Prologue (Updated)

-[ 3rd POV: Unknown City ]-

It was on that Day, that their paths intertwine. We open up to the sound of falling rain is heard. The rain felt like it wasn't going to let up anytime soon. But it didn't mater as the sound of footsteps are then heard, fallowed by a Mysterious figure wear, what seemed to be a black coat, that covered their face was seen walking across the alleyways. As they kept walking they paid no mind to the rain, as the droplets simply slid down the coat.

As it continued making it's way deeper in to the alley. It stopped as it's attention was directed at a small girl that was seating with her back against against the wall in a fetal position, and covering herself from the rain that seemed endless. The girl seemed to look like she was 6 or 7 years old. The clothes of the girl looked dirty and worn down, along with several small bruises across her arms, and legs. To the person it wandered stuff like. What was a girl like her doing here? As it kept looking at her. The girl didn't even try to move not even acknowledge the person's presences. So having no other choice the person walked over to her, with both it's hands behind it's back. Just then when the person got close to her. The girl flinched as she felt that the droplets of the rain had stop hitting her. She then lifted her head to look at what was going on, only to be met with the person looking down on her.

As it gaze at her eye's it noticed that they were empty, almost completely devoid of life. It wonder. Why? Why was a girl in this city? Why was she alone? It then got on one of it's knees to the same level as the girl, as the girl looked back at them. 

"What are you doing here child?" 

It said but the girl didn't respond. Confused it spoke again to the small girl.

"Are you alone?" 

They spoke again and he even wandered if the girl was going to respond to him. But surprisingly the girl after hearing it's question, she nod's at it. 

"How did you get here?" 

The girl again confused simply tilted her head to the side. Almost as if it didn't understand it's question. 

"You do know that it's dangerous around here?" 

It said to her. But the girl simply tilted her head to the other side clearly confused at it's words.

But it was only then that the girl spoke in a weak tone. "Dan... gerous?" 

-[ Person's POV ]-

As I kept looking at the small girl that stood before me. I could tell that just by looking at her, that she had no home to go back to. No place to call family. So having no other option I quickly figured out what to do. 

"Would you like to go with me? Or would you like to stay?" 

I said extended my right arm to her witch she hesitated to take at first. No big surprised after all, to her I was a mere stranger to her. Just then I got surprised as she then held my hand. I then gently picked her up, just encase she couldn't walk, and I placed her on my back. 

"Hold on tight little one."

-[ Small Girl's POV ]-

I saw as the person lifted their right arm in front of him, and summoned some kind of key. The person then proceeded to open strange looking portal and walked throw it. As everything went dark all I could see was darkness. Darkness as far as the eyes could see. Out of fear I closed my eyes, and clenched my arms in to fist. I didn't know why. But something about this darkness made me felt like I didn't want to be here. Something about it felt like it was going to consume me at any moment. That is until the person spoke to me. 

"Don't be afraid... I'm here with you." It said as it's voice sounded so soothing, calm and reassuring. "We're almost there. So just hold on a little bit." 

Something about the way he spoke calm me down, and made me feel protected. But why? That is until a saw a light within this vast empty Darkness. And so as the vast light eluminated us it was blinding. So as we exited the Darkness I was blinded by a bright light that forced me to close my eye's. When the light faded the person stopped walking, and spoke.

"You can open your eyes now ." 

Just then as I opened my eyes I saw what looked like a park. 

"What is this place?" I told myself as I looked at the placed with my own two eyes.

The person then gently placed me on the ground. And as he did I noticed that in the distance there was seem to be a large castle. I was left speechless as I kept looking at the castle. That is until the person stood next to me, and spoke. 

"This place is called, The Land of Departure." It said as it removed it's hood, revealing their face.

I noticed that it was a man with silver hair, and grey eye's. He then turned his attention to me.

"Allow me to introduce my self my name is Xehanort. What about you? Do you have a name? A Family?"

 He said but as I tried to think of something nothing came to mind. Not even my own name. I then placed a hand on the side of my head as I tried to think of something. But it was for not.

"I... Don't remember?"

"I see... Well how about I give you a name in the mean time?" I nodded back at him. "Okay then how about I call you Y/n. Is that okay with you?"

"Y/n. Y/n." Something about having a name made me feel happy. So I nodded tp him agreeing to the name.

He then got too my level. "Okay then Y/n. You can stay with us until you remember your name." He smiled but I tilted my head confused. 

"Us?" I said.

-[ Time Skip: 3rd POV ]-

As they Xehanort and Y/n made their way inside the castle. Y/n walked close to Xehanort at all times, with her hands close to her chest. As soon as Xehanort had stop, Y/n looked around and noticed that stop at some form of  throne room. He then looks at her. 

"Stay here I'll be right back." 

Y/n simply nod's back at him. As he left she looked across the room admiring the decor of the place. That is until she noticed that just around the corner 3 girls and 6 boys were looking at her. She tried her best to avoid eye contact with them, as it only made her more nervous, and uncomfortable. But one of the girl seemingly then walked up to her. The girl had auburn hair, with blue eyes, and a flower firmly held with her arms. 


The girl said with a friendly smile. But Y/n got a bit startled as she then lowering her head to look at the floor avoiding eye contact with her. But even with all that the girl kept her smiled as she looked at Y/n. 

"What's your name? My name is Kairi."

"I... don't have a name." Y/n said as she then pointed at the direction Xehanort had left. "B-B-But that man gave me one. He called me, Y/n." As she spoke she tried to avoid eye contact with Kairi at all times.

"I see. Well I think that, that's a wonderful name." Kairi smiled at her. "Would you like to be friends Y/n?" She said handing over the flower she was holding over to her.

Y/n hesitant at first looked at the flower, before she took it and gently smiled back at Kairi. She then nodded back at her. As having a friend made her happy.

"T-Thank you."

Just then they heard footsteps coming closer. Y/n noticing that another person showed up, she got nervous. As the new person walked over to her. She noticed that it was another man with black hair that was tied into a short, high topknot, and greyish colored eyes. He then got down to her level, and smiled revealing his pearly whites.

"Hello my name is Eraqus. I can see that you already met Kairi." Y/n with her head down low, nod's at him. "Xehanort told me you don't have a place to stay?" Y/n avoided eye contact as she simply nodded at him. But Eraqus simply kept on smiling and kept speaking in a very friendly tone. "I see we'll you can stay as long as you want. Xehanort why don't you escort her to her room." Xehanort smiled and he nodded. Eraqus then gently pets her head, which at first made her nervous, but then calm down as she noticed a warm smile from him. "Don't worry. We're all friends here. No one is going to hurt you."

Surprised Y/n smiled back at him, as he then got up and walked away. Xehanort then looked at Y/n. "Come along Y/n." He said as he gestured her to fallow him. So as the two left Kairi and the rest of the group only stood back.

As Y/n started fallowing him. She tried her best to keep up with him even though she was only 6 to 7. So as she kept walking after him, she didn't notice that Kairi started following after theme.

-[ Dorms ]-

It then cuts to a different section of the castle. As both of then are seen walking throw the hallway. Just then Xehanort stopped in front of a door, and turns around to look at her. 

"We're here. Okay Y/n this will be your room." 

As he slowly opened the door. Y/n then picked her head inside the room, and was then left speechless, as the room had a bed, bookshelves filled with several books, and a desk. She then walked inside, looks around the room, and turns to look at Xehanort again. Who was also just walking in. 

"Is this for me?" She said as he then answers her question with a simple nod.

"Anyway I have to go somewhere else. So try to make friends here okay, Y/n." 

Y/n even though hesitant nod's back at him. He then nod's back at her, as left the room leaving her alone. As the door closed she started looking at the room and was still left speechless. She then heard a knock on the door which startled her at first. 

"Y-yes it's open?" She responded. As the door open up, and she got surprised because it was kairi. 

"Hello, Y/n." She smiled and Y/n smiled back at her. 

"H-hello, Kairi."

-[ Time Skip: Y/n's PoV, 11:40 a.m. ]-

As I was being pulled by Kairi. I had no idea where she was taking me. That is until we made it to a different park. I noticed that there were more children playing not to far from us. A part of me started getting scared, but Kairi simply looked at me and smiled. 

"Hey, hey. It's okay there my friends. Don't be scared." Hesitant at first I nodded in agreement. So as we got closer a boy with spiky hair approached us.

The boy then smiled as he waved at us. He then started talking with Kairi. But he then turned he's attention to me. Which made me more nervous. 

"Hello my name is, Sora. Can we be friend?" He said with a big friendly smile.

As the boy named Sora kept on talking with us. Another boy with green-blue eyes's walked up to the three of us. Before the boy could say anything. Sora quickly pointed to him, but something about the boy felt of. Why? He just kept staring at me. To be hones it felt embarrassing. So I turn my gaze to the floor, trying not to look at him. 

"This is, Riku. He's my best friend. Just like Kairi." Sora said.

The boy named Riku didn't respond to me at all. He just kept staring at me. His gaze only made me more nervous. But Sora then snapped he's fingers in front of Riku's face. With made him shook he's head.

"S-Sorry... I know that Sora introduced me. But my name is Riku nice to meet you." He gave me a gentle smile as he spoke to me.

"H-Hello..." I said trying my best to not look at him.

I then noticed three more children approaching us. Two boys, and one girl. The girl had short blue hair, and blue eyes. But she was the first to respond to me. 

"Hello my name is, Aqua. It's a pleasure to meet you." She was very kind like Kairi. But all I could do was nod, and smile at her.

Just then the boy with brown hair, and blue eyes responds after Aqua. "Well my name is Terra." He then pointed to the boy with red hair, and eyes where emerald in color. "And the red head is Lea."

"HEY! You don't have to call me red head!" The boy shouted at Terra. But he then turned his attention at me. "The names Lea got it memorized." He then pointed to his head, and I nodded back at him. He then smiled back. "I know!"

He then called three more children, and they approached us. I was getting more nervous. But that nervousness was quickly replaced, with surprised as two of the children looked identical. Both of them had the same bright blue eyes, and spiky hair. But when they got close one of them started the conversation.

"You must be new here. Well nice to meet you the names Roxas."

"And I'm Ventus. And if you're wondering."

They then spoke in unison. "Yes we're brothers." They started laughing at the same time. I on the other hand tilted my head to the side, still trying to make sense of both of them. 

Out of the trio, a girl with black hair, and blue eyes smiled awkwardly, she then turned her attention to me. "Hehe. Sorry about them." She then reached out her left arm to me in a friendly greeting. "My name is Xion. Let's be good friends." She then started talking with the brother's.

As I looked at the rest of them, I started to feel happy. But why we're they being so nice to a person they never met? Why we're they so kind to me? I had other question on my mind. But I didn't say anymore. After some time with them I started feeling like I belonged here. I spent the whole day with them and by the end of the day I started to smile for once I felt, happy.

-[ Time Skip 1 week: Training Ground's, 10:34 a.m. ]-

As I was sitting down in one of the benches. I see the rest of the children training with, Master Eraqus, holding some form of... Keys? But as I looked at them, I told myself. Why? What were they training for? And what was with the big Key's? As I kept looking at all of them I didn't noticed, that Xehanort was approaching me.

"Xehanort." I said as I smile at him. He then smiled back.

"Hello Y/n. Are you doing okay?" He then set next to me.

"I'm okay. I was just wondering. Why do they train? What are they going to do? And what's with the big Key's?" She then points at the key's.

"Well I can tell you that, there going to visit other world's. And what they are using is called a Keyblade."

I quickly turn to look at him. I then tilted my head to the side confused, but mostly intrigued at what he said. "Other world's? A Keyblade?"

"Yes. Tell me Y/n. When you look at the stars. What do you think they are to you?" I didn't respond because I didn't know how to answer. "Well what would you do if I told you that every star is a different world. That is yet to be discovered."

-[ Xehanort PoV ]-

As she looked at me. One could notice the glitter in her eyes. She had a look that sold me, she wanted to know more. But what will she say if I tell her? "Y/n... What do you want to do when you grow up?"

"... I... I want to visit other world's. I want to find out, who I am. I want to know about my family. But more than that... I want to get my memories back... Xehanort. How can I become a keyblade wilder?"

I look at her, and I noticed how she gazed at the other children training. So I got up and I looked at her. "Follow me Y/n?"

-[ 3rd PoV ]-

As both of them walked of somewhere. Back to the children Kairi, Xion, and Riku notice them walking away. Eraqus also noticed them leaving, but he then gave a sigh and smiled. "You're very kind Xehanort, but not like I'm one to talk." He then noticed that he was getting confused stares from his students. "Hehe. Sorry where did we left off?" The children then continued their training. 

Meanwhile Xehanort, & Y/n were seen walking across the long halls, until both of them came to stop, in front of a large flower field. Y/n looked at the flowers, captivated by their beauty. "So pretty." She smiled and looked around, all the while Xehanort walked passed her.

Xehanort put his left hand inside his pocket. He then turns around to face her. "Tell me, Y/n. What do you think of your friends?"

She gives him a warm smile. "They're very kind."

"Okay. Just because there are people like that, it doesn't mean that all world's are the same. What would you do if there was a person that needed your help, right now?" He stares back at her awaiting her answer.

Not wasting time she quickly respond's to him. "I would help them." They both locked eyes.

"Even if that person was bad? Even if he or she fell to Darkness?"

"The heart may be weak and sometimes it may even give in. But deep down, there's a light that never goes out."

"And what if you lose your way and fall to Darkness? You will be forever alone."

Y/n placed her left arm on her chest. "Even if I lose myself, as long as I have my friend's with me. As long as there is a light in their hearts. I will never be alone because there is no Darkness that can pull us apart."

Just then he smiles at her, before starting to clap his arms. "Very good. That is what I wanted to hear."

He then walked over to her, and got on one knee. He then summoned his Keyblade, which left her confused. "Y/n."


He looked at her eye's, and as he did all he could see in them, was compassion and a sense of doing what was right. He then pointed the handle of his keyblade at her.

"In your hand, take this Key. So long as you have the makings, then through this simple act of taking, its wielder you shall one day be. And you will find me, friend—no ocean will contain you then. No more borders around, or below, or above, so long as you champion the ones you love."

She then grabbed the handle of the keyblade and he smiled.

"As of tomorrow I will be training you. You okay with that, Y/n?"

"Really!" She smiled with excitement.

He nod's back at her. "Yes. But never forget what we talked about. Promise?"

She nodded. "Promise!"

"And also what I'm going to teach you never tell anyone. My training won't be easy so go get some rest and remember. May your heart be your guiding key." She got serious and nodded.

"Okay Xeh- I mean." She playfully shook her head. "Master Xehanort!"

They both smiled as flowers bloomed around them, and everything faded to Black.

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