Chapter II: Midgard I (Updated)
-[Y/n POV]-
As I walked throw a big forest I could hear the birds singing, and a relaxing cold breeze. As I took a moment to admire the world and how it looked like. I could tell that far into the distant there were several temples. I smiled as I looked at the rest of my surrounding and I took my sketchbook out. But as I was about to start drawing.
I heard a voice called out. So not having the time to draw, I put by book away and I headed to the direction of the cries. As I got close to the voice I came upon a big open area, of a big temple.
"Someone help me!"
I turned to the voice and noticed that it was a man, with golden armor. He was on top of some bolder, and surrounded by shadows heartless. I then quickly sprung in to action and approached the shadows. I then summoned Oblivion and got into a fighting stance.
"HEY Heartless! Over here!?" I shouted as all the heartless turned their attention towards me. I then looked at the man. "Go find some cover?" The man then nodded, and I put all my attention at the heartless.
-[3rd POV]-
When the man took cover several more heartless appeared along with Neoshadows. As the heartless started outnumbering her. Y/n couldn't help but smirk as she looked at all the heartless. She then sigh as she prepared herself for what was to come.
"Why can't everything be easy?"
As two shadows jumped at her, she was quick to attack disposing of them. She then noticed that four more charged at her. But as they got closer she tightened the grip on Oblivion. When the heartless got close she jumped over one of the heartless, and used it to get airborne. As she feel she turned to the heartless as yellow electricity was seen across Oblivion.
Just then all four heartless were hit with strong lightning magic that rained from the sky. The shadows that got hit with the attack disappeared. But still left several of them still alive. But even with that she still didn't lower her guard, as several Neoshadows charged at her. So as they started getting close, she firmly held the grip of Oblivion and pointed the tip at them. Oblivion then started to chine a blue light.
As the Neoshadows continued their charge. In the blind of an eye they were all encased in ice. Using that opportunity she then with one quick strike attacked them moving from Heartless to Neoshadows, causing their body's to shatter to pieces. As two more Neoshadows appeared they were about to attack but quickly came to a stop. As a large roar was then heard from inside the temple. Confused Y/n, along with the Heartless turned to the direction of the temples open entrance.
All the heartless stopped moving as Y/n looked at a puddle of water, and noticed that it was rippling. Meanwhile several of the heartless disappeared, as the Neoshadows stayed. But the ripple in the water then stopped, and at that moment one of the Neoshadows started to run away. But it didn't make it to far as a bolder was then thrown at it, instantly killing it. The rest of the heartless looked at what happened with disbelief, and then disappeared. Y/n on the other hand calmed her breath, as she turned to the direction of the temple with Oblivion still in hand.
As the foot steps got closer, and closer in suddenly stopped. When it stepped out of the shadows Y/n got on guard as the creature overshadowed her. A small sweet ran down the side of her face, as she noticed that it was some form of Minotaur far larger then her, along with a large battle axe held in one arm, and in it's chest had the symbol of the heartless.
"You have got to be kidding me."
Y/n told herself as she looked at the Minotaur. The Minotaur then looks at Y/n as it got into a charging stance. It the quickly charged at Y/n, but just in the neck of time she jumped to the side quickly avoiding it's charge.
She said quickly freezing the ground causing the Minotaur to slip and clash to some trees. But as it got up and shock it's head it only infuriated it.
She said, as the Minotaur looks at her. The Minotaur noticed that a fireball was send at it, the attack without fail connected with it's face forcing it on one knee. But shacking of the attack it got up like nothing.
"Are you kidding me!"
As Y/n looked at the Minotaur with a disbelief look. The Minotaur grabbed it's battle axe with both arms, and looked at her.
"Not good!"
She told herself as it charged weapon in hand. As it got close an arrow was flung directly at it's left eye, along with a two-handed axe, the axe itself was thrown at the Minotaur. But out of instinct It quickly blocked the axe, but as the axe continued it got passed Y/n as it was then grabbed by someone. The Minotaur felling weaken by the arrow fell on one knee, as it covered the eye it tried to see it's attackers.
As Y/n was focused on the heartless a boy with a bow, and arrow, and a large bulky bearded man walked close to her.
"It's okay were here to help!" The boy said pointing his bow at the Minotaur.
"Stay focused." The bearded man responded as he looked at the Minotaur. Y/n nodded as the heartless got up and looked at everyone.
As the Minotaur charged at them, Y/n quickly froze it's legs in place with Blizzaga preventing it from moving. The boy then aimed at the Minotaur's other eye, and as soon as it connected it let out a large cry, but it didn't give up as it was determined to finish of it's enemies. The man then charged at it but as the Minotaur got up it aimed it's axe at the man. But the man didn't even get out of the way, as he simply grabbed the Minotaur's axe with one arm. He then with great force grabbed the Minotaur, and dragged it all the way to a wall. As the Minotaur fought back the man used his own axe and with one swing cut the Minotaur's left leg. The Minotaur then tried to bite the man, but he quickly met with a punched to it's face. He then firmly grabbed one of it's horns and with great strength broke it. Then using it's own horn pointed the sharp end of the horn and stabbed the Minotaur in the head with it's own horn. As the Minotaur became numb it's body vanished.
Meanwhile as the boy gave a sigh of relief. A chibi version of Y/n was trembling as she was more scared of the bearded Man, then the Minotaur, or the heartless that they fought. She then looked at the Man and she told her self with tears in her eyes.
"What have I gotten my self into!?"
-[Time Skip brought you by a chibi Y/n fighting some heartless. As it then cuts to a chibi Y/n being scared of the man.]-[Workshop: Y/n's POV]-
After we disposed of the rest of the heartless. We headed to some workshop, that was surprisingly well hidden and not to far. Ones there I simply seat in a spot I could observe the temple. As for the man in gold. After we saved him, he introduced him self to me as, Sindri. He wasn't bad. No far from it he was actually pretty friendly. But he was very... Never mind.
I smiled as I noticed him talking with the bearded man about something. So having some time to kill, I took out my sketchbook, and I started to sketch part of the temples interior design. I couldn't help but admire the vast complexity of the temple, the carvings on the walls, the old dilapidated machines of olden day. I even wandered to myself just. How it was all made? So as I continued scribbling away. The boy approached me, and looked at my sketches.
"Did you sketch that?" He said smiling at me. I then nodded and smiled back at him.
As he seat next to me, he then took out a sketchbook that he was carrying. He then started showing me his sketches, and I smiled as I looked at them. He really did have some fascinating sketches to say the least.
"WOW! These looks very good. Are you the one that made them?" I said as I look over his sketches.
"Yeah, I made them." He then scratched the back of his head, and he extended his arm to me. "Anyway my name is Atreus. What's yours?"
I smiled as I grabbed his hand, and smiled back. "The names Y/n. It's nice to met you, Atreus." When we put our arms down, I responded again before he could. "If you don't mind me asking. But how long have the heartless been here?"
He then looked at me confused, as he tilted his head. "Heartless?"
I then remembered that not many people know about the heartless. "The monster that we fought that head the heart shape symbol on it's chest?" I said as I made a heart shape symble with my arms.
"OH! You mean the Minotaur?" I guess that was a start. So I nodded my head. "I don't know where they came from. But recently there have been an increase in monsters as of late."
"I see." I then looked at the bearded man, and I lean close to Atreus whispering to the point that only he could hear me. "If you don't mind me asking. But who is he?" I then pointed at the man.
"OH! He's my Father. I know he might look... scary." He said. But after what he did to the heartless Minotaur. I wouldn't call him scary. I thinks the right word for me was, TERRIFYING! "But I can say for sure that he's not a bad person."
I then looked at the bearded man, but as I did he quick glared at me, which scared me even more. He then walked over to us. Deep voice that demanded respect. "Atreus let's go."
Before he could walk away Atreus stopped him. "Father wait. I believe we should bring her with us. She did help us with the Minotaur after all." He said. But the man then turns his attention to me, and then back to Atreus. Atreus then responds again. "Besides she was able to hold out against the Minotaur on her own. And I believe she can help us."
I guess I wouldn't mind it's not like anything could go wrong. Besides I kinda wanted to learn more about this world. His father then looks at me with a series look in his face. Honestly he looked very scary to me. "I think you should listen to the boy, Brother?" A voice responded but it didn't came from them. I then looked around trying to find the source of the voice.
The man then reached to the back of his waist. But when I looked at what IT was I nearly fainted. As I noticed that it was a decapitated head. Which only made me even more scared. I then spoke to myself as I tried to keep my cool. "It's a decapitated head... A DECAPITATED HEAD!"
"The lassie looks like she can hold her own in a fight." IT talked? IT TALKED!! The man then extended the head to me. "Hold him." I don't want to! I rather fight heartless over, and over again. But not having much of a choice in the matter grabbed the head. As I held the head my mind was going nuts. But the man then grabbed Atreus and walked far from me. I then sigh and brought the face to my level.
"It's a pleasure to met you lassie the names Mimir! Smartest man alive, and I have the answer to your every question. But first can you tell me something?" Smartest man alive? I wandered to myself as he might know something about my lost memory. So to answer his question I nodded at him. "You're from another world. Aren't you?" I got surprised and I stood in silence as I wandered. How did he know? "It's okay I won't tell anyone." After he finished introducing himself, I calm myself and I responded to him.
"Excuse me Mr.Mimir you said that you're the smartest man alive. Right?"
"That is correct, but please don't call me Mr. Mimir is fine."
I then took a deep breath, and I told him. "Do you know about my lost memories?"
".... I'm sorry lassie but even if I new. As one that knows about the worlds I can't tell you." He said and I lowered my head. "Is that why you're in this world?"
I nodded as I looked at him. "Yes. The truth is i'm trying to find my lost memories. And I was hoping that if I where to travel to other worlds I would find it."
"I see... Well don't worry i'm sure you'll be able to get them back."
I then smiled as he sounded sure of it. "Have there been any problems recently?"
"By problems you mean the resent increase in heartless, then yes."
I got confused as I question him again. "What do you mean?"
"Well lassie ever since some person in a black coat appeared. He or She have been cousin problems as of late." A person in a black coat?
"I see. Thank you for telling me Mimir." I smiled and he smiled back at me.
"No problem lassie." I then looked at him and didn't respond. "What's wrong?"
"Hehehe." I then sarcastically laugh as I noticed one thing. "I just realized that I can't believe I'm talking to a decapitated head. Hehe." Mimir then smiled as he looked at me.
"Well try to pay it no mind lassie." As soon as he said that we shared a laugh. It was strange even if he was a decapitated head. I was starting to get use to him.
"Y/n! Mimir!"
I turned to look at the voice and noticed that it came from Atreus, who was approaching us with a smile on his face. He then spoke. "I talked to Father and he said that you can accompany us. Isn't that great?!" I nodded, as the two of us smiled, and walked away after his father. But one thing was still on my mind.
-[3rd POV]-
Meanwhile up in the mountains from within a deep cave, the sound of a monster growling is heard. And a person with a black coat is seen walking even dipper in to the cave.
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