~(Y/n)'s POV~
"I've found berries and some wheat. I think that'll be enough for today." I walk through Serenade Forest (A/n: Made this up) as I head back to my hometown. I started humming my favorite tune and started skipping like a little girl. I couldn't help but laugh at myself. "I should be close by." I walk through a couple of bushes and saw a black and white thing moving. It was moving fast and I couldn't tell if it was an animal or what.
I placed my basket down and headed towards the strange black and white object. I poked the object and was shocked. "It's so soft..." I mumble to myself. I grabbed the object with my hand. "Whoa!" A man with wolf ears suddenly stood up. I slipped and fell down on my rear. "What was that?!" The man quickly turns around and sees me. He squats in front of me with a blank expression. "You look like a nice lady. Do you know where I could find more bugs like this?" He held out his hand and showed me a blue beetle. 'I guess he forgot I grabbed his tail' I think. I nodded and stood up to brush off the dirt on my (f/c) dress. "In fact, my father actually studies insects. Why don't I show you a few?" I ask.
"I'm Keaton. What's your name?" He asked with a smile. "(Y/n). It's nice to meet you, Keaton. I'm sorry for grabbing your tail like that," I said. "That was you? I thought some strange monster grabbed my tail and wanted it to itself." I shook my head and gave him a small vile out of my pocket. "If you want, you can put the beetle in this vile and take it with you if you like it so much. It won't live long like that, but it seems you like insects just like my father. Follow me. I'll show you the way," I say and pick my basket up.
"What's in the basket?" Keaton asked. "Oh, just some items for dinner tonight. You're welcome to join us if you wish." He licked his lips and I giggled at him. "Food sounds nice right now..." Keaton rubbed his stomach. My laughter grew louder and Keaton smiled. We arrived at my father's house and he wasn't home. "Go ahead and make yourself at home, Keaton. I'll start dinner. My father should be back soon. Through that door is his collection of insects." I pointed to a door that was in the back of the house. Keaton's tail started wagging as he disappeared behind the door. I began cooking dinner and lost track of time.
I finished dinner right as my father walked in the door. "Ah, it smells good, sweetheart!" He said as he sniffed the air. I handed him a cup of tea and he smiled. "Thank you, (Y/n)." He sat down and rested as I prepared three plates. "Three? Do we have a guest over?" Father asked. "We do. He's enjoying your insect collection. You two might get along very well." I sat the plates down and went to search for Keaton.
"Keaton?" I searched through the room full of insects for the wolfskin. I examined the jars and saw a giant spider in one container. It jumped in the jar and it startled me. My back hit a shelf and a jar filled with ants was falling straight for me. I covered my eyes and waited to be covered in ants, but nothing happened. I opened my eyes and saw Keaton right in front of me. He was protecting my body with his as one hand caught the jar of ants. I sigh in relief as Keaton places them back on the shelf. "T-thank you, Keaton. I don't know how you and my father stand all these insects," I say.
"I've never seen so many amazing creatures in one place!" Keaton eye's gleamed like a child who got a new toy. I giggled and wrapped my arm around one of his. "C'mon. Dinner's ready and my father wants to meet you." Keaton nodded and gladly followed me with our arms entwined.
Dinner started off great. My father really likes Keaton. They mostly talked about bugs which made me lose my appetite a little. Once dinner was finished, I offered to go into town and bring some bread back from the bakery for tomorrow. "Could I come with you?" Keaton asked as his tail wagged. I nodded with a smile and we headed into town. We walk through the streets and see tons of stalls scattered on the side of the street. "What's that?" Keaton asked as he pointed to a stall.
"Oh, that's a stuffed animal. It's shaped like a rabbit," I answer. He ran up to the stall and started sniffing it. I laugh as I join him at the stall and admired the goods. "Good evening, Miss (Y/n). I see you brought your significant other~" Marianna winked as she grinned at me. My face started turning red and I quickly denied it. Luckily Keaton was too distracted by the stuffed rabbit. "He's just visiting. He and my father love insects," I say. Marianna's smile grows even bigger. "If he's not your fiancé, who is he?" She asked.
"I ran into him in the forest while gathering ingredients. He asked me if I knew where he could find beetles and I directed him to my father's collection."
"Yes, your father does collect some strange insects. I don't know how you live with that man."
"It's not easy. I feel like all the jars will break and the house will be swarmed with insects!"
"At least it keeps him busy and out of trouble."
"You are right. I wish he would find something else to do beside bring bugs home in a jar everyday..."
Marianna and I chatted as Keaton browsed her stuffed animals. I noticed his eyes were glued to one that was a cute wolf. "Marianna, could I buy the stuffed wolf?" I ask. "Of course, sweetheart. Here you go~" She hands me the stuffed wolf and I hand it to Keaton. His eyes glowed as he happily took it from me. "I'll see you later. I've gotta go by the bakery." I wave goodbye to her and walk with a happy Keaton beside me. After minutes of walking, I was hugged from behind. "Thank you!" Keaton cheered.
I giggled and turned around to hug him in return. "You're welcome, Keaton. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask, okay?" I run a hand through his hair and scratch his ears. I heard a strange notice come from Keaton as I scratched both of his ears. "That feels good..." He purred in my ear. It tickled my ear and I couldn't help but laugh. Without another word, Keaton does the unexpected. He crashed his lips on mine and gives me a sweet and warm kiss. I didn't hesitate and kissed him back. I heard people mumbling around us, but neither of us cared. We continued to exchange kisses while the moon rose in the sky.
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