ." He tickled his foot gently , Louis' eyes widened and he burst into giggles , "D-dont !" He pushed Harry's hands away from his foot .
Harry raised an eyebrow , laughing at his reaction , "Is that one of your top three ticklish spots ?"
"Maybe ." Louis covered his face in his hands in embarrassment , Harry chuckled , "You're absolutely adorable ."
He helped Louis with the second shoe , he finished tying the laces and helped him up , "Off we go ."
It was okay , wasn't it ?
Hopefully you liked it , tell me if you didn't x
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