Chapter 26~ Past Revealed

Ehh... Pretend the girl's hair color is red....

Hey guys I'm so sorry I haven't updated ever since my summer break. I just barely finished my homework the day before school started. I'm so excited because my friend that I met in 1st grade, was in my ACC class! I haven't seen or heard from her for like 10 years! Well anyway, to apologize I'll put up this long butt chapter. Lol you get what I mean xD. Thx for reading and enjoy!!


Oh since its been a long time I'll put where you left off...

~~~ Near Kohana's Apartment. Still her POV

Boss: "--- Yeah! And then---"

Mother: "Hikari." Mother gently grabbed my shoulder.

Kohana: "Nani?"

Mother: "There's someone in your apartment..."

Kohana: "Huh?" I looked up at my apartment window and looked back at mother. "Oh, it's just dad."

Mother: "Your father---?"

Kohana: "Mmhmm! Oh! I bet he can't wait to see you---"

Mother: "Hikari..."

Kohana: "Shoot my apartment is a mess, maybe you guys should stay out here... Until I finish cleaning..."

Mother: "Hikari..."

Kohana: "Do I even look okay?!?!"

Mother: "HIKARI SAKI!"

Kohana: "Hmm? What is it?"

Mother: "My daughter..." She gently turn me towards her and said worriedly. "Hikari... Your father was with me the whole time in Paris. There's no way he could've been here without telling me."

Kohana: "!" I looked at everyone to see them also in shock. "Then who was raising me this whole time?" I asked with wide eyes and turned towards the window to see 'father' staring right at me. "And who's the man that is in my apartment?"

Yep... Sorry for the cliff hanger. xD Moving on!

Kohana's POV

Kohana: I swallowed and looked at the others. "Um... You guys should stay out here... I'll be right back." I said quietly and started heading towards the door.

Hiro: "Wait." He saids as he grabs my hand. "I'll go with you---"

Kohana: I quickly pulled away. "No, who knows what he's gonna do... You should stay here with the others..."

Hiro: "But..."

Kohana: "If something were to happen to you again I..." I sighed. "I wouldn't be able to forgive myself... I don't want to see you hurt."

Hiro: "Kohana please... I'm not the same guy from many years ago... I can defend myself..."

Kohana: "What if he has a gun?"

Hiro: "He's not going to use it recklessly."

Kohana: "You'll never know."

Hiro: "Kohana. Please." He whispered as he tightly gripped my hands.

Kohana: I looked at him in the eyes and sighed. "Alright. But if you sense danger, leave."

Hiro: "Ok."

Riki: "You two be careful."

Kenshi: "Want us to go with you?"

Kohana: "It's fine. Thank you though." I smiled.

Mother: "Maybe I should go too..."

Kohana: "No mom..." I turned around and took her hands. "Please... I just found you. I don't want you in any danger."

Mother: "But it's dangerous and there's a stranger in your apartment."

Kohana: "I'm not that surprised..." I said as I walked towards my apartment door. "I've been raised by that stranger for about 20 years..."

Hiro: "We'll be right back." He whispered and followed me into the apartment...

Kohana: "Here goes nothing..." I muttered as I unlocked the door.

Father: "Ah, Hikari. And Daisuke." He greeted as he stroked my cheek.

Kohana: "I know you're not my real father." I snapped and slapped his hand away. "Who the hell are you? And where's my father?"

Father: "How did you figure it out? Surely you were my daughter until today. Did you help Hikari? Hiro Sarashina."

Hiro: "How---?!"

Father: "Pff, I'm not stupid as Hikari here. She obviously thinks that she can outsmart me by giving you a fake name in my presence." He smirks and I looked away.

Hiro's POV

Hiro: I clenched my fists. "Don't you dare call her that."

Imposter: (lol nice name isn't it?) "I can call her whatever I want." His smirk widened when he glanced at Kohana.

Kohana: "I'm so sorry Hiro. I didn't think he would figure out..." She whispered softly.

Hiro: "Don't worry about it..." I replied and held her left hand in mine. I looked at her supposed to be 'father'. "Why don't you start by telling us who you are and why you took Kohana?"

Imposter: "Since you figured out I wasn't your father Hikari, I guess I should tell you. Everything." He smirked as he lit a cigarette. "So you want to know Hikari?" He inhaled and then exhaled, blowing smoke.

Kohana: "(cough cough)"

Hiro: I glared at him and pulled Kohana closer to me, my right arm around her waist and left hand on the back of her head.

Kohana: "I want to know." She muttered and turned her head slightly to look at him.

Imposter: "Well, let's start with this. What better way to make your father suffer by taking away his one and only precious daughter?"

Hiro: I glared. "What did her real father do to deserve this?"

Imposter: "Many things Hiro. I'm surprised you don't remember me Hikari. Well of course you were just a baby then..."

Kohana: "What are you talking about? You talk as if I know you!" She faced him with tears that were threaten to fall.

Imposter: "Of course I know you Hikari. Why wouldn't I know my dear niece?"

Hiro: "What?"

Kohana's POV

Kohana: "You liar!" I screamed. "What did my father do that would make my own 'uncle' kidnap me?!"

Uncle: "We can start with this. You're grandfather is the Japanese Leonardo Da Vinci. Which makes your father and I, his sons. Me being the oldest, I should've been the first to inherit the business, the inventions, the money, everything. But of course your grandfather was picking favorites." He tsks. <-- did I spell that right?

Kohana: "Obviously! Because you're greedy!"

Uncle: "Shut up! I deserved it! I worked harder! And still! He picked your father!" He shouted then smiled. "So what better way to make him suffer by taking away his second child?"

Kohana: What? "Second?"

Uncle: "But of course you wouldn't remember him either. He's adopted. Also, you were kidnapped afterwards."

Kohana: "Damn you!"

Uncle: "Now is that how you treat the one who raised you?"

Kohana: "You raised me how to use weapons! How to kill innocent people! You deserve the words I spit at you!"

Hiro: "Woah Kohana." Hiro whispered. "We're trying to get answers remember?"

Kohana: "Sorry. Got carried away..." I whispered back. "But he still deserves it... The fûckin bâstârd..."

(Sorry for the rude language...)

Hiro: "Yeah he does deserve it. Do you know how worried her parents were because of what you did?!"

Uncle: "Of course I did. And that's why I did it. While her parents and brother sit there and worry, Hikari is going around stealing the paintings back for me."

Kohana: "Oh my god..." I covered my mouth.

Uncle: "And of course I met Hiro when he was younger as well."

Hiro: "..."

Uncle: "You two were always together. So close it's sickening. Then all of a sudden, you were gone. And Hikari insisted that you left her. You really thought that I believed that?"

Both: "... Yeah..."

Uncle: "Pff. Well, you both are wrong." He muttered and yanked out a gun.

Hiro: "Kohana!" He gently pushed me behind him.

Kohana: "What are you doing?!"

Hiro: "Protecting you!" He exclaimed. "I couldn't do it before... But now I can."

~~~ Riki's POV

Riki: "They are sure taking their sweet time..." I muttered but internally I was worried. They told us to stay out here but for how long? I don't even know...

Takuto: "Maybe we should check..."

Kenshi: "But what if we get in their way?"

Takuto: "True..."

Mrs. Saki: "I can't just stand here and wait. I'm going in."

Riki: "Wait Mrs. Saki! Please, don't go inside. We'll take care of this."

Mrs. Saki: "I know you boys mean well but I want to know, who kidnapped my daughter and tortured her for this many years."

Kenshi: "At least let us go with you."

Mrs. Saki: "Alright. Riki and Kenshi, you two are athletic, you'll go in through the window. Atsumu, Takuto, and I will go through the front door." She said took out a gun from her knee high boots.

Atsumu: "Hey, how come I can't go through the window?"

Mrs. Saki: "Um... Because you're the oldest?"

Riki: "Pff. In other words, we don't want you falling and breaking your bones old man." I chuckled.

Atsumu: "Hey..."

Takuto: "How come I don't get the window?"

All: "Because you'll be like, I'm too tired?"

Takuto: "... Good enough." He said and strolled towards the front door.

Kenshi and I climbed up a tree and stood on a sturdy looking branch. I hope...

Kenshi: "When should we go in?" He asked me.


Riki: "Now!" I screamed and we jumped, crashing through the window.

Father?: "Damn it!" He hissed and pushed us out of the way.

Riki: "Hey!"

Kenshi: "He jumped out of the window!"

Riki: "Great, right when we make an epic entrance, he leaves..."

Kohana: "Guys! Help! Hiro---!"

Atsumu: "We're here! Holy---I mean... Shît..."

Takuto: "Excuse you."

Boss: "Takkun.... Why you gotta be so mean?"

(Taylor Swift? 👩🏼)

Takuto: "Because I can ☺️."

Boss: "😒"

Riki: "Shut up and help Hiro! Call 911!" I shouted. Damn that bastard! He shot Hiro!

Mrs. Saki: "Oh my god..." She gasped when she saw Hiro.

Boss: "They're on their way!"

Kohana: "It's all my fault, he tried to protect me..."

Riki: "Kohana it's not your fault." I said as I quickly wrapped Hiro's arm with my hoodie. Don't worry I got a shirt underneath. I ruffled her hair and stood up. Kohana gently took Hiro's hand in hers, tears falling.

Kohana: "I'm so sorry... Again I'm so useless..." I heard her repeating it to herself until the ambulance arrived.......


Hiro's POV

Hiro: "Mmm?" I slowly opened my eyes to see a white ceiling... White walls... Am I in a hospital?? I felt warmth in my left hand. "Kohana." She was sitting on a chair with her head on her right arm and her left hand covering my left hand.

(If you get what I'm saying you can skip this + and the next long paragraph xD)

(Ok if you don't get what I mean, because I didn't know how to describe it, imagine sitting on a chair, more like leaning at least a quarter of your body on the bed. Then it's kinda like putting your head on crossed arms but only on the right side. Then using your left hand to hold Hiro's left hand. Hope it's not confusing lol xD)

Kohana: "..." She stirred but didn't open her eyes.

Hiro: "Thank goodness you're alright." I whispered as I used my uninjured hand to brush hair away from her face, revealing wet/dried tears. "I'm sorry I made you cry..." I muttered quietly. "I didn't keep my promise... I didn't... No. I couldn't leave you even though I knew it would get dangerous...---"

Kohana: "... Sorry...."

Hiro: "Kohana?"

Kohana: "I'm sorry Hiro..." She whispered in her sleep.

Hiro: "Kohana?" I gently held her hand. "Kohana, wake up..."

Kohana: "Uwha???" She slowly raised her head and looked at me. "Thank goodness!" Tears started falling as she gently embraced me.

Hiro: "I'm glad you're alright too." I chuckled. "Before you say something..."

Kohana: "Huh?" She tilted her head to the side.

Hiro: "Please don't blame yourself for this." I gestured towards my arm.

Kohana: "But it was---"

Hiro: "Ah ah ah." I smiled and brought her face closer to mine, pecking her on the lips.

Kohana: "!!!"

Hiro: "Kohana I can promise you anything in the world. I would willingly do anything you ask. But..." I stroked her cheek. "I cannot and will not ever leave you alone. Wherever you go, I go. Whatever situation you get stuck in, I'll get you out of it. You're the most important to me and the idea of leaving you will never be on my mind."

Kohana: "!" She quickly looked away, red as a tomato.

Hiro: Oh damn, that almost sounded like a proposal didn't it...? I turned red just thinking about it.

Kohana: "A-anyway... I should get the others. They kept wondering how you--areeee!" She somewhat screamed when I pulled her closer to me. I smirked and kissed her deeply. "Mmm... Hiro..." She tried to pull away but I held her closer.

Hiro: "Shhh.... Lay on the bed, the chair's uncomfortable." I whispered and kissed her forehead. "Get some rest okay?"

Kohana: "But your arm..."

Hiro: "As long as you're here with me, I'm happy." I smiled.

Kohana: "A-alright...." She slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep in my arms...

Hiro: "Goodnight... Hikari."

~~~ Still Hiro's POV (An hour later)

(If you read the top about the plot twist, it's starting right here.)

Hiro: So at some point, the guys visited me. Everyone looked tired and boss was crying his eyeballs out. And so I also figured out that Kohana stayed up watching me a good majority of the time so I better thank her for that :). But she's still sleeping right now so I'll do that later. Who knows? Maybe she really need that sleep because she might not be able to later wink wink. ;) Ok! Ah me and my perverted mind... ANYWAYS!!! They left and Mrs. Saki came by to see how I was...

Mrs. Saki: "I'm so sorry this happened Hiro." She whispered (trying not to wake Kohana up).

Hiro: I smiled. Like mother like daughter. "Don't worry Mrs. Saki, I'll be fine."

Mrs. Saki: "I never knew that my own brother-in-law did this... When I get my hands on him, I am going to rip his---"

Hiro: "Uhh! I don't think that's necessary!! 😰"

Mrs. Saki: "Why not? I think he deserves that. Don't you? ☺️"

Hiro: "Uhhhhhh................."

Mrs. Saki: "But still... What will Hikari's father say when he figures out that his own brother did this to him...?" She clenched her fists tightly which was on her lap.

Hiro: Maybe I should change the subject? "Um... Can I ask you something Mrs. Saki?"

Mrs. Saki: "Of course. What is it?"

Hiro: "Hikari's um... Uncle said that she has an older brother... Does she really have one?"

Mrs. Saki: "... Yes. An older brother. He was adopted. But he's actually like a real son to us."

Hiro: "Really?" I asked and Kohana stirred, scooting closer to me. I ran my fingers slowly through her as I asked. "What's his original name?"

Mrs. Saki: "Eisuke Ichinomiya."

Dun dun dun!!! Yep, gotta stop there because I gotta do my homework lol. 😅 Sorry about that. But yeah, that's the plot twist. I played... Actually... I watched Eisuke's route on YouTube several months ago and can only remember some parts of the story. I know he had a sister that was missing and I know that he later finds her and blah blah blah. Well for my story, I'm just cutting that part out and made Hikari and Eisuke related. And the adopting part is made up by me too... Yeah I know... Stupid right? I wanted to make the story interesting... Well any questions? If there's something you don't understand feel free to ask!! Bye bye!! Love you guys and thanks for reading!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Geez, 2588 words?! Sorry if this was too much xD


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