Stannis Baratheon
283 AC – Kings Landing
He walked through the Keep, trying his best to ignore the bodies that were steadily being carried out courtesy of Lord Tywin's men. He'd arrived in the capital a few days prior and was awaiting his older brother to come through the gates so he could claim the Iron Throne from House Targaryen for good. The thought made his lips turn in, misliking that thought very much as he knew what it meant. There were still loyalists out there, some ancient with honour running so deep in their bones anyone would think they were born with it.
Robert was due to arrive later that afternoon, scouts confirming the wheelhouse he was in had been sighted leaving Rosby five days prior. A reunion he was not looking forward to. Robert was his brother, and he had prioritised running away after the fat oaf Mace Tyrell had beaten him in battle at Ashford and not regrouping to go after them. Granted, it wouldn't have done much, but it would've meant less people would head for Storm's End. The smaller the army outside their ancestral Seat was, the easier it was for people to sneak in. But he hadn't, instead opting to go from battle to battle and gaining more and more glory to his oh so precious name and allowing his brothers and household to starve.
Stannis was a fair man, or so he believed himself to be. But he was not someone to forgive, and he was not someone to forget either. For peace, Robert would pardon Mace Tyrell for his actions. Something which left a bitter taste in his mouth like he had just bitten into the sourest Dornish lemon- skin and all. Speaking of the Dornish, they were remaining ominously silent. Perhaps Robert's lickspittle Lord Eddard would come back with news on what was occurring as he had ridden off to free his sister from those ordered to keep her captive by Prince Rhaegar.
The Prince was dead, chest crushed in so hard the rubies on his armour had all been knocked loose. Songs in the air from Fall of the Dragon, The Anvil of the Trident, and dozens of others he cared nought for nor would he ever care for.
"I thought I would find you here, Lord Stannis."
His mouth tightened even more as the scent of lavender invaded his nostrils.
"You didn't think you would find me here, Lord Varys. You knew you would find me here, learn the difference between the two."
The bald man let out an irritatingly high laugh at that, very much sounding like tinkling bells which was a sound he hated more than ever as every morning that damned fat flower would chime bells outside of Storm's End.
"Oh how your words cut deep, I came to find you to let you know your dearest brother has arrived- "
"Robert is my brother aye, but he is not my dear brother. You'd be best to remember such."
And then he walked forward, wanting to get as far away from the man as he could as riddles were the last thing he wanted to deal with this day. People were giving him looks of horror, likely because he had gotten so skinny being under siege his bones were sticking out awkwardly. His wife soon joining which only worsened his mood. There was no love between him and Selyse, yet it was his duty to take her to wife as his father and her father had wished, and he had done his duty as duty dictated. She was speaking to him, he knew that from her rat-like voice he despised with a passion but he paid her no mind. Not answering any of her questions and instead focusing solely on getting to the throne room. When they entered a face he did not expect to see came into view, nodding to Lord Eddard just enough that it was noticeable as a thanks for lifting the siege which had almost starved everyone within Storm's End. Horns began blaring as the doors opened to welcome their new King, the sight of none other than Tywin Lannister behind him souring his mood even more.
Robert was struggling to walk in a straight line, that much was obvious. Yet walk he did, grudging respect blooming in amongst his anger. Baratheon's were a strong family, Ours is the Fury were their House words after all. Watching his older brother walk up the steps to the Iron Throne with confidence before taking his seat on the monstrous thing. Grand Maester Pycelle bowing lowly and almost looking like he were about to snap in two from the position. The High Septon following soon after who had replaced the previous one just a few months prior carrying a golden circlet on a large yellow cushion until he was stood in front and blessing him in the seven holy oils before placing the crown atop his head.
"Long live the King!"
Stannis did not join in with the chant, blue eyes staring at his brother with distaste.
"House Targaryen is dead! As my grandmother herself was a Targaryen, this means as closest kin by rights I am the new King. For a week we will feast and drink, and a week afterwards we will hold a tourney to celebrate the victory! And at the end of the festivities, I will be taking the Lady Cersei Lannister to wife!"
His eyes widened ever so slightly as he turned to face Lord Eddard who only now realised he wore a sombre look. Confirming his dearest sister he had fought this war to get back was indeed gone of this world. Lord Tywin had a smug look on his face, it was known he had tried to have Cersei wedded to Rhaegar and when Aerys refused and had wed him to Elia Martell instead, he had raged for weeks. This combined with the death of his dear wife Lady Joanna had turned the already cold man as cold as the ice in the North.
"My soon to be goodfather has confirmed there is a prize awaiting for me, I wish to see this prize."
Confusion clouded his mind at this, having heard nothing of the sort. But it was nothing good given the smirk on the Old Lion's face. The doors opening as three people carried in large bundles of dark red cloth. The closer they got, the smell of death invaded his nostrils. The short gasp from his wife taking his attention before his skin went pale at seeing the tiny hand that had fallen out of the cloth. Turning to his brother in shock because surely he would not have done such a thing? The murder of babes was barbaric, the murder of kin was barbaric. Rhaegar had deserved it for he had besmirched his name so heavily no one would willingly accept him being blood. But babes...
People scurried away to create a large opening at the base of the Iron Throne as the bundles were laid down and were slowly unwrapped. Faces were turning green, red, and grey all around at the sight. But he was the brother of the new King, so stand strong he had to do so, even if his stomach was twisting horribly within his gut. Two of them were unrecognisable if it weren't for what they wore. One a little girl and the other a boy not even a year old. The boys head was crushed in like he had been thrown against something and the little girl had dozens of stab wounds on her tiny body. Prince Aegon and Princess Rhaenys. If this sight wasn't bad enough, the third body caused people to turn around and wretch what they had eaten that day up. Princess Elia for the most part looked the same in death as she did alive- if it weren't for the fact that from groin to collarbone she had been split open like someone had tried to saw her in half. Lord Eddard was the first to speak, channelling Stannis' own thoughts to the brutal sight.
"Robert, surely you did not- "
"They were dragons Ned, and the dragons are gone and now the Stag of Baratheon is the royal family of Westeros."
The words hadn't been said aloud, but it was clear from reading within the lines what he meant by them. He had ordered this. The thought disgusting him but nothing could be done now, so it was something he would have to accept.
"Robert, they were babes- "
"They were Dragonspawn! And no Dragonspawn shall live while I sit my throne!"
"You'd dishonour yourself such?"
"What is there to be dishonoured about? Their father kidnapped your sister, their grandfather had your father and brother killed in this very room and demanded both yours and my head. And you call putting an end to that dishonour?!"
Lord Eddard shut up at this, face turning red in anger before storming from the room. The bodies were removed now, not leaving any traces of blood as it had already clotted long before.
His lips tightened once more as he walked in front of the throne to stare up at his brother.
"For your loyalty, I wish to grant you the Seat of Dragonstone."
Murmuring echoed around at this as anger broiled deep within. Dragonstone?! By rights, Storm's End was his. He was Lord of the Stormland's by all laws and for his brother to throw that out the window was an insult he was not prepared to take.
"I'm afraid I cannot accept such a boon, dearest brother. For I am Lord of Storm's End- "
"That is where you are wrong. I need strong men surrounding me and Storm's End is too far away from Kings Landing. You will set sail for Dragonstone this evening and you will bring the Dowager Queen and her whelp to their knees in my name. Storm's End is hereby being granted to my youngest brother Renly!"
If he weren't in public, he would've punched his brother for such a thing. It was preposterous! No one passes over the rightful heir for someone further down the line. At least, not without consequences. But Robert was his King now, so he nodded before leaving the room too with Selyse hot on his heels whose face was as red as fresh tomatoes.
"You cannot stand for this husband- "
"Quiet woman, your voice is like a mouse that has been stood on."
From then on, Selyse Florent stewed in her own anger and never spoke a word as he made his way out of the Red Keep for the docks to gather what remained of the royal fleet. Or the fleet that was on their side as many ships were surrounding the island of Dragonstone.
Rhaella Targaryen
283 AC – Dragonstone
"Get out!"
She screamed once again, hunching over in agony as contractions kept coming but yet there was still no sign of the babe. Maester Lorys stood there with two midwifes to help her through her labours. She'd been offered milk of the poppy, but Rhaella had refused, stating this babe would come naturally no matter how much pain it would cause.
Viserys was being kept occupied by Ser Willem Darry which was a good thing, not wishing her sweet boy to witness any of this. No child of eight name-days should see a parent in agony like this.
"Nykēla qogralbar!" (Fuck me!)
Tears were falling down her cheeks now, throwing her head back as another wave of pain washed over her. Feeling Dawn deep in the Dragonmont crying out in pain alongside her. Ten years ago she had found the egg, coloured bright purple and jade green with flecks of silver and black. Not that she'd told anyone though, because if word got back to Aerys he would take the egg and try to hatch it himself. And that was the last thing anyone needed. But now, her husband was dead, alongside her dear eldest son. And if reports coming from the capital were true then Stannis Baratheon was heading their way with a fleet intending to take the island in Robert fucking Baratheon's name.
Something that would not last for long if she had anything to say about it. But first, she needed to get this babe out and now. Gripping the bedposts and hoisting herself further up the bed so she was partially sitting to catch her breath. Maester Lorys looking to her in worry but she shook her head to confirm this was only temporary. With a loud huff, she shimmied down into her original position and pushed harder than she ever had. Feeling the head beginning to push its way out which was certainly a step ahead from where she had been. A scream erupting from her throat as the head finally exited and the midwifes breathed a sigh of relief.
"You're doing wonderful, your Grace, keep push- "
"I know to keep pushing, Maester. I've carried multiple children, I know what to do."
Dawn was screaming now, she could feel it. Desperate to be allowed out of her cavern which the Dowager Queen made certain was closed to everyone so no one would find her greatest secret. Her dragon had hatched in the height of the last summer, when she had been heavily pregnant with Aegon who did not live to see his first name-day. The fifth babe she had birthed, yet only one of her five babes survived infancy. And now said son was dead too. Taken from her by her cursed cousin who now sat the throne that belonged to their family. Anger boiling deep within her as another scream tore from her throat as she pushed even harder than before. It was a miracle in itself her womb was not hanging out between her legs by now with the sheer force she was using. Feeling the shoulders slip out enough for Telora to grip the babe and pull her from her whilst Naerys caught the afterbirth which soon followed. The cry of a newborn echoing loudly in the room as she smiled deeply.
"It's a girl, your Grace. Do you have- "
"Daenerys, let me see my daughter."
"Your Grace, you need to rest- "
"Give me my damned daughter, Maester Lorys."
He obliged. Walking over with the babe Telora had handed to him after wrapping her in cloth. Blood covered her face but underneath this she saw she had her own mothers violet eyes and silver-white hair that matched her own. Tears coming to her eyes again as she stared down at her, relieved she had not been stillborn. Mayhaps if she prayed hard enough this babe would survive into adulthood as would Viserys.
"Send for my son, he should meet his sister."
Telora took Daenerys from her now to begin cleaning the blood from her as she shakily stood up from the bed so the sheets could be changed. Feeling sticky blood in between her thighs which she cleaned off as best she could. The door opening soon after she was back in the bed with the pillows propped up with her daughter in her arms. The moment Viserys eyed her, he let out a yelp of happiness and jumped onto the bed to cuddle her. At least Aerys had granted her that small boon, allowing her to take Viserys with her when news of Rhaegar falling reached them. It took a lot of fighting and standing her ground, but he had conceded. Fingers absentmindedly going to the burn mark on her side she got in retaliation to such a thing.
"No Viserys, sister."
"But you and father brother and sister- "
"Aye, we were sweet one. If Daenerys wishes it when she is old enough than I will grant it."
That appeased him as he stared down at his baby sister and gently stroking her forehead as if she were glass.
"Nykēla Daenerys, vala jenigon, daor." (My Daenerys, no man will touch you.)
And that was true. She would not allow her daughter to be shipped off anywhere or ordered into something just to appease some Lord's wanting their egos to be stroked. Or as Joanna Lannister had put it- egos larger than their cocks. The horns began blaring then, knowing what that meant. Ser Willem entering the room.
"Your Grace, a trading galley awaits us that will take us across the Narrow Sea- "
"There will be no need for that, Ser Willem. Take me to the Dragonmont. Maester Lorys, ensure my son and daughter are safe."
There was a bite in her tone now, one she used little and one that shocked them all. Viserys crying when he had to leave her as she got up off of the bed and fell into step with Ser Willem.
"Your Grace, he has way more ships than we do- "
"And I have something that can destroy ships in a matter of moments, Ser."
Confusion danced across his features at this but wisely said nothing else. People were racing throughout to get into all the nooks and crannies they could find in the hopes they would be spared the assault. Little did they know there was no need for such a thing. The storm that was raging outside was bad, worse than they usually were. Rain falling in heavy sheets and drenching her in a matter of seconds, lightning cracking overhead and she could see the outlines of the ships that were rapidly closing in on the island.
Not for long.
The Dragonmont was quiet this evening, which was surprising. Walking towards where the main entrance was and ignoring Ser Willem's protests and following her inside the volcano. It was hot, too hot even, but her blood ran hot and she liked the heat. Following the narrow pathway towards the cavern and when they came upon it she slit her palm open on a shard of frozen fire which she always carried with her whilst she was here. Allowing her blood to drip over the glyphs etched into the stone by her ancestors hundreds of years before. A groaning being heard now as the magical locks came free so she could open the two massive black stone doors. Dawn let out a loud chirp at seeing her, running over as fast as she could in the tight space as Rhaella laughed and petted the dragons snout.
"Your Grace- I- "
"Ser Willem, this is Dawn."
"But how? All the dragons are dead?"
She didn't say anything at first as she walked to the side of the beast to where she had the saddle on the dragon. Only a handful of times she had ridden her mount, but this was the first time she would be doing so not in secrecy. Using the wing to give herself a leg up as she was still in pain from the birth. Only once she was situated in the saddle and had strapped the chains on herself did she answer Ser Willem.
"I found the egg by accident ten years before, when I was carrying my sweet Aegon. When my son died, my egg hatched. I have kept her hidden in this cavern ever since. Now, you had best get back to the castle Ser Willem. I will handle these ships my repulsive cousin has sent filled with men no doubt to kill me and my sweet Viserys."
Dawn bristled impatiently below her as Ser Willem wisely ran from the volcano.
"Ñāqes, sōvēs!" (Dawn, fly!)
Dawn obliged her command. Running out of the cavern to pick up speed before opening her wings towards the opening at the top of the volcano. The feeling of flying was one Rhaella would never tire of, nor was the feeling that she had an animal that held so much power underneath her. Wings beating fast as they got closer to the opening before the storm hit them both in the face. Dawn roaring loudly at being out in the open again.
"Riñe, endie!" (West, girl!)
With a mighty roar louder than the one before she turned west. Remaining high in the clouds so she would not be seen. Getting closer and closer to the ships before they were directly below her. Deciding where to attack first. Attacking at the front made the most sense, but that would lose them the element of attack. Nay, she had to get them to scatter, and the only way they would scatter would be if she were to go right down the centre. Gripping the saddle horn hard.
"Sīr!" (Now!)
Then they dove. Through the clouds and feeling the rain bounce off of her but she did not care. Coming into vision of the ships and giving those on them no time to think before yelling.
"Drakarys!" (Dragon fire!)
Dawn opened her mouth and a large bout of flame left. The wooden ships coming alight the moment the flames touched. Wings beating to feed them more air so they would spread quicker as they flew up again to turn before another stream of fire tore through them all. Six passes it took before those who had not been touched began to scamper. Before, she had wished to leave them be so they would tell Robert of how she had a dragon and a dragon would not bow to a stag. Blood or not, it was something that would not happen. Yelling aloud as adrenaline washed through her as they went after the remaining ships until not one remained. Flying back to Dragonstone and dismounting her dragon as Viserys ran over in excitement.
"Stay son, Dawn does not know you."
He came to a skid immediately as if only now realising just what was in front of him and how much damage it could cause. Maester Lorys walking over and shaking on the spot. Indigo eyes meeting brown as she spoke.
"Draft a letter for Robert, tell him of the defeat of those he sent after me. Tell him if he does not step down from the Iron Throne peacefully, the Stags will find out the hard way what mine own House words mean."
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