"Jiminah..." he heard a soft voice calling his name, but he refused to open his eyes.

"Five more minutes." he whined and turn his body so that now he was lying on the bed, stomach down, his head buried in the pillow.

"I brought all kinds of pastry, we should eat them while they're hot." Jungkook said and came with the deliciously smelling bag of food to the bed.

Jimin's nose is filled with amazing smells, and his stomach growled instinctively.

Jungkook laid on top of him, and kissed his nape, making Jimin shiver.

"We have to eat. You have meeting in half an hour." Jungkook whispered in Jimin's ear, so the older whined.

"I don't wanna work today. I just wanna stay here the whole day and be with you."

"Well that's great. Let's just call Tae and tell him you can't do the meeting. I would love nothing more than to spend the whole day here, in bed with you." Jungkook said and got up off Jimin, turning his body around to face him.

"What about your job?" Jimin said and smiled.

"I don't care. I'll quit if they don't give me another day off." Jungkook said and leaned, kissing Jimin's lips softly.

"Good morning." he said and smiled, so Jimin took a deep breath, realizing in how much danger his reckless behavior could get them both.

"Good morning you crazy person. You should like me less you know, cause the decisions you make, are just insane and reckless." Jimin said and bopped Jungkook's nose cutely.

They both got up and decided to eat in the living room. Jimin only wearing Jungkook's white shirt, looking like a snack.

"Mmmm this is so good." Jimin said while eating one of the warm pastries Jungkook picked for them.

"Mhm... Eat them all, there's plenty." Jungkook said, his voice muffled by the food he was stuffing his face with.

"I prepared some in the plastic container for your flight tonight. You'll probably get hungry since the flight is so long so..." Jungkook said, but Jimin interrupted him in the middle of sentence with firm kiss, feeling just overwhelmed by his kindness.

He cupped the younger's cheeks, and placed around 20 small kisses all over his face, making Jungkook giggled at his action.

"You. Are. The. Best." Jimin finished his kisses with these words, planting a kiss onto Jungkook's face with every new word.

"I know." the younger said smugly, so Jimin scrunched his nose with a smile, bopping Jungkook's cute nose with his index finger.

"Cocky baby." he teased him and got up. Trying to clean the teared pastry bags from the table.

"Just leave it there. You have 7 minutes till your meeting. You can do it here. I have laptop, you can use it and you can wear my clothes. I have some professional pieces just so you know." Jungkook said, but Jimin just laughed.

"I'm a bit smaller than you, if you hadn't notice." Jimin said and removed the younger's shirt off of his body, leaving him only in white boxers that Jungkook put on him last night.

Jungkook choked on a piece of pastry he had eaten a while ago.

"I think these (he pulled the waistband of the boxers slightly down, showing just a tiny bit of his thick ass) are the only thing you have that can fit me." Jimin said and then shrugged cutely, Jungkook pushed his awakening dick to the side.

"Jimin..." Jungkook whined, the older already walking to the bathroom, trying to wash his face and brush his teeth.

"Come here you tease.." he ran after him, and pulled him up, Jimin wrapped his legs around his slim waist.

"I'm gonna be late, Jungkookah..." now it's Jimin's turn to whine, feeling Jungkook's big hands groping his ass firmly.

"I just wanted to give you a new tooth brush I bought for you, you perv." Jungkook said playfully and took the new tooth brush from the bag with some supplies he bought.

"Thank you." Jimin said and kissed his lips softly.

"Although I wouldn't mind if you used mine to be honest."

Hearing those words Jimin just put the new unboxed tooth brush on the sink, and used Jungkook's instead.

He didn't mind it either.
It kind of gave him some domestic vibe that he liked for some reason.

Jungkook came inside, bringing him his clothes nicely folded, and looked at the new tooth brush on the bathroom cabinet, and Jimin using his instead.

The fond look he had on his face made Jimin melt instantly.

"What?" Jimin said while observing the blond, leaning cutely on the door frame.

"You're gonna watch me brush my teeth?" Jimin asked with some funny voice, because his mouth was filled with tooth paste.

"I am. You look so cute in my boxers, using my tooth brush. I could get used to this." Jungkook said fondly so Jimin blushed, and rinse his mouth with some water.

"You're falling in love with me and we only have a couple of hours left. You should really slow down you know." Jimin said teasingly, putting his hands on Jungkook's neck, coming closer to his face.

The younger pouted, so Jimin melted for the nth time, got on his tippy toes and kissed his lips delicately.

"I'm gonna miss you so much." he said while gripping the younger in bone breaking embrace. Jungkook hugged him back, just as tightly.

Before he could gave in to his feelings, feeling his eyes starting to water, Jimin heard his phone ringing so they pull apart, and moved away from each other, trying to hide their faces.

Jimin went into the living room to answer the call, and Jungkook went to bathroom.

"Hello Mr. Yeunjin, yes, we're gonna have our meeting, I just need to take some of the papers from my room. I'm gonna call you in 5 minutes." Jimin explained, and saw Jungkook coming out of the bathroom, his face splashed with some water.

"I really need to go now. I'll finish as soon as possible, and meet you at the bar?" Jimin asked while coming closer, so Jungkook nodded.

They kissed once again. Just a quick, soft brush of their lips, and Jimin went running to his room.

He put one of the button up shirts he bought with Jungkook, the simple black one, and the beige shorts that showed off his pretty legs and round ass.

After grabbing his favorite Ray-bans, he took his laptop too, and went outside, on the same spot where he always had his meetings, close to the pool, just outside on the hotels balcony, where he had the perfect sight of his favorite white bar, and Jungkook in it.

"Mr. Yeunjin, I prepared the new contract for you, so after I go through some basic facts, I'll give you an hour to reread everything again and give me your answer."

Jimin had a plan. He was ready to explain the new contract to his client, then let them read the contract again and give him the answer. If everything goes by plan, he'll be done by 12 and will be free to go to Jungkook's party.

After an hour and a half of negotiating and explaining things, Jimin could see that his client was not gonna gave in as easily as he thought, so he gave the man another half an hour to reread some parts of the new contract and inform him about the changes he would like to make.

Jimin decided to grab a beer, or a shot, at the pools bar, feeling a bit pissed off at this whole situation.

He really wanted to see Jungkook as soon as possible, but he couldn't when his clients were a pain in the ass such as this one.

"One tequila please."

He decided to go with a shot.

After drinking one bottoms up, he decided to get one more.

"Why is my soulmate getting drunk this early in the morning?" he heard a well known voice, so slowly he turned around, looking a bit ashamed too.

Tae and Jin came to him, and grabbed a shot themselves.

'Aghhhh it's Mr. Yeunjin. I worked so hard for months on his contract and he still wants some alterations. I don' t think I could do any changes anymore because if I change some things there wouldn't be any profit for the company." Jimin explained so both Jin and Tae nodded.

Then they heard a voice, further in the background, yelling for the party to start, and Jimin hated that he's stuck here, and wanted to be down there, enjoying his last day with the younger.

"You two go ahead and enjoy. I will probably be here for an hour, or even more. Just tell Jungkook that I had to stay longer than I planned." Jimin said with the saddest expression and went back to his laptop, where his annoying client was still reading the contract.

While sitting down, he forgot about his sore ass, from all the sex he had last night, so he jumped a bit, feeling startled by the slight burn he felt.

Right before he could say anything to his client, he felt shifting on the sofa he was sitting, and looked at his boss sitting next to him.

"Good morning Mr. Yeunjin. I'm Kim Seokjin, the CEO of this company. As Jimin, our most valuable worker had prepared this contract for you, months ago, I want to inform you that we won't negotiate any further. The contract will stay the same as Mr. Park made it for you. It's up to you, are you in or out?"

They both looked at their client who was shocked to say the least, and Jimin felt happy knowing Jin had his back.

"You don't have to answer right away. I'll give you time till tomorrow morning. Thank you for your time, and I'm looking forward to hear from you soon."

Jin said politely, and without even waiting for the client to say anything, ended the video call, making Jimin to jump off the sofa while doing some kind of happy, victory dance. It was more like some cute boxing moves mixed with squirming around. He looked cute.

"Thank you hyung so much!"

Tae came to them, and after hugging Jimin, said that they need to hurry to the beach party, cause Jungkook was already naked.

Jimin couldn't agree more.

They went to Jimin's room, just to leave the laptop in it, and immediately went back down.

"So...I see you're having problems with sitting." Tae said so Jimin laughed.

"You didn't just say that." Jimin shook his head, big smile spreading.

"But I did... So I guess my predictions were right?" Tae said while cocking his eyebrows at the older.

"Ah, sometimes I wish you got things right. " Jimin said and chuckled, loving the shocked expression the younger had.

"No. Bigger? Really???" Tae said while stopping for a second.

"Gentleman never tells." Jimin said and smiled devilishly.

"Nice. But seriously, don't you just love the soreness the morning after?" Tae said while cocking his eyebrow again, so Jimin just shook his head.

"I hate to say this, but you're totally right."

"...and not to mention how we have to fight fire with fire..." Tae continued so Jimin just shoved him to the side, the younger almost hitting the wall.

Right before entering the bar, Tae turned around and stopped Jimin for entering for a second.

"I'll just do this, and this..." He opened up Jimin's black button up shirt so that his chest gets exposed, and styled his hair messily, fixing the Ray-bans on his face, making his friend look more presentable.

"Are you done yet?" Jimin said dead panned, not caring too much to how he looks, just wanting to see Jungkook again.

The moment they came inside the bar, Jin was already dancing and drinking some pink cocktail, fooling around, and Jimin's eyes landed on Jungkook and his fucking sweaty, naked torso, looking so fine, so hot and muscly, and he knew he was doomed for coming here...

"Look at my man looking cute with that pink drink. God he's adorable." Tae said while being lost in observing his boyfriend, but Jimin couldn't even spare him a glance, too lost in Jungkook's dark orbs.

"Look at my man looking hot, my dick is dying on the inside just from the thought of not seeing him again." Jimin said back, so Tae chuckled, and hugged him affectionately, messing his hair even more.

"I love it when you talk dirty. And babe, relax and enjoy. Just the fact that you got out of your comfort zone and did such a crazy thing on our work trip makes me so proud of you. Not to mention about that big dick you got up your ass. You're amazing."

"I don't know why I love you this much. I really don't." Jimin said dead panned, loving his soulmate on another level even if he was a train wreck of a friend.

Then he noticed the hot blond coming closer...

Making his way through the crowd...

Smirking on his way to meet him...

And he got nervous.

What if Jungkook doesn't want to show too much affection towards him cause this is his work place? What if he can't kiss him, or they can't be too touchy cause he has a lot of people to entertain... And what if...

Jungkook shut his 'what ifs' with his lips, smashing Jimin's in a hot and long make out session.

It's safe to say that Jimin enjoyed every second of the younger's body pressed tightly onto his.

Jungkook's big hands rooming all around his back, going slightly down, just at the small of his back, obviously restraining himself from touching even further down.

They kissed, and kissed for what it seemed an eternity, and when they needed some air, they finally let go of each other's lips, still standing close, looking at each other's eyes affectionately.

"Hi." Jimin said a bit shyly, realizing they haven't said a single word since he came to bar.

"You look good." Jungkook said while eyeing the older's body, biting on his lower lip, looking like he's ready to devour him right then and there.

Jimin would let him.

"I'm not the one who's half naked here... so..." Jimin teased, going with his hands over Jungkook's buff chest, caressing his skin softly, then moving further down, touching the younger's abs.

"You feel so good under my hands. So big and thick." Jimin complimented Jungkook's muscly features and he just smirked.

"Are you talking about my abs or something else?" he asked cockily, so Jimin decided how he can be a little tease too. Since he was touching the younger's abs, he just slipped his hand down, between their bodies, and palmed Jungkook's dick just slightly, and moved his hand up again in a second.

"I was talking about your abs, but yeah, your dick has some potential too."

Jungkook inhaled deeply through his nose and gulped, obviously startled by Jimin's sudden boldness.

"Come over here you shameless tease." he said and picked Jimin over his shoulder, slapping his ass on his was to one of those booths with white baldachin covering the whole place.

Jimin squirmed in his hold, but there was no use. Jungkook was stronger so he just gave up.

The younger sat down on one of the chairs and maneuvered Jimin onto his lap, making the older straddling his lap sexily.

"Jungkook, we're literally on the beach bar." Jimin squirmed a bit, but Jungkook just held him tighter.


"So? What about your boss? People who might see us?" Jimin asked a bit worried.

"I am the boss. And all the people are doing the same. See..." Jungkook said so Jimin looked around and saw a bunch of people dancing around, making out, even Tae and Jin were doing the same. He almost caught a glimpse of Tae's hand rubbing Jin's dick, but luckily turned his head fast enough not to see more.

"I guess you're right." he said and continue with making out, loving how this was the place where he was sitting 6 days ago, trying to have one of his meetings, and now, he's kissing the hottest guy he knows, grinding on his big dick, loving the way their bodies responded to each other's touch.

Since in no time, both of them became painfully hard, Jimin broke their kiss, nibbling on the younger's lip lightly, enjoying the taste of some sweet cocktail they've both been drinking.

"Wanna suck your cock." Jimin whispered into Jungkook's ear, so his grip on Jimin's hips became rougher.

"Oh God... What are you doing to me." Jungkook whined, closing his eyes, lolling his head back.

"Come on boss, tell me there's some spare room behind the kitchen bar where I can suck you off. I won't make a mess I promise. I'll swallow every single drop and lick your dick clean afterwards. What do you say?" Jimin really, really wanted to go on his knees, feeling drunk on Sun, cocktails, Jungkook's presence.

He wanted it all.

"Come here." the younger got up, and gave Jimin his hand, which he gladly took, and while intertwining their fingers, they went to the bar together.

"I need to show something in the storage room to Jimin." Jungkook said to that nice waitress that worked here, so Jimin blushed. Hiding behind Jungkook's back.

"Sure thing boss. I'll make sure no one interrupts you." she said and winked, so Jimin smiled at her cutely.

As soon as they entered the small, more like pantry room, Jungkook pushed Jimin onto wall and started kissing him eagerly. The kiss was more tongue and bites, licking over the red skin, hands gripping on whatever body part they reached first, and Jimin loved it all.

Loved Jungkook's rougher side, loved how the younger could turn from an angel to a horny devil in no time, and he needed that right now.

He needed him to be rough, hard, merciless because he was falling for him so bad, and he needed the distraction.

Jungkook pulled Jimin's shorts and his underwear down first, then his own, and then started rubbing their dicks together.

Jimin moaned, but the music was still pretty loud so they didn't care.

The younger wrapped both of his hands around their shafts, and started stroking them slowly.

"Ah.. Mmm... So good..." Jimin mewled, loving the velvety touch of the younger's leaking cock rubbing over his hard dick.

They were kissing hard, panting in each other's mouth, and then Jungkook sat down, on the floor, and leaned his body on the wall, telling Jimin to turn around and come closer.

"Come here baby, sit on my face." he instructed so Jimin looked at him with a frown.

"What are you doing? I wanted to suck your dick?" he asked while taking his shirt off, feeling too hot in that small place.

"You'll do that later, now come here, I wanna eat you out." the younger licked his lips, so after a second of thinking about it, Jimin came close while spreading his ass cheeks, bending his upper body slightly, spreading his legs wide, giving the blond easy access to his hole.

As soon as Jimin's ass was near enough, Jungkook started licking all around his hole eagerly, nibbling and sucking at the sensitive skin, so Jimin just bit his lips, trying to stay quiet as much as he could.

Jungkook was playing with his ass cheeks, kneading the flesh firmly, and then started fucking Jimin's hole with his pointed tongue. The older loved the feeling of wet and warm tongue opening him up slowly, and soon he felt Jungkook's hand wrapping around his dick.

He fucked him with his tongue and stroked him with his hand, so Jimin felt on cloud nine.

Just as he was about to beg for more, Jungkook pushed one of his finger's inside Jimin's spit slicked hole and he almost collapsed at the strong sensation that spread shiver through his whole body.

"More Jungkookah..." he moaned, so the younger pushed another digit inside.

Jimin's legs started to shake, feeling a bit overwhelmed by all of this, so Jungkook slowed his strokes, but kept fucking Jimin as deep as before, changing the angle every now and then, looking for that special spot that usually made the older cry out in pleasure.

A couple of minutes of Jungkook's deliberating touches, Jimin felt his orgasm approaching, and he didn't wanna come first. He wanted to suck Jungkook's dick while still being a horny mess, because he knew what kind of a blowjob he could give to the younger in that state.

Before Jungkook could speed up his strokes and thrusts, Jimin gathered all the will he had inside his body and moved away from the younger.

"Don't wanna come before you. Wanna do it together." he said while giving Jungkook his hand, helping him to get up and in no time he was on his knees, looking at Jungkook's dick eagerly.

"Please put our clothes under your knees. I don't want you to get hurt." Jungkook said so Jimin looked at him fondly and did so.

"I could really fall in love with him so easily..."

First, Jimin started kissing all around the younger's dick, enjoying the wet noises his kisses made, loving the way the younger's dick got even harder in his grip. After the teasing kisses, he swirled his tongue over the head, then took it in his mouth and slid his lips up and down the long shaft.

Jungkook moaned while grabbing a handful of Jimin's hair in his hand. Not pulling on it, just holding onto something, trying to ease his mind a bit.

Jimin stroked his hip and stomach with his left hand, loving the way the younger's muscles twitched at his touch.

"Jimin... you look perfect...Your lips....Fuck..."

The older looked up at him, twisted his hand around the base of his dick a little, slicked up with his saliva, and nodded at the younger with the blowjob eyes, keeping his hard cock in his lips.

Jimin knew what kind of mouth he had. The one that were just made for sucking cocks, full lips and agile tongue, a truly perfect combination.

Seemed like the younger was well aware of the magic Jimin's lips could do, so he kept staring down at him, without even blinking.

Why wouldn't Jimin tease him some more?

He lifted his head from the younger's dick, stuck his tongue out, and slapped the bottom of his head against his tongue a few times. He just loved the sound of Jungkook's hard cock slapping against his wet tongue.

The blond moaned again, closing his eyes, and thrust his hips slightly.

Then Jimin bobbed his head eagerly again, up and down Jungkook's shaft, jerking the part that he couldn't fit in his mouth with his hand. He noticed how sensitive Jungkook's head was, so he kept sucking lightly on it, enjoying the precum that oozing out of it.

"You're doing it so good... Jimin...I'm close..." Jungkook moaned, but something snapped in the older's head, probably the fact that he was still super horny and hard, and he wanted to feel that dick filling him up again.

He slowed the sucking down, and just licked the younger's shaft slowly, watching at the younger's face with some nervous expression.

"What?" Jungkook immediately figured something's up, since Jimin's hard sucking went to slow licking in no time.

"I want you to fuck me." Jimin simply said, and got up, still stroking Jungkook's dick with his hand slowly.

"Now?" the younger said, sounding a bit confused.

"Yeah." Jimin said and moved forward, kissing Jungkook's lips with some pressure, loving the way he responded to a kiss just as eagerly.

"But we don't have a condom or lube?"

"I'm ok with that. I mean I take my tests regularly, every 6 months, and I'm clean, and haven't had sex in a year. Don't know about you..."

"I'm clean too. I never had sex without a condom. I think I never had sex without condom in my life." Jungkook said and looked like he's still having some doubts about it.

"What about lube?" he asked then.

"We can just use our saliva, and I'm pretty stretched out from our previous sex and you eating me out.. so...but it's ok if you don't want to, we can just finish while kissing and jerking off, or..."

"I want to fuck you so badly, but what if it hurts you? Would you tell me so we could stop?" Jungkook interrupted him, and again Jimin felt his heart melting.

"Always thinking about me first."

"I'm kind of ok with the little pain...I can take it good." Jimin said and looked Jungkook with those sexy half lidded eyes, so the younger just turned him around, pushing his body onto wall, and came back down on his knees, spreading Jimin's ass cheeks and licking a big, fat stripe over his hole.

Jimin was indeed, pretty stretched, so after coating his dick with his own saliva, Jungkook guided his hard cock to Jimin's eager hole.

He tried to push it in slowly, but Jimin grabbed his hips and started guiding Jungkook to push faster.

"Come on Jungkookah...Give it to me..." he said and felt the younger's grip on his hip tightening.

He pushed his dick all the way in, and just stayed there for a while. His head was leaned onto Jimin's nape, kissing him and smelling his hair. Their bodies were literally pressed together, being one.

Jimin's eyes were closed, his head lolled back onto Jungkook's chest, feeling the full weight of his sweat - slicked body on him.

"This is the best feeling I've ever felt. You're so fucking tight and warm, and wet..." Jungkook whispered and Jimin felt dizzy.

He felt overwhelmed by everything Jungkook was saying or doing.

He felt full and ready to please the younger and himself, so with that thought he pushed and bucked his hips away and then back up onto his shaft.

"Ahhh Jimin..."

He did the same thing again, enjoying the younger's grip on his waist. The burn was there. He was stretched, obviously not enough, but didn't care.

"Fuck me baby. Please..." Jimin begged for it, wanting to feel him as deep as he could.

Jungkook started thrusting in with the long, slow, steady strokes, immediately brushing over Jimin's soft spot.

"Yes...there...right there..."

Jimin pushed his hips back at Jungkook's cock, arching his back the best way he can so the younger cursed under his breath.

The blond started pounding him faster and harder, his big, manly hands sliding up and down Jimin's back, finally reaching down and taking the older's dick in his hand.

Jimin knew he won't last long, since Jungkook's strokes matched his hard thrusts, and he felt it. The undeniable desire to come, the burn mixed with pleasure, the push and rub over his special spot, it was all so good, he felt tears pooling under his eyes.

Jungkook fucked him good, hard and deep, moaning in his ear, kissing his neck, biting on his shoulder.

"Kiss me." the younger said in the moment of heat, so Jimin did. He turned his head, while being fucked hard against the wall, and kissed Jungkook's lips hungrily.

"M gonna come..." Jimin said through moan, his lips still pressed on the younger's, moving in rhythm with his hard thrusts, and he felt Jungkook's hand picking up the pace with the deliberating strokes he's giving to Jimin's dick.

He finally let go, feeling an overwhelming wave of pleasure through his whole body, while the younger was milking his orgasm fully.

"Ah Jimin..." Jungkook moaned, feeling the clenching of Jimin's ass over his sensitive tip, so he tried to pull out, but Jimin wouldn't let him. He gripped the younger's hips and held him flush against his ass, Jungkook's dick still deep inside him, already pulsing and stirring, his orgasm approaching in seconds.

"Come inside me." Jimin said so Jungkook cursed and let go.

He shoots his load inside Jimin's ass, panting and gripping onto the wall in front of him for support, feeling dazed by the hard orgasm he felt.

They stayed like that for a minute. Trying to catch their breaths, holding each other tightly.

Jungkook wrapped his arms over Jimin's chest and stomach, and Jimin put his over the younger's, caressing him slowly.

He kissed one of Jungkook's hands, that was resting on his shoulder, so Jungkook smiled.

"You're so cuddly after sex. I love it." he whispered to Jimin's ear, and kissed the spot right after.

"I am. And I hate that we can't cuddle in here. I mean, we should probably go out, right?" Jimin asked, but Jungkook's grip on the older's body just got tighter.

"I don't wanna let go of you yet." Jungkook said so Jimin inhaled deeply, not knowing if the younger was talking about this moment, or them in general, because he really feels hard to let go of him too.

Let go off them, and this whole little romance he never expected to have.

"I know. It feels too good." Jimin said, not knowing if they should have that kind of conversation right now, with the younger's dick still inside him, hugging in some small pantry.

Yeah, they should definitely go out and talk.

"If I don't pull out soon, I'm gonna get hard again." Jungkook said so Jimin chuckled.

He pulled his softened dick slowly, caressing Jimin's back, so when the older wanted to turn around, Jungkook stopped him.

"Wait... I have to see this." he said so Jimin turned his head around, trying to look at the younger.

He was standing still, looking down at Jimin's leaking ass, his come coming down slowly, so he spread Jimin's cheeks a bit wider, admiring the sight.

"Why are you so perverted?" Jimin asked after hearing a deep sigh behind him.

"Oh God, I'm really gonna get hard again. Wow, this is just beautiful." Jungkook said and got down on his knees, looking at the sight closely.

Jimin blushed.

"This is so weird, I'm gonna die out of embarrassm....." and Jimin's words got interrupted because he felt a warm, wet tongue, licking up his thighs, all the way to his balls, so he hissed at the new sensation, feeling a bit shy by Jungkook's boldness.

"I'm gonna lick you clean. Stay still." Jungkook announced, so Jimin gulped and decided to enjoy the best cleaning ever.

He licked his thighs, Jimin's cheeks, and finished with licking his hole slowly. He knew Jimin was sensitive, so he didn't wanna be too rough.

Jimin winced at the slight push of the younger's tongue inside his ass, so Jungkook stopped.

"It's good. You're cleaned well. I won't go any further, besides, we'll just shower outside at the beach showers and go into water later. Ok?"

Jimin turned around while nodding, and came closer to kiss him once more.

"You really are something else. You know that?"

Jungkook's cheeks colored with a faint pink blush, and Jimin loved how he could lick his own come out if Jimin's ass one moment, and get shy because of simple a compliment the next.

"Thank you. You're pretty special yourself." Jungkook said kind of shyly, which made Jimin cooing at him even more.

"Let's get dressed you cute, big, muscly baby. You're so adorable." Jimin pinched Jungkook's cute cheeks and after they get dressed they slowly head out, looking at the crowd, still having fun, dancing and drinking around, like nothing happened.

Well, nothing did, in their cases, but Jimin got some nice dicking, and his facial expression and body were showing.

"I'm gonna go and and check if everything's alright, and then we'll jump into water. Ok?" Jungkook said so Jimin nodded.

"I'll talk to Tae. Still have that meeting at 6, so we need to go and prepare for it. I hope I'll get some time off so we could do something... If you want to... And aren't busy..." Jimin talked and felt a bit shy because he really wanted to spend the whole day with the younger, and just hoped he feels the same way.

"Like what? What do you want to do?" Obviously Jungkook's shameless mode is on again.

He came closer while licking his lips, eyeing the older.

"W-Well... Grab a beer, or burgers... Or...I-I don't know." The smaller wuss stuttered.

"Make out some more...Maybe fuck again?" Jungkook said and kissed his cheek, so Jimin covered his lips with his small hand.

"Just...Shut up. Aren't you insatiable?" Jungkook kissed his other cheek.

"I am when it comes to you. But seriously, ask Tae and Jin to come a bit later, they can prepare for the meeting themselves, so we could grab that amazing ice cream we had the other day."

Jimin loved the idea.

"I really wanna eat that ice cream again. I mean the strawberry one, not the pickled mango, God forbid."

Jungkook chuckled.

"Ok. So we have a plan. Go and ask for some more time off. Bat them with your lashes if they say no and they'll just give you the world. I know I would."

Jungkook kissed his lips once more before leaving. Jimin just stood there feeling confused and happy.

"He would give me the world if I bat my lashes at him...he's just crazy..."

"Look at you glowing brighter than the sun." Tae said as soon as Jimin came to their table.

"Well... I just got some nice dicking." Guess the shamlessness was contagious.

Tae spilled the drink he's been drinking.

"No you didn't. Now? Is that why I couldn't find you some minutes ago? I thought you went to the bathroom or something like that."

"Well, it was something like that... Anyways, about the preparation for our meeting later..."

"No, babe, Jin would kill us if we skip the meeting..." Tae looked worried.

"No, no, no... I just wanted to ask for like an hour more of free time while you prepare, and I'll come just in time for the meeting." Jimin batted his lashes.

"Are you batting your lashes at me? You do know that won't work with me right?" Tae crossed his arms on his chest, shaking his head in disbelief. Jin came from the bathroom, and looked at them looking ridiculous.

"What does Jimin want and you won't give him?" he asked, knowing the two of them and their relationship very well.

"Jin hyung, I just want an hour more to spend with Jungkook, and the two of you could prepare for the meeting, and I'll be there when the meeting starts. You know I know everything about Ms. Beom-seok and our contract, I'll do good, I just need..." Jimin talked super fast, but Jin interrupted him.

"I'm ok with that. The two of us will handle that. Just make sure you come on time since he is your client, and he probably won't sign the contract without you being present there. Ok? You are my most valuable worker and if you need one hour to have fun with your crush, that's the least I could do for you."

Tae coughed. "What do you mean he's your most valuable worker? What about me?"

"I just hired you because I wanted to stare at your beauty the whole day." Jin winked playfully.

"Ok. That's even better." and they started making out so Jimin got the message.

"Thank you...." he said while running down the beach, eager to spend some more time with Jungkook.

He came near the water and saw the younger sitting down, wearing only his swimming trunk, his pretty, blond strands dancing in the wind. He was a sight to remember.

Jimin sneaked around, and started splashing some water on the younger's back, so he jumped up, off the sandy beach, and started chasing the older playfully.

"Are you trying to get me wet? You little monster." Jungkook grabbed his waist and pulled him up, so Jimin started squirming around, unsuccessfully trying to escape the blond's tight grip.

"I was just kidding. Please put me down. I'm sorry baby. Did I scare you? I'm gonna make you wet with my kisses, just don't throw me into the water, and don't drown me in it." Jimin kept blabbering so Jungkook chuckled.

"You're crazy. As if I would do anything to hurt you. Come here." Jungkook wrapped his hands under Jimin's ass and pulled him up easily, so they went into water like that.

The older wrapped his legs around Jungkook's tiny waist, and his arms around his neck.

"I'm still waiting for those wet kisses you promised." Jungkook teased so Jimin kissed him.

They were standing in the Sun, well Jungkook was standing, Jimin was just enjoying being close in his arms, so they kissed, and kissed, without thinking about anything or feeling anything than this perfect moment they were sharing, that both of them knew it won't last.

"Wanna know something funny?" Jimin broke the kiss.


"This is the first time I got into the water since we came here." Jimin said so Jungkook frowned.

"You mean here at the beach? You went into the pool instead? And we went snorkeling together. "

Jungkook got confused, because who gets to the prettiest oceanic city and doesn't enjoy the water??

"No, I mean in general. I never went into the water cause all of the meetings and I was lazy, tired and just didn't want to. I always kind of thought how I don't need to enjoy myself when I'm on this kind of work trips, and I felt like this isn't the time nor the place to enjoy, but somehow I find this to be the best work trip that I've ever been on."

Jimin hid his face in the crook of Jungkook's neck, feeling a bit shy because of his sudden confession.

"Well that's definitely because of me."

Well someone had to be shameful.

"You're so cocky I wanna punch you in the face." Jimin scrunched his nose cutely.

"Can you punch me with your lips please?" Jungkook puckered his lips.

"You're the worst." Jimin kissed him again.

So they kissed some more, laid down in the shallow, Jungkook lay on his back, Jimin on top of him, and they enjoyed the sun mixed with the water splashing them lightly, until they craved for that ice cream they wanted to eat so badly.

"Since we have only half an hour left, let's go and grab that ice cream." Jimin said in between their kisses, and Jungkook nodded.

Once they got up, the younger extended his hand to Jimin, obviously wanting to hold it, so Jimin smiled at him cutely while intertwining their fingers together.

Why does it feel so good? He had no idea.

They walked down the well known path, hand in hand, and Jimin loved it. It felt real and soft, and he couldn't hide the stupid smile on his face.

Soon, they came to the same place with the most varied ice cream flavors in the city, and Jimin, again, had the same struggle.

"What now?" Jungkook noticed.

"It's just that I don't know what to get." Jimin whined in pout.

"How come? You liked that strawberry from last time."

"I know, but I want to try other flavors too. I like vanilla, cheese cake, there's some others that seemed tasty."

"Well, how about we do the same thing that we did last time. You pick one for yourself and I'll pick one for you too, then we'll do it for me."

"Aghhh fine. No silly flavors this time." Jimin threatened with his index finger, so Jungkook smirked with a little 'sure'.

"I'm gonna take one mint choco, and...." Jungkook said first, and waited for Jimin's answer.

"And give him this." Jimin pointed his finger at some pretty, brown and white, chocolaty looking ice cream.

"Beg for S'more?" the polite lady read the name so Jimin nodded.

"Yes. That one." Jimin confirmed, Jungkook just smiled.

"And I'll get one strawberry, and..." Jimin proceed to his order, eager to know what the younger would choose for him.

"Goat cheese beet swirl." the younger said and chuckled, loving the shocked expression on Jimin's face.

He really became the living impersonation of :O emoji.

"What kind of a betrayal is this?" Jimin asked as soon as they moved away, hitting Jungkook's back playfully.

"I picked something cute for you and you give me this?!?!" he said while smelling that weird looking and tasting flavor.

"We'll eat it all together anyways. Stop pouting." Jungkook came and hugged Jimin from behind, the older was still sulking.

"What inspired you to 'Beg for S'more' flavor? Is there something you want me to beg for Jiminshi?" The younger said while licking the new flavor, excited expression illuminating his face.

"No. It's not what you think. I just remembered that night when we were eating those delicious S'mores so I wanted for you to try that, and maybe now whenever you see some S'mores you'll remember me." Jimin said with some teasing wink, and looked curiously at the blond's cup.

"I think I'll think of you whenever I see a tree, or water, or beer, or burgers, or a shirt... Pretty much anything would do." Jungkook kind of always knew what to say to make Jimin blush.

"Is it good?" Jimin asked since the younger seemed to like the new flavor very much, eating it without stopping.

"It's choco with some crackers and toasted marshmallows. It kind of really does remind me of you. Those hard, crispy crackers on the outside, and soft marshmallow on the inside. Wanna try?" Jungkook cocked his eyebrows so Jimin came closer, curious to try it himself.

The blond grabbed one full spoon of the ice cream and started teasing the older, pushing and pulling the spoon in front of Jimin's mouth, so he opened his mouth, trying to catch it, but looked like a fish left for too long out of the water.

"Jungkookaaaah!" Jimin whined so Jungkook laughed out loud.

"Aaaa you're the cutest I swear. My little Nemo"
The younger obviously had too much fun with all of this.

Then Jimin grabbed a full spoon of that interesting ice cream choice, goat cheese and beet swirl and came closer to a still smiling Jungkook, and after grabbing his chin with his thumb and index finger, Jungkook's mouth opened some more, so he stuffed it with that sticky cheesy ice cream, which made the younger to close his mouth, puffing his cheeks, trying to swallow, but unsuccessful.

"Jiuiin... Comeee ereee.." he yelled with his mouth full, and started running after the older, who was trying to escape, running down the beach.

Of course Jungkook was faster and stronger so he maneuvered the smaller easily down on the sand. He laid Jimin down on his back, while straddling his hips playfully.

"I have some of it still left in my mouth." he said and leaned down, holding Jimin's hands firmly with his thighs, pushed onto the sides of the older's body.

Jimin squirmed, but couldn't do anything.

"No, Jungkookah... No, no, no... Pleaseee." he whined, shaking his head from left to right, but Jungkook just cupped his cheeks with his hands, making the smaller unable to move at all.

"Give your Jungkookie a kiss."

The younger leaned down, and pressed the sides of Jimin's lips, which he tried to hide, making them puckery and cute, so he licked one big, wet stripe over those cute lips, Jimin just fake cried.

He licked, the top, then the bottom lip, then nibbled at the wet, plump lips, and soon he felt Jimin relaxing under his grip.

Jungkook licked in between the older's lips, teasingly flicking his tongue on the inside, so Jimin moaned.

This whole thing turned from playing around to a make out session in no time.

Jungkook tilted his head and leaned down even more, kissing the older deeper, moving his body flush onto Jimin's. He lets go of the older's hands, knowing he won't use them to try to escape, instead to clutch onto Jungkook's body, desperately trying to feel him as much as he could.

Only when Jimin felt Jungkook's dick pressing onto his stomach, obviously getting harder with every kiss they shared, he broke the kiss, breathing a bit faster, hearing the way Jungkook can make him hot and bothered in no time.

"Jungkookah... I'm gonna be late. I can't..." he whispered, while Jungkook was nibbling on his neck slightly.

"Mmmm I know...I just can't let go of you yet." he said it again, and Jimin's heart skipped a beat.

"I know...How about this. I'll go do my meeting now, and after, I have an hour left before the flight, so we could just hang out at the beach, and maybe talk..." Jimin said, feeling a bit shy and uncertain of what the younger might think, but Jungkook gave him the prettiest bunny smile, that reached all the way up till his eyes, and he loved that look on him.

"Ok. I'd love that. I have some supplies to deliver to three bars nearby, so I'll try to do it fast. I'll wait for you at the beach."

Jungkook talked so softly to him, his tone so warm and pretty, and he caressed Jimin's cheeks and hair all the time, making him feel so pretty and special.

They got up, both of their hard dicks pretty visible in their shorts, so they huffed while trying to hide the obvious indicator of how much they were into each other.

Jimin came closer, and palmed Jungkook's dick, the younger exhaled loudly, observing Jimin's small hand on his clothed erection.

"Just to help you hide it better. There." Jimin smirked while pushing the younger's dick a bit to the right, inside his shorts.

"Just admit it. You wanted to touch it again you perv." Jungkook teased him, so Jimin laughed, and this time, he took the younger's hand in his smaller one first.

"I did. Now let's go."

They walked away like that, hand in hand, hearts beating faster one close to another, without saying a word. Goat cheese ice cream long forgotten, S'mores too, water and the sun... everything... It was just the two of them and their uneasy mind, the fact that they don't know what will happen next, the uncertainty killing them from the inside.

The moment they came in front of the hotel lobby, they turned to each other, and looked at their faces fondly.

"I'll see you soon, ok?" Jimin said so Jungkook nodded.

"Yeah, soon. I'll wait for you here." Jungkook looked at his lips.

Jimin tried to let go of his hand, and leave, but Jungkook tugged him back.

"One more kiss." the younger said so Jimin wrapped his hands over his neck, holding him tightly, and kissed him with so much affection and passion, they could hardly breathe.

They parted minute after, both of them with spit slicked lips, swollen and wet, looking cutely and fondly at each other.

"Bye..." Jimin waves, and Jungkook waits for him to go inside, not wanting to miss a chance to look at the older some more.

Jimin ran to Tae and Jin's room, knowing that he's probably a bit late for their meeting, but didn't care too much.

He knocks on the door, and came in as soon as Tae opened the door for him, and looks at him with a frown.

"Go and get anything you want from my closet." Tae said after looking at the pretty dirty, filled with sand looking older, so Jimin did so.

He wore one of Tae's button up shirts, but decided to stay in his shorts. He figured he's just gonna sit there and talk, while trying not to get up at all.

The moment he joined the meeting, he got his professional mode on, and soon after, they finished their meeting, with a new signed contract for their company.

"Guys, if you'll excuse me, I have to pack my things and grab a quick shower, cause I'm meeting Jungkook before our flight down at the beach." Jimin said, sounding all happy, but his friends had different plans.

"I'm sorry but you have 20 minutes to finish with all of that. Beomgyu and Ryujin are taking us to dinner before the flight, since they have another artist that should sign with us." Jin explained to him, so Jimin froze.

He knew he can't disobey anything his boss wants him to do, but not seeing Jungkook again feels like the worst thing in the world now.

"Ok... I'll just... hurry then." he said and goes to his room with fast steps, so Tae came after him.

"Babe, hey, hey... Don't get mad. I'm sorry. We didn't know about your plans, and this is really big for the company. They're bringing us some amazing American artist and..."

"I'm not mad Tae. I know where I am. I know all about our meetings. I would never sacrifice my whole career for what? A summer romance? But it's just that we haven't talked, and I don't have his number, and he doesn't have mine, and what am I supposed to do now? " Jimin talks fast while throwing his stuff into his suitcase, without even realizing that his cheeks are slowly getting wet.

"Babe, are you crying?" he heard Tae's words, but doesn't registered them.

"I really like him and I haven't told him that. I never said a proper thank you for all the amazing things he's done for me here..."

And then he felt Tae's hands hugging him from behind, making him stop with his hectic movements, and only then he realized that he's been crying without even knowing.

"God what am I supposed to do?" he said while looking up, at the ceiling, sighing deep.

"Why are you asking God when you have me?" Tae said so Jimin chuckled, turning around to face his always witty best friend.

"Kim Taehyung, talk."

After wiping Jimin's cheeks carefully, Tae cupped his cheeks, and reveals his plan.

"How about, before we go to that restaurant, we go to the beach, and if we see Jungkook, we can ask him to come with us, and then the two of you can have the talk. If we don't see him there, just leave your phone number to the waitress and tell her to give it to him and tells him that we had to leave earlier. Either way you'll hear from him again."

After Tae finished his talk, Jimin nodded frantically with some new hope written in his eyes.

"Ok. Let's do that." Jimin hugged his best friend and then went to the bathroom.

"Am I supposed to finish your packing since you already getting in the shower?"

Tae yelled, obviously knowing his friend very well.

"You always do!" Jimin yelled back so after finishing up, they went outside and met Jin in the hotel lobby.

"The cab is waiting for us." Jin told them so Tae and Jimin share some suspicious glances.

"What?" Jin furrowed his eyebrows, knowing very well something's up.

"Baby, you know how much I love you..."

"Cut the crap Tae, what do you want?"

Their dynamic is amazing.

"Can you wait for like 5 more minutes? We just need to go..."

Tae didn't even finish his sentence, Jin already nodding, so Jimin went from the saddest little person to the happiest Sunflower in no time, and before even being able to say thank you to his boss, Tae is already dragging him down the hall, across the street and into the bar he misses already.

"Hi, is Jungkook here?" Tae asked the moment he saw that nice waitress who always worked there. Jimin was just trying to catch his breath.

"Hi, um, no he had some delivery to do. Although he said he'll hurry, but I guess he got stuck, sometimes that paper work can be a bit tricky with the customers... Did you need something? Is everything ok, Jiminshi?" she asked and looked at Jimin's worried face, but he just sighed,loving the fact that she remembered his name.

"Everything is fine. Could you just tell him that I had to leave early, since we have an unplanned meeting at the Mugen restaurant, and if he could come and meet me there. I would appreciate it very much."

He feels kind of defeated, but still doesn't wanna lose his hope of seeing the younger again.

"Sure. I'll tell him as soon as he comes back."

After saying their thank yous, they hurried back to Jin, who was standing on the hotel entrance, cab already waiting for them in front of the door.

"Everything ok?"

Jin asked so Jimin tried to assure him that everything's fine with the smallest little nod and an attempt of a smile. It didn't work.

After a pretty short ride, they arrived at the restaurant and before entering Jin pulled Jimin to the side to talk.

"If you need to be somewhere else, go. I don't want you to have any regrets here. It's just a meeting, we can handle it. I just wanted you to know that you really are my best worker and I always like to have you as my Ace, right next to me, but if you really want to go..."

And Jimin's eyes start to water again.

"No. It's fine. I don't even know why I'm feeling this way. I mean it was just a summer fling, right? I will get over it."

"Jimin, I've never seen you cry like this. Not even when Sujin didn't wanna sign that contract with us, not even when you ran over that squirrel..."

"I didn't run over that squirrel..." Jimin said for the nth time and finally they laughed.

"Don't ever say that in front of Tae again. He'll literally kill me. "

"Don't worry. I'm holding that Ace high up in my sleeve."

After their small talk, Jimin did feel better. He always loved being praised by his boss, and hearing that he's the best worker in their company sure did boost his ego, but there was still some kind of void in his heart, and he knew the reason behind it.

He managed to be as professional as he could, talking with their clients, having a drink, smiling, enjoying the nice food, but his eyes kept darting to the entrance of the restaurant, trying to catch a glimpse of a blond haired man he's been dying to see.

The minutes passed slow, but an hour passed painfully fast and soon enough it was time to go to the airport.

Jungkook didn't come, and Jimin felt even worse now.

Did the younger get the message of him being here at the restaurant?

Did he not wanted to come and talk to him?

Maybe there was nothing left to say?

Is this how their summer romance should end? Just the way it happened, fast and unannounced?

And the worst scenario Jimin could imagine, was Jungkook sitting at the beach, waiting for him, not knowing that he had to leave early. His heart clenched at the thought. He could just hope that the waitress told him that he couldn't stay, and that he didn't leave without saying goodbye...

They arrived at the airport, took their suitcases, and started walking towards the check-in counter.

The thunder in Jimin's head was by now replaced with some kind of weird sadness and the realization that, this is it...

The ending of this trip, the almost end of a summer, and an ending of his summer romance.

He barely noticed the workers taking their luggage, bringing them into the aircraft hold, so he bowed and smiled politely, and headed to the boarding gate.

The line isn't that long, maybe 7 to 8 people, Jin and Tae are in front of him, still talking about their meeting that went well, and Jimin was just trying to channel his inner thoughts into something less depressing than the real struggle that was happening inside of him.

"This is good... Maybe it's for the best...Maybe I didn't even need to tell him that I like him, cause what good can come out of it? He's probably moved on by now. I should to. I will not think about him anymore... No. I won't think about his pretty eyes, or his soft lips, not even about his big, manly hands, and definitely not about his perfect abs, and even less about his soft voice, and..."


"That's the voice."


"Oh God that's the voice!!!"

"That's Jungkook's voice!" the realization hit him like a truck so he started turning around, trying to find the direction from which the voice was coming, and he finally saw him.

The grin on his face was ridiculous.


He yelled back, and started walking out of the line, saying sorry to the people he bumped into on his way out. He was in a bit of a rush.

The moment they met, it's like all of the uncertainty he had just disappeared, and there were only them, and he knew the way they both felt. He could just sense it in the way those doe eyes are looking at him.

"I thought I'll never see you again..." Jimin tried to speak, but Jungkook just hugged him tightly, literally taking his breath away, so instead of speaking, he just embraced the younger's affectionate hug, and prayed to God that there's no tears left to be spilled out of his still slightly puffed eyes.

"Passengers move forward..." they heard the workers instruct for the passengers to go in the line, and knew they don't have the time for some long ass conversation.

Jungkook lets go of the smaller's petite figure and moved a step back, looking at his eyes with some worry but affection too.

"I like you."

Jimin decided to be straightforward.

"Oh? Really?"

Jungkook decided to be cocky.

"Shut up. There's no time for teasing now. I like you a lot."

Jimin tried to slap the younger's chest, but he just grabbed his hand and tugged him forward, crashing their bodies together.

"I like you more."

Jungkook said and before Jimin could even disagree with that, he felt the soft, sweet lips, he was craving for, on top of his plump ones, pressing delicately, making him shudder.

"Last call for the passengers to board the flight to Incheon's international Airport."

They heard the airport announcement so Jimin panicked.

"I have to go." he said and nibbled at his bottom lip.

"I know. I got you something."

Jungkook extended his hand and gave Jimin a small bag with something inside.

"It's just a Hawaiian souvenir with my number on it. I had no paper to write it down, and that one was pretty and special so I bought it for you to have it as a memory of me." Jungkook bopped Jimin's nose cutely and continued: "Until we meet again."

"Ok. So you want to see me again... That's good to know..." Jimin mumbled, holding onto that souvenir bag like his life is depending on it.

"I do. I'll come to Seoul next week. I already bought a ticket. I haven't seen my friends in a while and...."

Jimin stopped his talking with a firm kiss.

"You'll really come?" and his eyes became watery again.

"Yes. And I don't even want to see my friend. I just wanna spend some more time with you."

Jimin has a disgustingly big smile on his face. His face literally hurt.

"JIMIN! We have to go!!!" this time Tae yelled after him.

"Ok. Ok. Coming!"

They kissed quickly once again, loving the new feeling they both felt.

The feeling of something else... a new beginning they've been craving for. The hope of them being more than what they already were... The feeling of mutual affection and love that's about to bloom only bigger.

"I'll call you as soon as I land, ok?" Jimin said while moving to the gates.

"Ok. I'll wait patiently for you Nemo." Jungkook sends him one last flying kiss, which he caught with his small hand and placed it on his chest.

They were sickeningly cute, and didn't care of their surroundings.

It's funny how summer romance can change from subtle to intense in the blink of an eye, and while still holding that souvenir tight in his grip, even hours after he got it from the younger, Jimin only then realized he haven't even seen it yet.

While opening the small, white bag, he saw the cute little souvenir, with Nemo's picture on it, and a special quote written below it, that made his heart filled with warmth and love.

"Saying 'You're my Nemo' is a simple way of saying: I'd search every inch of the world to find you."

And right then, Jimin knew, he was deeply in love.

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