Chapter 16~ Temporary Freedom
Ello! sorry for updating so late lol! I was so busy today because my sis and I were making a cake for our parents' anniversary! lol. We were trying to surprise them by making it before they came back from shopping and we succeeded lol!! Any who, yeah... Back to the story hehe!!
Days Later... Kohana's POV
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Kohana: "(yawn)"
(A/N: I literally yawned when I typed that... Lmao 😴)
Kohana: "Morning already?" I looked at my alarm clock. "Eh!?!?" It's 10:00!?!?
(Ring ring)
Kohana: "!" Damn it! I think I had another mission today! Father's gonna kill me for real! "H-hello?"
Father: "Heh, sounds like you just woke up..."
Kohana: "No no. I've been up for hours..." I replied sleepily.
Father: "I... See... Well no matter."
Kohana: "Eh?"
Father: "I already have someone else in your place."
Kohana: "Who?"
Father: "Your one and only sister. Hikari."
Kohana: "Hikari!?"
Father: "Yes. I mean, SHE was successful in getting the picture at the cruise."
Kohana: "Wait... That was her!?"
Father: "You saw her then? That's even better! Because I have no use of you."
Kohana: "!?!?" I'm free! 😄
Father: "But that doesn't mean that I won't use you later."
Kohana: "..." DAMN IT... 😒
Father: "For now, you need to train more. You better improve when I call for you."
Kohana: "Yes father..."
Father: "Bye." (Hangs up)
Kohana: "..." I slowly put my phone on my nightstand and sighed.
Kohana: "YES!!!!!!!!!" I squealed with excitement. Freedom! For a short while but that's better than nothing! Yay! I picked up my phone and was about to text Hiro. "Wait... He should be in college right now..." I muttered disappointedly. I know! I smirked evilly and dialed LRN.
Boss: "Hello, you dialed Le Renard Noir, Atsumu speaking, what would you like to order?"
Kohana: (Smirks) "Hello boss, I would like to order Hiro's college schedule." I giggled.
Boss: "Kohana!?"
Kohana: "Yup!"
Boss: "Hey! It's been a while how ya been?"
Kohana: "Awesome!"
Boss: "Wow must be a good day for you!"
Kohana: "Yup!"
Boss: "Arighty! I'm sending you his schedule."
Kohana: "Thankies! I'll stop by LRN later!"
Boss: "Alright bye!" (Hangs up)
Kohana: "Yes!" I jumped out of bed with excitement and skipped into my closet. Hmm... "This!" I smiled and grabbed a pink stripe tank top and a black jacket and black shorts. "Maybe a wig too... In case father asks guards to follow me... But that means I have to sneak out..." And that's what I'll just do... I smirked and closed my closet door...
Hiro's POV
Hiro: "Phew... Finally class is over." I sighed and walked outside.
College Student: "Wow she's cute."
College Student 2: "I wonder if she's waiting for someone."
Friend 1: "Hey Hiro! Did you see the cute girl sitting there?!"
Hiro: "Huh? Not interested." I shrugged while texting on my phone, not looking up.
Friend 2: "How come? Is it because you already have a girlfriend?"
Hiro: "Well... I don't know..." I happened to look at the girl and instantly recognized her. After all... I did teach her disguising techniques. I quietly stood behind her and covered her eyes.
Kohana: "Kyahh?!"
Hiro: "Hey sweetheart." I blushed as I uncovered her eyes and kissed her forehead.
College Boys: "Woah! Did Hiro Sarashina just kissed her!?"
Hiro: "Kohana's my girlfriend!" I blushed harder.
Kohana: "W-w-what?!" She blushed and looked away.
Hiro: "That's so sweet of you to wait for me. Sorry for making you wait though..."
Kohana: "Were you surprised?" She stood up from the bench, turned towards me, and smiled shyly.
Hiro: "! Cute... I mean..." I turned more scarlet and stared at the floor. "Lets go..." I took her hand and led her away.
Friend 1: "Haha! There he goes! Have fun Hiro!"
Friend 2: "See ya tomorrow!!!"
Hiro: "B-bye!" I replied and left.
Hikari's POV
I'm almost there! I thought as I ran towards Hiro's school. There's his friends! "Hey---"
Hiro's Friend 1: "Hiro finally got himself a girlfriend huh."
Hiro's Friend 2: "Yup. She's so cute. Wearing shorts and long brown hair..."
Hikari: "Are they talking about me?" I smiled and decided to walk over to them when...
Hiro's Friend 1: "She's cute... What was her name again? Hiro said it so quickly that I didn't catch it..."
Hikari: I closed my eyes, waiting happily for my name.
Hiro's Friend 2: "You have a bad memory. It's Kohana."
Hikari: "What?!" I quickly hid behind a tree.
Hiro's Friend 1: "Oh yeah! She sure was a cutie. All shy when Hiro kissed her forehead."
Hiro's Friend 2: "Yeah, makes me wish that I had a girlfriend myself..."
Hiro's Friend 1: "He was always talking about a cute girl everyday in the cafeteria, I bet he was talking about Kohana."
Hiro's Friend 2: "Haha, now we can always tease him!" He chuckled. "Come on, the party's at 5!"
Hiro's Friend 1: "We should've asked if Hiro and Kohana wanted to come..."
Hiro's Friend 2: "I bet they would rather spend time with each other..."
They turned the corner and disappeared.
Hikari: "I can't... Believe this..." I clenched my fists. "Maybe they're just imagining things... There's no way Hiro would love that thing more than me." I smiled proudly and turned for home...
Hiro's POV
Hiro: "So... How did you know when I get out of my class?" I asked as we sat on the benches in the park.
Kohana: "Well I had... Help." She smiled and looked off into the distance.
Kids were running around, swinging, sliding, and what not... Kohana stood up and walked over to a crying girl.
Kohana: "Are you okay? Are you lost?" She asked as she knelt in front of her.
Girl: "I can't find my mommy..." She said between sniffles.
Kohana: "If you want, I can help you look for her okay?" Kohana smiled.
Girl: "Thank you so much!"
Hiro: "..." I smiled as I watched Kohana taking the girl's hand and leading her around the park. "Heh, she's gonna be a great mother alright." I muttered happily as the little girl ran into a woman's arms. Kohana smiled as she watch the mother and daughter walk away. "You'll be a great mother Hikari."
Riki's POV LRN
Riki: "Where's Hiro?" I asked after realizing that the place was quiet. No offense...
Kenshi: "Don't know. He usually comes by right after school."
Boss: "You don't think something happened to him don't you?"
Takuto: "Doubt it. He's probably in front of LRN---"
Hiro: "Howdy doody! ♪" Hiro came in with Kohana.
Riki: "How the hell...???" I started.
Takuto: "I don't know..." He shrugs.
Kohana: "Hey guys."
All: "Hey Kohana!"
Riki: "It's been a while."
Kohana: "Yeah I know... Sorry about that..." She smiled shyly.
Kenshi: "I almost didn't recognize you." Kenshi said as he walked around her.
Kohana: "Yeah, I decided to wear a wig in case people recognized me..." Kohana replied and pulled the wig off, revealing her mid back length of red hair.
Riki: "Now that's better... That's the real you."
Kohana: "Haha yup."
Hiro: "Kohana?" Hiro whispered which I can hear.
Kohana: "Yes?"
Hiro: "Can I ask you something? Private?"
Kohana: "Sure."
Hiro: "I'll be upstairs..." Hiro muttered and walked upstairs.
Riki: "Aren't cha gonna go on your secret meeting?" I whispered.
Kohana: "!?!? You heard?!"
Riki: "Yup. As clear as day. Go ahead." I gestured with my hand,
Kohana: "See ya then." She waved and headed upstairs.
Riki: "See ya."
Hiro's POV
I waited on the bunk beds... What if she says no? Quit worrying! It won't hurt to try!!!
Kohana: "Hiro?" She knocked and slowly walked in.
Hiro: "Hey. Come take a seat..."
Kohana: "Okay." She sat next to me and we sat there in silence. "..."
Hiro: "..."
Kohana: "... So um... what did you want to talk about?"
Hiro: "!" I blushed and looked at her straight in the eye. "You know that I have Hikari but she's not who I love. You're the only one who could never get out of my head. Even for a second. That's how important you are to me. I love you Hikari." I gently took her hands and blushed. "Will you be my girlfriend?"
Kohana: "!" She quickly turns away.
Hiro: "Is that a no?" I asked sadly and started to let go of her hands. "!" She gripped my hands tightly.
Kohana: "Really?" She looked up hopefully with tears in her eyes.
Hiro: "Yes." I said with no hesitation. "Will you be mine Hikari Saki-Sarashina?"
Kohana: "!" Tears flowed down her cheeks as she hugged me. "Yes!"
Kohana's POV
I couldn't help but cry as Hiro asked me to be his girlfriend. But what about Hikari? She's my step sister... All well... I'll just put that aside and enjoy this for now. I decided in my mind and smiled. Then closed my eyes, feeling safe and happy in Hiro's arms...
Awe!!!!! 😍 But it's not over yet! The drama's coming next chapter oh no!! 😱 thanks for reading!!
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