Chapter 30~ We Are All... Reunited

Several Days Later...

Hiro's POV

Hiro: "Are you sure about this Kohana?" I asked as I sat behind her.

Kohana: "Yeah I'm sure. Unless you don't want to?"

Hiro: "It's not that... I'm just afraid that you'll regret it once it's done."

Kohana: "I won't. Just put it in." She muttered and looked away.

Hiro: "Kohana, I really don't want you to regret this."

Kohana: "I'm sure. I need to... No, I want to." She looked at me with confidence and smiled.

Hiro: I smiled back, nodded in understanding, and grabbed the bottle. "Alright then." I opened the bottle and poured the liquid out. "Just please don't regret this." I said then watched the liquid take effect...

Next Day...

Kohana's POV

Kohana: We were all sitting and watching the auction on TV... Yes, we are still in my brother's hotel...

Takuto: "Ugh... Why did he buy that piece of junk?" Takuto complained.

Baba: "It's not junk! It's art! And I was the one who stole it!" Baba replied proudly.

Takuto: "Yawn...."

Ota: "Pff..."

Baba: "😭"

Hiro: "Hey." He smiled and plopped down next to me, holding a bowl of popcorn. "Popcorn?"

Kohana: "Thanks." I took a handful and with my free hand, I threw one in the air and caught it with my mouth.

Hiro: "Ooh! Me! Me!" He placed the bowl on my lap and turned towards me so he was literally facing me.

Kohana: "Hiro... There are people here." I giggled.

Hiro: "Pwease? For everyone I catch I get a kiss?"

Kohana: "What?! No..." I blushed deeply.

Hiro: "Come onnnnn...." He leaned closer to me.

Kohana: "Alright alright." I made a defeated sigh and picked one up. "Get ready!" I giggled and threw one up, watching as he caught it easily.

Hiro: He ate the popcorn and smirked. "That's one."

Kohana: I blushed and threw another one.

Hiro: "Two."

Kohana: Another one.

Hiro: "Three."

Kohana: ...Another one... Maybe I can throw two!

Hiro: "Four. Five."

Kohana: "Ugh... Hiro......... Do you do this all the time?"

Hiro: "Yup! 😘"

Kohana: Oh boy...

Hiro: "Alrighty we can stop here! 🎶" He smiled happily and picked me up, placing me on his lap. Ack, I'm straddling him... (Sorta like the pic at the top)

Kohana: "Kyahh!! Hiro!" I hissed and playfully slapped him. "Everyone's here."

Hiro: "Don't matter. To me, it's just us here." He whispered back and licked my ear.

Kohana: "Eek! Hiro!"

Hiro: "You don't regret dying your hair brown?" He asked worriedly as he combed his right hand in my now brown hair.

Kohana: "No. I love it. I love it even more knowing that you dyed it for me." I blushed.

Hiro: "Pff... You're adorable." He chuckled. "Whether you dye your hair or not I'll still love you the same..."

Kohana: Awe... So basically here's the story that my uncle believes, Hikari Saki died from a rare illness and Hiro has a new girlfriend named Takara Hoshi. Well, that's what the guys will call me when we are outdoors. As of now, Hikari Sato is missing. Not that I have a problem with that. I already told my mom about reuniting with Eisuke. She's practically bouncing with joy. She also said that dad is coming to visit so I'm pretty nervous. I mean like, I haven't seen him in years. Will he still remember me?

Hiro: "...Now... My kisses?"

Kohana: "...? Huh? I thought you were joking..."

Hiro: "And miss the perfect opportunity of you kissing me? No way! 🎶"

Kohana: "Mm... Fine." I kissed him on the cheek.

Hiro: "One."

Kohana: "..."

Hiro: "Two."

Kohana: "..."

Hiro: "Three."

Kohana: "..."

Hiro: "Four."

Kohana: Last one. I thought as I was getting closer to him but my eyes widened when Hiro, at the last minute, turned his face so our lips met instead. "Mmm!!"

Eisuke: "You guys know that we're here right?"

Both: "!!"

Kenshi: "Seriously guys?"

Riki: "Geez, get a room already..."

Kohana: "Sorry..."

Hiro: "Kohana don't apologize, they're just jealous." Hiro chuckled.

Takuto: "Tch, who the hell would want a girlfriend? They're just a pain in the ass."

Kohana: "Well, guess who are the ones that give them a pain in the ass?" I smirked and took Hiro's hand, going towards the stairs.

All: "Ooh! She got you!" Everyone burst out laughing.

Takuto: "Shut up!" He shouted, blushing.

Boss: "Ooh! I think they're gonna make love!!~"

Takuto: "Eww! Shut up already!!! 😖"

(Chatter chatter)

Kohana: "Phew." I sighed and plopped on the bed. (Just say there's a guest room...)

Hiro: "It's um... Quiet in here."

Kohana: "Yeah..."


Kohana: "Maybe a little too quiet?" I giggled as Hiro sat next to me.

Hiro's POV

Hiro: Right when I sat next to her, Kohana wrapped her arms around my waist and placed her head on my left shoulder. "To be honest, I kinda miss your red hair." I whispered as I stroked her hair.

Kohana: "Sorry about that..."

Hiro: "But if it'll guarantee your safety then I'm okay with it." I smiled and rested my head against hers. We stayed in that position for a while... Kohana looked up at me.

Kohana: "Do you think they'll find me?" She asked worriedly.

Hiro: "No, they won't. I'll make sure of that." I smiled. Kohana nodded with a smile.

Kohana: "When my dad comes, can you stay with me?"

Hiro: "Of course Kohana." I kissed her hair and within ten minutes, we both fell asleep in each other's embrace...


Kohana's POV

Kohana: I checked myself nervously in the mirror. Do I look okay? I mean like, I haven't seen my father for years... What if he doesn't like me? Or refuses to accept me as his daughter?

Hiro: "Ready Kohana? They'll be here soon." Hiro said as he came into our room. (Yes, we are still in the hotel.)

Kohana: "Hiro, do I look okay?" I asked him, turning around. His eyes widened.

Hiro: "No." He said as he walked towards me.

Kohana: "What? I knew I should've worn that other dress---" I started as I turned back towards the mirror about to take off my dress but stopped when I felt Hiro's arms surrounding me.

Hiro: "You don't look okay. You're beautiful like always."

Kohana: "! Awe Hiro..." I blushed.

Hiro: "You're beautiful whether you have clothes on or not." He chuckled near my ear.

Kohana: "! Hiro!!" I spun around and quickly grabbed a pillow from the bed.

Hiro: "Haha! Meet you downstairs!" He laughed and quickly shut the door before the pillow hit the door. "Love you!" He shouted through the door.

Kohana: I smiled. "I love you too Hiro."


Hiro's POV

Riki: "Where's Kohana?" He asked, looking at me.

Hiro: "Upstairs."

Kenshi: "Still?"

Hiro: "Yeah."

(Knock knock)

Eisuke: "I got it." He slowly heads for the door.

Mrs. Saki: "Eisuke."

We all turned around to see Kohana's mom embracing Eisuke and a man who also gave him a quick hug.

Takuto: "Who the hell is that?" He whispers.

Riki: "Language Takuto." He hissed back.

Eisuke: "I'm pretty sure you guys know my um... Adopted mother. And this is Mr. Saki, my adopted father." He introduced awkwardly. I mean come on, their not even his birth parents. But wow, he's pretty young. Not like in the early 20's, like in the mid 30's.

Mrs. Saki: "... Where's Kohana?"

Mr. Saki: "? Kohana??"

Mrs. Saki: "I told you about this on the phone dear..."

Mr. Saki: "Oh yeah. Sorry dear..." He chuckles nervously. "I guess I'm too nervous... What if she doesn't accept me as a father?"

Hiro: Wow... Kohana was worried about the same situation... "Um... Kohana was kinda worried about you not accepting her as your daughter." I said quietly but loud enough to hear.

Mr. Saki: "What? Of course I would accept her." He smiled at me. "You must be Hiro Sarashina. Her boyfriend."

Hiro: "W-what?!" Oh boy, what if he doesn't accept me?!

Mr. Saki: "You probably don't remember me but I believe we met several years ago. Thank you so much for taking care of my daughter." He bowed towards me.

Hiro: "U-um! Of course." I smiled. "I'm just glad to see her again."

(Door shuts from upstairs.)

Kohana: "Um..."

Hiro: "Kohana."

Kohana: "Umm... Hello..." She said nervously as she descended down the stairs. We watched in awe as she gracefully walked with her dress fluttering behind her. Her eyes sparkled when she saw her mother. "Mom!"

Mrs. Saki: "Kohana!" She tightly embraced her daughter. "Kohana dear, this is your father." She said softly, turning Kohana to face Mr. Saki.

Kohana's POV

Kohana: I swallowed nervously. "Hello." I said shyly.

Father: "Kohana, firstly I want to apologize for not being strong enough to protect you. I'm probably the last person you would want to see because of my carelessness. I know that everything I do will never erase the painful memories that you had to endure. I know I'll never be forgiven. Even if it's just one time, all I want from my daughter is to be called father---!"

Kohana: He stopped mid-sentence when I embraced him tightly with tears falling. "Please don't say that father. What happened to me wasn't and never will be yours or mother's fault. I love you both and the torture that I had to face for years will never change that."

Father: "I'm sorry Kohana." He whispered and hugged me tightly. "I promise I'll be stronger for both you and your mother."

Kohana: I nodded and felt my mother's and brother's arms circling around us. I closed my eyes as the tears continued falling.... Finally, we are together again...


Several Months Later...

Kohana's POV

Kenshi: "Woah! This place is huge! There's a huge TV, about 10 rooms on each level, and spiral stairs! It even has a chandelier!!"

Riki: "That's what happens when Kohana's parents are extremely rich." He smiled.

Boss: "Are you sure we can live here Kohana?"

Kohana: "Yep." I smiled. Months have passed and my parents gave me a mansion. Kinda like a passed down thing... Anyways... The guys lived in with me and well, so far we only used 1/4 of the building... After reporting to the police months back, my uncle (shudders) and basically Hikari and her mom were arrested. Not that I'm complaining. I'm finally free. Sure we had our ups and downs ever since but as long as I'm with the guys, I'm pretty sure I'll be alright...

Riki: "Awe damn! How come you two keep winning?! You two are cheaters!" He exclaimed.

We were all playing a board game in the huge living room.

Hiro: "Can't help it if we're good at it." He winked and wrapped his left arm around my shoulder and I rested my head on his shoulder.

Takuto: "Here they go being lovey dovey again." He sighed but smiled.

Father: "I still can't believe it... How did we lose honey?"

Mother: "I don't know sweetie... Haha maybe we're too old to play these games."

Kenshi: "Alright! So what's the prize for our two winners?"

Hiro: "Hmm... Maybe a day of home alone." He smirked.

Father: "How about no?" He smiled. "Maybe after marriage."

Kohana: (Cough cough) "Dad, don't you think it's a little too early to be talking about that?"

Father: "Of course not Kohana. It's never too early to think about marriage when your fiancé is sitting right next to you."

Kohana: Oh yeah, forgot to mention... Hiro proposed to me 😃💍❤️💍😃

Hiro: "Yeah Kohana. Let's think about it?" Hiro asked as he looked at me.

Eisuke: "Actually... Maybe it's too early?"

Ota: "What's wrong boss? Don't wanna let your sis go yet?"

Eisuke: "Shut up."

Kishi: "She's old enough to marry."

Baba: "If he ever makes you cry, you can come running up to me baby."

Kohana: "Yeahhh.... No."

Soryu: "Haha, nice try Baba."

Baba: "Darn."

Hiro: "And plus, THAT will never happen. I'll take such good care of her that she'll never want to leave my arms even for a second."

Riki: "Ooh... Interesting..."

Takuto: "Perv."

Riki: "Am not!"

Takuto: "Are too!"

Eisuke: "Hahh... Shut up already..."

Riki: "You shut up."

Eisuke: "What did you say?!"

Boss: "You guys..."

Riki: "Butt out."

Eisuke: "I'm gonna kick you out of this house."

Takuto: "You can't do that. Kohana owns this mansion. Plus, I have a lot of Shiffey stuff in the closets. I sorted them out this morning."

All: "..."

Riki: "Which closets may I ask?"

Takuto: "Umm... All of yours?"

Kenshi: "You're kidding!"

Takuto: "No I'm not. I ran out of room so I borrowed your closets..."

Hiro: "You can't just do that, you're using our closets! Not borrowing them!"

Takuto: "But I'm too lazy to move them... It took me 5 hours to sort them out..."

Riki: "Then you better start packing, you'll be done by dinner time."

Takuto: "Aw hell no! You---"


Kohana: "Hahh... If we ever get kids Hiro, I hope they won't be like them..." I sighed with a smile, imagining the future.

Hiro: "Really? I wouldn't mind little me's and you's going crazy and running around stealing artwork."

Kohana: "... No way..."

Hiro: "Yep, they'll be the Little Black Foxes." Hiro smiled and kissed my hair.

Kohana: "Hah... I can't wait Hiro... I can't wait..."

After my several years of torture, I finally found my happy ending and now... we are all... Reunited.

Ugh, I'm so sad. Yes my little peoples<-- lmao, Long Lost Lover is now finished. Thank you guys so much for reading and reviewing! And thank you all for putting up with these past crappy chapters. I love you guys so much and I was thinking about a sequel? Let me know what you think and I'll see you later. Bye loves!! ❤️


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