Ch. 5

This story goes well , your comments are lovely .

Enjoy the chapter x


"Hey mate ." Harry smiled at Liam as he walked into the fire station at seven a.m , Liam smiled back and signed himself in along with Harry , "Hey , how was the dinner yesterday ?"

"It went better than I thought ." Harry shrugged .

"How's your lover boy doing ?"

Harry chuckled and shook his head , "He's doing well , still recovering ."

"Did you find out how old is he ?" Liam asked Harry nodded , "Yeah , he's nineteen ."

Liam's eyes widened , "Harry , what the fuck ! It's a four years gap -"

"Almost , four years gap . He'll be twenty in December , and I'll turn twenty four in February ."

"It's still a four years gap !" Liam ran his fingers through his hair .

"Calm your ass down , Payne , he's in legal age and capable of himself . I won't do anything I'm not supposed to do and you know it ."

"I know , I just - I'm just worried ."

"Well then you don't have to be , I know what I'm doing ." Harry patted his shoulder and walked into the kitchen to help making breakfast .


Harry was sitting in the living room , Ben taking a nap on the couch across from him while the rest of the firefighters were either napping , exercising or outside doing whatever .

He had his phone in front of him , trying to think of what he would do for his and Louis' first date . He wanted something quiet indoors , so he could get to know him .

He tapped his screen , typing a text for Louis .

Hey , Louis . It's Harry . Are you free on Thursday evening ? Thought we could go on our date then . Answer me when you can . x

His knee jumped as he waited for an answer , staring at his phone as if it will help . Two minutes later his phone went off with a new text message .

Hi Harry . Yeah , I'm free on Thursday 

Great , would you like to come over to my place ? I'll make us a nice dinner , then we could watch a movie . What do you think ?

It sounds great :)

Good , I'll come to pick you up at seven thirty , alright ?

Alright , see you then x

See you then , tiny angel x

Harry smiled to himself , he could already imagine Louis' blush covered face shying behind his hands .


It was the day after , Harry was shopping for ingredients for his and Louis' dinner date . It took him the whole shift to think of something to cook for him , eventually settling on something casual .

He munched on his lower lip as he picked the best ones he could find , wanting only the best for Louis .

Soon he finished and rolled the cart to pay for the things , when he saw Maura standing in the line .

"Maura ." He called her , she turned around and immediately smiled at Harry , "Hey , Harry dear ." She gave him a hug , "Shopping for something special ?"

"Someone , special , actually ." Harry smiled , "Louis is coming over tonight for dinner , our first official date ."

"Oh ! It's tonight ?" Maura raised her eyebrows , "Well you'd better treat him well , he's been through enough ."

"You can trust me , ma'am . He's in good hands ." Harry gave her his famous dimpled smile , she smiled back and nodded , "Oh , I know . You're a great guy ."

"Thank you ." Harry smiled , "I appreciate it . Your support means a lot ."

"Of course , dear ." Maura grinned at him .


Louis was dressed , sitting on the couch with Niall and waiting for Harry to come pick him up .

"If anything goes wrong , call me and I'll come to pick you up , alright ?" Niall rubbed his shoulder , Louis nodded , "I doubt it'll happen but okay ."

His knee was jumping nervously , Niall chuckled and put his hand on it , "Stop freaking out , okay ?"

"I can't , Ni , this is - this is Harry we're talking about , and - and our date , a date with Harry -"

He was cut off by a knock on the door , Louis' breath hitched and he shut his mouth almost immediately .

Bobby opened the door and smiled at Harry , "Hello , Harry . Come in ."

Niall got up from the couch and pulled Louis by the arm towards the entrace , "There he is ." He grinned and stood Louis in front of Harry .

Louis blushed and looked up at Harry , "Hi ."

"Hello ." Harry smiled down at him , he took his hand from behind his back and handed him a boquet of flowers , "These are for you ."

"Oh , th-thank you ." Louis took the flowers with a smile , "They're beautiful ."

"Not as beautiful as you ." He whispered so only Louis could hear , making the smaller boy blush even deeper . Harry smiled in victory , "Let's get going , shall we ?"

Louis nodded , "Yeah , just - let me put those in my room , okay ?" Louis asked , waiting for Harry's nod as a sign he could go up .

He ran up the stairs to his room , looking around for a place to put them . Maura walked into the room with a small vase , "Here , put the flowers here ." She placed it on the nightstand , Louis thanked her and put his flowers in the vase .

Louis and Maura walked down the stairs , Harry was having a small talk with Niall .

"Here's Louis , Harry , ready to go . Please get him back by eleven thirty and not a minute later ." Maura said , Harry nodded with a smile , "Of course , ma'am ." 

He offered his hand for Louis , giving him a smile . Louis took his hand , noting how large it is compared to his small one . Louis waved goodbye and walked out of the house with Harry , his heart beating like crazy .

"Ready for our night together ?" Harry asked , pulling Louis a little closer to him . Louis nodded with a smile , "Yeah , been looking forward to it ."

"Me too ." Harry opened the passenger's door for him , Louis thanked him and slid in , Harry closed the door and got into the driver's seat .


Harry opened the door to his house , letting Louis in first and following close behind . He closed the door , the house was warm and cozy and the smell of food filled their noses .

"I made us some dinner ." Harry put his hand on the small of Louis' back , leading him to the kitchen .

"What did you make ?" Louis asked , Harry took two plates out of the cabinet , "Chicken salad . Do you like chicken ?"

Louis nodded , Harry smiled , "Good . My mother gave me this recipe a while ago , and it tastes like heaven . I hope you'll like it ."

Harry took the two plates to the table , pulling a chair out for Louis . Louis thanked him with blush on his cheeks and waited for him to sit on front of him , Harry picked up his fork , "Dig in ." He wiggled his eyebrows a little , making Louis giggle .

Harry watched as Louis took his first bite , smiling to himself when he made a noise of approvement .

"Do you like it ?" Harry asked , Louis nodded , "Yeah , it's really good ."

"I'm glad ." Harry smiled , when a bark was heard . Louis tensed , Harry was quick to calm him down , "It's just my dog , he's in my room , don't be afraid ."

"I-it sounded like a-a big dog ." Louis bit on his lower lip , Harry reached over the table to hold his hand , "I promise he's not dangerous , doesn't bite or anything . He's inside my room and the door is locked , the smart one taught himself how to open the door ." Harry chuckled to himself . "It's a greenland dog , all fluffy and cute ."

"S-so , he's not getting h-here ?" Louis asked nervously - big dogs always scared him .

"I promise , I won't let him get close to you unless you allow it ." Harry squeezed his hand comfortingly , Louis nodded , "Okay ."


After their dinner was over Harry took the plates to the sink and walked back to Louis , "Well , I got us movies to watch , if you'd like ."

"Yeah , sounds good ." Louis nodded , Harry smiled and took his hand , leading him to the living room . He handed him a few movie cases , "Choose whichever you want ."

Louis looked through the movies Harry gave him , handing him a case , "Is this okay ?"

Harry took it and nodded , "It's great . Go sit on the couch , I'll join you in a second ."

Louis walked over to the couch and sat on it , Harry grabbed a blanket on the way and sat close to Louis , throwing the blanket over them both .

"Come here , relax , I don't bite ." Harry pulled Louis gently to lean into his side , Louis blushed and scooted a little closer to get comfortable . Harry put his arm around Louis' shoulders and smiled to himself , "You're very cuddly , did you know that ?"

Louis blushed , "How so ?"

"You're very small , and warm , and soft ." Harry smiled wider , "Like a teddy bear ."

Louis blushed deeper , he brought the blanket up to cover his face , making Harry laugh softly . "Don't cover yourself up , I like it when you blush . You're cute ."

Louis blushed slightly deeper , if it was even possible . Harry took the blanket off his face and grinned , "You're adorable ." He leaned to peck his cheek .

There was a loud noise from the movie that startled them both , causing them to jump in their seats . They laughed a little , relaxing into each other .

"I have an idea ." Harry spoke up , "Let's play a little game . Each one of us will ask a question , and we both need to answer it . We'll take turns , yeah ?"

Louis nodded , "Okay ."

"Do you want to start or me ?"

"Is that okay if you start ?"

"Yeah , sure . Uh , first question ; full name ? Mine is Harry Edward Styles ."

"Mine is Louis William Tomlinson ."

"Sounds royal ." Harry chuckled , Louis giggled lightly , "Your name sounds royal too ."

"Your turn now ."

"Okay , uhm . Height ?"

Harry chuckled a little , "I'm 6'3 ."

"I'm 5'6 ." Louis pouted a little , Harry pressed a kiss to his head , "Tiny means cute ."

Louis blushed a little , Harry grinned and squeezed him into his body gently . "My turn now . Uh , birthday date ? Mine is February 1st ."

"December 24th ." 

Harry broke into a smile , "That's Christmas eve ! That means you're a gift from God . Can't argue with that ."

Even though Louis was still blushing , he was blushing even deeper now . "You're very cheesy ." He said shyly with a smile .

"Not cheesy , just honest ."

"That was cheesy ." Louis giggled .

"I like your giggle and laugh . It's cute ." Harry booped his nose . "Come on , it's your turn now ."

"O-okay . Uh , best friends ? Mine are Niall and Zayn ."

"My best of best friends is Liam , the firefighter . I also have Ben and Charlie , they're good friends too . Other than them I have other friends , not as good as these three are ."

"Are Ben and Charlie firefighters too ?" Louis asked , Harry nodded , "Yeah , they participated in the fire ."

"O-oh . Okay ."

Harry was quick to change the subject , "My turn now . When did you have your first kiss ? I had mine when I was five , with this girl from kindergarten . It was a peck but it still counts ."

"I uh - I h-haven't had a first k-kiss ." Louis said quietly , quite embarrassed .

"I think it's nice , waiting for the right one to have your first kiss with ." Harry smiled , drawing soft patterns on Louis' back .

More like , everyone hates me and disgusted with me to be my first kiss . Louis thought to himself .

"It's your turn now ." Harry nudged him gently .

"How did you know you're gay ? I presonally n-never thought about girls , I was always more into guys ."

"I think it started when I was eleven , and it's the age when boys start looking differently about girls . I knew I never looked at a girl and thought I was attracted to her , and by the age of fifteen I came to realization I'm gay ."

"Did you have both girlfriends and boyfriends ? Or just boyfriends ?" Louis asked .

"I had both . I had two girlfriends until I confirmed myself I'm gay , then another boyfriend when I was seventeen . Five months into our relationship and he tried having sex with me , resulting in me punching him and breaking things off with him . Mostly because he was forcing me ."

"How can people be mean like that . If someone isn't comfortable with something then they shouldn't do it ."

"I know , he's an asshole . Was an asshole , still an asshole . He still tries getting back with me , but I learned from my mistake with him ."

"Is he still bothering you ?"

"Yeah , even though I haven't seen him in four months already , which is good ."

"Okay . It's your turn now ."


Soon it was eleven p.m , which means Louis had to be back home soon . Unwillingly Harry led Louis out of the house and into his car , driving him back home .

He walked him up to the door , holding both his small hands in his large ones . "I had a great time tonight ." He smiled at Louis .

"Me too . It was nice ." Louis smiled at him shyly .

"Would you like to do that again sometime ?" Harry asked , Louis nodded , "Yeah , of course ."

Just as Harry was about to pull Louis into a hug , the front door opened and Zayn and Niall walked out .

"Hello , lovebirds ." Niall chuckled , Louis looked down shyly , "Sorry about them ." He whispered to Harry .

"How was your date ?" Zayn asked , taking note of their hands joined together .

"It was great ." Harry smiled at him .

"What did you do ?" Niall asked .

"Niall , we don't have to tell you what we did ." Louis shook his head , shooting his best death glare at him .

"I don't mind telling them , if you don't ." Harry turned his attention to Louis , who sighed and nodded , "Okay ."

"Well , we had dinner , attempted to watch a movie and played a questions game to get to know each other ."

"We can tell you stuff about Louis too ." Niall slung his arm around Louis' shoulder , "Like , he's the most adorable thing ever when he's asleep ."

"Yeah , and he sings really good ." Zayn joined , pinching Louis' cheeks .

"God you're embarrassing ." Louis let go of Harry's hands to cover his face shyly , while Niall and Zayn kept telling Harry things about him .

"He freaking loves pancakes ."

"He drinks his tea with milk and no sugar ."

"He plays a bit of piano ."

"Biggest cuddler ever ."

Harry was smiling in amusement , he liked hearing stuff about Louis , and Louis was blushing like mad which Harry thought was overly adorable .

"He's a good listener and adviser ."

"He lives for back scratches ."

"His top three ticklish spots are -"

"No don't !" Louis cut Zayn off and covered his mouth with both hands and turned to Harry , "So this is it , we're done with this ."

Zayn tried taking Louis' hands off his mouth but Louis kept his hands there .

"Oh come on , I'm waiting to hear this . I'd like to know that ." Harry smirked , Louis blushed and shook his head , "No , then you have a weapon against me ."

Niall was cackling next to them , barely having any air to breath properly .

Zayn forcefully took Louis' hands off his mouth , holding the boy's wrists so he won't be able to get to him .

"Noo , Zayn don't ! Please don't tell him ."

"You know he'll find it out sooner or later , yeah ?"

"I prefer later ."

"I prefer sooner ."

"Nooo please ! Don't be mean ."

Harry still had an amused grin on , he definitely liked Louis' friends .

"Okay , okay . So I can tell him just one spot out of the three ?"

"No . You tell none ."

"His ribs ." Zayn looked at Harry with a smirk .

"No ! Zayn !" Louis pulled his wrists from Zayn's hold and punched his arm , Zayn laughed , "I'm sorry but I had to !"

"You aren't sorry ." Louis pouted and crossed his arms over his chest . Zayn laughed again , "You're right , I'm not ."

Harry walked closer to Louis and wrapped his arm around his waist , pulling him closer , "Can I please say a proper goodbye now ?" He raised his eyebrow , Niall and Zayn walked back into the house laughing .

"God , they're so embarrassing ." Louis hid his face in his hands , Harry smiled and pulled him into his chest , "I think they're cool ."

Louis huffed and crossed his arms over his chest , "They're mean to me ."

"At least I know how to make you smile ." Harry wiggled his fingers against his ribs lightly , Louis giggled and slapped his hand away , "Please don't ."

"Okay , okay . None for you , only for tonight . I'm going to have to explore it ." He winked , Louis whined and pushed him away , "Meanie ."

"Meanie ?" Harry chuckled , Louis nodded , "Yes , you're a meanie ."

"Can the meanie get a hug and a goodbye kiss ?" Harry opened his arms , Louis shyly walked into his embrace and sighed to himself .

"I'd love to take you out again ." Harry said , rubbing Louis' back softly , "Would you like that ?"

"I would love that ." Louis nodded with a smile .

Harry pulled back from their hug a little and pressed a long , soft kiss to Louis' cheek . Louis' cheeks turned red , he loved the feeling of Harry's warm and soft lips .

"I'll see you later ." Harry moved his fringe from his forehead . Louis nodded , "See you later ." He smiled , Harry smiled back at him and pecked his forehead , "Good night , tiny angel ."

"Good night , Harry ." Louis gave his large hand a squeeze before letting go , watching Harry getting into his car . They waved at each other before Harry drove away .


It was okay , right ? I think it was .

Hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't x


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