Chapter eight

It was still dark when Marlin woke up, but morning dew was clinging to the gravel, causing tiny bits of rock to coat his jacket. Dory wasn't lying down anymore, but kneeling beside the river, completely still. She was soaked from head to toe, her back to him.

Marlin eased into a sitting position, stiff from sleeping on the ground.

"I'm sorry, Marlin," Dory said, her voice shaky. "I didn't mean to lose it, it just—it slipped out of my hands."

He sat up farther. "Dory..." His voice was almost inaudible, too afraid to go louder.

She turned to look at him. "I searched for it for hours. Almost didn't make it to the surface."

"What did you do, Dory?"

"I managed to read a little of it... the parts that weren't washed out."

Marlin stood up. "Tell me, Dory."

Dory sighed. "The file, Marlin. I was trying to read what was on it, when... it just slipped out of my hands..."

Marlin stared at her, trying to stay calm. "What did you manage to read?"

She shook her head miserably. "I don't know. There was a P... then Sher-something..."

Marlin groaned. "Is that it?"

"There was something about a kangaroo?"

He threw his hands up. "This isn't helping."

"There's something else. Last night we were a little disoriented, so we didn't notice. But this isn't a bridge we're under. It's a sewer."

He looked around. The concrete walls didn't stop, but continued in a long tunnel. So, the gravel wasn't wet because of dew. It was damp because, well, it was a sewer.

"It's not nighttime." She continued. "At least, that's not why it's dark. When we swam in last night, the entrance closed, must be a routine thing."

"So, we're stuck." Marlin summed up their situation.

"Not exactly," Dory said quickly. "If we walk long enough, we'll find an opening."

They started down the wet tunnel in silence. It became darker and darker, until they could hardly see each other.

Marlin felt like going insane. "This isn't working. How long have we been walking?"

"Just keep walking," Was Dory's response.

"Can you see anything?" Marlin said after some time.

The splashes of Dory's footsteps slowed. "I see... a light."

Marlin stopped and squinted into the darkness. A single beam of light was steadily shining a few feet from them. "Me too."

He looked over at Dory, who started walking towards it. He could actually see the murky concrete walls on either side of them now.

The two of them walked up to it cautiously, examining the strange beams cast on the wall.

"Dory, don't get too close." Marlin warned.

"Come on. It's probably just a lightbulb or something," Her face lit up. "That probably means there's an exit nearby."

He peered closer. "I don't think that's a lightbulb."

"Uh, Marlin?" Her eyes widened as she looked past his shoulder.

He turned around. A face had appeared in the darkness, glowing under the flashlight in his helmet.

"Definitely not a lightbulb."

He and Dory turned around and ran. Splashing footsteps pattered behind them.

"Who is that guy?" Dory screamed.

Now farther away from the man's light, they were again stumbling blindly into walls. The man was close behind them, his light dimly lighting up their path. They were sprinting now, everything a blur. Suddenly, something caught his eye. Neon green, almost glowing in the blackness.

"The file!" He yelled.

He spun around, crashing into their attacker. A fist swung into his face and he stumbled back.

"Read the file to me, Dory!" He shouted as he tackled the man into the water.

He heard Dory grab the file. "Okay! Ugh, it's all washed out. So that was the P..."

"Hurry up!" He screamed as the attacker rolled on top of him.

"P... Sher... is that an M?"

The man had started punching. Marlin arched his back, throwing the man off him.

"Man!" She called. "P Sher man!"

"What is a sher?" He yelled, springing up as the man started running towards him.

"I think it's the same word. Okay, P Sherman... there's the 42."

The man charged him. Marlin stuck out a leg and kicked him in the stomach.

"Wallaby... W... it was a wallaby, not a kangaroo."

The man doubled over and Marlin grabbed his shirt, shoving him into the water.

"Wallaby... Way," She called out to him. "I think this is some kind of address. And then there's an S and a Y. S-Y-D-N-E-Y... Sydney!"

Marlin froze, his fist in midair. Sydney. Is that where his son was? Sydney? Australia?

The attacker tackled him and pinned him down. He wrapped his fingers around his throat, his helmet light shining directly into his face.

"PSWay hasn't forgotten." He said through clenched teeth.

"So I've heard." Marlin gasped, attempting to dig his fingers under the man's hands.

"Watch out, Marlin." Something crashed into the man's head with a sickening crunch, and his body slumped on top of him. Blood trickled down from the man's head onto Marlin's face.

Dory blew a strand of hair from her face and stared at a shovel in her hand. "So much the helmet did for him."

Marlin heaved the man's body off him and wiped the blood from his nose. "Where did you get that?"

"I found it," She said, as if it were obvious. She pulled the helmet of the man's head and washed the blood off. "We could use the light."

"Do you think we're close to anywhere?"

She looked around. "Well, judging from the homicidal construction worker and fairly new shovel, I'd say we're pretty close to somewhere."

Marlin grabbed the file. "Is this an address?"

Dory pointed at a sign. It was washed out and rusty, but a sign of civilization. "Let's follow this."

They started down the tunnel once again, wet and cold.

"Well," Marlin said. "Let's go to Australia." 

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