Chapter 34: Multiple POV's

Serena's POV

I knew I was nervous when I woke up and it was still dark outside since nerves were the only thing that could make me wake up before the sun came up. Turning around in the bunk bed I was sharing with Bree, I saw that the clock was flashing the time of 5:30 am and I let out a small groan. I HATED mornings, but I was wide awake and I knew that there was no point in me trying to go back to bed at this point. Heaving a sigh, I carefully wiggled my way out of bed without disturbing Shinx and Majestoat on their pillows that I had set up on either side of me. Once I was successfully extricated, I padded over to the small closet where several fuzzy robes were left hanging in the closet for guests to use.

Once I had wrapped myself in the fuzzy material I slipped out of the room and found myself making my way toward the stable. The only sounds in the pre-dawn lighting were the cooing of some flying type pokemon and some quiet snuffling coming from the stable I was approaching. I slipped through the entrance and was immediately greeted by the slightly musty smell of hay. Taking a breath of the strangely calming scent, I moved farther into the stable towards the flickering flames of Bethany's sleeping Rapidash.

As I moved to the back of the stable, I could see that June and Queen were both still sleeping soundly with Squeaker curled up against June's side, but Delta was up and looking out the window at the town beyond. Cocking my head to the side, I walked over to him, clicking my tongue slightly so that he would know I was there without startling him. His flaming tail swished back in forth in acknowledgment of my presence and I calmly walked along his side to stand next to his head. He didn't turn to look at me, and I didn't say anything, we both just silently looked out at the sleepy town in front of us. A handful of people were beginning to trickle from their homes to head to their booths for the opening of the grand festival, but everything was still incredibly quiet and peaceful.

"Kind of feels like the calm before a storm, huh, Delta?" I remarked after several minutes of silence had passed. Delta nickered in what sounded like agreement, and he turned his head only slightly so he could look at me with one of the large eyes on the side of his face. I smiled back at him and reached up to gently brush my hand against his soft cheek.

"Whatever happens today, Delta, just keep running. If we can just make it across the finish line, then the Stoaks will leave and we will have avenged Serena's death for Jackson." My words caught a little bit in my throat from emotion and I felt a cold, wet sensation on the side of my head as Delta pressed his nose against me in a show of rare affection.

I stayed there with him until the sun had risen and then I left the stable and headed for the inn. No matter what happened I knew that today of all days losing was not an option.

* * * * * * *

We met up with Jackson and Jeremy at the opening of the festival. Jackson had brought crutches along with him, even though I could tell it hurt his pride to use them. As we wandered around the many different stalls to see all of the trinkets and goodies for sale, I watched with admiration at how close Bethany and her two boys were. Our peaceful exploration came to an end too soon though, and we all made our way back to the inn to prepare Delta and Queen for the race.

Squeaker was excitable as ever and Jeremy had to hold her back from getting underfoot as we double and triple-checked all of the straps fastening the saddles and making sure that the bit wasn't pinching the Rapidash's mouths. Once Bethany was completely satisfied, Bree and I took the reins and she flashed me a confident grin. I returned it with a more subdued one. Before I could lead Delta out of the stable, thin but strong arms wrapped around my shoulders. Bethany rested her head against my temple, just like Delta had this morning with his nose, and she planted a soft kiss there.

"Be brave, sweet girl. Trust Delta and trust yourself," she whispered into my ear. 

I reached up and held onto her arm, drinking in the sense of tranquility I felt in this moment, but both Bethany and I let go at the same time and I watched with a smile as she went over and did that same thing to Bree. I could feel eyes on me and I looked over to where Jackson and Jeremy were standing off to the side with Squeaker. I could see the worry clearly in his eyes, but he gave me a small smile and bowed his head to me.

"Thank you, Serena," he said and I smiled when Jeremy copied him by bowing his head. I waved at the two brothers before turning and walking as confidently as I could out of the stable. 

Delta clip-clopped in a stately manner behind me, but after spending a week straight with him, I thought I could detect excitement burning in his eyes. Smiling to myself, I led us towards the edge of the town where the starting line for the Festival Race was set up.

I was shocked when cheers began to be heard, calling out Bree's and my name. Glancing behind me, I saw Bethany smiling and shrugging her shoulder innocently. A smile spread across my face as I realized that she and Melissa must have spread the news of what we were trying to accomplish, and I turned and waved shyly at the crowd.

My attention was soon captured by all of the many different types of pokemon gathered around the starting line. From what Bethany had told me, I hadn't thought there were going to be many other racers besides the Stoaks. But as I looked around there were people standing next to Dodrios, one person was trying desperately to saddle a Bouffalant, there was a Rampardos, and I even saw someone holding on tightly to their floating Bronzong.

A ticklish shiver went right up my spine though as a familiar gaze landed on me and I warily turned to the side. Just as I had feared, there were three Rhyhorn waiting around who had sighted me.

"Wait..." I called out, holding my hands out to ward off the inevitable, but it did no good. The three pokemon dashed forward, ripping their reins out of their surprised trainers hands, and barreled through the hubbub straight for me. "No, no, stop!" I called out, backing up desperately, but I was soon pushed onto my bottom and received wet licks from the three pokemon. Their rough tongues thankfully didn't tickle me as much as usual because of my flame resistant body suit, but I was having a hard time extricating myself.

"Alright, alright! It's very nice to meet you too," I said exasperatedly, but I could help but smile at the darling pokemon as I patted each of them under their chin at one of the only soft spots that a Rhyhorn had. They all let out a contented sigh at being pet in their favorite spot and eventually waddled off back towards their trainers.

"Wow! That was so cool!" I startled slightly at Jeremy's unexpected cry of delight and looked over at him and Jackson with a chagrined expression before shrugging in embarrassment.

"Honestly, I have no idea why Rhyhorn like me so much," I responded awkwardly and I could see Jackson and Jeremy's eyes shining with an identical light of admiration.

"Snorunt's got a magic touch with Rhyhorn, huh?" An unfortunately familiar deep voice said from somewhere behind me.

I spun around, feeling the same fear gripping my insides as I had the day before. I didn't know where she appeared from, but Bree suddenly emerged from the crowd and hooked an arm around my waist, glaring up at Kaeo and completely ignoring his siblings behind him.

"If you actually paid attention to the world you would know that Serena was a famous Rhyhorn Racer," Bree stated with a bragging tone and I felt Jackson come up to stand next to my other side. Mila pulled a face and pantomimed Bree rudely, but Bree just laughed derisively at her and her face went completely red from anger.

"If that's true, why isn't she racing a Rhyhorn then?" Kaeo asked, shooting me a look full of dismissal before smiling lecherously at Bree once again and completely ignoring Jackson.

"That's none of your business," I said, trying to keep the fear out of my voice. Kaeo smirked down at me with obvious mirth.

"Whatever you say, Snorunt. I hope you're ready to lose your bodyguard," he said with a toothy grin and I was mildly surprised to see his teeth weren't pointed like a carnivore's. I couldn't keep from shuddering as I pictured what this feral man would do to Bree, and my determination solidified within me. I felt my back straighten and I wrapped my arm around Bree's waist protectively as I glared up at Kaeo.

"I won't let you take her. I'll make sure you and your siblings leave Walkerville and its people alone," I snapped back at him and saw genuine surprise go across his features for a moment.

I knew my newfound courage wouldn't last for long though, so I quickly turned. I briefly met Jackson's eyes and I was surprised at the gratitude I saw in them, so I quickly gave him a smile and ruffled Jeremy's hair from the spot he had been hiding behind his brother. Bree followed along with me, and we marched toward the starting line. I heard a yelp of surprise and turned around briefly to see that Delta had just blown a puff of flames directly toward the three Stoak siblings. Both Mila and her brother with the man bun jumped back, but Kaeo was watching us walk away with a creepy grin on his face. I quickly turned forward, trying not to shudder as the race officials assigned Bree and me spots next to each other along the starting line.

I mounted Delta with a single jump, settling into the sweet spot of the saddle to give me the perfect balance. Small shudders of anticipation were going through Delta's strong body and he was pawing at the ground anxiously as if he couldn't wait for it to finally start. I recalled how calm he was this morning and I smiled, wondering if he had been reserving his energy for this moment. Leaning down slightly, taking care to keep my face from his flaming mane, I stroked his neck and whispered into his ear.

"Thank you for letting me ride you, Delta." 

His large head swung around slightly so he could fix me into his sight and I thought I saw him smile. I returned it and set myself into position. One of the townspeople that had been elected to lead the festival climbed up onto a raised platform next to the starting line. I glanced up at him but then turned my focus to the forest path that was opening up in front of me, just begging to be trampled on by powerful hooves.

"Hey Snorunt!" I heard Mila's jeering voice coming from behind me but continued to only look forward, not letting my concentration falter. "My brother is going to pound you and your dumb Rapidash into da ground!" she called out loudly, but I didn't react.

My attention was focused on the bellowing yell of the Festival Leader. Even without looking, I knew he had raised his hand which held a starting pistol. As he called out the age-old, "Get Ready! Set! ...." I clenched my hands tightly around the reins in anticipation and the very moment my ears registered the sound of the pistol I kicked Delta in his sides firmly and leaned forward.


Bree's POV

Even before I had processed that the race had started, my eyes flew open as I saw Serena and Delta burst from the starting line, getting up to a speed I could hardly even imagine within a few seconds. Queen reacted before I could and I couldn't help but yelp out in shock as she burst into a run right from the start, racing after Delta and Serena's retreating figure.

The only time I had gone this fast on Queen was yesterday's test run around the rehabilitation center that Jackson had insisted on. I had never understood the phrase "a dizzying speed" until I experienced that crazy rush of wind whipping against my face and the feel of the powerful pokemon underneath me giving it all she had. It had been all I could do to stay in the saddle yesterday, but I knew that today was going to be far worse.

Gulping down my nausea at the insane speed I was going at, I focused on Serena and Delta several feet in front of me. I couldn't believe how natural Serena looked on the back of Delta and I could tell that unlike me who was just desperately hanging on for the ride of my life, Serena and Delta were working completely in sync. She leaned into the turns masterfully with Delta and she didn't slow his pace even when low-hanging branches were approaching. Instead, she just elegantly ducked underneath them and continued pushing Delta forward.

Yesterday I had told her that I knew she would win because she had looked like she was about to faint after coming face to face with the Stoak siblings. Yet now, seeing her out in front seemingly leagues ahead of any of the other pokemon and their trainers, I wondered if this was going to be easier than I had originally thought.

It was apparent that that thought came too soon though because a heavy pounding even louder than Queen's hoofbeats started to ring out, gaining ground on me. I turned slightly and glowered angrily as I saw Kaeo and his two siblings slowly leaving the rest of the pack behind them. I could see the evil glint in Kaeo's beady eyes even from here and I had no trouble imagining him brutally injuring Jackson because he had been in the way.

No way in heck am I going to let him hurt Serena, I thought to myself bitterly. Glancing down at the special reins that Bethany had secretly helped me design, I smiled as I saw all six of my miniaturized pokeballs waiting for me nestled in their holders on the reins, three on each side.

Kaeo and his siblings were all riding Tauros, just like Jeremy had mentioned, although I wasn't surprised to see that Kaeo had found the mama of all Tauros as his mount. The beast was easily twice the size of his brother and sisters and was nearly as big as Queen but much more muscled. Honestly, I was a little surprised that such a massive body could go so fast.

Queen suddenly jerked to the side and I quickly looked forward, clamping my thighs around her sides to steady my tilting body. It took me a second to get my breathing down from a hysterical gasp and I shook my head, scolding myself internally for freaking out in a critical moment like this. When I glanced over this time I nearly jumped out of the saddle when I saw Kaeo right next to me, matching Queen stride for stride and giving me a grin full of malicious ardor.

"You're new to dis, aren't you, tita?" he yelled over the sound of pounding hooves. I snarled at him hatefully, wishing we were on unmoving soil so I could sock him a good one.

"I'm not trying to win!" I spat back at him, nearly biting my tongue in the process from the constant up and down motion that I was still trying to get used to.

Kaeo grinned lecherously at me and I wished I had more control of my body so I could just pull my foot out of the stirrup and kick him across that idiotic face of his. I saw him crane his neck back and I swiftly stole a look before focusing back on the path in front of me so I wouldn't spill from the saddle. In my brief glance, I had seen both of his siblings quickly closing the gap between us and I inwardly began to plan out the strategy that I had been working on any spare moment I could get since I had heard about the Stoaks.

"Snorunt is better than I thought, I'll give you dat," Kaeo yelled over at me, with a glint in his eyes I didn't like one bit. "But she won't last long."

With that ominous parting, Kaeo yelled out at his Tauros and smacked his rump hard. He and his Tauros began to move even faster than Queen and a white light began to emanate from Tauros's body. I recognized the effect of Double Edge and realized that he planned to ram into Serena and Delta head-on. I gritted my teeth, although I quickly relaxed them after Queen's jostling nearly made me crack a tooth. Setting my jaw determinedly, I slid my hands down the reins until I was touching a familiar Pokeball.

"Just try it, buddy," I whispered darkly before pressing the release button on the ultra ball that my brother had gifted me several years ago. "Use Dig on that Tauros, Garchomp!"

Garchomp burst from the pokeball sailing beside me in the air for a split second, before angling herself down toward the ground and burrowing effortlessly under the soil of the forest path. Only her dorsal fin was poking up above the surface, showing why Garchomp's were known as the "Land Shark". I watched with pleasure as Garchomp's fin raced through the ground, catching up within seconds to the charging Tauros and his rider.

"Kaeo, look out!" a female voice shrieked from behind. Kaeo turned around and I thought I heard a curse coming from him before he veered to the side just when Garchomp burst through the soil, ready to attack. She dived back under the ground and I grinned manically as Kaeo's mount lost its luster from the Double Edge, showing he had gotten spooked by Garchomp's attack and lost some of his momentum. Kaeo looked over at me and I was surprised to see that he was grinning at me.

"I see you were serious about playin' dirty," he called back at me.

I didn't know how to urge Queen to go faster but I flicked the reins a little and sighed in relief when she was able to give me just a little more speed, closing the distance a little more between Delta and Serena who were racing straight ahead without looking back even once at the hubbub occurring.

That's my girl, I couldn't help but think proudly as I watched her disappear around a corner. My sixth sense developed from years of battles flared up suddenly and I jerked Queen's reins to the side just as a powerful beam of light sliced next to us. I growled in annoyance as I looked behind me to see Mila and her brother gaining speed with murder in their eyes.

"Don't hurt her!" Kaeo barked out angrily and I blinked in shock as I saw the unmasked anger in his expression. "Go for da Snorunt!" he growled before turning and racing after Delta's receding figure.

"No!" I yelled, leaning forward desperately. "Please, Queen, we have to catch up!" I yelled desperately. 

Garchomp was still attempting to cut off Kaeo's progress from the ground, and she was doing a good job of distracting him, but he was still gaining on Serena much too quickly.

My eyes widened when I saw Kaeo release a large Braviary and point toward Delta and Serena. Growling angrily I touched another pokeball, flicking my finger forward so Ampharos would know to materialize in front of us.

"Use Discharge, Ampharos!" I yelled even before he had fully materialized. Ampharos had less than a second to aim, but I sighed in relief when his electric attack slammed directly into the Braviary just before it could dive-bomb Serena. As Queen and I rushed past Ampharos I touched his pokeball, calling him back to me.

"Serena, look out!" I cried out in shock when I realized that when my back had been turned, Mila had blown past me and was preparing a Hyper Beam. "Garchomp, use Protect!" I called out.

 Garchomp burst from the ground creating a shield seconds before the powerful normal type move shot from Mila's Tauros and toward Serena's defenseless back. Garchomp's protective barrier stopped the Hyper Beam in its tracks but I couldn't help but groan when Kaeo ruthlessly charged his Tauros straight into Garchomp the second the Protect wavered, smashing right into her stomach and tossing her to the side.

"Garchomp!" I called out in anguish, hating that I couldn't truly direct this battle with so many moving parts and three opponents to keep track of. I tapped Garchomp's Pokeball to call her back to me so she could take a breather and get her wind back, but I groaned when I saw that both Mila and Kaeo's Tauros were preparing to fire off Hyperbeams. Not knowing what to do I kicked Queen in the sides prompting her to go even faster and I held on tightly as I screamed out uselessly, "Leave Serena alone!"

Ash's POV

Bursting through the dense trees I stopped on the forest path I found myself on and looked up to see a sight I had never imagined possible. Serena, riding a majestic Rapidash, was pounding down the forest path straight for me. At the same time, behind her were two people riding Tauros that looked like they were getting ready to fire off a twin Hyper Beam attack. I couldn't see Serena's expression from this distance and with the strange body suit that she was wearing, but my mind instantly snapped to the problem at hand. Moving to the side so Serena and her pokemon could run past me without disturbance, I stood firmly and threw out my hand.

"Pikachu, double Electro Ball!" I called out. Pikachu leaped from my shoulder as electricity began to gather on the first jag in his lightning bolt shaped tail and simultaneously on the very tip.

"Pika pika pika chipang!" he called out as the sparking balls grew and he released them at the same moment, aimed straight for the faces of the two Tauros. The Tauros that was being ridden by a girl couldn't react in time and reared up in shock after being hit by the intense attack. The gigantic Tauros, however, somehow managed to dodge it at the last second and continued barreling after Serena. Hot on his heels was a girl riding another Rapidash and she met my eyes.

"You take those two. I'll get Kaeo!" she called out to me as she passed at a reckless speed. Before she disappeared from view though, a red beam of light came from her reins and I jumped in surprise when a gigantic Avalugg materialized next to me. "Listen to him, Avalugg!" the girl called over her shoulder before racing after Serena and the guy who wanted to attack her. 

It drove me nuts that I couldn't follow after them, but if taking out these two lowlifes could help then I was happy to oblige. The girl had finally gotten her Tauros under control after his nose-full of electricity and someone who appeared to be her brother was riding up fast on an identical Tauros. Looking up at the massive Ice Type next to me I put together a plan of attack quickly and glared over at them.

"Avalugg, use Avalanche all across the path in front of us," I called up to the pokemon that was nearly a foot taller than me. He gave a huge nod of his angular head and then roared intimidatingly. Clouds of mist appeared above us and great sheets of ice and snow poured from the heavens directly onto the path in front of the approaching siblings. The Tauros shied away from the powerful Ice attack, shaking their heads in confusion as their riders tried to spur them forward.

"Come on you big baby, move!'' the brother yelled out with obvious frustration.

"Get that ugly thing, Mandibuzz!" The girl called out, releasing a large and particularly ugly flying type pokemon that I recognized from my time in Alola. Rolling my eyes I pointed at the Mandibuzz.

"Use Thunder, Pikachu!" I called out. Pikachu lifted his small arms out and with deadly aim, a huge bolt of lightning ripped from the sky and crashed into the approaching Mandibuzz. It shrieked in pain before flopping onto the snow-covered ground without a sound, completely knocked out.

"Oh yah?" her brother called out angrily. "Go, Marowak! Use Karate Chop on that Avalugg!"

"Intercept it with an Electro Ball, Pikachu!" I called out confidently.

Pikachu jumped up, climbing Avalugg's thick leg all the while charging his Electro Ball. At the same moment that the Alolan Marowak was beginning to fall towards Avalugg with a glowing hand, Pikachu released his Electro Ball. It connected magnificently with the pokemon and sent it flying straight into the sister's Tauros; spooking it thoroughly and tossing the girl from off its back before running back the way it had come.

"Come back, you coward!" the girl screamed after her receding Tauros and I shook my head.

I leaped back suddenly as I saw a dark beam coming at me from the corner of my eye. Landing in a squatting position a few feet away from the smoking char mark on the ground where I had been standing, I looked over to see that the brother was glaring at me furiously with an arrogant-looking Sneasel out next to him and his Tauros.

"Stop getting in da way you lolo!" he growled, pointing towards me. "Tauros use Hyper Beam and Sneasel use Dark Pulse again. Aim for da trainer!"

"Pikapi!' Pikachu cried out, leaping off of Avalugg's head and hurtling through the air to protect me.

To my shock though, the Avalugg next to me let out a mighty roar and took two lumbering steps in front of Pikachu and me. I blinked when the big pokemon lifted his legs, taking his full weight on the blunt tip of his underbelly, and then began to spin. I watched as his icy blue body became coated in a metallic sheen and I watched in fascination as the lumbering pokemon began to pick up speed and then began spinning like a gigantic top towards the pokemon and their trainers. Avalugg's spinning body took the Dark Pulse and Hyper Beam attack and neatly deflected them, shooting them in several directions throughout the forest as he continued to spin in a deadly path toward the offensive trainers.

"Woah!" the sister cried out, calling out another pokemon of her own, this time a slinky Salazzle. I watched in awe as Avalugg continued his slow but steady spin, inching closer and closer to the trainers that had been attacking Serena. No matter what attack they tried they just bounced off of Avalugg's metallic sheen as he used the slowest Gyro Ball attack I had ever seen in my life, but I was amazed at its effectiveness in increasing the pokemon's already off-the-charts defensive abilities.

I could see fear slowly creeping into the trainers' eyes as Avalugg's hulking body came closer and closer to them. Deciding that it would be problematic if they actually decided to run off the path (like they should have done ages ago) I jutted my chin towards them and Pikachu rushed forward without hesitation.

"Use Discharge and knock them flat, Pikachu!"

"Pika pichuuuuu!" Pikachu cried out, raining down slivers of electricity all over the trainers and their hapless pokemon. All of them fell to the ground with their hair sticking out in crazy poofs around their faces. Avalugg slowed to a stop not two inches from the girl trainer's face and I actually felt a small shudder through the ground when he steadied himself and put all four feet on the ground again.

Smiling to myself I walked over and patted the big pokemon on the side in a silent show of thanks before I turned to look at the barely conscious people in front of me. I felt my chest muscles tighten as I glared down at them and walked over to the brother, who seemed a little more with it than his sister.

"Why were you trying to hurt Serena?" I growled, grabbing him by his shirt and pulling him slightly off the ground. The guy mumbled something in a language I didn't understand and then glared up at me with obvious anger.

"Kaeo will never let that dumb Snorunt win da race! We took over dis town and we're not about ta give it back just because some little girl thinks she can beat us in a race!"

I frowned at the weird nickname for Serena, but as he continued to spew obscenities at me I figured that was all I was really going to get out of him. The sound of approaching pokemon gave me an idea and I let the guy in my hands drop to the ground with a thump and then stepped on his chest for good measure.

"Avalugg, freeze these two if they try to move, will you?" I called up to the large pokemon. "I'll send your trainer back your way soon."

A/N  I really really prefer to not have multiple POV's in one chapter, but I think for the sake of flow I am going to do it again next chapter just for the end of the race. What did you think of the race so far? Did you like Bree's POV? Thanks for reading as always!

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