The next time Jimin saw Jungkook he felt like he was having a midlife crisis even if he isn't a midlife age man.
He was having his usual meeting, right outside of the hotel, at the pool, on the same perfect table that had that amazing view of the beach, bar on the beach, blond man in the bar on the beach... You got the point.
Although he was in the middle of negotiating with one of the most important client, he kept looking over his laptop, eager to see a glimpse of that amazing body dancing and fooling around at the beach party.
It was 12:36 and Jimin knew the party won't last a lot longer and he started panicking on the inside.
His client was a 54 years old stubborn, indecisive man who always wanted to make sure he gets the most out of their contract and usually Jimin would negotiate for hours with him, but this time around, he doesn't have time for that.
Seeing Jungkook having fun on the beach party which was almost over pushed him to end the meeting a bit sooner so he decided to be a bit straight forward.
"Mr. Kim, either you take the offer or don't. I won't negotiate about things in the contract with you anymore. I gave the best offer we could make for you so are you in or out?" Jimin said while glancing down, people are still dancing, Jungkook spraying some water at the crowd, foam floating everywhere.
"I, but we haven't talked about the further payments at certain situations... And... " the older man said, totally surprised by Jimin's determined attitude.
"In or out Mr. Kim, I really don't have time for this." Jimin said with some seriousness in his voice so the man said a quiet little yes, which finally made Jimin smile.
"Amazing. You know you won't regret this. We'll talk further tomorrow at the same time. Thank you and goodbye." he waited for the man to say a little confused goodbye, and started running to his room to change his clothes and drop his laptop.
After putting one of the new button up shirts with some Hawaiian pattern and white shorts, he styled his hair a bit messily, grabbed a book he was reading last night before falling asleep and went to the beach.
The booth that he was sitting in the first time he came here was free, so he jumped right in, putting his black Ray-bans on, more so that he could stare at Jungkook without him knowing that cause he needed protection from the sun.
Soon the waitress came, the same polite and cute lady he met a few times now, so he ordered a burger and big draught beer, remembering amazing taste from last time.
He opens his book, and stare at the pages without being able to read any words. His eyes are always on Jungkook and the moment he saw the younger taking a glance at his direction, his heart started beating faster, but he tried to act cool, though the smile on the younger's face was so pretty and contagious that he felt his own mouth involuntary turning into a smile.
"Calm down Jimin... GOD!" he scolded himself mentally and tried to concentrate on the book, even though he was still unable to read anything.
Soon the waitress came with his order so he took a big sip out of the beer mug, just trying to cool off from the inside, cause it was too damn hot today.
Ten minutes after, he saw Jungkook walking in his direction, but he stopped every now and then, talking shortly with those annoying and clingy people who were always all over him.
He tried to sit nicely, just enjoying the book he wasn't reading, burger he didn't even touch and the beer that was almost all gone.
"Look who came to see me." Jungkook said while moving the white baldachin curtain, looking like a treat for Jimin's eyes.
He sat down, next to the older, wearing only black shorts, his skin and hair wet, sweaty, smelling soapy from the foam he was in minutes ago.
"I actually came to eat this amazing burger, but I guess seeing you is part of the package." Jimin said while taking off his sunglasses, squinting his eyes at the sudden brightness.
"I see you've eaten a lot." Jungkook teased, cause there was literally no bite on that burger.
"It's hot, I'll just wait few minutes..." Jimin said poorly...
"And should I be offended cause you came to a party to read a book? Is the party that lame?" Jungkook teased.
"Would you feel better if I tell you that it's an amazing book?" Jimin asked so Jungkook made a face like he's thinking about the question.
"No. You're still at my party and instead of dancing you're reading book." Jungkook said and pouted.
Jimin thought about biting that red, slick lip.
"Fine I'm not gonna read anymore. There...." Jimin said and put the book on the table, finally getting that burger to eat.
"Is it good?" Jungkook asked, looking at the burger a bit hungrily.
"Amazing. Want some?" Jimin extended both of his hands, holding the burger tightly, being careful not to make a mess, cause the burger was indeed really juicy, thinking how just yesterday the younger did suck his tongue, so he shouldn't feel grossed out cause of sharing few bits from the same burger.
Jungkook took a big bite and hummed while munching deliciously.
"Really good." he said, so Jimin nodded.
"Do you eat here, when you work, or you go and grab lunch at the hotel?" Jimin asked, after taking another bite himself.
"Depends on how much free time I have. I tend to eat healthy, work out a lot, swim, surf, do sports, so I don't eat burgers that often." Jungkook explained and Jimin kind of got it. He can't be looking that good and eat all sorts of crap. His muscles obviously needed quality protein and he almost didn't have any body fat.
"Well come here, we'll split this." Jimin said and patted the spot closer to himself. Jungkook smiled and came right next to him.
He took another big bite and again hummed in satisfaction, and Jimin thought how he looked hot while eating.
"So are you here alone? I never see you with anyone."
"No. There's two other coworkers with me, but they're busy having sex all the time." Jimin said dead panned so Jungkook choked on that piece of burger he was having.
"Wow, and you're left alone to do all the work?"
"Pretty much."
"Well I think you should confront them and say how you need a break and they need to work instead of you cause you need to have sex too." Jungkook said with determination so Jimin looked at him with squinted eyes.
"Is this your way of asking me to have sex with you?" Jimin asked so Jungkook frowned.
"Of course not. Who do you think I am? I didn't even get a chance to take you out on a proper date. Speaking of dates, could you maybe get a day off, I really want to show you around, cause there's so many fun things to do around here, I think you would love it."
Jimin giggled.
"So you wanna take me out on a date that badly? "
"The sooner the better. I don't know if you noticed, but it's not like you're staying here for a month, so we don't exactly have the time for walking around each other, avoiding the obvious... " Jungkook said and leaned over Jimin, taking a sip of his beer.
"The obvious ha?" Jimin asked while looking at the blond, smiling cheekily.
"Mhm, the fact that I do really wanna have sex with you. " the younger said so Jimin started hitting him playfully, both of them laughing at his straight forward words.
After they stop laughing Jimin looked at him while shaking his head.
"And now it's the time for you to say you were kidding..." Jimin said and took another gulp of that amazing beer.
"I wasn't." Jungkook simply said and got up, leaving Jimin a bit perplexed on that booth.
"I have to go now. I need to do inventure for some supplies, busy day. I'm glad you came. I hope you'll come here tomorrow too, and I hope you can get that day off as soon as possible." Jungkook said so Jimin nodded.
"I'll do my best." Jimin said and loved the big smile on Jungkook's face, right before leaving.
He drank the rest of the beer that was left in his mug, and decided to go and prepare for his dinner meeting with one of the new clients.
After grabbing a coffee with Tae, they discuss about the strategy to lure tonight's client into their firm, Jimin went to his room for his half an hour nap, and right after he grabbed a nice, hot shower, just the way he liked it.
While walking around the room, he saw the suitcase with all of his old clothes packed up, and all of a sudden his mind went to shopping with Jungkook and how much he enjoyed getting to know that cocky, shameless, crazy person.
A small smile came up on his face without even knowing, so while opening the closet, that was now filled with clothes he bought yesterday, his eyes landed on that nice pair of navy pants that fitted him so good.
He paired the pants with simple, white button up shirt, and he loved the whole professional, but still laid back look.
He looked good.
After styling his hair nicely, combing it off of his forehead, he really loved the way he looked.
The shock was visible on Tae's face the moment he saw Jimin walking out of his room, so Jimin gave him a short runaway walk, with all the turns and sexy poses.
"Is this my fucking soulmate or what? Babe you look so good! Where did you buy the clothes and when?" Tae asked, so Jimin had an inner crisis with what he wanted to say and the actual truth.
Somehow he doesn't wanna mention Jungkook cause Tae, being the best friend he is, would not let Jimin live if he knew there's a guy the older likes. So after a while he would for sure, stalk Jimin, trying to meet the person he likes and no... Jimin can't be bothered with that now.
"I went to shop near the hotel yesterday after that morning meeting. You know, when you were having sex with Jin hyung." he always knew to say the right words to make Tae shut up.
"We weren't... oh wait... actually, we did... so yeah... sorry for not going with you, but I can see you handled it well. Did you buy more clothes?" Tae asked after coming down, in the hotel's lobby.
"I did. A lot actually. I'll show you once we finish with the meeting. " Jimin said right before they entered the cab, telling the driver the name of the restaurant they were heading to.
While entering the amazing, open space, with modern, minimalist decor, both of them spotted their client and moved toward the man.
They grabbed a delicious dinner, and actually enjoyed the company of one of the biggest star seeker in Hawaii. They sealed the deal and right after, drank couple of shots to celebrate their success.
After deciding to walk back to their hotel cause it wasn't that far, and the night was beautiful, their attention got dragged by a sight of a big bonfire on the beach, and around 30 people just casually sitting all around it, eating marshmallows, drinking some beer, dancing...
"Ah Jiminah look at this party. It looks so pretty, makes me want to crash it so badly..." Tae said while walking near the beach, so Jimin looked a bit deeper into the crowd sitting there, talking happily, and the moment his eyes met with the big, doe ones, his palms felt sweaty, his breaths short...
"Yeah l-looks good, but our hotels bar is amazing too, and..." Jimin tried to avert his gaze, but his words got cut off by hearing his own name.
"Jiminshiiii" he heard, and tried to make a surprised face, but he looked more like a person who got caught while doing something forbidden.
"Do you know these people?" Tae asked while turning around to face Jimin, glancing over his shoulder at the blond who was coming closer.
"No... not really...just.." and he got interrupted again.
"Hey, I thought it was you. I actually figured cause of the pants. They really do look amazing on you." Jungkook said while coming closer, jumping over the small fence that was dividing the beach and the street.
"You have some explaining to do later..." Tae whispered so Jimin nodded frantically.
"Hi Jungkook, this is my friend Taehyung." Jimin said while turning around, now facing the younger.
"Hi, nice to meet you. Let me guess, one of your colleagues?" Jungkook said while shaking Tae's hand, so Jimin nodded again, hoping the younger won't say the little detail he told him about Tae and Jin having sex all the time.
"Yes, colleague and a best friend. And you are?" Tae asked, trying to sound polite, but Jimin knew he was just being nosy.
"I work at the bar in the hotel you're staying in. We met when Jimin tried to have one of his meetings the other day..." Jungkook explained so again, Jimin just nodded, not being able to talk too much since the younger is looking so good, wearing ripped jeans with simple black shirt with deeper neck line, showing off his defined chest. His hair a bit curly and pretty, and he just got lost while taking in all that beauty.
"Oh, nice..." Tae said and then Jungkook turned to Jimin, and with a small smile looked at his eyes.
"Wanna come and join me there?" he asked Jimin, and he instinctively glanced at Tae, nervously biting on his lower lip.
"You can come too, of course." Jungkook then said, forgetting for a second that Tae even exists.
"No, I actually have to head back to the hotel, Jin hyung is probably waiting for me." Tae said and smiled at both of them.
"I'm gonna go too... I don't wanna intrude. It's obviously a private party and I don't know anyone..." Jimin said so Jungkook snorted.
"Come on, you know me. That's enough."
Jimin smiled fondly.
"Well I don't know if I'm even into this kind of party." Jimin tried to somehow avoid the whole awkward situation.
"Well I don't know if I'm into talking here on the street with you, but here I am."
"Both of you look like you're into dicks so I think this should be fun." Tae broke their childish bickering so Jimin rolled his eyes at him.
"Oh my God!" he whined, Jungkook giggled.
"Not to mention how compatible you look..." he continued so Jimin tried to shut him up.
"Kim Taehyung!"
"I like him." Jungkook said with smirk, loving how uneasy and restless Jimin looked.
"Honey, I'm dating a person whose nickname is WWH, which stands for World Wide Handsome guy, so I'm flattered..." Tae said, but Jungkook cut him off.
"I didn't mean it that way..."
"Sure you didn't." Tae said with wink so Jimin just shook his head at his silly best friend.
"Just leave... Stop embarrassing me please..." Jimin said so all of them smiled, and finally Tae decided to go, but before he did, he hugged Jimin tightly, and whispered: "Our conversation is far from over. I'll be waiting for you." after gulping, Jimin gave him a small, forced smile.
"Let's go." Jungkook said and skilfully jumped over the fence again, and extended his hand for Jimin to take.
He helped him to cross over, and soon they were at the beach, just slightly away from the people, closer to the sea.
"So what's the occasion for the bonfire?" Jimin asked while taking his shoes off, dipping his feet into sand.
"One of the workers from the kitchen has a birthday, so she asked for this." Jungkook explained and Jimin thought how sweet it is for him to do such a thing for his workers.
"Looks beautiful." Jimin said after looking at the sea meeting the stars, sparkling on the night sky. Just the perfect, romantic sight for his heart to feel warm.
"Yeah. And I'm still looking at the prettier sight than this beautiful night." Jungkook said while looking at Jimin so the older just put his hands on his hot, burning cheeks, trying to hide the blush creeping to come up.
"Stop being cheesy..." Jimin whined so Jungkook smiled.
"I was talking about your ass."
"Oh now we're talking some facts." Jimin teased so Jungkook frowned.
"So me telling your ass is pretty is just a well known fact, and when I tell you you're pretty you don't believe me? Do you even have a mirror?" he said while being totally serious, so Jimin's mouth felt dry. He had no idea what to say to such a straight forward compliment.
Sure it wasn't the first time someone compliments him, but cause the compliment came from such a beautiful man, made it even more unreal and just too flattering.
"Thank you." he simply said, and then he felt Jungkook shifting next to him, laying down so that his head is resting in Jimin's lap.
"Seriously, should I come to your room and check if the mirrors were put in right places?" Jungkook said with grin so Jimin tugged at his hair a bit tighter.
"Smooth Jungkook, very smooth. Now stop playing around. This isn't a date, so you're not getting in my pants."
Jungkook started fake crying so Jimin started caressing his hair.
"So... You mentioned something about saving money for a Master studies? What are you going to study? With those tips, I'm sure you have enough for three different diplomas." Jimin asked while playing with Jungkook's hair, loving how soft it felt between his fingertips.
"You got the point. I'm torn apart from Seoul's University, and UCLA right now. They both have amazing photography classes so I just need to think about it."
"I live in Seoul..." Jimin said while trying to explain how University in Seoul is actually amazing in his opinion, but Jungkook interrupted him.
"Then Seoul it is!"
The younger said playfully so Jimin looked down, into those pretty eyes, and an even cuter bunny smile.
"God you're the worst... I just wanted to say how the University is really, really good. I did my Master studies there too, and I got the job I have cause my diploma is very appreciated and worthy to the biggest companies." Jimin said so Jungkook nodded.
"Hey you don't have to persuade me further. You got me with 'I live in Seoul'." Jungkook said and winked at the older, and all he could do was roll his eyes at him with the warmest smile.
"Tell me something Jungkookah..." Jimin started while looked at the blond's eyes, caressing his face with his fingertips, mapping the shape of the younger's cheeks softly.
"Are you always this flirty, and how many summer adventures do you usually have per summer? I promise I'm not judgy, just curious..." Jimin asked with soft voice, so Jungkook got up from his lap, and turned his body to face the older fully.
"I am flirty, I will admit that, but I never do summer flings or adventures, as you called them, I just don't have time for that. I'm always working. 24/7. Even now, I'm here to make sure everything at this party ends well, to help with cleaning afterwards, there's always something to do here. That's the kind of job I have here, so no, even if I like to flirt and tease a bit, I don't usually do summer romance thing... " Jungkook explained so Jimin felt even more attracted to him.
"What about sex?" Jimin asked shamelessly.
"I have sex regularly." he said with smirk, so Jimin shook his head also smirking. He felt some kind of knot burning in his stomach, but decided to not think too much about it.
It's not like Jungkook and him were something... They were actually nothing but two guys getting to know each other. So why did Jimin felt the weirdest uneasy feeling cause the younger was getting laid regularly?
"When was the last time you had sex?" Jimin asked while biting a bit harshly on his bottom lip, being unable to hide how curious he was to know all the details from the younger's life.
Jungkook took a moment to think about it, looking like he's trying to solve some hard math equation by heart.
"I think, maybe two weeks ago, or so..." then he responded so Jimin looked at him with frown.
"For how long you were thinking, I thought you're gonna say a year or something..." he scolded the younger, and pushed him on the side so Jungkook laughed.
"Sure a year! As if that's possible. When did you get laid last time?" now was Jungkook's time to be nosy.
"A year ago actually." Jimin said and shrugged.
"What? Why? How?" Jungkook sounded surprised as if Jimin said he's a virgin or something.
"I don't know... It's mostly because of work. I really do work a lot, and don't have time to date, and kind of don't like one night stands, nor fuck buddies thing so, yeah..." Jimin explained so Jungkook looked at him with kind of warm and soft look in his eyes, and moved even closer, invading Jimin's space.
"Let's go on a date tomorrow." he said and caressed Jimin's cheek, the older nuzzling his head instinctively into Jungkook's soft touch.
"I can't tomorrow. We have three meetings. I might not even be able to come to the beach party..." Jimin said, sounding kind of sad.
"Ah no, no, no... It's ok if you don't have time for our date, but you can't be that busy all day so that you can't at least stop by the bar for a burger and beer. Come on, you have to eat, promise you'll come at least to eat with me." Jungkook said with pout, and Jimin wanted to kiss him.
He wanted to feel those red lips so badly.
"Fine. I mean, I'll try. Tomorrow will be super hectic. We have one meeting in the morning, one in the evening, and then these new clients decided to take us out, to some club, to celebrate properly for joining our firm. I haven't been out in a club for so long... "
"Which club?" Jungkook asked, so Jimin tried to remember, but he really couldn't.
"I have no idea. All I know is that it's near our hotel and that it gets crowded. Are you thinking about coming so that you could see me?" Jimin asked and cocked his eyebrows at the younger.
"Well not now when I have no idea in which club you're going to..." Jungkook said and crossed his arms over his chest.
"Oh stop whining. I'll ask Tae and tell you tomorrow." Jimin said and caressed his hair softly.
"Ok. So then I guess I'll see you two times tomorrow. Look how we could work things out, only if we try hard enough." Jungkook said with excitement, so Jimin nodded.
"I guess we could." he agreed and looked into Jungkook's eyes once again, trying to figure the unreadable stare the younger was giving him through the whole night.
There was something soft in his dark orbs, yet there was something dangerous too...
They stared at each other for a while... just sitting there, observing their next move patiently, and their pleasant silence got interrupted by a girl, that startled both of them with her presence.
"Jungkookah, the marshmallows are done... Would you join us?" the tall, blonde, good looking girl said, so after eyeing her up and down, Jimin got up, and Jungkook followed him.
"I'll be there in a minute. Thank you." he said and turned to Jimin again, the pretty lady already gone.
"I have to return to the birthday girl now. Since we won't stay for too long and..."
"It's ok. I'm sorry for staying this long. I kept you away from your party. " Jimin assured him that it was fine for him to get back to the party, he really didn't mean to stay even this long.
"Can I walk you to the hotel?" Jungkook asked so Jimin stopped and looked around.
"It's literally there. Minute away from the beach." he said while pointing at a big, covered in windows building.
"I know where the hotel in which I work for four years now is located, but still, I thought we could eat some marshmallows on our way back." Jungkook said while slowly walking towards the bonfire, so Jimin followed.
He came closer, took two s'more sticks, and handed one to Jimin.
He said cute little thank you, and started eating pieces of what looked like perfectly roasted marshmallow.
Jungkook jumped over the fence first, and extended his hand to help Jimin again. Little did he know how Jimin could jump over that fence with ease, being super athletic and flexible, that sure wouldn't be a problem for him, but he decided to play little helpless, saving worthy princess.
He liked the attention. Sue him.
They started walking to the hotel, which was literally only minutes away, but their steps were so small and slow, that the walk turned into an eternity.
"How's yours?" Jungkook asked, after biting on his marshmallow, the white sweet sap stretching from his mouth to the stick.
"Amazing... They really did a great job on roasting them. Look how gooey it is." Jimin said while stretching that thick, white melted marshmallow, swirling his tongue so that he could collect more into his mouth.
"The image of you doing that will hunt me forever." Jungkook said and took a deep breath, so Jimin pushed him on the side, the younger almost hitting the nearest wall.
"You're nasty." Jimin said and pinched the roasted s'more, taking a small part in between his lips, and started sucking on his thumb and index finger.
"You're worse. Stop being so perverted. Don't lick your fingers like that..." the younger whined, but his eyes never left Jimin.
"Why? Are you getting horny? Didn't get laid in a week so the little teasing is too much to handle?" Jimin teased while coming closer, dipping his index finger into Jungkook's marshmallow and licking his finger clean right in front of the younger.
"If you don't stop with that, I might lose my mind and do something reckless." Jungkook said while looking seriously at Jimin's eyes, then lips, and Jimin's pants got tighter.
Yep. His dick woke up because Jungkook's gaze was hot and intimidating and just too much to take.
"Kiss me... Kiss me... Please kiss me..." Jimin's head went nuts, the younger's closeness making him dizzy.
"We're already here... I don't wanna make your friends mad for missing out on your bonding experience, so bye, and see you soon I guess." Jimin said and leaned forward, putting a small kiss on top of the younger's cheek.
"Thank you for tonight." Jimin said while waving and heading back to the hotel.
"Thank you. Can't wait to see you tomorrow." Jungkook said with such a fondness that Jimin felt his heart jumping up and down his chest.
Through whole walk to his room Jimin felt like some kind of a creep.
He had this annoying, weird smile on his face, and the worst thing was that people kept passing by, and he couldn't stop smiling.
The moment he came in front of his room, his smile disappeared, cause there was Tae, sitting on the floor, two beer bottles in his hand, looking tired and sleepy.
"Oh, you're here." Jimin said, giving the younger his hand, trying to help him with getting up.
"I am. I thought you said you're gonna come back in 10 minutes." he got up and crossed his arms on his chest.
"Well, we got a bit carried away, I guess. Were you here the whole time? How much time did it passed anyways 20-30 minutes?"
"It's been an hour!" Tae said a bit louder than before.
"No... Really?"
"Yes. I would know since I was literally sitting here and people kept passing by, so by the look on their faces I was expecting the security guy any minute now." Tae said so Jimin chuckled.
" I might call one. You look like a crazy person." he teased while opening the door, the creepy smile still kind of lingered on his lips.
"Talk, and I want every, single detail. Like every, if you miss anything, I'm gonna find Jungkook and ask him myself." Tae said so Jimin gulped. Tae knew how to act creepy from time to time.
After the whole story about meeting the blond, being distracted because of his sexy body, meeting in the restaurant, their shopping adventure, than hanging out on the beach again, Jimin realized how much time they already spent together, and he kind of wanted do it more."
"Hm... so you like him." Tae said after Jimin finished.
"I don't know. I mean yeah..." he said a bit shyly.
"I can't believe you did this behind my back. You're literally having a true summer romance and I had no idea about it. Are Jin hyung and I that delusional and in our own bubble?" Tae said a bit sadly, because he really loved Jimin and couldn't believe that the older didn't share this important fact with him.
"Yes you are." Jimin simply said so Tae pouted.
"But I don't mind that, at all... I know how much you like Jin hyung, and for how long, and I kind of didn't wanna bother you with this silly thing... "Jimin tried to make an excuse for himself, but Tae wasn't having any of it.
"Silly thing? My baby is falling in love and you call this silly thing!?"
"I'm not falling in love Tae! I just like the guy."
"Sure. Then why are you creeping me out with that weird smile on your face?" Tae asked so Jimin touched his mouth.
He was indeed, smiling.
"Shit. What's happening to me?"
"Well, as I said, you're falling for the guy, and babe, who can blame you, he really is super cute and if my predictions are right..." Tae said and squinted his eyes at Jimin.
"No... stop doing that thing where you try to guess the dick size of every person we met!"
"I can't help it. And was I ever wrong?" Tae said with smirk, cocking his eyebrows at the older.
"I hate myself for this, but what do you think?" Jimin said and took a deep breath.
"I'd say 7.3 inches long with a 4.5-inch girth." Tae said and nodded, looking content so Jimin slapped his arm.
"You're so weird, but that's a good size, and oh my God why do I wanna know now if you got it right! I'm gonna kill you Kim Taehyung!" Jimin sat down on the edge of his bed and covered his face with his hands.
"Don't stress yourself about it babe. I mean, you don't have to do anything with the guy. It's just the fact that he already sucked your tongue that made me think that maybe he wants to do more." Tae said while sitting next to his best friend, caressing his hair gently.
"Oh I know he wants to do more. That's not even questionable." Jimin said and laid back on the bed, Tae following him.
"Did he say something?" he asked and turned around to face Jimin now.
"He said he wants to have sex with me." Jimin said dead panned so Tae's eyes widen in shock.
"Just like that."
"Yeah, just like that. "
"I like him."
"Oh shut up you perv." Jimin turned around too, now facing Tae, still kind of smiling.
"I really like him Tae. He's funny, smart, shameless, not to mention hot, and he has this look in his eyes like he really wants to know me better and enjoy his time with me... It's just that there is no time, and I hate that in few days I'll be home, and he'll stay here and that's it, you know..." Jimin finally spoke about his issues so Tae tugged him closer, and hugged him tightly.
"All of your fears are reasonable, but that doesn't mean you can't jump on that dick and enjoy the time that's left." Tae said so Jimin chuckled.
"You really are the worst." Jimin pinched his side so Tae stirred a bit, but still kept him tight in his embrace.
"And maybe his dicking game isn't that good, so you'll do it just once and then be totally disappointed after."
"That's highly unlikely. You do know I haven't had sex in a year. I forgot what's a good dicking game by now. " Jimin said so they giggled.
"Oh, I have a feeling you'll find out soon enough."
They hugged for some time, Tae caressing Jimin's back, both of them breathing deeply, enjoying the first time they had a talk like this in a while.
"I'm scared." Jimin whispered, and broke the silence.
"Don't be. Just tell him to stretch you nicely and you're good to go." Tae teased so Jimin hit his arm playfully.
"You know what I mean."
"I do. But I can't help you with that. It's the choice you have to make. Are you willing to get deeper into something that will end sooner than it began. How much do you really want it?" Tae said and all Jimin could think about was how all he wanted right now, was to see Jungkook again.
"I'm gonna need a day off. "
"That's hardly gonna happen. You know that you're the one responsible for all the meetings..."
"Yes, but only cause the two of you are way too distracted cause of all the sex you're having. It's time for me to get some!" Jimin said loudly, getting up into sitting position.
"Which day do you want?" Tae simply gave up. He knew Jimin deserved this much so if that means having to spend one day messing up the meetings, so be it.
"Well tomorrow I can't, we already made plans, so day after tomorrow, Saturday. I want a free day, with no meetings at all."
"How much sex do you plan on having?"
"We're going out on a date you moron." Jimin said and rolled his eyes at the younger.
"What about after the date?"
"God I hope he fucks me so good that I can't walk properly the next day." Jimin said so Tas burst in laugh.
"Did you say that because you saw me limping this morning?" Tae asked so Jimin frowned.
"I haven't see you this morning at all, but I got the point. No need to get into details." he said and went back to bed.
"Do you want me to stay with you tonight? Sleepover like old times?" Tae asked so Jimin kissed his cheek.
"No. Go and sleep with your man. Someone needs to limp in the morning, and if it can't be me..."
"Fine. I'll do it." Tae said dramatically, and left the giggly Jimin in the bed, already ready to catch some sleep...
The morning came and the first meeting which Jimin tend to finish as soon as possible.
In this whole situation, he noticed just how pushy and persuasive he can be when needed.
So after an hour and a half of negotiating with one of his clients, he finally got him to sign a new contract just in time to go to the beach party and grab some drinks with Jungkook.
He went to his room to freshen up a little, and while changing his button up shirt into a black one with a bit deeper V neck line, he stayed in his new light blue shorts and went straight to the bar on the beach.
Surprise surprise.
There were Jin and Tae sitting in the middle of the bar, drinking some cocktails, and Jungkook was right there, talking with them.
"What the actual..."
"Well hello Jiminshi. You finished your meeting early." Jin said the moment he noticed Jimin coming their way.
"The client sign the contract. What are you guys doing here?" he asked, but knew exactly what they were doing here. Nosy Tae came to investigate the situation, too speak to Jungkook in order to find some new things about him, and Jimin hated that whole soulmate thing.
"And what about me? You didn't even noticed me here." Jungkook said with pout so Jimin came closer and patted the younger's hair.
"Silly, I could never not notice you." he whispered so Jungkook rewarded him with one of his biggest bunny smiles.
"Did they bother you?" Jimin asked while shooting some serious looks into his friends direction.
"No. They just told me some embarrassing stories about you. I loved it actually." the younger said so Jimin's face expression turned into a shock.
"You didn't." he said while squinting his eyes at Tae so after they all laughed he figured Jungkook was probably just teasing him.
Hopefully he was.
"Do you want the same as always?" Jungkook asked and put his hand over Jimin's shoulder, the older loved their proximity, and kind of the new intimacy.
"Yes please." he said so Jungkook went to the waitress to put in his order.
"What the fuck you two!? I'm sorry boss for cursing, but literally, what the fuck!" Jimin asked the moment Jungkook was far away, so Tae explained.
"We heard the burgers here are outstanding and..."
"Cut the crap Tae. I told you about the burgers. What do you want?"
"Fine. Well, we came here 2 hours ago..."
"Two hours ago!!! Are you insane? You could've help with the fucking meeting. Again, I'm sorry for cursing." Jimin said in a wave of panicking and trying to be respectful towards his boss.
"We came to check upon your guy. I mean, no one's gonna hurt my Jiminie." Tae said so Jimin waited for the rest of his story...
"And..." he said impatiently.
"And he's ok. We're giving you the green light, and how amazing is that Jin hyung is giving you a day off tomorrow?" Tae literally yelled the last part of the sentence so Jimin frowned.
"What??? Really?" he heard Jungkook's voice behind him, coming closer with Jimin's beer in his hand, so as soon as he put the mug on the table, he grabbed Jimin and put him up in the air, swirling him in the middle of the bar, like he weighs nothing.
Jimin looked around and saw some jealous stares, confused expressions, and as soon as Jungkook put him down on the ground, he giggled at his sudden outburst.
"You didn't tell me about your day off?" he faced Jimin and looked him in the eyes.
"That's because I didn't know for sure, I asked Tae about it last night, but I needed the confirmation from the boss... So yeah, tomorrow, I'm having a day off." Jimin said all happy so Jungkook slapped his hands together like some super excited child.
"So... Jiminshi... about our date tomorrow..." Jungkook said while cocking his eyebrows at the older.
"What date?" Jimin teased so Jungkook looked at him with pout, so Jimin couldn't take to tease him a second longer.
"I'm just messing with you. Where are you taking me?" Jimin said all enthusiastically.
"I have no idea." the younger said so Jimin frowned.
"You talk about our date for days now and you don't know where you're taking me?" Jimin said while crossing his arms on top of his chest.
"I actually don't even care." Jungkook said looking all serious.
"I'm sorry?" Jimin was even more surprised now, because... what the fuck?
Tae's and Jin's eyes widen at his words.
"I don't care where we go as long as I'm with you. That's what I thought." the younger said, obviously satisfied with Jimin falling into his trap, and they heard the uwuuus coming from Jin sitting right next to them.
"Oh... well... that's kind of cute..." Jimin mumbled, blushing hot pink.
"I mean, we can just go to my apartment or your room... since it doesn't matter, you know... skip some things... cut to the chase..." Jungkook said so Jimin scoffed.
"That's what I'm talking about." Tae said so everyone looked at him.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" Jin scolded him, so Jimin finally looked at Jungkook with serious expression.
"First you're gonna take me on some nice, quality date, and then we're gonna grab some lunch, and then you're gonna show me all around Honolulu. I wanna see every pretty place that exists here, and then after we grab some dinner, maybe, I'll show you my room cause those mirrors really are not in the right places." Jimin said while coming closer to Jungkook's face, and he just smirked.
"As if I wanna see your room. I'm gonna take you wherever I want to, and you're gonna have the best time ever, since you'll be with me, and you and me, we will have fun together, and later, you don't even have to show me your room. That's not the most important thing here. I really just wanna spend some time with you." Jungkook said while putting his hands on Jimin's waist, coming a little bit too close to his face now.
Jimin's mind went: "Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me, kiss me, just kiss me already, kiss me, kiss me..."
"Fine. I'll be here at 10, and you do whatever you want to do." Jimin said, sounding just slightly desperate, but didn't care at all...
"Deal. And now, do you wanna see something fun?" Jungkook whispered so Jimin nodded.
Next thing he knows, Jungkook got up on the bar, and while taking his megaphone, started talking, the crowd immediately run over.
"Where are my favorite peopleee?"
The crowd went wild.
"Today, I have something interesting planned for you guys... and it's pretty hot if you ask me..."
He needed a second to speak again, cause all the wooooohooooos and ooouuuuh yeeeeaahs were way to loud to continue immediately.
Jimin was curious.
"Here I have some special people with me..."
Jimin got nervous.
"They're young, hot and ready to partyyyyy!"
Jimin's palms started sweating.
"So... how would you like to see a striptease from a guy known as WWH, meaning World Wide Handsome and a guy who could easily walk down every runway cause he's features are gorgeous and handsome at the same time."
Jungkook said, so Jimin looked at Jin and Tae's shocked faces, and started laughing out loud, barely holding himself on the table, trying not to fall down.
The crowd went crazy, of course.
The truth is, Jimin thought they would never do it, but the moment he saw Jin getting up on that bar, next to Jungkook, extending his hand towards Tae, he knew they're gonna do it.
They were indeed that crazy.
Soon the strip tease started, and the crowd seemed to enjoy it very much.
Well there were literally two hot guys taking their clothes off while dancing, touching, maybe they added a bit of making out into all of it... Jimin wouldn't know since at one point he just covered his eyes, thinking how there was definitely too much he saw already, and he would like to see his boss as a boss again, and not as an aspiring stripper.
He turned around, trying to drink his beer, and soon felt warm hands hugging him from behind, standing close to his back. Instinctively he leaned into the embrace, smelling the coconut scent, he remembered as Jungkook's smell.
While still standing close, maybe too close, he turned around, now facing the younger, and put both of his hands on his nape.
"You know you're crazy right?" Jimin asked him, and started moving his hips, slowly dancing, following Jungkook's pace.
"Why? Don't you see how much fun they're having?" he asked so Jimin tilted his head, eyeing the two still dancing on the bar, only their shorts on them.
"I'm just happy they didn't strip down their bottoms. I'm sure Tae would if he was alone." he said and made a mortified grimace.
"I'm glad too. Then we would be in real trouble." Jungkook said and leaned his head more, smelling Jimin's neck, and Jimin felt it all down in his pants.
"God don't start to twitch now!" he thought, and gulped, trying to stay still, but Jungkook's hands were now at his lower back, caressing him lightly, and he felt even more dizzy.
"Is it ok if I come with some friends tonight at Fireroom. That's the place you're going with those clients. It's actually one of the best clubs here." Jungkook asked so Jimin smiled.
"You really did find out the name. Of course it's ok. Why would you even think that it wasn't ok for you to come?" Jimin asked a bit confused.
"I don't know. I don't want it to be like I'm stalking you if I magically appear there, so it's better if I ask. I thought maybe you'll be too busy with your clients and I'd just be a distraction, I don't know..." Jungkook said and bit on his lower lip, and all Jimin wanted to do was the same.
"I actually want you to be my distraction. I don't know if you noticed, but I like your company. You're kind of fun." Jimin said and loved the cute little blush appearing on the younger's face, and the grin so big, it melted his heart.
"Ok. Then I'll be there, and don't feel obligated to spend too much time with me because I know you're on business night out, so one drink with me, and I'll be super happy. Ok?" Jungkook said, but Jimin wanted more... One drink with him? Come on... He'd ditch Tae and Jin and his clients to spend some time with Jungkook anytime...
Unfortunately, that's not what happened.... at first.
Evening came fast, literally after saying bye to Jungkook, cause all three of them were late for they meeting that sucked, because they weren't prepared for it at all, they had just little over hour to prepare for a night out, so the boys went to grab a shower, some nice clothes and in no time they were standing in front of the hotel, a cab waiting for them, to drive them to the amazing club. The clients were already there, waiting for them in their V.I.P booth with amazing and comfy sofa, the amazing view of a whole place, which was already pretty crowded.
"You came!" they heard the pretty Ryujin calling them, waving in her direction, so the boys followed.
She looked super pretty, but the boys did too, dressed to impress so while coming inside the fire red place, all eyes were on them.
Beomgyu and Ryujin already had cocktails ready for them to drink, so as soon as they sat down the drinking began. Both of their clients were young and fun people who liked to party, so in no time Tae and Ryujin were on the dance floor, while Jin, Jimin and Bemgyu stayed at the booth to drink some more.
Jimin couldn't help that his eyes kept looking around, trying to find the blond man with doe eyes, but it was too crowded by now, so he thought how maybe later he could look for him down on the dance floor, thinking that's the exact place where the younger would be.
Half an hour later, their booth was literally filled with some people. They were all friends from their clients and just came to say hi, but decided to stay, and now Jimin was talking to some guy he never saw in his life, and he was kind of boring and a bit annoying.
"So I like to party like a beast every night..." the guy Jimin didn't want to remember name said, so Jimin nodded...
He wanted to yawn in his face, maybe give him a sign that he's bored of his stories, but his attention went into totally different direction.
On totally opposite side of the club, near the bar, where some barely dressed girls were dancing, he saw Jungkook with a lot of friends, drinking shots while laughing and dancing.
His heart fluttered, but he felt some weird feeling too... cause Jungkook looked like he's having too much fun, at least some girls that were all over him did.
Jimin could recognize flirting when he saw one, and those girls were shameless flirts.
He observed, and observed, and damn if Jungkook plays his cards right, he might end up in a high quality threesome for sure.
His palms got sweaty by the thought of it.
".... and then the DJ called my name so I got up on the stage...." the man was still talking even though Jimin didn't register a single word, but suddenly he saw Tae calling him from the crowd, waving his hand at him, trying to get him to the open dance floor to dance.
"I'm gonna go now... my friend is calling me..." Jimin simply said to the annoying guy, who, it seemed, continued to talk even though Jimin wasn't there to 'listen'.
He came down, smiled at some people who he had passed by, and as soon as he came to Tae, Tae cocked his eyes in the direction where Jungkook was drinking with his friends.
"There's Jungkook. Should we go and say hi?" Tae said but Jimin shook his head.
"No. I think we might intrude or something... He seems like he's having fun." Jimin said after glancing in said direction, so Tae followed his gaze.
"Oh babe, come on. He's just having shots and maybe dancing a bit with those girls. You're dancing with me now, should he get all bothered?" Tae said so Jimin took another glance.
The younger was now talking to some friends, those girls from before dancing beside them. The worst thing was that Jungkook looked so good, wearing some light blue, ripped jeans, his thighs on display, and a white shirt with low V neck line, showing his buff chest... He just wanted to be close to him, to talk to him, grab that one drink they agreed they'll have, but the younger didn't look like he's even looking for Jimin. He just kept having fun with his friends and Jimin got a bit hurt.
"Do you want us to dance a bit and then go to our booth?" Tae asked so Jimin nodded.
Then all of a sudden Tae started showing off some kind of belly dancers moves, the song was a bit oriental, bringing them to the center of a dance floor, and all the people around him started cheering for him, clapping, and so did Jimin. He loved the silly nature of his best friend, and soon they all started clapping and hyping him even more, and suddenly Jimin realized what Tae was doing.
He was having all eyes on him, and he wanted Jungkook's eyes to finally notice Jimin.
The realization hit him so he fixed his posture, and started dancing a bit himself, trying to look flirty, sexy, cause he did look good in tight black jeans and silky silver button up shirt, that danced around his body like a dream, showing off just a little bit of his skin every time he would put his hands up.
Ryujin seemed to get the message, that Jimin wanted to dance, so she came in front of him, and started dancing too. Jimin gave her a small smile so they continued to dance some more, and while moving his head in the rhythm of the music, he could see a blond head now closer to him, dancing his way through the crowed.
He glanced at Jungkook again, and saw how he's trying to walk towards him, but every few steps someone dragged him a side and tried to at least grind a little bit on that hot body, and he felt sick, because how could people be so shameless?
At one point they made eye contact, and Jimin could see the younger's face lighten up, small smile appearing on his face, so he smile back, but continued dancing.
Jungkook was closer now, but just when Jimin thought he's gonna come and dance with him, talk to him, have that drink with him, those same two girls, who kept drooling over him the whole night, came out of nowhere and tugged at Jungkook's hand, so he came closer and started dancing with them.
Jimin got pissed and annoyed and frustrated and desperate, but he kept dancing too.
They were so close, literally a feet away, and the moment Jimin turn around, trying to sway his hips in a full circle, he saw Jungkook turning around too, and next thing he knows, the younger grabbed his waist and moved him flush towards his own body.
Jimin didn't flinch.
He just continue dancing, and after glancing at Ryujin, who was dancing with Tae now, he tilted his head in the direction of Jungkook's dancing partners, and saw the girls looking annoyed and not pleased at all.
"Your girls are sulking." Jimin said and moved his hand up, resting them on Jungkook's neck.
"Not my girls, and I don't care." he said, coming even closer to Jimin, leaning forward and smelling his hair and neck, Jimin shivered.
"That's not nice Jungkookah..." he whispered into his ear, touching the younger's earlobe with the tip of his lips.
"I never said I'm nice." Jungkook whispered back, and sucks Jimin's earlobe slightly, so he let a small moan escape his lips, and thanking God the music was too loud for anyone to hear him.
And then the slow dancing began...
The song that plays doesn't help with Jimin's dick getting hard, cause it seems like Jungkook knew the song very well, so he sang the lyrics while looking at the older's face.
"I know what you like
Get the champagne
Hands on your thighs
Wanna get your body high
Get low
Oh, no..."
He rolled his hips right on top of Jimin's neglected, clothed dick, and he mewled on the inside...
"I know you wanna fight
Set a new pace
Wanna do you right
Keep your back to the sky
Go slow
Oh, no..."
With every word they swayed in the sexy rhythm, rubbing closely, enjoying the friction...
"Yes oh, yes
Do you want me, babe?
You wanna be stressed, I'd rather have sex
You and I and my dirty mind
And we could stay high or no..."
And oh fuck, did Jungkook know how and when to do that body rolls cause he touched Jimin's body in just the right places. His hands wandered all over Jimin's back, sometimes with stronger grip, and sometimes the touch is so light, like the feathers were touching him... and Jimin felt like all of it was too much, but too little at the same time...
He couldn't tell if the younger was having a hard time just like he did, so he decided to find out.
Because what if Jungkook is not bothered at all, and he was there, panting heavily, sweating like he's in some kind of private hell, so he just slipped his thigh in between Jungkook's, and started doing his magic too.
While pressing harder into the younger's crotch he felt it. Jungkook's undeniably hard dick was there, awake and hot, and so, so inviting, so while still grinding, he could feel the younger's dick twitching, getting harder with each push, so he stopped.
Maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe the younger doesn't want to be teased this much... Maybe all of it was just too much...
He thought about it, but his thoughts got interrupted with Jungkook's hands firm on his ass, pushing him back where he was just seconds ago.
"Don't stop." he whispered... "Felt so good..." he continued and licked Jimin's neck, and the moan that came out of Jimin's mouth was loud enough for Jungkook to hear it.
And it seemed that he loved it, cause he kept nibbling at his neck, with just a tiny bit pressure, sucking, then licking right after, soothing the slightest pain the older felt.
"Jungkookah..." Jimin whines, not knowing what to do or say anymore.
He is beyond horny, just desperate and on the edge of doing anything, something to just ease his body and mind at least a little.
"We should slow down, right?" he asked, curious if the younger wanted to stop or was this something he was craving for too...
"I know..." Jungkook whispered, his hands not loosing the grip on Jimin's back.
"But how... Tell me, how?" he asked while moving his hands roughly over Jimin's ass, grabbing those thick cheeks in his big hands, so Jimin moaned again.
Jimin tried to breathe, tried to relax, to control his own action, but to his absolute dismay, the incessant horniness that had consume his thoughts before they even started grinding their hips together, took hold again. The fact that everyone around them are dancing sexily, not paying attention to them, wasn't helping.
Jimin doesn't dare to look down to see if he is showing. He is too paralyzed by Jungkook's presence and his moves to reach down and touch his hardening dick, even if he wanted to - which he desperately does, at this point.
"But I get it... We have a date tomorrow... And we should stop, right?" now Jungkook slows down, looking at Jimin, his face too close, their foreheads are literally touching.
"We should stop. Definitely. Maybe go outside a bit, to cool off?" Jimin suggests, thinking how maybe they could at least talk and grab some drinks, and then he felt Jungkook's hand on his, holding him tightly, while dragging him out to the exit door.
Instead of going outside, where tons of people are dancing near the club entrance, Jungkook turned right, and entered a room that was empty, only boxes of drinks, some fruits, and a small, grey couch on which a lot of other supplies were stored nicely.
"It's the storage room. I know the owner since I bring him the food from hotel and store it in here. I thought it's better to cool off here than outside, since it's crowded..." Jungkook said, and all Jimin could hear was blabbering because Jungkook is standing in front of him, and his dick is showing . The underline on those light blue jeans looked so promising that Jimin felt his breaths getting shorter, lips burning in desire, so he run his hand down his own hardening member, and the moment Jungkook saw his action he took a deep sigh, and bit on his lower lip.
"Jimin...aghhh" he whined and sat down on the couch, both of his hands going through his hair, some of the supplies falling down, so Jimin came to picked them up, and while squatting down, picking some bags with straws in it, he tossed them around, and felt the younger's gaze looking at him with lust.
He could feel the younger's inner struggle, damn it, he felt it too.
Should they do this?
Their special date is tomorrow?
Will they ruin this if they neglect the common sense to act on their instinct and desire...
Jimin's mind went: "Fuck it!"
He got up and straddled Jungkook's lap, unable to control himself anymore, not wanting to either.
Jungkook turned his head sharply and opened his mouth to say something when his words were swallowed by something tender and hot. Jimin kissed his lips with all the desire he's been feeling for days now, and at that same moment, Jimin's jean-clad dick is enveloped by Jungkook's warm and pressing fingers. He let out a sound of surprise that only drowned in the younger's mouth, as he started kissing him more roughly.
Jimin moaned loudly at a harder bite the younger gave to his lip, and soon Jungkook moved away a bit, observing Jimin's face, like he was trying to find some resistance to all of this, but on Jimin's plump, red lips, and his dark eyes, all he could see is lust.
Before he knew it, Jungkook's mouth were digging onto his again, and the younger's hand resumed it's work on Jimin's aching crotch.
Jungkook's lips were thinner than his own, but they were raw with talent, sucking and biting on Jimin's mouth until he could barely breathe.
His tongue was hot and teasing, rolling along Jimin's parted mouth. When he flicked Jimin's bottom lip, he felt the softness of his touch and it made him shudder.
Jungkook's palms rubs mercilessly against his now throbbing dick, and Jimin squirms under his hand. His tongue finally got past Jimin's lips and delved into his mouth, playfully seeking for the older's tongue. He could smell the tequila shots on his breath, and it turned him on even more.
Jimin gladly offer his tongue to him, and Jungkook rewarded him with wet and slow licks.
The younger's fingers rubbed up and down, and then in slow circles on the stiff fabric of the older's jeans. Jimin could feel his own skin heating all over at his touch.
Jungkook's mouth broke off with an inward gasp, and he looked at the older's already fucked out expression, cocky little smile appearing on his handsome face.
"Wanna make you feel good..." he said while sliding his tongue down Jimin's jaw and neck, leaving him to try to catch his breath again.
His free hand circles Jimin's wrist, and then he grabbed Jimin tight into his arms, got up, and while holding him with one hand, he used the other to threw away the supplies from the couch, and then ease the older backwards to lie down on the couch. Jimin's leg are splayed apart, one dangling off of the couch. Jungkook straddled his hip and pressed his own leg against the older's crotch, but when he lowered himself down and pressed his heated and firm weight against Jimin's, all he could do was moan.
Jungkook's chest is firm and warm against his, and his hands reaching instinctively up so he felt the masculine flesh through Jungkook's skin tight shirt. Damn, he wanted to do that since the moment he saw the younger. Well maybe not at that exact moment, but when he saw his naked, buff chest, sure...
Nothing could've been hotter than when he felt two stiff nubs through the fabric.
Jimin squeezed his nipples playfully, so encouraged by his response, Jungkook started sucking down Jimin's neck and chest. He knew he was very sensitive around his neck, so when Jungkook flicked his warm tongue against the nape of his neck and drew wet patterns with the tip, he moaned loudly.
The sensation of his muscly thigh against Jimin's jeans was driving him crazy, and in thoughtless lust, his hips jerked up to hump that firm flesh. Jungkook suddenly grins and nips at his skin with his teeth, nearly making the smaller to jump.
"Want me to do more? Or are we waiting for our date tomorrow?" Jungkook teased, and Jimin felt like he was about to explode.
This is something that never happened to him before.
He had never lost control during sex. He was never the one to moan too loud and squirm helplessly, but when Jungkook's talented hands wave down his front, he couldn't find a single fiber in his body that wanted to object. Jungkook's fingers massaged his chest and abs before finally dipping beneath that silver button up shirt, sliding up his heated body. Even his touch is mind blowing.
His fingertips tracing over Jimin's sides and his thumbs rolling in slow circles over his now hardened nipples.
The pretty shirt was obviously just standing in the way of Jungkook's deliberating touch, so he quickly pulled the soft fabric over Jimin's head. In one swift motion of his arm, his own shirt seemed to simply fall off skin and land beside the couch near Jimin's.
The older took a glance at blond's bare, hot torso before Jungkook's lips smashed against his and forced his head into the couch. Their chests brushing and heaving in sensual rhythm, but what really turned Jimin on, was the way Jungkook reached down, grabbed his wrists, and pinned them firmly above his head. He felt exposed and naked already, and he loved the rough treatment. By this point, Jimin knew what he wanted and he knew there was no turning back.
Fuck the date!
Fuck taking things slow!
Fuck my life!
He was kissing Jungkook back and moaning against his tongue, his back arching to connect their skin, his hips squirming to rub his achingly hard dick against the blond. He could feel Jungkook's own hard-on through his denim, and he could tell by the sounds he was making that he was enjoying this, too.
Jungkook started moving his hips in time with the smaller, and by the time they find the rhythm, they were grunting into each other's mouths and thrusting hard.
It felt so fucking hot.
Jimin broke off their heated kiss, in badly need for oxygen, enjoying the wet kisses all over his neck again. Everything felt too good, but too little...
"Ah... I can't..." Jimin mumbled so Jungkook stop with every movement.
"You want me to stop?" He asked a bit worried.
"No. I want more." Jimin said while pink blush appeared on his cheeks.
He could take no more of this, he needed more, and he wanted it now.
Long forgotten was his clients night out, or the muffled sounds from the club, all he could sense was Jungkook's mouth weaving kisses down his arm and across his shoulder. His fingers still clasped firmly around his wrists. Jungkook came down and licked each nipple with the flat of his tongue, but when he started nibbling at them, Jimin couldn't suppress a shudder.
Only then Jungkook lets go of Jimin's wrists, so he could move further southward, sucking slowly on every inch of Jimin's hot flesh.
Jimin propped his upper body on his elbows and watched him until he got to his navel. Then he squeezed his eyes shut and leaned his head back against the couch. He felt Jungkook's tongue swirling around his belly button, pressing light and wet kisses as he moved slowly downward.
So painfully slow, and yet so deliciously slow...
Then he felt the younger undoing his jeans, and with ease he popped open the button and dragged down the zipper. Taking hold of the fabric of each leg, he tugged Jimin's black jeans down. It felt so good to have his skin exposed to the cool air, but before he could savor the sensation for long, Jungkook made sure to have his devoted attention again.
His palms smoothed up his thighs and to his clothed crotch.
One of Jungkook's hands slid underneath his balls and began to explore and grope him. Jimin was dazed with the pleasure of being touched by someone whose fingers always seemed to hit just the right spot. Jungkook licked further up and up along his thighs, the younger's hand still rubbing his balls.
Jungkook looked up at him with teasing, sexy grin, before lowering his face and nuzzling Jimin's hard dick, kissing warmly through the fabric.
Jimin's breaths became uneven and one of his hand grabbed the younger's blond hair, squirming his hips in Jungkook's face in anticipation.
Jungkook took the hint.
With one last nuzzling, Jungkook pulled back his face and toyed with the waistband of Jimin's boxers. Just as Jimin thought, he was going to go torturously slow again, and he might come before the younger even laid a finger on his throbbing dick, Jungkook surprised him.
Without any warning, he ripped down the last barrier and enveloped his hard dick in his hot mouth.
Jimin's free hand shot into his hair as he moaned sharply. Jungkook's tongue circled the head and licked downward, as Jungkook's fingers caressed his naked balls. The blond's hot and red mouth moved up and down over his shaft, humming and flicking at the head, massaging further and further behind his balls.
Jimin could barely breathe as he watched him, his spit slicked lips stretched over his own throbbing member and rotating it expertly in his talented mouth.
Unable to look at the sight no more, Jimin closed his eyes again and clutched the younger's hair, moaning his encouragement. Jungkook's tongue flattened and he could feel it run up and down his shaft deliciously. Jimin felt the goosebumps rising all over his body as his mouth moved on him at greater speed, hissing in pleasure that course through his body.
"Ah Jungkookah..." he groaned between his teeth and thrust up into his mouth.
"So good..."
Then Jimin felt the younger's hot mouth pull off of his dick with a sensual noise, kissing his way down his shaft. Jungkook's lips gently touched and kissed his balls, and his mouth slowly opened to lick and suck them into his mouth, one at the time.
One of his hands groped for his cock and grasped at the shaft, firmly jerking up and down.
Jimin moaned softly at that, lying his head back down, not being able to look too much, cause the way Jungkook sucked him, no one else ever did.
Why is this feel so good? How can someone do everything so right? So fucking perfect.
Jimin's hips squirmed as he kept licking and sucking and jerking.
For fucks sake, he knew exactly where to put his mouth and hands.
Knew exactly for how long to do one thing and then switch to something new.
It was then that Jimin felt one of Jungkook's hands slip under his ass and squeeze one of his cheeks. It put him on the edge as he squeezed his ass, feeling his palm roll over the mounds and his hole.
He barely even noticed when Jungkook bent one of Jimin's legs backwards.
At least he didn't notice it until he felt the younger's finger part his ass and his wet tongue flicked his needy hole.
Jimin let in a sharp breath, arching his back even more, loving the wet sensation he felt all over his body.
Jungkook was stroking his cock slowly, while kissing his hole teasingly.
Then his fingers parted him again, and his wet tongue licked all around the hole softly. He kept placing slow licks with the flat of his tongue. It felt so good, but Jimin wanted more... he needed more...
He rolled his hips few times, trying to add the friction to Jungkook's soft licks and the younger got the message. Jimin could feel him smile as he released his dick and used both of his hands to widen his ass cheeks. This time, the tip of his wet tongue touched his hole, and then slid in.
Jimin instantly moaned and sucked in a breath as his tongue pressed inward. It went deeper and deeper and Jimin could feel the burning stretch, but then, Jungkook pulled it out. A second later, it darted back in. Then out. Then in. Jimin couldn't not look down at the sight of the blond and his tongue pushing in and out of his hole. He shivered and closed his eyes, feeling the wet little muscle fuck him a little quicker each time.
Fuck! It felt good!
Jimin felt him stop suddenly with a grin, teasingly laying open kisses around the tight pink hole.
"You like that Jimin? Like my tongue fucking your pretty hole?"
Jimin let out a hot breath in response, weaving his hands deeper into his pretty hair and pressing Jungkook's face closer to his.
"Yes." Jimin breathed, desperate to feel it again.
Jungkook laughed softly and obliged, sticking his tongue back into him.
Jimin exhaled in lust, his ass squirming to get him even deeper. He started to let out a small sound and wriggle his ass against Jungkook's mouth.
All at once, Jungkook's mouth pulled away from his ass. Just as disappointment stung him, he felt one of Jungkook's fingers peek into his hole, and his warm mouth were wrapped around Jimin's dick again.
His finger pressed deeper than his tongue did, and Jimin let out a moan. Jungkook kept humming around his dick, and the lapping of pleasure helped him to accommodate to his long fingers.
In another minute, Jungkook's finger was buried up to the knuckle in his hole, and he started to pump it in and out slowly. Jimin felt the soft tingles mixed with pleasure. The pleasure heightened as time passed, and he pumped his his finger faster. Soon, it felt so fucking good that Jimin started thrusting his dick into his mouth and his ass against Jungkook's finger.
The rustle of fabric met his ears, and before he knew it, something hard and fleshy was dingling in his face. He looked up to see that Jungkook had slipped into a sixty-nine position, his finger still pumping Jimin's ass and his mouth still on his way too hard dick.
Drunk on pleasure, Jimin leaned up and eagerly started flicking his tongue, trying to finally taste Jungkook's cock. It was hard and slick, covered in precum. The taste was addicting to Jimin, and all he wanted to do is taste more.
Jungkook let out a sound of encouragement, so Jimin's hands slid up to cup his balls, groping and feeling him out. Jimin leaned up further and took the head of the younger's cock with his lips, flicking it teasingly with his tongue. Jungkook made a sharp sound against the older's dick and instinctively thrust deeper into Jimin's mouth. He almost gagged, but then recovered and adjusted his head to a more comfortable position.
Jimin sucked the younger's cock like he was sucking his, and soon they were both thrusting and moaning, showing signs of their upcoming orgasm.
It wasn't long before Jimin's breaths quickened and he felt an orgasm coming on. He felt Jungkook doing the same, as his abs began to clench with sharp gasps for air. It was then that he pushed another finger deep inside of Jimin's hole and started fucking his ass harder. Jimin let a loud moan and shivered, feeling Jungkook slurping and sucking and fucking, so he grabbed Jungkook's thighs harder as the pleasure mounted. He kept sucking Jungkook's dick with everything he could, and soon felt sweat forming on his chest as he groaned and thrust and squirmed.
Jungkook took his mouth off of his dick with sharp gasp, jerking him and shoving his fingers deep in and out of his hole. He moved his finger around Jimin's walls, stretch burning slightly, and finally started pushing right on his special spot. Jimin moaned desperately, unable to speak, but wanted to tell so much.
"There? Hm?" Jungkook noticed the shift in Jimin's sucking, the shortness of his breath, the higher pitch in his voice.
If Jimin's mouth wasn't full with the younger's cock, he would definitely tell him, for the love of God, not to stop!
"Mmmmm the way you sound... yes... come for me."
Jimin's hips bucked and the pleasure raked his quivering body. He let out a cry and a shudder as strings of his white, warm come landed on Jungkook's hot, slurping mouth.
The younger thrust his fingers few seconds more, until Jimin felt paralyzed in his orgasm.
It was one of the hardest and longest orgasm he had ever felt. Jimin's body collapsed right before he felt Jungkook thrust hard into his mouth.
With one final, rough groan, his hot come spilled in Jimin's mouth.
Even if he wasn't ready for it, he tried to swallow every single drop, licking the younger's dick clean afterwards. He tasted salty and sharp and Jimin loved every little drop of it.
Jungkook laid next to him, still panting softly against Jimin's thigh, and all at once, Jimin could hear the murmuring of the crowd outside, the laughter, the glasses clicking, the music...
Jungkook kissed his skin, while still laying partly on him, so Jimin got up and moved so that he could lay down on top of the younger again.
He started licking the remaining of his own come out of Jungkook's face. The younger breathed out and touched Jimin's chest delicately, as the older moved his lips to the blond's.
This kiss was something special.
This kiss was much gentler and warmer than any other they shared.
There was no rush, no tongue, just two mouths playing against each other in perfect rhythm.
Jungkook touched Jimin's hair, and broke the kiss, looking at the older straight in the eyes. He smiled out of nowhere, and got into sitting position, maneuvering the smaller expertly onto his lap.
They didn't mind being naked, exposed, looking freshly fucked out. Nothing mattered, except the fact that they did what they did and there's no turning back.
"Jungkookah... about the date tomorrow..." Jimin broke their pleasant silence with uncertainty in his voice, but Jungkook interrupted him fast.
"Aish no. Don't tell me they made you do some meeting. I'm gonna talk to them, beg them, just don't tell me you can't go. I already planned everything up." Jungkook whined so Jimin grinned and chuckled at him.
For a second he thought that once they got intimate with each other, the younger wouldn't want to do all the dating stuff, and would only want to do the bedroom stuff, as Jungkook would joke, cut to the chase already.
Boy was he wrong.
"What?" Jungkook asked after Jimin finished with giggling.
"You're too cute you know. Where are you taking me?" Jimin asked, clapping his hands cutely, suddenly feeling excited for their date.
"Na-a. I'm not telling you. Don't bat your pretty lashes at me, it won't work." Jungkook said so Jimin pouted.
"How can you be so pretty?" Jungkook asked more to himself than the older so Jimin blushed, and cutely hid his head into Jungkook's chest.
"Ah, stop it and thank you. You look very handsome too." Jimin said shyly, feeling a bit overwhelmed by all of this.
"We should get back. Tae is probably looking for me." Jimin said, and kissed Jungkook's chest softly.
"Ok. Don't wanna get you in trouble." Jungkook said, so they both got up, and after finding their clothes, they get dressed, so Jimin looked at the storage room that was nothing like the clean, well put together room before.
He started cleaning up, putting those boxes they threw down on the floor in their heated moment, so Jungkook looked at him fondly.
"Don't just stand there. Help. You did this." Jimin scolded him, but Jungkook just laughed.
"They have a cleaning lady. Usually the storage room is all messy, not tidy at all. Don't worry about it." the younger explained.
"Oh. But still... I'm just gonna grab those and put them on the couch where they've been before..." Jimin was stubborn and nice like that.
"You look pretty tonight." Jungkook said while folding some bags on the couch too, his eyes lingering on Jimin's silver shirt.
"Thank you. It's the shirt. It's very pretty." Jimin said and looked down at the silky material.
"No, it's actually you. The shirt would be useless on someone else's body, but on you... it does wanders." Jungkook said and came closer, buttoning one of the unbuttoned buttons up.
"That's supposed to be open. You know. To make me look sexy." Jimin said while cocking his eyes at the younger, but he shook his head.
"No. You can be sexy just for me. So finish that buttons till the end." Jungkook said so Jimin pinched him on the sides.
"Stop acting like some jealous boyfriend, we haven't even been on a date yet." Jimin teased, while grabbing his shirt, pulling the buttons away from Jungkook's hands.
"But we did suck each other's dicks, so that gives me enough right to wrap you in a blanket and keep you away from others."
"Wow, just when I thought you can't be weirder. So should I come wearing a blanket to our date tomorrow?" Jimin asked because he really doesn't know what to wear. What did the younger planed? Should he dress casually or more sporty... He had no idea.
"When I think about it, the best thing would be to wear some comfy shorts, and that shirt I picked for you. The shirt is white so it won't get too hot in it, and since we'll be out for a while, you might need something comfortable as that." Jungkook said so Jimin nodded.
"Ok. That sounds good actually."
After putting all the bags and boxes back up on the couch, they went outside, side by side, smiling and laughing at how loud the music was, but they both haven't heard a thing in that room.
The moment they got inside, some friends called Jungkook for some shots, and Jimin's friends and clients waved for him to join them in their booth.
They just looked at each other fondly, Jungkook came a step closer to the older, and took his smaller, soft hand in his. He just squeezed it lightly, caressed Jimin's palm with his thumb, and then leaned his head, to plant a soft kiss onto Jimin's cheek.
Jimin was faster, so just in time, he turned his head to the side and met Jungkook's lips with his own, plump ones.
It was a chaste kiss. Just two lips brushing against another, but the meaning behind it was a different story.
"I was aiming for your cheek." Jungkook said while taking a step back, still holding Jimin's hand in his.
"I know. But since you don't want anyone to see me being sexy, cause that's supposed to be for your eyes only, I wanted to make sure, those annoying people who cling onto you all the time, see how this (he waved in front of Jungkook's face and body) is mine for tonight." he said in some sassy tone so Jungkook hissed while licking his lips.
"Feisty and sexy. What did I do to deserve you?"
"Well, obviously God has his favorites..." Jimin joked while cocking his eyebrows so Jungkook smiled fondly at him.
"Ok. See you tomorrow at 10?" the younger asked and tried to let go of Jimin's hand, but Jimin grabbed it again.
Then he puckered his lips, and looked sickeningly cute while doing so, asking for another kiss.
After a shook of his head, and a fond smile, Jungkook came closer, and let go of Jimin's hand, only so he could cup Jimin's cheeks into his palms and kiss him once again.
Just as softly and delicately like before.
After they separated, the party kept going. They didn't talk to each other anymore, nor did they come too close. Both of them stayed with their friends, having fun, but the glances were there.
Subtle, innocent and caring.
Jungkook went to the hotel first, but before he exited the club, he came to Jimin's booth just to tell him that he's leaving, so the older rewarded him with a soft goodbye kiss which the younger enjoyed very much.
"See you at 10." Jimin said with cute smile, so Jungkook responded with: "Can't wait."
Did Jimin sleep that night?
Probably not.
He was tossing and turning on that big bed, trying to remember what happened in that club, and think about what he'll do tomorrow with the younger. He is too excited, too high on the fresh new romance feeling and super happy.
He knew all of it has an expiration date, but fuck it.
Life itself has an expiration date.
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