Harry wakes up with his cheek pressed against Louis' bare chest, warm and held and happy. It seems their mornings waking up together are few and far between with their schedules, so he basks in this moment, closing his eyes again.
He wants to keep this peace as long as possible, before Millie starts scratching at the door wanting to be walked and Louis is up and leaving for an emergency again. Sometimes he wish he could freeze time. He often wishes for the remote from Click, so life could fast forward through all the moments where Louis is gone. He wants him here, in his arms, where he knows he's safe.
He feels Louis shift a bit underneath him, bringing his hand up further so it rests on his back. He turns his face into Louis' chest, his skin now clean and smelling of his shower gel, and burrows into it.
Louis sighs sleepily, and Harry can feel him kiss the top of his head. "G'morning, pretty boy," He mumbles. Harry just hums, content.
"Smell good," He mumbles, brain still a little groggy, and Louis laughs, raspy and soft into Harry's hair.
"Yeah? Showered just for you, darlin'," He grins, leaning back a little from Harry so he can look down at him. His hair is sticking out everywhere, eyes puffy from sleep, or maybe lack-of. Harry's not sure. "Used soap and everything."
"Mm, romantic," Harry closes his eyes when Louis rests his hand on his cheek, stroking his face with his thumb, preening under the attention. "You get enough sleep?"
"Not much," Louis admits, and Harry pouts sympathetically. "That nap fucked me up a bit, I think.
"Poor baby," Harry hums, reaching up and brushing Louis' hair off of his forehead. "...Bet I could tire you out, if you wanted."
Louis laughs again, but Harry doesn't miss how his cheeks flush at his words. He moves his thumb from Harry's cheek to his nose, wiggling it around his nostril until he backs away and swats at his hand. "Hey!"
"We haven't even been awake ten minutes, Harold," Louis points out. "Really jumping the gun this morning, huh?"
"Fine," Harry shrugs, sitting up and starting to get out of bed. Louis is quick to pull Harry back and on top of him with one swift motion. That's one perk of having a firefighter husband-the muscles. Harry yelps out a laugh, Louis grinning, amused, as he leans up and kisses him.
He can feel Louis' hands fall to his hips, gripping them to keep him steady. The warmth from Louis' bare chest seeps through the fabric of Harry's jumper, and he curls his toes at how nice this is. How badly he wishes every morning was this warm.
And then, because she can't let them have anything nice apparently, Millie scratches at the door, waiting for her walk. Louis sighs loudly, leaning his head back into the pillow. "That fuckin' dog of yours, Hazza,"
"Heyyy," Harry pouts, rolling off of Louis and stretching before he climbs out of the bed. "She usually would've gotten her walk a few hours ago, she's been very patient up until now."
Harry opens the door, and Millie waddles in on her little paws, yipping up at him until he lifts her up and holds her. "Well, good morning, miss! You want your walkies, huh?"
"She wouldn't be such a brat if you didn't baby her, y'know," Louis says, but there's a fondness in his words and his smile as he swings his legs over the side of the bed.
"But she's my baby," Harry makes a mean face at him, turning Millie in the other direction protectively. Millie leans up and licks his face as if she knows he's defending her honor, and Harry giggles.
"What about me?" Louis sticks his bottom lip out.
"You're a big baby, that's for sure," Harry teases, squealing when Louis pinches his bum as he walks passed him towards the wardrobe.
"You're lucky you're cute, mate," He mumbles. Harry's not sure if he's talking about him or Millie, but he rolls his eyes anyways, kissing Louis' cheek before carrying Millie out of the bedroom.
They both brush their teeth, make some coffee, and bundle up before taking Millie on her walk. On most mornings, besides the once-in-a-while weekends where Louis isn't working, they take turns walking her. Harry likes this, the domesticity of doing it together, wearing layers of each other's clothes with tumblers of coffee in their hands.
"Does she really need the little jacket?"
"Yes, she gets cold," Harry says defensively, Millie's paws pitter-pattering down the pavement, wearing a little purple puffer jacket. "You're being awfully critical of our child today."
Louis' grinning around his coffee, taking a sip before adjusting the beanie covering his ears, fringe poking out and laying flat on his forehead. "You should get one of those little buggies to push her around in. Like John Mulaney does with his dog."
"I hope Anna got Petunia in the divorce," Harry sighs wistfully. Louis hums in agreement, taking another sip of coffee. When they approach a house a few down from theirs, they see their neighbour's daughter, Mahalina, in the front garden, trying to make a snowman with the snow that's still left on the ground.
"Hiii, Harry!" She calls out, just as bundled up as they are. "Hiii, Louis! Can I please pet your dog?"
Neither of them have ever said no before, but she still asks every time. Harry hopes any kids he and Louis have are just as polite. "Sure, love," Louis says, Mahalina already running across the yard in her little boots.
"Hi, Millie!" She says in a high-pitched voice, crouching down and scratching behind Millie's ear. "I like her coat."
"Fashionable, isn't she?" Harry grins, giving Louis a pointed look. Louis rolls his eyes, but he smiles. "Any big plans for your day off from school?"
"Mayr says we can go get pizza if I'm good at the doctor's," Mahalina says, still petting Millie. "But, I dunno. I might cry if I have to get a shot."
"Ooh, pizza? Can I come?" Louis smiles, eyes sparkling like they always do when he's around children. It sends a wave of warmth through Harry's belly.
"What if you can come," Mahalina starts, smiling mischievously. "But if the doctor says I need a shot, you get it for me?"
Louis wrinkles his nose. "Oh, I dunno about that," He says apprehensively. "I don't like shots very much, either. Sometimes Harry has to come and hold my hand."
"'S true," Harry nods. Mahalina makes a face.
"'re a big strong firefighter?" She says, making Louis laugh, eyes crinkling in the corners as he leans his head back. "You still get scared of gettin' a shot?"
"Well, yeah, who doesn't?" Louis grins at her, fond. "I always think it'll be worse than it actually is, though, y'know? It only hurts for a second."
Mahalina considers this. "I s'pose so," She shrugs. "And then the doctor gives me a lolly after, even if I cry a little."
"A lolly and pizza?" Louis raises his eyebrows. "Sounds like a deal to me."
The front door to Mahalina's house opens, her mother, Margaid, poking her head out. "Mahalina-jan, it's time to get ready for your appointment!"
"Yes, Mayr!" Mahalina calls back. "Bye, Louis, bye, Harry!"
"Good luck at the doctors!" Harry calls after her as she stumbles back across the yard towards the door.
"Earn that pizza!" Louis adds on. Mahalina turns around and gives him a thumbs up before passing her mother and entering the house, Margaid giving them a wave before the door closes.
"She's so fuckin' cute," Louis mumbles with a laugh as they continue down the pavement. "Reminds me of my little sisters."
"We should go visit them soon," Harry suggests. There's a puddle on the ground that makes Millie stop in her tracks, turning her head and looking up at Harry expectantly. Harry laughs softly, lifting her up and placing her on the other side of the puddle.
"Would you like me to just vacuum the puddle up for you, princess?" Louis asks her, and Harry nudges him with his elbow. Louis snickers before saying, "Yeah, we should. Might be easier once I start the new schedule. We haven't gone in a while."
"Since Christmas," Harry points out.
"Yeah," Louis says softly. "I know." He pauses before asking sheepishly, "D'you Phoebe mad at me? For missing her play? She hasn't texted me or anything."
Harry twists his mouth. Louis had tried to get someone to cover his shift for that weekend, and he knows that, but he didn't. Harry had driven an hour to go see his sister as the lead in her school play with Taylor, and she had told them how much she appreciated it, but he saw the bitterness in her eyes when she realised Louis wasn't there. He's never around anymore, Daisy had mumbled, angry on behalf of her sister, and Harry had tried to defend him, but, she's right. He knows that better than anyone.
"A little," He admits quietly.
"I tried, Haz," Louis says, rubbing at the stubble on his jaw. "There was nothing I could do."
"I know that, babe," Harry assures. He hesitates before asking, "Did you text or call her or anything afterwards? Apologise for missing it?"
Louis sighs. "No," He admits.
"Lou," Harry says softly.
"I know," Louis sighs again. "I was going to, but then there was that gas leak that kept us out all night, and when I got back I fell asleep for, like, ten hours, and just completely forgot. She knows what it's like."
"Yeah," Harry says. "I know, but. It was really important to her. I think her feelings are just a little hurt."
"I tried, alright?" Louis snaps. "I can't do everything, y'know. I fucked up, I know, I'm sorry." Harry squeezes his eyes shut for a moment at Louis' tone. Louis tightens his lips. "I'm sorry."
"I don't want to fight," Harry says quietly. "We fought until I cried on Thursday, you forgot my birthday on Friday, and I barely got to see you all weekend. This is the one day I have you all to myself. I don't want to fight."
"I know," Louis says after a moment, running his hand over his face. "Shit. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. I'm just-I'm so fucking tired, Hazza, I don't mean to act like such a twat."
Harry meets his eyes, sees how sorry he is, and forgives him immediately, always mush under his gaze. Millie stops in her tracks, squatting down and shitting right there on the sidewalk. Harry tucks his coffee between his arm and his torso and hands Louis the plastic doggy bags from his coat pocket.
"I know how you can make it up to me?" He offers. Louis wrinkles his nose, but he takes them, squatting down to clean up Millie's mess.
When they return from their walk, noses pink from the cold air outside, Harry bends over and gets Millie out of her coat, detaching her leash.
"You want breakfast?" Louis asks, squeezing Harry's shoulder before shrugging off his jacket. He's extra soft with him all morning after that little moment of tension. Harry can't say he minds.
"Not if you're making it," Harry teases, and Louis pouts.
"Hey, I've gotten pretty good with the eggs," He defends, raising his eyebrows. "Can even poach 'em now. That's tricky. You said so yourself."
He's so cute. Harry's favourite boy in the whole world. He grins, standing up straight and hanging Millie's little coat and leash on the coatrack.
"That's only because I'm such an excellent teacher," Harry says, looking at Louis over his shoulder, not missing the way his lips quirk upward at his cockiness. He shrugs his own coat off, hanging it up before Louis is pulling him in by his hips.
"Hey," He says softly. "I'm still sorry about forgetting your birthday."
Harry smiles weakly, leaning forward and pecking his lips. "I know. I told you, I'm not upset."
"'M still upset with myself," Louis says, giving Harry's hips a squeeze before pulling his phone out of his pocket. Harry furrows his eyebrows as Louis taps around, eventually turning his phone around to show Harry what's on the screen. "And I know this doesn't completely make up for it, but. I think you'll like it anyways."
Harry looks to see he's on a ticket website that isn't an evil monopoly like Ticketmaster. There are two tickets on the screen for Elton John's show in Liverpool.
"'S in April," Louis says with a small smile. "'S his last tour, I guess, and 'm gonna ask the captain if it's possible to not be scheduled that day if it ends up being during one of my shifts, and I know it's a school night for you but I thought-"
He's cut off when Harry leans forward and kisses him again, a little deeper and longer this time. "I love it," He mumbles against his lips, and when he pulls away and Louis lets out an amused laugh, he's sure it's because of how giddy his smile is. "Thank you so much. Outdid yourself this year, Lou."
"Really?" Louis grins, both fond and pleased with himself. "Well, we're supposed to be celebrating your birthday today. What's the plan?"
Harry twists his mouth, tilting his head. "Pancakes," He decides with a nod, before his face lights up. "I can teach you how to make them!"
"I dunno, Haz," Louis wrinkles his nose. "'M still getting used to the eggs."
"C'mon, this is a learning opportunity!" Harry grabs his upper arm, pulling him towards the kitchen. "Life is full of 'em!"
"Had to go and marry myself a nursery school teacher," Louis mumbles with faux-disdain, laughing when Harry reaches back and swats at his bum.
i don't know comments thoughts suggestions kisses????
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