chapter 25 blades drawn

(y/n)'s P.O.V

"this place is one giant maze, I hate mazes...." I said.

'who doesn't?' Dark asked.

"it so frustrating" Kamui said.

"at least its not my castle" Cookie said, (Me: I only speak the truth)

"you're both right..." Alex said, sighing.

"it might be easier if we split up to search the castle" Azura said.

"agreed" me and Kamui said,

"everyone shut up and listen up! we're going yo split up" I said.

"we'll regroup once someone has found the stairs leading up" Kamui said.

"call out once you find the stairs" Alex said.

"i'll sing to alert everyone else, and we'll all move forward together" Azura said.


Me, Kamui, Cookie, Kagura were looking around.

we walked to a long dark hallway.

"WE FOUND IT!" Cookie shouted, as she fly around, then she landed next to Kagura.

"hey! everyone! they're over--" Kamui tried to say by a familiar dark voice, that wasn't Dark.

"I am the forgotten dragon. the betrayed king. the entombed god...." the voice said.

"what in the world/in the name of grandpa?" me, Kamui, Cookie, and Kagura said.

"in the name of the king of valla, I sentence you both to DEATH!" The voice said.

we turned around and someone tackle us.


we soon woke up to see Gunter standing over us.

"Gunter?" I asked, as I saw Kamui, Cookie and Kagura starting to wake up.

"your all are coming to. thank goodness" Gunter said.

"we....we were attacked by an incredibly powerful magic...that can almost rival my fathers magic." Cookie said, as she help Kagura stand up.

"I thought. I sensed something. listen milord(s)(,milady). the enemy must have escape down the corridor. I'll chase after them--please wait here and recover." Gunter said, about to walk away.

"No, Gunter!" Cookie said stopping him.

"we'll go with you, it will be easier to capture them if we're together" Kamui said.

"there is something we need to check..." I said.

"...all right. we'll go together." Gunter said.

'i'm starting to not trust Gunter' Dark said.

'why?' I thought.

'you'll see soon' Dark said.

"I think that whoever attacked us just now, was also the one who killed Scarlet." Kamui said.

"what?! are you sure?" Gunter asked.

"now that you say that, it makes sense, he said 'I am the forgotten dragon. the betrayed king. the entombed god....'. we heard those exact words after Scarlet, Cookie, me and Kamui jumped from the bridge" I said.

"then...this same attacker is trying to catch you both, and Cookie I guess while you all are separated from everyone. did he or she somehow know that we'd split up? our original suspicion may be correct Lord Kamui, (lord/lady)(y/n). your guys attacker could be a part of our group." Gunter said.

"we know--you and big brother Ryoma said so before, but we can't be hasty" Cookie said.

"Cookie's right. Scarlet would have hated us to turn on each other for no reason" Kagura said.

"'re right milady's. the sight of her flower pinned to her chest just before the jump...I do not wish you four to meet the same fate, milord(s)(and milady's)" Gunter said.

'how did he know...that Scarlet pinned a flower before jumping?' Dark asked.

~time skip by Scarlet anger problem and not having a girlfriend yet :3 Scarlet: HEY! Me: XD~

we ran up to a room and we saw Azura and Alex.

"is that you, Kamui? (y/n)? Cookie? Kagura?" Azura asked.

"your okay?" Alex asked.

"big sister? Alex?" Cookie asked.

"we didn't realize you both were near..." Kamui said.

"you guys look so pale" Alex said.

"you as well, Gunter. is everything ok?" Azura asked.

"what are you doing, here Lady Azura? (lady/lord) Alex? the only way to get here is coming down that corridor. I saw no other way..." Gunter said, Me and Kamui turned to him.

"Gunter, don't tell us that...." I muttered.

"you believe Azura or Alex are one who...." Kamui said.

"what are you talking about?" Azura asked.

"what happened?" Alex asked.

'well...' Dark said.

just the two, shadow sword man appeared, Azura and Alex ran next to us, as we got out our weapons.

"we're under attack!" Kamui said.

'way to speak of the obvious, idiot' Dark said.

"Alex! Azura! Kagura! alert everyone to gather here" I said, to my three friends who nodded.

"but (milord/milady)..." Gunter said, unsure.

"i'm sorry, Gunter. Me, and Kamui know what you're thinking." I said, sighing as I grabbed my yato.

"but you know us. you know above all else. what we have to do." Kamui said as he also grabbed his yato.

" both can't stop believing in people?" Gunter asked.

"Correct. and we're not going to start now by no longer trusting those closet to us" Cookie said, looking up at the older man.

"now. lets meet the enemy!" Kamai said.

Just then, Azura and Alex and Ryoma came in as a shadow man wearing a clock on appear next to the enemies.

'the clocked man was the same one who killed your mother' Dark pointed out.

'well then sh**' I thought.

"heh. heh. heh...." the clocked man said.

"we recognized you! you're the one who appeared in hoshido and killed our mother!" Kamui yelled, glaring daggers at the clocked man.

" you both have any idea how amazing this feels? not only have my own children come to fight me. but you've all grown so strong....there can be greater challenge of my abilities than this" the clocked man said.

"what are you saying?!" I said, shocked, then he removed his clock and he was......our father, Sumeragi!

"big brother this...." Cookie said, covering her mouth in shock.

'holy f*** sh***' Dark said.

" can't be....this must be another deception....or could it really be...father?" Ryoma asked, shock and fear in his voice.

"well done Ryoma---my eldest son. once I was a king, but now I am a lowly servant to Anankos. my fall did bother me. for a time....but no more! not with opponents like you! I'm so happy, my children. look how strong you've become! strong enough to fight your way here. this will be a glorious battle. come! show me what you're capable of---show me how much you've grown!" Sumeragi said.

the battle began.

"i would not be a dutiful father if i did not test your capabillies. before we can fight, you must prove you can even reach me. there are three dragon veins: once you've activated them all, you can cross. I look forward to seeing what you can bring to the battlefield. and also I invited a old friend of mine, and I think you might know him " Sumeragi said, a man that looked like Z2 but with red eyes came up, and a red shadow aura was around him.

"Father!" Cookie said as she saw the man.

"wait what?! that's Z1?" Takumi asked, shocked.

'well he is the only other poke-human around, idiot' Dark said, if only Kagura can hear fight.

"ya, that's him....I can't believe it" Cookie said as ice began to form under her feet.

"Cookie stay strong, even how painful it may be" I said.

"...I'm fine, whatever it take, I'll save this world. nothing will stop me....not even my own fathers." Cookie said, using her powers to grab her magic sword.

"that's the sprit" Luna said.

I partner up with Kamui and went the other room that was in front of us.

the room slide over to a hall way, a enemy ran up to us and tried to cut us.

Ivan came out of no where and cut the guy in half.

I saw Cookie used her powers to burn, froze, flatten, the enemies that surrounded her.

I ran over to a another door, with Kamui, Ryoma, Cookie and Luna following close behind.

a enemy tired to attack me from behind but Kamui killed him. (Me: gold star)

when we went into the other room, a dragon pules, I used protect and shielded me, Kamui, Ryoma, and Cookie from the attack while Luna just flew in the air.

I looked up to see a red Shadow Z1, in his 50% form..i think and his eye is grey.

the red plant like things tried to attack me but Cookie in her Pokémon form used moon blast on it, making it blow up.

'FATHER!!' Cookie shouted in her Pokémon form, as she glared daggers at him, with tears in her eyes, 'wake up! it's me!! don't you remember me!!!'

Z1 just look at her with no emotion, and the vines came right at Cookie as she dodge it, and started attacking the vines.

'JUST GO!!' Cookie shouted at us, as she used mega horn at the vine that tried to grab her.

"wait what?! we can't just--" I tried to say but Cookie looked at me and nodded.

'it's okay....just go...this is my fight, not yours, just go save our father, or in this case my other father' Cookie said,  i can tell that she was smiling as a light blue and light pink aura beam blasted the vines.

I didn't want to leave her to fight Z1 all alone but Kamui grabbed my shoulder and said, "she's the most capable to fight him, and she did say she was ready to fight."

i nodded slightly, still worried so I started running to the other room, where Sumeragi was.

Cookie's P.O.V

i was fight the vines, I set the vines on fire.

i landed on the ground and looked at my father, he still had no emotion. I'm scared....more then scared. Terrified to be honest, of fighting him by myself. But it's time to stop waiting for people to fight my battles.

'Daddy, wake up!! you can leave me again like this!!' I shouted in my Pokémon form.


i was around 2 at the time, a few weeks after father Z1 dropped me off at hoshido.

i was at the throne room, playing with my magic, and at the time I didn't fully under it, I stopped and looked down at the ground.

Sumeragi was near by and walked up to me and picked up.

"what's wrong?" Sumeragi asked me, I looked up at him.

"do you think Father Z1 wants me papa?" I asked him.

his eyes widen a bit and said, "what makes you say that?"

"he left me here, and didn't say anything...I wonder if he didn't want me anymore" I said sadly.

"he wants you, the reason why he left you here was because these evil people tried to kidnap you and him and the only safe place was here and he trusted me and Mikoto to keep care of you and hide you from the evil people" Sumeragi explained.

"when can I see him again?" I asked.

"only fate will tell" Sumeragi said.

~time skip a when I was 4 and at Nohr~

i was at Nohr and I was in the under ground village with big sister Elise selling flowers that I made with my magic.

I remember when I was young Aunt Xerneas took me to her land grow flowers.

"big sister?" I asked, looking up at her.

"ya?" Elise said looking at me.

"why is papa Garon so angry all the time?" I asked, as long as I can remember Garon has always been a bit of a....well how can I put it? my mad all the time.

"I don't really know, what I learned from big brother Xander. he wasn't always like this" Elise said, as she gave a flower to a old lady.

"i might ask big brother Xander myself after this" i said, as i moved my scarf over my mouth.

king Garon is not like my real father or act like a real father at all but i have this gut feeling this isn't his fault.

~time skip when i was 8~

I kept asking big brother Xander and big sister Camilla if i can leave the castle to see the outside world, even papa Garon, but all the answers were 'no'. 

I remember from what Cherry told me, before i went to bed. She told me about the outside world and about places she want to take me to. I also remember she told me about escape routes in the castle. So, I decided to use on what she told me. I ran away.

i was in the forest at least 10 to 20 miles away from the nohrian castle I didn't tell any one, i didn't take anything with me...i just has my sweater on because it's cold, and my sun and moon necklace that i had when i was born.

i soon saw two men with red, orange and black cloths, with a eclipse symbol on their chests.

i has a feeling they were bad, so i hide behind a tree and try to listen in on what they are saying.

"can't believe the boss wants us to find the child of Zygarde, it's been 8 years already. this is pointless" the first grunt said.

"agreed. I can't believe it. i don't get why we have do look for her, it's just a waste of time." the second grunt said.

I slightly gasped, they were looking for me. I tried to move away but i step on a stick, i hissed in pain since i wasn't wearing shose.

they turned around and saw me, i ran like sonic but i have been shot by something and passed out.

~time skip two months~

i was in a cell with a few other prisoners. All we have is some random toys, paper, and such. Team eclipse wasn't that bad to leave us alone with boring stuff, but there is some guards here watching us and us having wrists keeping us from completely wondering around the room.

A few hours later, a grunt came into the room, Taking to one of the guards by the door. He soon came over to me, unlocked my chains and grabbed me by the arm. Dragging me to another room. I didn't even bother to fight back anymore, i know the punishment will be bad.

When we get to where the Grunt was dragging me. He opened the cell, showing a smaller room then the one i was just in. There was one girl, who look four years older then me. 12 years old in fact. She has long dark-ish red hair, red eyes and a rick tan skin color. she wasn't in chains or any thing, she was in the back of her cell, on her bed looking at her hands.

the grunt put me in her cell and said, "you will stay here for the next few days before your next testing" and with that said he left me and the red head alone.

I slowly walked up to the red head and tapped her shoulder, making her look at me, her eyes were dull. She looked back down and used her psychic powers to play with some near by toys.

We sat together in silence for minutes, hours? who knows? I mainly just drew next to her.

"they kidnapped a kids now...." the red head muttered to herself, "how young are they gonna get?"

"um" I looked at her, "what's your name?" 

"test subject A6341-mind, Ayla Val aka" Ayla said, then asked me, "you?"

"test subject Z3 Cookie Z" i said, her eyes widen a bit.

"so, you were the ones they been hunting for 8 years and 5 months, huh?" Ayla asked me. I'm not sure how she found out.

"ya, I was in hoshido and nohr almost all my life, until I ran away" I explaining, "because i ran away. and now look at me now...what do people who work here do to us?" i asked.

"As you know, run tests on us. Put us in cells, the normal" The red head said, placing the toys down, "ever so often, some test subjects turn into monsters....sometimes we have to put them down..."

"some times I lie down in bed and hop to fall asleep before i fall apart" Ayla said.

"you know, My brother always says, 'God would never put us through all this suffering if he didn't think we could bear it'" i said as i gave her a side hug. I always remembered Xander telling me that after he comes back from battle.

Ayla smiled, "thank you, milady."

"I guess we're room mates now" I said, smiling.

~time skip 5 years later~

me and Ayla finally ran away from the lab, we made it far away, we were at the Noiran village.

we put of different cloths so we can hide from the bad men.

soon I saw a girl with purple hair and lighter purple tips, and purple eyes, pale skin, who was buying a new sword.

I soon walked up to her, I have a feeling i can trust her "hi"

she turned around and looked at me.

"hi, um, do I know you?" the purple haired girl said, raising a eyebrow.

I slowly pulled out my neckless, the one that i always had since my father dropped my off at hoshido. The purple-nette's eyes widen.

"Coo- Milady?!" the purple haired girl whisper yelled in shock.

Ayla grabbed Cherry's and my arm and dragged us into a ally way so no one will see us.

I removed my scarf and nodded, the purple haired hugged me.

"I missed you so much!" the purple haired girl said.

"um..." I said,taken aback from the sudden hug.

"its me, Cherry, we met when we were kids" she said, The more i look at her, the memories came back to me about our shared history.

" it really you, Cherry?" I asked.

"that's what I just said" Cherry said.

"oh, you were the girl that Cookie was talking about, i'm Ayla" Ayla said, and she shook Cherry's hand.

"we need your help..." I said.

"what is it?" Cherry asked.

"we need to stop this war, I know you used to live in nohr, and I know Ayla came from hoshido..." I said, and explain the mission we need to go on.

~end of flashback~

'father, I been through so much...not even you can stop me from the friends I call my family' I said to him, a light pink aura came around me and soon wing grew on my Pokémon back.

'forgive me, father' i said to him as I used moon blast at father with full power, making him faint and turn into his human form.

"Thank child" father said, with a slight smile on his face.

(y/n)'s P.O.V

we made it to Sumeragi, Ryoma came up to him.

"Ryoma, my eldest pride...I hunger for the glory of a battle between us. I expect nothing less than your best- you will be getting mine!" Sumeragi said.

"My father...was a respectable man. a just king, and a true samurai. You. fueled only by a lust for battle and glory. are not that man. I will destroy you for pretending to be him!" Ryoma said.

soon a pink aura surrounded Ryoma giving him a power up, it was Cookie powering him up! and he charge up to Sumeragi with full power.

"you die. NOW!" Ryoma said as he defeated Sumeragi with one hit, soon the pink aura disappeared.

"my thirst for not yet..." Sumeragi said.

we have won the battle.

~time skip~

Me, Kamui, Cookie, Kagura and the rest of our hoshidian family...or step family or something like that, all surrounded Sumeragi and Z1, as they lay down by the stairs.

"you've all...become so strong" Sumeragi said.

"we're glad" Z1 said.

"Father! Z1!" Ryoma said.

"how could this happen? how could our father...." Hinoka said, worry in her voice.

"Sumeragi....Z1..." Kagura said.

"Sakura! Cookie! quickly heal them!" Takumi said to his younger sisters.

"oh! r-right!" Sakura said.

"alright!" Cookie said.

"i'll help too YEET!!" Luna said as she teleport behind Cookie.

they all tried to heal then but it didn't work.

'what?' Dark said.

"no effect? damn it! why isn't it working?!" Ryoma asked, shock and worry in his voice, with tears in his eyes.

"father...papa" Cookie muttered.

"why...why are you crying young one?"Z1 asked.

'because you are dying, idiot' Dark said.

"you've met and surpassed our hope for warriors on the battlefeild...and as the royalty of hoshido. we couldn't have wished for anything better." Sumeragi said.

"be proud. be proud of who you become." Z1 said.

"and....know that we are." Sumeragi said, smiling.

Ryoma stay silent.

"i will...Father. Z1." Takumi said.

"...Kamui, (y/n), Cookie, i must apologize to you three." Sumeragi said, turning his head to us.

"why, father?" Kamui asked.

"ya why?" i asked.

"why papa?" Cookie asked.

"i'm so sorry that i wasn't able to protect you three that day. your lives would have been so different if only i'd been stronger" Sumeragi said.

'boi, no need to be so sad' Dark said.

"Father... don't apologize!" i said, huffing.

"They're faint, but we still have memories of our childhood with you...." Kamui said.

"we remember you swing your sword...feeling protected safe when you patted us on the head with your big warm hand...." Cookie said as see wiped her tears and break the ice under her feet.

"we knew you loved us. and you gave your life trying to protect us." Kamui said.

"heh. such forgiving young children." Z1 said.

'normal' Dark said.

"....Kamui, (y/n), Cookie. did you three find Mikoto and Z2?" Sumeragi asked.

"yepy depy, we did" i said.

"that's good" Z1 said.

"through i loved and care for them deeply, my time with them was so bried...I'll never forget the day we first met. she'd traveled alone to hoshido from valla. when I saw her, standing by the lake...I knew immediately that I was in love. sometime later, after Anankos had taken over Valla. Mikoto fled to hoshido with the help of Z2. Mikoto brought her new born children. those children were you, Kamui and (y/n). so after Z1 took you, Cookie to us. " Sumeragi said.

'holy F***ing sh**' Dark said.

"ugh...what a disgrace. we're nothing more than a vallite puppets now. at least we can spend our last moments with all of you." Z1 said.

"all of my children and good friend, all grown up....we're so glad we could meet again." Sumeragi said.

"father....Z1.." me and Kamui said.

"father, papa" Cookie muttered. (Me: i feel like eleven from stranger things in this book)

the Sumeragi started to turn into water and Z1 has a blue aura around him.

"now, we can die without regrets." Sumeragi said.

"after all...we believe...that all of you...can win this war..." Z1 said.

"we'll do our best" Kamui said.

"and thats a promise" i said.

"what ever it takes" Cookie said.

"no..." Ryoma muttered as Sumeragi fully disappear into water, and Z1 shattered into a light.


Ayla: and we added how me and Cookie met

Me: and R.I.P Father and papa ;-;

Scarlet: try not to cry, its annoying

Me: wonder you don't have a girlfriend, your a jerk

Scarlet: don't make me kill you


All: BYE!

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