CH. 31 Sleepless dream (Part 2)

As promised, part 2 is here already ... that was very soon, right?

Now we go back to that hellish day and we see more of it.. Another Jasper POV, since you all love him so much.. He loves you all back, but he's blushing now like crazy, how cute :-D

Hope you'll like it, let me know as usual, thanks!!!!

Dedicated to all of you and especially to IndulgeMe, hope you'll like it, thanks for your nice and supporting comments, see, they all got what they deserved :-)

On the right..a banner of Jasper and Dima, since you all like them, from Silvermistenfusion

Enjoy xox

ALEKSANDR POV:  Turn back the time, immediately after saving Travis …

I didn’t let anyone get close to Travis, I almost snapped and growled even at his mum, which didn’t take it bad at all, but understood my state of mind.

I was still so angry and enraged that my body shivered for the intensity of my emotions. But I pulled together and kicked everything down to stay with my love, Travis. He needed me, very much needed me to stay calm and just beside him. God, I’ll be remotely satisfied only when those sick bastards will be rotting in jail and have what they deserve.

God, if I think again, at what I saw, I felt like going crazy.

I didn’t even linger on the thought “if” or “whether”, I just thanked God Jasper came to me and I got there on time. Nothing else. If I were to dig too much in the “if” thoughts, I’d go literally insane and just behave like an insensitive jerk. While Travis right now needed me at my full and best.


I would give my life for him. I didn’t even think I could come to realize to love my Travis even more than I already did. But it did.

What had happened made me realize that the idea of losing my love or anything happening to him, would tear my heart and reason apart, would lead me to become crazy and lose myself. Travis was indeed my half, my love, my everything. No exaggeration. And I knew it was the same for him.

After what happened there, they took three of them to the infirmary and then to the hospital, because I broke two noses, almost fucked up a couple of jaws, Collins had passed out, badly beat the other pieces of shit and no idea what else. Some other twisted mother fuckers just stayed at the school infirmary. I couldn’t care less, they all deserved and that was even nothing if compared to what they have done and tried to do to my love. I was still damn itchy to beat the shit out of them all more.

They took us all for a moment at the office of the principal, but I snapped badly a second time, because Travis needed to be checked.

So when another piece of worthless shit tried to say something and tried to justify himself, I saw red and punched him hard and then snapped and punched also the teacher that tried to stop me. That was Mr. White. He didn’t take it personally, he actually chuckled and thanked me for not breaking anything in his face. Travis and River pulled me away and my love decided it was better to glue to me, to prevent another outburst of my merciless rage. That earned me three days of suspension from school, but it wouldn’t figure on my scholar CV. They obviously understood the situation.

The principal was out of his mind after watching the video.

And then my brother, dad and Mrs. Henderson came.


She went totally out of mind. She didn’t yell or anything, but she had that cold and collected angry attitude that froze all of us there, well, not me. I was enjoying to see her chewing out and threatening all of them inside there, those bastards’ parents, their assholes sons, then that worthless whore of Erin, even the principal and the entire teacher body, saying it was unspeakable what happened, that she couldn’t tolerate that in such a snobbish school things like that could happen.

She never raised her voice; it was always calm, cold and damn intimidating.

My dad kept me calm, but I already had Travis in my arms to keep me calm. Dad was in the same state of Mrs. Henderson. My brother was fuming and my friends had to keep him calm, because he wanted as well to beat the shit out of them.

The principal decided to meet in two days to discuss the entire fact, because it was something damn big and messy and he had no idea now how to handle everything. He was shocked and good thing Mr. White, who actually was his vice, kept focused.

When Michelle went to Travis, I literally snarled at her and wrapped my arms stronger around him. Then my dad placed a hand, strong and firm, on my shoulder and I calmed.

“Mrs. Henderson, Michelle, I am sorry for snapping at you. I’m just … I just can’t let go of Travis now. Actually, never.”

She smiled softly and gratefully and hugged me very tight, thanking me for saving her son and for being there with and for him. She loved him so damn much.

“Alex, thank you…I don’t know what else to say, thank you. And don’t worry, nothing else will happen.”

She meant to not worry about consequences for what I have done, my mad, crazy beating.

There was a dark and cold light in her eyes and I knew she was planning something; she wanted to make them all pay and pay very bitterly, believe me. Shit.

Travis never let go of me, kept always contact with me. I was afraid he would break down very soon and I had no idea how he managed to keep quiet and collected the entire time. He had experienced in less than a year the same thing, even worse. The idea enraged me another time. He was such a strong person.

“Sasha, let’s take Travis to Julie.” Dad told me, patting my shoulder, then he turned to Mrs. Henderson. “Michelle, I think it’s better to go and see Julie, she’s at the clinic now and she’ll make a complete check up on Travis.”

Julie worked at medical clinic for sportsmen and that’s how she and dad met. She is an incredible physician.

“Thank you Vladimir.”

Jasper kept close to Dima the entire time, I think he was still a bit in shock, and my best friend was the only person right now able to calm him down. He had his sturdy and big arm around his shoulders. I had to thank Jasper very much. I looked at Travis, in my arms, and decided that maybe he would like to have around his best friend.

“Jasper, do you want to come with us?” I asked.

He widened his eyes and then nodded furiously. My friends wanted to come as well, but they couldn’t. They stayed here and talked things over.

That shitty coward, Xander, kept explaining things and had few students coming over and testifying what that … that … sick piece of shit of Collins had done in these years. Jasper as well was willing to tell everything. I was still madly enraged with that guy, his fucking idea had put Travis in such a danger that I will never forgive him. Never. I didn’t give a shit he did it for a good cause or the fuck like that, he had left my Travis there alone, knowing what could have happened. I was still boiling and wanted to punch him another time.

River and Derek were as well enraged and when he tried to say something, Derek punched him, earning too a day of suspension. He couldn’t care less about that. Hayden was fuming as well and he kept calm only because dad told him to do so and believe me, when dad orders something, you just do it. Dima stayed with the kid the entire time, visibly tense with wrath, but aware of how Jasper felt. I am sure he was thinking about that bastard of his twin brother.


Boy, I was still shocked and I know I was trembling. I felt stupid for that, because nothing happened to me and Travis saved me, and actually gave me the chance to go and look for help. Still, I was shaking, because, boy, I was overly worried for Travis. He had already experienced something like this, he told me. And sure I knew what it meant to be beaten badly and the feelings you have. It was the same with … with …boy, with Anatoly.

And Alex. I had to admit he sort of scared me inside there, because I never saw someone going so crazy like that. He-he was on some bloodlust and killing mood, oh boy, not even four of his friends were able to stop him. I’m so happy Travis did it, because I felt as well worried for him and the others, I-I didn’t want them to get in troubles. I mean, they are such nice and amazing people.

Dima, he as well got very angry and uhm…he was scaring too, but don’t know why, uhm, he didn’t scare me. His confident and warm presence had me calming down and he somehow understood it or don’t know, but he stayed there and soothed my fear and panic down. Oh boy, I did really like him.

When we got to the clinic were Alex’ stepmother works, I finally realized how badly Travis had been beaten and now I was trembling with anger. Why they had to do to him something like that? Why people were so wrong and awful? Boy, Travis kept together all the time and I think the only reason was that Alex was there with him.

Oh boy..Alex. He didn’t let anyone go too close to him; he snapped even at his mother, at first and eyed me carefully, letting go of that after a while. Sure thing he was still on his most dangerous and angry state, you could tell just by looking at his face and eyes. He just pushed his anger down for Travis.

Mrs. Lebedev was a very nice and warm person, she took great care of my best friend and I will always love her just for this. She then asked me if I was fine or if I needed anything, but there was nothing wrong with me, I was just still shaken and Dima wasn’t here. He came anyway later to pick me up, don’t why he did it, but he came and silently drove me back home.

“Jas, don’t worry about Travis, he’ll be fine. Sasha might seem a cold and rough beast sometimes, but believe me, he’ll do everything for him. Sasha is totally crazy about him.” He reassured me with his warm and honey like voice, his calm and relaxed note.

“I know. Alex really loves him.” I mean, uhm, you couldn’t miss it and today he was ready to erase from the face of our planet those twisted assholes. Boy, I was actually happy he beat the living light out of them and sent them to the hospital. Why should I feel bad for thinking something like that? Boy, no reasons, they deserved that and more.

“Thank you for driving me home.” We reached my place.

“No problem Jas.” I went to open the door, but he stopped me. “Hey, you ok? You feel a bit better now? You were shaking pretty badly before.”

Boy, I really was, wasn’t I?

“Yep, I feel much better now, especially after hearing how lucky was Travis for not having broken bones or anything else. Uhm, thanks.” I felt my face heat up and sure going red. He ruffled my hair and chuckled his usual bear-like laugh. That relaxed me even more.

“Any time, Jasper. Do you want me to come with you?” His eyes were so warm and smiling.

“No, better not. Boy, my parents are sure to be pissed and I will have to explain a lot, but uhm I’m sure they’ll want to help and side with Michelle.” I cringed at that, because I knew they wouldn’t do it because they cared for Travis, but because they only cared for their connections with his mum. I sighed.

“All right man, call me or text me if you need anything, deal?”

“Sure, deal.” I tempted a smile and his smile was really huge and bright.

“See you tomorrow, Jasper.”

“Yep, tomorrow.”

I hopped off and waved bye, watching him driving away. I sighed, took a deep and big breath and stepped inside my house.


Julie told us Travis had been very lucky. He had no concussion, no broken ribs or other bones. His wrist had been sprained badly, but not broken. His leg was just badly bruised and his ankle slightly effected. She told him he needed to stay still for at least a week. Travis groined annoyed and rolled his eyes.

“Natalia will kick my sexy ass.” He grunted and for the first time in hours I smiled relaxed, Travis was at his normal self.

“Natalia will understand, honey. So don’t be a stubborn pain in the neck and rest.” Mrs. Henderson was relieved to hear her son was ok.

Julie gave him specific painkiller, some balm and cream for his bruise and an ice pack for his ankle. She wrapped his wrist with tight and restraining bandages, but no cast. I was happy for that and so was Travis. Julie preferred to wrap with other different straps his ankle as well, to prevent any swelling and inflammation.

Jasper kept quiet and right beside Travis all the time, incredibly worried for his best friend. But he didn’t freak out or anything, he just wanted to stay close and support him.

But shit…the bruises he had on his gorgeous and perfect body. Shit, they were horrible. They had cut his lip, but thank God, he didn’t need stitches. His abdomen, back and arms were damn bruised and I felt my blood boiling at a dangerous level, I felt my inner beast pace around in murderous stance, both of us shaking madly.

“Alexi, are you ok?” My love asked me, fixing his piercing ink black eyes on me.

I cupped his face in my hands, gently and softly, deadly afraid of hurting him in some way, and then brushed his lips. They felt so good and I needed to feel him.

“Sorry baby, I’m ok, you know me, I’m still in my murderous beasty mood.” I whispered on his mouth.

He smiled and laced his hands behind my neck, keeping me there.

“Thank you Alexi, you’re my everything, too. Know that?” He asked, smoldering his pearls with my icy eyes. He had a serious and determined expression in his eyes, wanting to communicate me all of his thoughts, all of his love.

“I know, Travis.” I smiled tenderly and he did the same, melting my heart another time. He then pulled me closer.

“Is your beasty mood only murderous or also hot and wild?” God, he sure was crazy, but I was happy to hear him at his usual self.

“For you, it’s at the most hot and wild state and wants you like crazy.”

We drove back to Travis’s place, my brother driving his Audi. Michelle invited us all to stay for dinner, I think now her anger was letting space to incredible worry and preoccupation, because I heard her sigh few times, shaking her head with a sad expression. I left for a moment Travis, which cost me a damn huge effort, and followed Mrs. Henderson in the kitchen.

“Mrs. Henderson?” I called her.

“It’s Michelle, Alex.” She turned to me smiling a tired and drained smile.

“Michelle, I’m sorry for what happened to Travis. I swear, I will never let anything or anyone else hurt him, I swear it.” I paused a moment, because I needed to calm down, the thought had again my blood boil dangerously. I breathed and then resumed my composure. “How do you feel? Is there anything we can do for you?” I knew she was an incredible strong woman, but I also knew how all of this pained her.

She smiled now sweet and put a hand on my arm.

“Thank you, Alex. Travis is indeed lucky to have you. Don’t worry, I am good, just need to calm down. It’s just so unfair…” She looked away and her face grimaced in dark resentment. “Travis has already..” She stopped not sure if continue or not.

“He told me everything. That’s another reason I swore to not let anyone else harm him. That’s another reason today I went completely berserk.”

She sat on a chair, nervously brushing her hair, and I sat on the other.

“When it happened last year, Travis broke down badly, but he then pulled himself back together, because he hates to feel weak, he can be annoyingly stubborn. But now, he has you and you were there for him. I can see what there is between you and my son and that’s why now I am less worried… I mean, I am horribly worried, still angry and outraged, and I will make it a living hell for all of them. But with you he feels protected, safe. He told me that himself and therefore I know he will be ok. Do you understand what I mean?”

“Yes, I do understand. Thank you for telling me this.” Hearing the fact she trusted me completely and that she felt less worried for him because I was with him, shit, that made me feel better and somehow calmed down all my worries.

“I think it’s better if I go back, bet he’s already thinking of getting up from the couch and walk here.” I snorted knowing how difficult was to keep him put and still.

She smiled and squeezed my hand. When I left the kitchen, dad and Julie went inside and dad gave me a knowing and proud look.

I walked into the living room; Travis was there with Vanya and Nichole. Yes, after hearing what happened, she just barged in here and suffocated my boyfriend with her hyper affection and worry. Crazy hyper girl.

“Hey baby, I missed you.” He greeted me with a sensual and inviting smile and I sat right beside him, taking his lips with mine and losing myself there. Travis deepened immediately the kiss and his tongue sent me to heaven, almost making me groan in crazy desire. I remembered we weren’t alone and I pulled back.

“Eww…Sasha, don’t eat each other faces right in front of me.” Vanya joked, mocking a gagging face. Nichole slapped him on the neck.

“You look so hot together…I can’t say cute, because you guys are hot and sexy.” She giggled, wrapping her skinny arms around my brother’s shoulders.

Travis grinned like a cat and then he winced.

“You ok, baby?” I asked with worry immediately filling me.

“Yeah, just this damn cut on my lip. Hell, I’m so damn happy I made as well some damage there… Assholes.” He hissed, shaking angry his head.

I enclosed him in warm and possessive hug, but very gently, because he was hurting all over and the painkiller only helped a bit.

“Well, love birds, I will drive Nichole home and leave you two alone.” My bro got up and so did Nichole. “Travis, if you need anything, let me know, k?”

“Thanks Ivan and thanks Nichole, you are so sweet.” I let go of him slightly, very cautiously, just because she wanted to hug him as well.

They left us alone and I was glad for that, because I needed to be alone with my boyfriend.

“Travis, tell me sincerely, how do you feel? And I am not talking about the pain.” I bored my eyes in his and we exchanged a long silent look. He shifted a bit to nestle himself closer to me.

“I am really ok, Alexi. I’m not traumatized or anything, if that what you worry about. When he tried to get me, I kept thinking that I would never allow him or anyone else to touch me, because I’m only yours, Alexi. The idea was driving me out of mind, I just kicked their ass with all I got and then you came and saved my ass…oh Alexi, I mean, the relieve, happiness, joy I felt when you saved me had kicked away almost all my fears. Alexi, I’m not kidding or just saying to make you feel better, it’s what I really feel. You saved me in more than a way. And the fact you keep staying here with me and don’t want to leave me, it gives me so much strength and energy you have no idea. It makes me feel so safe and loved, that I really don’t want to dwell on the thought of what might have happened if …. Hell, that didn’t happen, so I don’t want to think about it. You came for me, you’re here for me and I love you so much, Alexi!”

Travis threw his hands over my neck and pressed me hard against him, his mouth searching for mine.

Thank God, he wasn’t afraid or freaked out about that.

I honestly was deadly afraid that what that sick bastard tried to do to him might have traumatized Travis, but it didn’t. Thank God. You have no idea how I felt hearing his words. It was impossible to describe, impossible to find the right words. His mother was completely right.

“Travis, you have no idea how I feel right now.” I wanted to hug him so hard and tight, but I couldn’t, because he was hurting quite a lot. I responded to his kiss and then pulled away when I felt him flinch in pain. “It’s just that I love you so much and I don’t want you to hurt or..” He cut me off.

“Alexi, it’s not like last time…last time I’ve been left there alone and with my wrists tight and slashed, beaten and kicked. No one came to help me, only mom helped me. This time, which I damn hope it’ll be the last time ever, Jasper was there with me and I had to make sure he was fine and then you came for me and our friends came, too. You’re like my fucking hot and sexy, protective knight, Alexi.”

“Baby, I made a promise, remember?” He nodded and then smiled tenderly. “Travis, I just realized I love you even more.” I brushed his hair from his forehead and studied his tired face.

“Shall we go to sleep? You need to rest down and have some sleep.”

“You’re staying with me, right?” He clutched my arms and fixed my eyes. He wasn’t traumatized for that, but he was still shaken quite a lot and the idea of not having me near him sort of scared him and made him nervous. I wouldn't leave him anyway, I wanted to stay with my Travis.

“I’m not leaving you, I told you.”

I wasn’t planning to leave him alone a second until he was completely fine. Dad and Julie understood and so did Mrs. Henderson.

I laid him on his bed and then relaxed beside him under his bed covers, rolling on my side to brush his hair and watch his gorgeous eyes. He placed his not injured hand on my face and pulled me to him. I balanced myself on my arm on his other side and leaned down to softly kiss his lips, but he darted his tongue inside my mouth immediately. I left out a loud groan, because he was driving me insane just by kissing me. He then twitched and I pulled back. His cut.

“So better if we don’t kiss for a while…” I purposely teased him, to ease his mood. He eyed me with shocked gaze and widened his black jewels.

“Are you nuts, Alexi? You want me to die for frustration?” He gasped. I cracked an amused smirk and brushed carefully his neck with my lips.

“Baby, at least until you feel better.” He shivered in pleasure at my touch.

“Hell, you crazy love?”

“I’m crazy about you, Travis.” I murmured on his neck and he snorted.

“Well, this is not helping…hell, I’m already hard.” He groaned, probably rolling his gorgeous eyes. Then he took my hand and stared at me serious and intense. “Alexi, I need to feel you, just please kiss me and do it very hard.”

I closed my eyes and breathed deep to calm myself down, then took his mouth with all my passion, love and desire for him, but tenderly and careful to not lose it and go too far. We kissed for long time and then he finally fell asleep, completely exhausted.

Travis kept nested in my arms the entire time, never letting go of me, clutching me tight. I couldn’t sleep, so I just stayed there beside him and watch his sleep. He had a very restless and agitated night and he had nightmares, he trembled in my hug and cried. Yes, my love cried in his sleep and it pained me so much that I even thought to wake him up, but then I considered he really needed to just rest. Thus I hugged him more protectively and possessive and brushed his hair with my lips, hoping he would feel better.

He just uttered random and disconnected words, but then he murmured a name. A name of a guy.


He murmured it a couple of times and the way his voice said it made my blood boil so fucking much that my breathe went hard and heavy.

The way he mumbled that name…

He first had a desperate and pleading tone, so heartbreaking that it almost killed me. Then his voice went angrier, almost furious and disgusted, almost growling. He clutched my arm harder, whispered some other incoherent words and then sobbed again. God, this was so damn painful and I had no idea how to chase away his nightmares. I cuddled him with all my love and tenderness and whispered how much I loved him, that I was there for him. After a while, he calmed down in his sleep and stopped his restless mumbling and crying. My heart felt lighter and I just watched over him.

Who the hell was that Logan guy? What the hell has he done to my Travis? Why he hasn’t told me about this person? God, I was now getting really angry and very pissed at the thought of what might have happened, but not knowing a damn thing about it.

I breathed deeper more and more, now feeling very much annoyed and anger getting straight in my veins. Then I calmed down and guarded my love’s sleep. I just wanted him to rest well. When he’ll be fine and completely ok, I will try to ask him, but not now.

Now baby, try to sleep well; you are safe in my arms.

Author's chit-chat:

So, what do you think? Are you satisfied with chapter 31 and how things went?

I didn't want to have Travis traumtized, because he doesn't deserve to feel more pain and stress and hurt more.. So I made Alexi being his physical and emotional saviour, because he is there for him and loves him with all himself.

Travis will soon go back to dance.

And, we will all know who is this Logan guy and what happened in the past.. but please, do not freak out.

Travis says he loves you all for how you all worried for him!

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