Chapter 18~ Missing You
Hiro's POV
Hiro: "..."
Riki: "..."
Kenshi: "..."
Boss: "..."
Takkun: "..."
All: "!!!"
Hiro: "Where is she?! What could've happened to her?!" I shouted as I banged my fists onto the counter.
Riki: "Maybe she's not feeling well..."
Kenshi: "Yeah but knowing Kohana, she would've call Hiro and let him know..."
Takkun: "Why don't you call her?"
Hiro: "She wouldn't answer... I don't know what to do..." I sighed. I know it's only been a few hours but the announcement I heard almost had me shocked...
Hiro's POV Few Hours Ago... At School
Hiro's Friend 1: "Hiro and Kohana sitting in a tree..." One of my friends started singing and I blushed.
Hiro: "Quit it you guys!" I hissed, still crimson.
Hiro's Friend 2: "K-I-S-S-I-N-G! Bwahaha!"
Hiro: "Ha-ha..." I smirked to attempt myself to stop blushing.
College Boy: "By the way Hiro, where's ya girlfriend?"
Hiro: "... I wonder..." I muttered worriedly and looked at the door.
All: "?"
(Ding Ding)
The teacher walked in and sadly looked at us. "I know this may seem soon and so unexpected... But Miss. Saki seemed to have... Transferred..."
All: "What?!"
Hiro: "!!!!!" I was too shocked to say anything.
Girl 1: "But... She was a new student just yesterday... And we were all gonna go shopping with her..."
Girl 2: "Yeah, why didn't she tell us? She's awesome, why did she leave us?"
Teacher: "I'm sorry I don't know the reason either. Her mother called and said that Kohana was getting transferred and will not be returning... It's too bad though, she was starting to get really popular with the students..."
Hiro: Why Kohana? Did something happen? I took out my phone and sent her a text.
'Hey Kohana, are you alright? 😥 Please text back.
Hiro: I sighed and stared out of the window in a daze. I felt eyes on me, but I was too dazed to look... Kohana, where are you?
Kohana's POV (While Hiro's at School)
I slowly opened my eyes to the blinding lights. "Ugh!" I looked away from the lights. "Where the hell am I?" I asked and of course, no answer... "(Sigh)..."
Kohana: "What the---?!" Why am I chained to the wall?! Well, my wrists are, at least I'm sitting on the floor--- Not the point here! Is this a storage room???
Father: "Hikari."
Kohana: "Where am I?"
Father: "In an abandoned factory."
Kohana: "What am I doing here?!"
Father: "Quiet!"
Kohana: "!"
Father: "Think you can get yourself a boyfriend without me knowing huh? Especially when it's your sisters boyfriend no less?" He smirked as he grabbed the whip.
Kohana: "! So it's okay that she gets a boyfriend and I can't?"
Father: "There's a difference between you two. Hikari can get what I want without fail. You cannot."
Kohana: "..."
Father: "You don't deserve happiness after what you did..."
Kohana: He's talking about mother... "Maybe you're right that I killed her, but it's not like I did it on purpose!" Tears streamed down my face. "I never got to meet her! You don't think that I think about her once in a while?! I always wonder what she looks like! Do I resemble her a lot I'll never know! But that doesn't mean that I'm your punching bag!"
Father: "Shut up!" He screamed and slapped me.
Kohana: "Ahh!" I hung my head from the impact.
Father: "You are NOT to see that boy again." He said as the whip hit my shoulder.
Kohana: "Tch..." I hissed in pain as blood trickled to the floor.
Father: "And guess what I found in your shirt?" He smirked and lift my face with one hand.
Kohana: "!" My phone! But my phone was in my bra! Which means... He searched me?!?! I shuddered at the disgusting thought.
Father: "I was going to get rid of it, but decided to keep it in case your 'boyfriend' calls."
Kohana: "No! Please don't!" I tried to lunge at him but the chains held me back.
Father: "You will remain here as punishment..." He backed away and picked up the whip.
Kohana: "No... Please... No..." I muttered weakly, hung my head, and closed my eyes... Waiting... Just waiting...
Third POV
By the time Kohana's father was done, Kohana was sleeping, exhausted from screaming. Red marks were on her skin and a pool of blood was surrounding her.
Hikari: "Father." Hikari slowly opened the door grimacing at the sight.
Father: "Hikari."
Hikari: "I got the picture you wanted." She smiled and gave her father a hug.
Father: "Good job Hikari. Where's your mother?"
Hikari: "Upstairs I think..." Hikari looked at Kohana. "What happened?" She asked innocently.
Father: "Your mother told me that Kohana took your boyfriend. I gave her a nice punishment."
Hikari: "What?! She took my boyfriend?!" She made a shocked and pained face. "How could she do that? Why did she take my boyfriend?! You should keep her here and let her starve!"
Father: "Hmm... Not a bad punishment... Alright then... Come on Hikari, lets go to your mother."
Hikari: "Okay!" Hikari smiled happily and they started leaving.
Kohana: "..." Kohana weakly looked up to see Hikari making a sideways peace sign and skipped upstairs. "Hiro... Help me..." I cried and eventually gave myself back into the darkness.
Kohana's POV Around 8 at Night
Father: " up..."
Kohana: "Ugh..." I slowly opened my eyes to see my father looking down at me.
Father: "I know it's late but I just wanted to show you something..." He knelt down the held my phone out in front of me.
'Hey Kohana, are you alright? 😥 Please text back.
Father: "Maybe..." He smirked at me and started typing on my phone.
Kohana: "What are you doing?!"
Father: "This." He replied and turned the phone towards me.
'Hey Hiro,
I'm fine. Don't worry about me okay? Bye.'
Kohana: "..."
Father: "It's too bad he won't see you again... This way, it'll give your sister a chance to take him back." He stood up and walked towards the door. "The text was sent about 12 hours ago. Just thought you might want to see it..." He chuckled and left...
Few Days Later...
Kohana's POV
Kohana: "How many days have passed?" I sighed miserably. Will someone find me? Hiro probably won't because father texted him saying that I was okay...
Kohana: "?!"
Hikari: "Not dead yet huh?" She smirked and walked towards me.
Kohana: "..."
Hikari: "You need to be more respectful to the older and more superior ones." She said as she held a whip out in front of me.
Kohana: "..."
Hikari: "Too bad that this place will be your grave." She looked around disgustingly. "Well, you know what they say... Junk belongs with junk."
Kohana: I won't say anything...
Hikari: "Why do you think you're here right now?" She asked and started walking in a semi circle in front of me.
Kohana: "..."
Hikari: "Well, I guess I have to teach the stupid ones..." She sighed loudly and stopped in front of me. "It's because... YOU STOLE MY BOYFRIEND!"
Kohana: "Ugh!"
Hikari: "How does THAT feel huh? You have no right to say anything because this is what you deserved." She laughed as the whip flew at me again.
Kohana: "Ahh!" I hissed and dropped my head, the pain... It hurts...
Hikari: "It's your fault! The reason why you're here is because of yourself! If you hadn't stole my boyfriend from me. This wouldn't have happened! You brought this down on yourself! Say you're sorry!"
Kohana: "It's not my fault that he loves me more than you!" I spat. "He loves me for who I am! He doesn't care for some bitch like you!"
Hikari: "You..." Her eyes looked furious as she flicked her wrist towards me, making the whip slashing me harder. "Look at you! Talking big about yourself! There's no way that Hiro fell in love with a ugly, useless, good for nothing brat." She laughed. "He's just playing you like a violin. I'M THE ONE HE WANTS."
Kohana: "!"
Hikari: "Also... If you ever escape, which you most likely won't... You are not to tell the boys that we are step sisters you got it?! I don't want them to suspect me as the one that's hurting you."
Kohana: "..."
Hikari: "ANSWER!" She screeched as she brought the whip down at me.
Kohana: "Ahh! Yes!" I muttered weakly and fade into unconsciousness as she continued whipping me, laughing...
Hiro's POV Meanwhile...
Riki: "Hiro, I'm pretty sure she alright. She said so in the text..."
Hiro: "Yeah but I just don't feel right about this... The teacher said that she's transferring. What could've happened?"
Kenshi: "Maybe she couldn't afford the money for college?"
Takkun: "Doubt it..."
Hiro: "Plus, she would've told me... I think." I muttered.
Riki: "You think?" He raised his eyebrows at me.
Hiro: "Plus, she never showed up for the mission we planned after the cruise... Wait a minute... My teacher said that her mother called and said that Kohana's transferring..."
Kenshi: "? So?"
Hiro: "Kohana's mother died at childbirth..."
All: "!"
Hikari: "Hey hey! ♪" Hikari, wearing flashy clothing and heavy make up, walked in with a happy bounce in her step. She gave me a hug. "Hey hun!"
Hiro: "Um... Listen Hikari..."
Hikari: "How's my hun doin'?" She asked and pecked me on the cheek. She smiled so happily that I had a hard time attempting to break up with her.
Riki: "I got this Hiro." He whispered and pats me on the shoulder.
Takuto's POV
Hikari: "Hm? What's wrong?" She smiled.
Riki: "Well, first..."
Takuto: "..." I felt sick to the stomach... This clingy girl should blow up...
Takuto: "???" I squinted as I saw something red on some of the tips of her hair. Must be hair dye... But... "..." I walked right behind her as she was talking and...
Hikari: "Oww!!!!" She grabbed the back of her head and glared at me. "Why did you do that?!" She had tears in her eyes.
Takuto: Got it... I smirked. "Sorry." I said halfheartedly and walked to the basement, everyone had shocked faces. "I'm not a scientist though... There's no way I can analyze this..." I sighed and put the strands of hair in a plastic bag.
Riki: "Takkun?" Riki called minutes later.
Takuto: "What?" I asked back.
Kenshi: "You can come back up now. Hikari just left."
Takuto: "... Alright." (Sorry if you girls like Hikari but I for one don't...) By the time I got up there, everyone was back to what they were doing before Hikari showed up. Beardy with the dishes, Kenshi lifting weights, Riki was chilling on the counter drinking, and Hiro was sitting there, staring at his phone... I sighed. "Try calling again."
Hiro: "... Alright..."
Seconds Later...
Hiro: "No answer..."
Takuto: "Why was Hikari here anyway?"
Hiro: "Saying that we need to hang out more etc..."
Takuto: "Tch. Weren't you going to tell her leader?"
Riki: "Yeah, but she kept interrupting."
Kenshi: "And no answer from Kohana huh?"
Hiro: "No... And I don't know why..."
Riki: "Maybe she bought a new phone?"
Boss: "Did you try visiting?"
All: "..."
Takuto: "He was probably too depressed to think about it..."
Riki: "Should we visit tonight?"
Hiro: "Can we?"
Kenshi: "I'll drive."
Riki's POV
When we arrived at Kohana's apartment, everyone got out but I stopped Takuto.
Riki: "Can I ask you something Takuto?"
Takuto: "What?"
Riki: "What happened at LRN? You and Hikari?"
Takuto: "..." He looked at me and then took a plastic bag out of his pocket. He held it out in front of me and I looked at it.
Riki: "So you're collecting hair?"
Takuto: "No..." He sighed and held it closer to my face. "There's something on her hair."
Riki: "For all we know, it could be hair dye." I sighed.
Takuto: "I don't think so... I saw some red stuff on her clothing as well."
Riki: "But she was wearing a red dress today..."
Takuto: "I could see the difference... There were red splotches on her dress... Darker than her dress."
Riki: "Well, what the hell's darker than red fabric?"
Both: "..."
Takuto: "You don't think...?" He started.
Riki: "It's blood?"
Takuto: "That would explain her being weird... You don't think she killed somebody do you?!"
Kenshi: "Hey you guys? What's taking so long?" Kenshi poked his head into the van.
Riki: "Sorry. Lets go."
Takuto: "Yeah..."
Hiro: "This one." Hiro said as we started climbing up a tree towards the window.
(Knock knock)
Hiro: "Kohana?" He whispered.
Riki: "You know what to do." I said and he nodded. He took out a pin and unlocked the window.
Once we got in, we search the house to see if anyone was there...
Takuto: "No cameras so we shouldn't get caught..."
Kenshi: "Clear."
Boss: "Clear."
Hiro: "She's not here..." Hiro muttered sadly as we all met back in her room. "It's as if no one was living here for days..."
Boss: "Yeah. Her mail was still in the mailbox."
Kenshi: "She couldn't have moved and not tell you right Hiro?"
Hiro: "Yeah."
Riki: "For all we know, she could've been forced elsewhere..."
Takuto: "Why though?"
Riki: "..." I looked at Takuto.
Kenshi: "What's going on?" Kenshi noticed this and asked.
Takuto: "... I plucked this from Hikari's head..." He said and showed them the bag. "I don't know if this had something to do with it but first. Hikari was actin weird today and we all know that she doesn't really like Kohana being around Hiro. So..."
Hiro: "So you think this has something to do with Hikari despising Kohana?"
Takuto: "Probably..."
Riki: "Kohana missing will be mystery 1. Hikari actin weird and the stuff on her hair and clothes... Is mystery 2. Takuto's right... Who knows? Maybe she spilled tomato juice or something in her hair. Still, she was all giddy today which was suspicious enough. She wouldn't stop smirking which was really creeping me out."
Kenshi: "... I noticed something too..."
All: "?"
Kenshi: "Either she cuts herself or what. But she had red stuff under her nails. It looked like dry blood."
All: "..."
Riki: "Guys... I think Hikari knows what happened to Kohana. I could be wrong... But I just have this creepy hunch."
Hiro: "Your hunches are usually correct though..."
Takuto: "So that means..."
Hiro: "Hikari knows something and Kohana is in grave danger."
At least we're getting somewhere lol xD Remember, they didn't figure out quickly what happened because of her father's text...
I'm going on a field trip to the humane society on Tuesday and I'm so excited!! :)
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