
Louis is twelve, with Harry just getting at ten two months ago. Louis is in junior high, which is grade six, seventh, and eighth in his school. He's in seventh. Except he's there without Harry, so it's not as fun and comfortable as it would normally be without his best friend to hang out with at lunch time like they always did when he was in primary school only the year before. He doesn't like being in a different school than Harry. It's not something he wants to deal with. Because now instead of going out and either playing kickball or sitting on the grass outside, he goes inside to the library and does his homework so that he doesn't have to do it at home and can hang out with his best friend.

That's what he's doing now, Louis. Instead of being against the building on the lawn right near the patch of daisies that the smaller boy always would pick at, he's in an uncomfortable chair with his cheek against the arm as he writes in the answers to his Maths homework. And when he's done that he pulls out a book he's required to read for English. I hate reading, he thinks with a sigh. Then comes when does recess end, and lastly, I want Harry to read this stupid book to me. Because even though Harry is younger than him, he has a bit of trouble reading and Harry's already excelling with it. That and because Harry always constantly begs to read Louis' older kid books and to read to him just because. Louis doesn't question him though. It's good for someone to read. He's not surprised Harry likes reading anyway. He always see's Anne reading, and she says it's a good thing for your brain, so he does it. He tells Louis his reason for doing it as well, but Louis just tells him that he does different reading than him since he's not good at it. And not because of his glasses.

What Louis has been noticing, though, is that Harry has been hanging out with this stupid Jerry kid in his class. A lot. It's getting in the way of Louis time, and even though they still hang out, it's less than they used to. The fact is that Jerry is taking up Louis time. Louis wants more time with Harry, therefore Jerry is a problem in his mind. So, when Louis finally gets home that day after staying a bit later at school and races right over to Harry's house, he's overly disappointed when Anne answers the door with a polite smile and tells him that he has a friend over. Louis doesn't even have to guess who the "friend" is. He knows it's that stupid little red head with the big gap in-between his teeth that drives Louis nuts.

He wants to go home and pout and lock himself in his room, since he's stubborn and a pain in his mothers ass. But unfortunately for him Harry runs up to the door, and pulls Louis to him for a hug. "Hey, Lou!" He exclaims, grinning. Louis instantly hugs him back, the gesture being an automatic thing to do for the boy. Though when Harry pulls away and glances at Jerry then back at him, Louis frowns.

"Uh, I didn't know you had a friend over," he lies. He knew he'd have that leprechaun over, "I'll just go. Make time for me tomorrow, yeah?" he asks. And sure, he acts a bit extra sad to make Harry feel guilty, which is kinda wrong, but he can't help it. He wants his friend back.

Harry frowns deeply, and grabs Louis' arm when he goes to turn. And thankfully right when he does a car pulls up into the driveway, which by the red hair Louis can tell is Jerry's mother. He thanks god for actually granting him the audacity to spend time with Harry today.

Once Jerry leaves Harry turns to Louis quickly. He grabs onto Louis' hand. "Are you mad at me?" his voice sounds whiny, but Louis doesn't mind.

"No," he sighs, shrugging, "I just don't like Jerry. I always get jealous because he takes up all your time now since we haven't been able to hang out as much," he confessed, "that's why I hate being two years apart," he chuckles.

Harry smiles, "Lou, the biggest reason Jerry and I play is because his dad has been out of town for the past two weeks. Something happened with his dad's best friend, so he's been out of town. His mummy has work a lot so he came over a lot. His dad get's back tomorrow," he tells Louis, who blushes embarrassedly. He didn't realize that there was a legitimate reason that Jerry was over so much. He just thought he was stealing his time with Harry, which is why he now feels bad.

"I-I didn't know that," he frowns, "m'sorry. Thought he was taking all my time away from you," he apologizes. Harry just shrugs with a smile.

"S'okay, Lou. Wanna go up to my room?" he asks, a smile making it's way to his face.

Louis grins, and nods. So they run into the house, right past Gemma and Anne and up into Harry's room. The door slams shut after they're in, and Harry jumps onto the bed. Louis joins him, laying on his stomach to face Harry, who is doing the same. "Promise me we'll be best friends forever?" he asks quietly.

Harry nods, and sticks his pinky out, "I promise. Do you promise we'll be best friends forever?"

Louis rolls his eyes playfully, "Of course," he locks pinkies with Harry, and they shake their hands like that.

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