Ch. 2
So , second chapter . Hoping for good .
Enjoy the chapter x
Harry was back at the station two days later , greeting Liam with a smile and a 'good morning' .
"Want to join me and Noah at the gym ?" Liam asked , Harry nodded , "Yeah , I'll go change and join you ."
Once he was changed he went to the gym , going to the treadmill , where Liam was .
"Did you go to the hospital ?" Liam asked mid-running , a little out of breath .
"Yeah , I did ." Harry nodded , pressing the 'up' button a few times to pick up the speed .
"How was it ?"
"It was okay , he's quite cute . And shy ."
"How old is he ?"
"Don't know ."
"Harry for god's sake , he can be underaged !"
"We haven't done anything beside talking , calm your ass down ."
"Think before you do anything , will you ?"
"Liam , I'm fucking twenty three years old , not five ."
"Sometimes you act like you are five ."
"Oh fuck you ."
They laughed , Noah joined them on the treadmills starting a conversation .
"Breakfast is ready !" Charlie called from the kitchen , Harry walked in and took a place near the table , Oli helped Charlie bring the food to the table .
Ben took a seat next to Harry , "Heard you went to see the boy you saved , is it true ?"
"Yeah , I had to see how he is , he wasn't taking the house collaping pretty well ." Harry sighed , "He's doing okay , recovering , his friends are there for him , that's all that matters ."
"Poor boy , I wouldn't want to know how he's feeling ." Ben shook his head lightly .
"Me neither . Wouldn't want to be in his shoes ." Harry nodded , "I'm planning on going to the funeral , I think all of us , who participated in the event , should go ."
"Yeah , we should ."
"After breakfast we'll talk to them . Oli , Liam , Charlie and Noah ."
"Deal ." Ben clapped Harry's shoulder and took himself a sun-side-up egg .
Harry was holding his phone , biting his lower lip . Should he call Niall , to talk to Louis ? Or shouldn't he ?
He needed to , if he wanted to know when the funeral is . He pressed his contact name and called , pressing the phone to his ear .
"Hello ?"
"Hey , Niall . This is Harry , Harry Styles . Remember me ?"
"Of course I do , you saved my best friend's life ."
Harry chuckled a little , "I uh , I called to let you know that the firefighters who participated in the fire and I are planning on coming to the funeral , of Louis' family . I called to ask if there's a date ."
"Yeah , it's in three weeks from today , on April 23rd , ten a.m at the local cemerty ."
"Alright , we'll be there ."
"Would you like to talk to Louis ?"
"Uhm , if he's free , then yes , I would like that ."
"Alright , just a second ."
There were a few shuffles before Harry heard Louis' soft voice , "Hello ?"
"Hey , Louis . It's Harry ."
"O-oh , hi , I wasn't expecting y-you to call ."
"Well , I did . I wanted to know how you're doing ."
"I'm doing o-okay , Niall and his mother are taking me to the mall to get myself some clothes , since , uh - since , you know ."
"Yeah . I could lend you some money to get yourself something too -"
"No no no , please don't , I don't want you t-to spend your money on me . You already saved my l-life , you've done more than enough ."
"Come on , it's no big deal ."
"No , I insist , I don't want you s-spending money on me ."
"Fine , fine ." Harry chuckled softly , "I called to check up on you . Are you doing better ? Your ankle ?"
"My ankle is fine , I just r-removed the cast a few minutes ago . It's n-nice of you to call ."
"Good . Also , the guys and I are coming to - to the funeral . Is that okay ?"
"Y-yeah , it's okay ."
"Good ." Harry smiled to himself , he was about to say something , that may have or haven't been about seeing Louis again , but the system alert went off .
"I'm really sorry but I need to go , I'll talk to you soon ."
"Okay , bye Harry ."
"Bye Lou ."
They hung up , Harry stuffed his phone into his pocket and mentally smacked himself when he realized he called Louis Lou .
Louis was sat stunned , his eyebrows raised and mouth slightly agaped .
"What is it ?" Niall asked , "Did he hang up on you ?"
"N-no , he - he called me Lou ."
Niall let out a loud laugh , causing Louis to blush . "Shut it , leprechaun ." He crossed his arms over his chest .
"You totally like him ." Niall pinched his cheek , Louis swatted his hand away , "I only saw him twice , and one out of these two times I could barely see him because of the Suit and mask ."
"Oh but when he came to visit you ? He's quite fit , you have to admit it ." Niall nudged him , Louis shook his head and tried controlling his smile , "W-well , it's a bit obvious he's working out , and being a firefighter means physical work , of course he'll be fit ."
"And you like it ." Niall winked , Louis rolled his eyes and blushed , "I barely know him ."
"I bet you'll go out in two , maybe three months ." Niall patted his arm , "He seems like a good guy , he isn't some douche , he cares about you ."
"He cares out of pity ."
"He cares just like I care , except he doesn't know you the way I do . It doesn't mean it's out of pity ."
"I don't know what to think anymore , Niall ."
"Just give it some time , it'll all be just fine . Come on now , we need to get going ."
Niall , Louis and Maura reached the mall , when they saw a firetruck parking near the entrace .
"We'll be right back , mum ." Niall said and took a hold of Louis' arm , dragging him after him towards the truck , not really caring he's still with crutches .
"Niall , don't ." Louis could barely keep up with him but tried his best .
"Oh come on , just to check if he's there ." Niall sent him a knowing smile , Louis blushed and soon they reached the firetruck .
Harry was standing there with the firehose over his shoulder , wearing a black shirt with the fire-department symbol in red across his back , a yellow dress-suit pants with the suspenders over his shoulders .
"There's your hubby ." Niall chuckled , Louis elbowed him , "Shut it already ."
"His friend is a goodlooking one too ." Niall nodded towards the other firefighter that was supporting the firehose for Harry .
A few people gathered around to watch the firefighters in action , parents with their kids explaining what they're doing and how important their work is .
Soon Harry finished putting the dumpster out , he turned back to the firetruck with Liam after him , when someone called his name .
"Harry !" Niall called , taking a hold of Louis' arm and walking towards him .
Harry smiled at them , "Hey , what are you doing here ?"
"We came to get Louis some new clothes ." Niall said and pulled at Louis' arm so he would be standing right infront of Harry .
"Hi ." Harry smiled down at him , Louis smiled back shyly , "Hey ."
"Long time no talk ." Harry winked , Louis giggled quietly and blushed , "Seems like it ."
"Does your ankle hurt ?" Harry asked , looking down to Louis' uncasted ankle .
"No , it's fine ." Louis shook his head with a smile .
Maura approached them , "Excuse me , how do you know Louis ?"
"I'm Harry Styles , ma'am . As you probably realized , I'm a firefighter . I uh -"
"He carried Louis out of the house before it collapsed , mum ." Niall spoke up , Maura was quick to hug Harry , "Thank you , for saving his life ."
"It's no problem ." Harry smiled as he hugged her back , "Now excuse me , but I really need to go back to the station ."
"It's okay , just doing your job ." Maura said with a smile .
Harry turned to Louis , "I'll see you later ?"
Louis nodded , "Yeah ."
Harry reached forward and pulled Louis into a hug , he never realized just how tiny the boy was .
"Bye Lou ." Harry rubbed his back softly before pulling back from the hug .
"Bye Harry ." Louis smiled shyly , Harry gave him one last smile and got back into the firetruck with Liam and Oli .
"Ugh , Zayn , make him stop !" Louis groaned into the pillow as Niall kept going on about how fond Harry is over Louis .
"Sorry , bud , I can't . Because damn I can't fight the facts ." He ruffled his hair , laughing when Louis groaned again .
"I'm being serious ! The way Harry smiled at him and looked at him , he's so fucking fond over you ." Niall grinned , he lied next to Louis one one side , Zayn sat on his other side .
"Don't be shy Lou , he's not some asshole ." Zayn rubbed his back , "I approve of him when you start dating ."
"Stop making assumptions about us dating ." Louis whined .
"This is not an assumption , because we know for a fact it will happen ."
"What if it wouldn't ?"
"Then Harry is a fucking loser ." Niall called out .
"Stop cursing already , will you ." Louis gave Niall a push , Niall chuckled , "You know I can't keep my mouth shut ."
"Unfortunately I do ." Louis rolled his eyes and turned to lie on his back , "I just - I don't understand how someone like him even looks my way ."
"Because he's fond over you , you're the cutest boy ever ." Zayn pinched his cheek .
"I doubt that's what he thinks ." Louis rolled his eyes .
"I bet that's what he thinks ." Zayn tapped his nose , "You two fit together , he's the buff and broad one who gets easily overprotective , and you're the cute one who wants cuddles and giggles like an angel ."
"Where did that come from ?"
"I read Harry's mind ." Zayn winked , Louis slapped his arm , "You're a weirdo ."
"I'm giving you four months to get together ." Zayn squished his cheeks with one hand , Louis shrugged , "I doubt it'll happen ."
It wasn't much , but it was something !
Hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't . x
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