Ch. 11
Enjoy the chapter x
"You still didn't tell me how was your date yesterday ." Harry asked Liam , while the two were on the treadmill at the firestation's gym .
Liam chuckled , "It was great . Niall is great . Smiles and laughs at everything . He has such beautiful eyes , I just - he's beautiful ."
"That's good . Now tell me about the date , not the person ."
"The date was great , I got some snacks and drinks , we sat at the park ."
"How was your first kiss ?"
"It was perfect . We were both laughing , like full on laughing and leaning on each other , I don't even remember what was so funny . Then we - we realized we're close , so it happened ." Liam said with a wide smile on . "How was your first kiss with Louis ?"
"I took Stone to the park , and Louis and I sat on a bench cuddling . So I asked if I can be his first kiss , and he said yes . It was perfect ."
"Sappy shit ." Liam laughed , Harry flipped him off .
It was two p.m and the station was quiet , Harry slumped back on the couch and pulled his phone out to call Louis .
"Hey Hazza ."
"Hello , tiny angel . How are you ?" Harry grinned at his soft voice .
"I'm good , you ? How's the shift going ?"
"I'm good too , the shift is quite boring actually . No events for now . What are you up to ?"
"I just finished washing the dishes from lunch , uhm Zayn is here with Niall and I and we're about to watch a movie ."
"Oh , what movie ?"
"Pixels , with Adam Sandler . I love this actor and I've been dying to watch this movie for a few months now ."
"I agree , Adam is really good . I've already watched the movie so I won't spoil it for you , enjoy watching . Also , I called to ask -"
Harry was cut off by the alarm going off , a call about a clothing store on fire rang through the station .
Harry jumped to his feet , "I'm very sorry angel but I need to go , we got a call . I'll call you in the evening , okay ?" Harry said quickly as he grabbed his black amber suit .
"Okay , be careful . Bye Hazza ."
"Bye baby ."
They hung up , Harry stuffed the phone into his pocket as he got into the firetruck with Liam and Oli .
Oli was driving while Liam and Harry were putting on their suits , oxygen tanks and helmets . They reached the street , black smoke was coming from inside the store . The police backed people away and closed the street , allowing the fire department to take control .
Harry and Liam jumped off the truck , the shift commander talked to the owners of the place before the turned off the electricity . (Note : In building fires you always shut the electricity off , because the firefighters can get electrocuted from the water and electricity combined .)
As soon as the shift commander gave them the que , Harry slung the firehose over his shoulder and started putting the fire out . It was difficult though , since there was a lot of material in the store .
Once Harry put out enough to get into the store , he walked in with another firefighter , each one taking a side .
It was dark inside , even though the sun was out they could barely see anything , both from the smoke and stuff around them .
Harry was busy putting out the shelves he didn't hear someone calling , "Harry watch out !!"
He then felt something heavy falling on his shoulder , almost knocking him off his feet . He wobbled a little but straightened back up , not feeling any pain on his shoulder . He finished putting his side out and walked further in for the changing cells , feeling a slight pain in his shoulder , but not enough to affect him .
After he finished with the changing cells the store was completely put out , he walked out of the store and handed the firehose to Liam , reaching up to take off his helmet when pain rushed through his shoulder , where he was hurt . He winced , his shift commander walked over to him and took his helmet off , "You should've gotten out when that shelf stock fell on your shoulder , Styles ."
"I didn't feel any pain , Sir ." Harry shook his head after his commander take the oxygen mask off his face .
"Go to Oli , he'll help you take the suit off , the ambulance is over there , let them check you up ." The commander said , Harry nodded and walked up to Oli .
Once was out of the suit Liam walked with him to the ambulance , because he insisted knowing if he's okay or not .
The shift commander explained the situation , the paramedic nodded and sat Harry down , pressing on different spots on his shoulder , asking him to lift it up and such .
"You dislocated it , only halfway out ." The paramedic said , "It's nothing major , but we need to get you to the hospital ."
The shift commander sighed , "You'd better get well soon , you're one of my best firemen ."
Harry smiled at him , "I promise to do whatever I can ."
"You're still going to stay home for the next two weeks though ." The paramedic said , Harry sighed , "Can it be less ?"
"No , this is the minimum , two weeks or more . Because your shoulder is only halfway out you won't need a long time to recover ."
"Fine ." Harry sighed and got into the ambulance , Liam patted his knee , "I'll call Niall to let them know , okay ?"
Harry nodded , "Okay , thank you ."
"Come on , I'll drive us ." Zayn stood up and grabbed his car keys , Niall and Louis following .
Louis was munching on his lower lip , thoughts running through his head .
They got into the car , Zayn pulled out of the parking spot and started driving . He looked at Louis through the mirror , since he was sitting in the back . "He'll be okay Lou , it's nothing major ."
"I know , I - I'm just worried ." He sighed , Zayn gave him a soft smile , "He will be okay , he's a fighter . Literally ."
Louis smiled at the pun , nodding , "I know ."
They reached the hospital twenty minutes later , jumping out of the car . They walked in and straight to the receptionist .
"Hi , uh we're here for Harry Styles , he was brought a few minutes ago ." Zayn said , the woman looked up at them , "Are you family ?"
"I-I'm his boyfriend ." Louis said shyly from next to Zayn , "I want to know if he's okay ."
"You're not family , sorry -"
"I am !" A voice called from behind them , Louis , Zayn , Niall and the receptionist turned their heads to see a woman walking up to them , "I'm Harry's mother , Anne Twist ."
Louis bit his lower lip , trying to hide behind Zayn . This is not how he wanted to meet Harry's family .
Anne pulled her ID out and showed the receptionist that Harry is truly her son . The woman nodded , "A nurse will be here shortly to fill you in ."
Zayn turned his head to Louis , seeing his cheeks , painted deeply in red . He turned back to Anne .
"Excuse me , ma'am ?" He asked , Anne turned to them , "Oh , hello ."
"Hi , uh we're also here for Harry ." Zayn said , "My name is Zayn and this is Niall , and this -" He brought Louis up from behind his back , "- Is Louis , Harry's boyfriend ."
Louis shyly looked up at Anne , she was almost as tall as Harry .
Anne gaped , "You're - you're the Louis Harry always talks about ?"
Louis bit his lower lip , "I uh - I guess ? I didn't know he t-talks about me ."
Anne brought him into a hug , "Only good things , of course ." She smiled and pulled back , "I'm so happy to meet you ."
"Nice meeting you too ." Louis said with a smile , "Even though I wasn't planning on meeting you like this ."
"Me neither , but oh well ." She chuckled , "Come on , sit with me ."
The three sat with her on the waiting chairs , Anne and Louis were conversing quietly when a nurse walked up to the reception , "Anyone here for Harry Styles ?"
Anne jumped and took Louis' hand in hers , "We are ."
"Follow me ." The nurse started walking down the hall , Anne and Louis following close behind . They walked into a small waiting room and the nurse explained the situation , both nodding .
"When can we see him ?" Anne asked .
"You can see him now , I'll take you to his room ." The nurse got up , Louis and Anne followed her to Harry's room .
"Now , Harry was given a med for the pain , so he'll be acting and talking nonsese - like people after they get their wisdom teeth taken out ." The nurse said and opened the door to the room , walking in .
Harry was laying in bed with his arm propped , a blanket covering him . He turned his head when the door opened , a lazy smile on his face .
"Muuuum !" He grinned , Anne walked closer and hugged him carefully , "Hey my love , how are you ?"
"I'm goooood . Goooood ." Harry leaned his head back on the pillow , starting to sing a song out of nowhere .
"Look who also came to visit you ." Anne turned her head to Louis , pulling him closer .
Harry beamed , "Louis , my tiny angel !"
Louis blushed and walked closer , leaning to peck his cheek , "Hi Hazza ."
"My angeeeeel . Tiny . Angel . Loooouuis ." Harry was mumbling while holding Louis' hand , making him giggle shyly .
"How are you feeling ?" Louis asked , "I was so worried ."
"I'm fiiiiine . Don't worry ." Harry smiled at him before he started to sing , "Don't you worry , don't you worry chiiiiilddddd ..."
Louis giggled again but let him be , Harry smiled at him and puckered his lips , "Give me a kiss ."
Louis leaned down and pecked his lips quickly , feeling shy with being affectionate with Anne in the room .
Harry whined loudly , "Nooo , I want a proper kiss ! Come on angellll ...."
Anne laughed and rubbed Louis' back , "He won't leave you alone until you do , he's always been stubborn ."
Louis blushed slightly deeper and pressed a kiss to Harry's lips , when he pulled back Harry grinned , "Hell yeaahhhhh !"
Louis giggled and pushed the curls from his face , "You're silly ."
"Am not ." Harry pouted , "Mum tell him I'm not silly ." He whined slightly .
"Oh dear but you are ." Anne laughed , Harry whined again , "Nooo I'm not !"
"Harry dear are you sleepy ?" Anne asked and rubbed his arm , Harry nodded , "Kind of ."
"Go to sleep , we'll see you when you wake up ." Anne kissed his forehead .
"Okay ." Harry nodded and turned to Louis , "Cuddle me ?"
"I - I can't , Hazza . You're injured , I -"
"Just sit with me until I fall asleep ." Harry patted the bed with his free hand , Louis nodded and sat next to him , Harry shuffled closer and closed his eyes , "Play with my hair please ?"
Louis smiled and brought his hand to his hair , running his fingers through Harry's hair softly .
Anne watched with a smile , "You're so amazing together ."
Louis smiled shyly at her , nodding his head when she asked to take a picture . The picture was taken , she showed it to Louis with a grin on her face .
"I'm so glad I met you . Harry was talking nonstop about you ." Anne smiled at Louis . Louis smiled back , "He told me about you aswell , and about his sister ."
"Oh Gemma will be so thrilled to meet you , she needs to be here in an hour or so ." Anne sat on the bed aswell , "Ever since Harry first told her about you she demanded on meeting you as soon as possible ."
Louis was blushing deeply , smiling down at Harry . "He's - different , a good different though . He doesn't care about how awkward and shy I am , he just knows how to bring me out of my shell . Except for Zayn and Niall , the two guys who came with me , he's the only person I opened up to since a long time ago ."
Anne rubbed Louis' knee softly , "Harry likes you , a lot . He can't stop talking about how cute you are , and how much he loves making you happy . He understands you , and only wants good for you ."
"He's amazing ." Louis nodded , "I've never imagined someone like him would want to date me , honestly ."
"He likes you so much , don't ever doubt it ." Anne shook her head .
Harry woke up two hours later , the med has worn off . Gemma , Anne , Louis , Niall and Zayn were in the room , talking and laughing quietly .
Harry sighed and moved his free hand around for Louis , not feeling him next to him . He opened his eyes , "Lou ?"
Louis walked over to him , "Hey , sleepy ." He smiled , Harry smiled back , "I'm glad you're here ."
"Why won't I be here ?" Louis asked and let Harry take a hold of his hand , Harry chuckled , "Who else is here ?"
"Your mum , sister , Zayn and Niall . Liam called earlier but you were still asleep ." Louis said , Harry nodded and turned his head to Anne and Gemma , "Hey ."
"I like your boyfriend , he's amazing ." Gemma hugged Louis , Louis smiled shyly and blushed . Harry smiled widely , "I'm glad you do . I know he's amazing ."
"How is your shoulder ?" Anne asked , Harry sighed , "It's okay , doesn't hurt ."
"Do you - do you remember anything from when you were on the pain meds ?" Anne asked , Louis giggled a little . Harry chuckled , "I don't , it's kind of blurry ."
"You were so silly , it was hilarious ." Louis giggled again , Harry grinned and squeezed his hand softly , "Was I embarrassing ? I probably was ."
"You were ." Louis nodded with a wide smile , holding his giggles back .
A nurse walked into the room , "Good evening ."
"Good evening ." The group said back .
"Harry , you're free to go in an hour or so , after you get checked up . The doctor will be here shortly ." The nurse said , Harry nodded and she left .
"I'll come visit you tomorrow morning , before Niall and I go to work ." Louis said as he hugged Harry gently , Harry nodded , "Okay , call me when you wake up ." He pulled back , Louis nodded , "Okay ."
Harry leaned down and pressed their lips together , "See you tomorrow , tiny angel ."
"See you tomorrow , Hazza ." Louis said with a smile , Harry pecked his lips and his cheek before going to Gemma's car with his mum and Gemma .
It was quite long .
Hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't x
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