Chapter 1: Decision Day ((Paintsplash))
We didn’t know what we were going to do. Nobody did. So, today was decision day.
“Maybe….maybe I could stay here with Mist and Jack and make sure they don’t get into trouble?” I said.
Mist translated for me.
“Her name’s Summer, Paint,” Jack said. I glared at him.
“I call her as I know her,” I retorted. “And I know her as Mist, so shut up.”
Mist bit her lip, and reluctantly translated. Jack shot me a dirty look. I shrugged and waved my wing at him in an obscene gesture only dragons and Hiccup knew. Toothless giggled and Hiccup smiled, shooting Jack a sneer.
“Okay, enough of yer insults,” Merida scoffed. “We need ta git this here plan sorted out, er else nobody will know what ta do.”
Mist nodded. “So, all in agreement of Paintsplash, raise your hand.” Toothless gave her a pitiful look, and she rolled her eyes. “And wings.”
Toothless’s wing shot up, but nobody else did anything.
“I think Paintsplash should come with Toothless and I,” Hiccup said, his voice catching at the thought of leaving Mist. I eyed him in annoyance. He had chosen Astrid, and yet, he was still wanting to be with Mist.
Then Toothless spoke up. “Umm….I….I k-kinda wanted to stay here with, uh,” he stammered, turning beet red and avoiding my gaze. “I wanted to stay here with Paintsplash, ‘cause I…..’cause…..” I smiled lovingly and sat next to him, leaning over to whisper in his ear.
“Because you love me?” At this, Toothless turned even more red and shifted uncomfortably.
Mist laughed and translated without Toothless’s reasoning. Hiccup looked at his best friend pleadingly.
“C’mon, Toothless,” he said. “The dragons at Berk need you; you’re the Alpha now. And I’d sure miss having you with me. I mean, I could fly on S-S-Stormfly…” Hiccup trailed off and tried not to make eye contact with Mist.
Toothless smiled at me and twined his tail around mine. “But I promised Paint I’d always be with her.”
This time I was the one turning red, and I leaned into Toothless, smiling contentedly.
Mist looked at Hiccup and smiled, but Jack just frowned. “I think Hiccup should go,” he muttered under his breath so that Mist, Hiccup, or Merida didn’t hear. Most unfortunately, Night Furies have the best sense of hearing, and Toothless and I glanced at each other in disapproval.
“I think Paintsplash and Toothless should stay here,” Jack said for all to hear. “Paintsplash to help protect Mist, and Toothless to protect Paintsplash.” Hiccup looked somewhat dismayed, but everyone else nodded. Merida put a hand on Hiccup’s back.
“Hey, don’t worry about it,” she said. “Yer only gonna be home fer a few days. We’re Vikings; ye should larn to git used to missin’ a friend fer a wee while.”
“It’s hard though; being a Chief and then working without your best friend to help you out is like juggling swords,” Hiccup said.
Merida frowned. “Ya killed a huge dragon at the age of farteen.”
“You defeated a giant demon bear,” Hiccup pointed out.
“Aye,” Merida shrugged. “But ye killed a demon dragon, too. I’m sure ya did better.”
“Actually, that was Toothless…” But Merida was already tuning him out.
Mist turned to Jack. “Jack, explain how the sand works,” she said.
Jack brightened. “Just keep a vile of the Night Sand with you at all times—do NOT let it spill. If it spills, it’ll create something terrible.”
“What’ll it make?,” Merida questioned, enthusiastic about the possibility of a good fight.
Jack shook his head. “I have no idea,” he said. “Just don’t spill it. Anyways, if you need to come back here fast, go to a certain area of where you live. The sand will glow purple, and then say ‘Portal Open’. A portal will open up to wherever we are when we’ll send you home. Got it?”
Everyone nodded. Jack handed a vile to Merida, and shoved one forcefully into the hands of Hiccup, shooting him a quick glare. Hiccup scowled back, but the exchange was short, and Jack returned to his seat next to Mist.
I glanced at Toothless. “He really doesn’t like Hiccup, does he?”
“No, he doesn’t,” Toothless whispered flatly back. “And for that, I’ll never really like him; Hiccup is my best friend, and if someone hates him, so be it.”
I watched Hiccup and Jack for the rest of the week. They constantly showed aggravation toward each other, never talking or making eye contact.
I knew it wouldn’t be long until a fight broke out.
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