Chapter 14~ The Next Mission
Wow 200 reviews!? Thanks so much everyone! All of you are awesome love ya!!! 😘 Also, thanks so liking my little Easter spinoff!! =D
Kohana's POV
Hiro: "I'm so glad that I finally found you." He smiled and bumped my nose gently with his.
Kohana: "Me too." I smiled back and we slowly pulled away when his phone started ringing. "You're friends must be looking for you."
Hiro: "Yeah... Can I?"
Kohana: "Mmm-hmm." I nodded and Hiro answered his phone.
Hiro: "Hey guys... (Pause) Sorry for not telling you guys but I'm at our rooms right now... I have the keys...(Pause) Yup! Just track my phone if you need too heh... (Pause) Kay Kay! See ya!"
Kohana: "Guess you should get going..." I giggled and nudged Hiro's arm.
Hiro: "Yeah but I don't wanna!" He pouted and buried his face in the crook of my neck.
Kohana: "Ngh..."
Hiro: "Heh, sensitive huh?"
Kohana: "Don't ask if you already know!" I blushed and was about to pull away.
Hiro: "Don't leave again..." He muttered and wrapped his arms around my waist.
Kohana: "Hiro?"
Hiro: "You sent me away 8 years ago in order to protect me. Now I want to protect you."
Kohana: "But Hiro---"
Hiro: "Hikari..."
Kohana: "!"
Hiro: "I'm not the weak 8 year old from 13 years ago. I'm a man now." He chuckled.
Kohana: "Oh really?" I raised my eyebrows playfully.
Hiro: "Wanna check?" He stood up and started undressing in front of me.
Kohana: "N-No! It's perfectly fine! You don't have show me anything! I was just joking!" I became flustered and covered my eyes.
Hiro: "Heh... Hahahaha!"
Kohana: "Haha very funny..."
Hiro: "You're so adorable Kohana---"
Hiro: "Good grief..." He yanked out his phone and frowned.
Kohana: "Hiro?"
Hiro: "It's... Hikari..."
Kohana: I shuddered remembering that we are basically family now...
Hiro: "Are you cold?" He asked worriedly. The phone continued ringing.
Kohana: "I'm fine, you should answer it."
Hiro: "Okay..." He glanced at me worriedly, then reluctantly answered. "Hello? I'm a... In my room... Yeah I'm tired so I'll see you in the morning... Yeah bye." (Hangs up)
Kohana: "What? No 'I love you'?" I joked.
Hiro: "Those words are reserved for you only my little flower."
(Kohana is Japanese for Little Flower)
Kohana: "!!!" I groaned and buried my face into the pillow.
Hiro: "What's wrong?" He asked sexily and ran his finger down my back.
Kohana: I shuddered. "! I wished that I realized that the one I was looking for was you sooner..."
Hiro: "Hey, don't blame yourself... I didn't realize it either until now."
Kohana: "I guess... (Gasp!)" I sprang up from the bed surprising Hiro.
Hiro: "What's wrong?!" He asked worriedly.
Kohana: "I'm supposed to steal the featuring picture in 25 minutes!"
Hiro: "What!? But that's what we were---" he slapped his hand over his mouth.
Kohana: "What?"
Hiro: "N-nothing. Lets do it now."
Kohana: "?"
Hiro: "Kohana, I know what happens when you don't get what your father wants."
Kohana: "Even though you now know... It won't change the fact that he's stealing for the bad not the good. I have to stop it if possible."
Hiro: "And you're okay with getting beat up for it?"
Kohana: "Course not. But I have no choice... I can't let my father get the pictures. You guys are doing it for the greater good. My father's business is doing it for profit."
Hiro: "But I can't bare to see him hurting you..."
Kohana: "I'm used to it---!!!" Hiro tightly embraced me. "Hiro?"
Hiro: "It's all my fault. If I stayed with you 13 years ago, you wouldn't be saying that right now..."
Kohana: "Hiro..." I returned the hug. "Which was exactly why I sent you to Seiko's. I don't want to see you hurting yourself for me..." I slowly pulled away and looked at his right arm. "Is it still...?"
Hiro: "...Yeah." He replied and took off his suit, then rolling up the red blouse. Revealing a very light scar.
Kohana: "I'm sorry..." I choked out as I ran my fingers over it. "Your perfect skin is ruined..."
Hiro: "You're kidding me? This is nothing... Maybe it was something when I was younger but of course it doesn't hurt anymore." He gave me a pained smile. "It's more like your perfect skin is ruined..." He gently rolled up the right side of my sweater to my elbow, revealing light scars. His eyes trailed happened to go up to my shoulder. "What the---"
Kohana: "Hiro? What's wrong?"
Hiro: "You have a little mark there..." He muttered. "Turn around."
Kohana: !! He must be talking about when I got whipped!!! "It's nothing..."
Hiro: "Please." He looked at me with a serious face.
Kohana: "..." I sighed and turned around.
Hiro: "Arms up."
Kohana: I did what I was told and the sweater was lifted off of me. He placed the sweater on my pillow, then looked at me.
Hiro: "!!!"
Kohana: "Hiro?"
Hiro: "These are..." He touched the scars and I jumped. "Do they still hurt!?"
Kohana: "It's not that..." I replied. "I just came out of a hot shower and your fingers were cold..."
Hiro: "Sorry about that..."
Kohana: "It's fine..."
Hiro: "But still... These are recent..."
Kohana: "Yeah... It's from yesterday." I winced and plopped forward onto the bed.
Hiro: "Yesterday?!" Hiro made a pained face. He quickly got up and searched some drawers. "I can still heal it..." He muttered to himself.
Kohana: "Hiro? What are you doing?"
Hiro: "Where's your first aid kit?"
Kohana: "Bottom drawer." I answered, face still in pillow.
Hiro: "Got it." He took it out and sat next to me. "Ok, stay still. The least I can do is get rid of these scars..."
Kohana: "What are you--- Argh!" I winced as Hiro rubbed some cold medicine on my back. It's not only cold but it stings!!!!
Third POV
Hiro: Hiro bit his bottom lip in frustration. He could hear Kohana wincing and that's the last thing he ever wanted to hear... "Um... Hikari?"
Kohana: "Ugh... Yes?"
Hiro: "Your um... Strap is in the way..."
Kohana: "! Um... Want me to...?"
Hiro: "No, it's fine I can do it..." He reached for the hook... Meanwhile......
Riki: "Where's Hiro? He said that he has the keys yet, he's not in any of these rooms." He said while knocking on the last door.
In other words, they are still locked out of their rooms... xD
Takuto: Takes out his laptop.
Kenshi: "Did you have that with you this whole time?"
Takuto: "Can never leave home without it..."
Riki: "That's just you. The rest of us can survive without it."
Takuto: "Anyway... I'm gonna track Hiro's phone... He said we could didn't he?" Starts typing.
Boss: "I think he was joking..." He muttered.
Takuto: "Got it!" He started walking and stopped in front of a door. "Here..."
Everyone else gathers around.
Riki: "This isn't one of our rooms. Are you sure Hiro is---"
???: "Ahh!"
Hiro: "Are you alright?"
???: "Yeah. It hurts though..."
Hiro: "I'm sorry. Guess I did it too hard... I'll be more gentle."
All: "!?!?"
???: "I don't mind hard. If you did it slow... It would've been slow and painful... Ahh!"
Hiro: "Tch..." They heard Hiro hissing as if he was in pain.
Takuto: "What the hell is that old fashion talker doing?"
Kenshi: "Man, he moves fast..." Kenshi blushes.
Boss: "This isn't time to be in awe! We gotta stop him!"
Riki: "Right... This door may be locked... The hell!? It's locked!?!?!?!?" Riki stared at the door is disbelief and smiled. "Luckily I have a hair pin. Don't ask." He told the others and picked the lock.
Riki: "On the count of three. One. Two. Three!" He exclaimed and bust the door open.
All: "!?!?" Hiro was hovering over a woman.
???: "Ahhh!!!" The woman quickly covered herself with the blanket and Hiro quickly got off of her.
Hiro: "Guys!?!?"
Riki: "Alright, what's going on?!" He demanded as boss shut the door quietly hoping that the shouting won't disturb the neighbors.
Kenshi: "Hiro... What about Hikari? And Kohana? How could you do this?"
Hiro: "Do what exactly?"
Takuto: "You can't hide her, we saw her covering herself with a blanket!" He shouted as he yanked the blanket off of the bed.
Kohana: "Kyahh!"
All: "!?!? Kohana!?"
Kohana: "You guys were so lucky I managed to clasp the bra from under the blanket..." She blushed and looked away.
All: (blushes)
Hiro: "Anyway, what did you mean by how could I do this?"
Takuto: "We t-thought you g-guys were...." (Blushes)
Hiro: Looks at Kohana who shrugs.
Kohana: "Were what?" She asked.
Takuto: "..."
Kohana: "Takkun?"
Takuto: "!" He blushed even more. "S-s-s-...."
Hiro: "Sss?"
Takuto: "Sex okay! We thought you guys were having sex!"
Hiro and Kohana: "!!!" (Blushes.)
Takuto: "I-I mean... You guys were making weird noises... Gah!" He went to the other side of the bed and buried his face into a pillow. His ear were bright red.
Kohana: "You okay?"
Takuto: "Y-yeah..."
Riki: "Don't worry about it... He's fine."
Kohana: "O... K..."
Kenshi: "So Hiro, are you gonna tell us what you were doing to her?"
Hiro: "!?!? I was just putting medicine on her back..."
Boss: "Why were you putting medicine on her back?"
Kohana and Hiro: (Looks at each other.)
Kohana: "... Because of this...." She slowly got up and turned around, pushing her hair to the left side.
Kenshi: "Oh my---"
Riki: "Damn..."
Boss: "That's looks terrible..."
Takuto: "Does it still hurt?" He asked as he sat up.
Kohana: "Yeah. I got this just yesterday..."
All: "Yesterday!?"
Kohana's POV
Kohana: "... Yeah..." I sighed and looked away, making eye contact with Riki.
Riki: "..."
Kohana: "..."
Hiro: "Huh?" He looked between Riki and I.
Riki: "Are you going to tell them?" He looked at my arms.
Kohana: "I'm pretty sure you guys already know right? I wasn't going to tell you guys but it seems you all already figured out." I sighed and stood up after getting out of bed of course.
Kenshi: "Um..."
Kohana: "You guys can come closer if you want." I said and held my arms out towards them.
Boss: "You have scars all over you..."
Kohana: "Yeah... I figured out from Hiro that you guys hacked into my cell phone and saw my father beating me up." I said, looking at Takuto.
Takuto: "Well... We were concerned about you." (Blush)
Kohana: "Thanks you guys. But I don't want you all to treat me differently just because of my... Situation. Um..."
Kenshi: "What's up?"
Kohana: "... You guys know my real name too don't you?"
Riki: "Well we know it isn't Kohana. We decided that we should wait until you're ready to tell us." He smiled.
Kohana: "Thanks." I exhaled and looked at them. "I guess I should reintroduce myself..."
Hiro: "Kohana? Do you want me to tell them for you?" He looked at me worriedly.
Kohana: "Thanks." I smiled.
Hiro: "Guys, remember that one day when I told you that I had this problem for 8 years?"
All: "Yeah, we remember why?"
Hiro: "Well... About 13 years ago, I met Kohana and eventually fell in love with her. But then few years after, she told me to go to Tokyo to live with Seiko. I later figured out the reason but by the time I figured out, I was already with Seiko and she wouldn't allow me to go back."
Riki: "Did Seiko know about this?"
Kohana: "I called her beforehand and told her to stop Hiro from coming back. I thought I had a way of escaping but with guards around, I couldn't come back..." I explained.
Hiro: "For 8 years, I was with Seiko. Also wondering how Kohana was... No, wondering how Hikari was..."
Takuto: "So you're saying..." He gasped and looked at me.
Kohana: "Yes. My name is Hikari Saki-Sarashina and I was Hiro's first love from 13 years ago."
Riki's POV
Wow... That was pretty shocking...
Kenshi: "Wait wait wait... I get the part that you two fell in love with each other... But what's with the Sarashina part? Are you two siblings?"
Kohana: "Well... No... Ever since I met Hiro, he and his family always counted me as a part of their family. Although Hiro and Seiko were the only ones who knew my situation. When my father abuses me, I always end up at Hiro's house crying. His parents would always ask what's wrong but I didn't want to trouble them... Well, to sum it all up, Hiro and his family were always helping me, and treated me as another daughter. I wanted to show my appreciation by putting the name Sarashina after my last name." She giggled.
Hiro: "Awe!" Hiro awed and hugged her. "You're so adorable! You're always a Sarashina to me!"
Kohana: "Thanks."
Boss: "(sniff) I'm moved to tears!"
Takuto: "Eww..." He says but hands him a handkerchief.
Boss: "Takkun! So nice! Give me a hug!"
Takuto: "Ack! Get off me!!!" 😣
Kenshi: "Well, we're glad that you two reunited."
(Background: Takkun trying to get Boss off of him)
Kohana: "Thanks Kenshi."
Riki: "Heh, now Hiro won't have to be in the dumps every year from now on."
Kohana: "You were? Sorry about that. I wish I could've came here sooner." Kohana said sadly and played with the corner of the blanket.
Hiro: "At least you're here now."
Kohana: "And I'm glad to be here." She replied with a smile.
Hiro: "So... Since when did Riki know about the scars?"
Kohana: "For a while now, I didn't want him to tell you guys... That was... When I first met you?"
Riki: "Sounds about right."
Kohana: "Yeah. I didn't think this would happen though... You guys figured it out in the worst way possible..."
(Takkun finally gets Boss off of him)
Boss: "Yeah, but that's terrible though. We can help you."
Kohana: "... I don't want to involve you guys though."
Hiro: "Come on Hikari..."
Kohana: "... No I can't." She muttered and stood up from the bed, walking over to the mirror.
Takuto: "You should let us help you."
Kohana: "No... I don't want you guys to get this!" She exclaimed and turns towards us, showing us her scarred up body. "I'm ugly I know... But that doesn't mean that you guys should get this too. My father is not hesitant in hurting people I care about... That's why I sent you to Toyko." She said sadly while looking at Hiro. "You would be safe from him, you have your sister, you won't be lonely."
Hiro: "Hikari, you're not ugly." He stood in front of her. "Your father caused all of this. He's the one to blame."
Kohana: "(sigh.)"
Hiro: "We can help you. Let us help you stop this."
Riki: "Yeah, we're pretty strong guys if you ask us." I smirked.
Kenshi: "We would do whatever it takes to help."
Boss: "You're not alone."
Takuto: "We're all here for you." (Blush)
Kohana: "..." She looked away and I realized that she was crying.
Hiro: "Kohana?" He called worriedly and hugged her.
Kohana: "Thanks you guys..." She whispered.
(Ding Ding)
Takuto: "Someone's phone?"
Kohana: "Oh, that's mine. The picture!"
Hiro: "Oh yeah!!!"
Riki: "What are you guys talking about?" I asked. They explained the situation to us.
Kohana: "You guys are also here to steal the painting aren't you? You need to get it first."
Hiro: "But Kohana..."
Kohana: "It's better this way."
Riki: "As a leader, I've come to a decision." I said after thinking.
All: "?"
Riki: "Kohana will steal the painting..."
Kohana: "But---"
Riki: I smirked at her. "Then she will hand it to us. We will take some pictures of the painting and the code in the back. Hand it back to you. And you'll give it to your father the next day, giving us time to crack the code." I smiled. "That way, he'll get the picture, but we'll get the next clue earlier."
Kenshi: "Woah..."
Riki: "Hey I'm your leader, I'm great at making plans."
Kohana: "..."
Riki: "Any objections?"
Kohana: "Mm-mm." She shook her head.
Riki: "Then it's settled." I stood in front of her and so did the others. "Hikari Saki-Sarashina, will you help the Black Foxes in this mission?" I placed my hand in the middle in mid air, followed by the others.
Kohana: "..." She looked at all of us one by one. "Yes!" She placed her hand on top.
Riki: I smirked. "Then let the games... Begin."
Yay! They're gonna work together! Ever wonder how Kohana's gonna deal with her step sister and step mother? Find out in the next chapter! Toodles!
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