"I'm not gonna pack your suitcase this time!" Tae yells from the spacious bedroom in Jimin's apartment, already going through the older's closet.
"Yeah you are. I'm lazy and you hate everything that I usually wear so... do your magic and make some combinations that would make me look all serious and good." Jimin said while getting the ice cream out of the freezer.
It is yet another of their 'special nights' as they would like to call it, and yet again, Tae gets the task of packing Jimin's stuff cause tomorrow morning, they are leaving for a business trip to Hawaii and of course Tae is the fashionable one in this dynamic duo and should be the one to take care of their appearances.
"Why didn't you go with me and Jin hyung yesterday when we were buying stuff for this trip, remind me again?" Tae said while coming out of the bedroom, holding some clothes in his hands, trying to make a combination that looks good while plastering stuff randomly over Jimin's body.
"Maybe cause the two of you are gross and too touchy and I would rather buy stuff online without trying them on, than watch you make out all the time." Jimin said dead panned so Tae shows him the biggest boxy grin.
"Aish stop being a childish and whiny sourpuss all the time and act normal. There's nothing wrong with some PDA, showing affection, besides, you know how hard it is for me and Jin hyung to keep our hands to ourselves every day at work. It's only normal we get a bit touchy when we're out of the office." Tae said while rolling his eyes, going back to the bedroom, and folding some clothes neatly in Jimin's suitcase.
"Well it's still strange for me... I mean he is our boss, and I feel kind of weird cause we're all strict and professional at the office, and as soon as we're out together, you two are acting like two crazy love birds and I feel like a third wheel all the time." Jimin whines again, stuffing his face with some vanilla ice cream, enjoying the comfort it gives him every time.
"I know baby, but you're still my No.1, and the only reason you're always third wheeling is because you never want to be matched up with any of Jin hyung's friends. I mean you could be a little less picky. Maybe then you'd get some nice dicking and won't be as stiff and uptight all the time."
"I'm not uptight all the time. I'm just serious and a grown up who likes to be in control of his life, and likes to prioritize his work over some dick. And if I want some dick I could get it in no time!" Jimin said proudly, and made a grimace, like what the hell did he just say?
He sure knew he looks good, and is young, successful, but the thing is that ever since he started working in one of the biggest company in Seoul that looked for aspiring idols and new stars, he decided to throw his past lifestyle away, which was partying all the time, getting drunk, having lots of one night stands... just the usual 20 something behavior, and now, being 27 with a Master degree in his hand, amazing job that pays well and allows him to travel a lot, and all of that with his best friend aside... He doesn't wanna lose all of that for what? Partying again? Drinking too much? One night stands?
He is devoted to his job. He married his job, and he made sure to be the best when it comes to everything. That's why he got a raise as soon as his boss noticed his success, and that moved him even more to be better, more devoted and just amazing at what he does.
"Well if that's so, Park Jimin, I'm packing all of your 'fuck me I'm single' clothes for our trip, and you're gonna show me how fun you can be." Tae yells from the bedroom, and Jimin just nods.
"Sure, as if I have that kind of clothes." he yells in return and got back to their movie night, eating ice cream and enjoying the peaceful environment of his own home.
"What the fuck?????" is the first thing Jimin said while opening up his suitcase.
He is standing in his spacious, gorgeous room, with perfect floor to ceiling windows, seaside view to die for, king size bed that he jumped for a few minutes the moment he got inside, and the only clothes he sees, packed really nicely, is his old, flashy, shiny, ripped, too revealing pieces that he even forgot he had.
"Kim Taehyung you little piece of shit!!!" he grunted, and walked right to his best friend's room.
Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock,... Coming.... Knock,knock,knock...
"What the fuck??" Tae opened the door, and saw a red burning face that his soulmate has.
"You know exactly, what the fuck Tae? How could you do this to me?" he extends his hands with some shirts that still haunted him from his past trashy night outs, and Tae only chuckles.
"Ok, ok... I admit it. Those two do not look good, but the rest of the clothes is kind of ok to wear." Tae said, suppressing the laugh with one of his hand.
"Ok if I want to work in a strip club Tae! I'm supposed to have my first video meeting in two hours! My clients expect me to be a professional, and this (he stick the red shiny shirt, with some glitters on the sides) will not make me look like a professional!"
"Just pick something else. I packed tons of things, babe, stop overreacting."
"I'm taking your clothes..." Jimin said and walked past Tae inside his room, but the moment his eyes landed on his boss, Jin, laying only in his boxers on the bed, he just smiled awkwardly, and turned around to leave even faster than he came.
"I hate my life!" he murmured while getting out, hating Tae's little giggles that were audible behind him.
"Soulmate my ass!" he yelled from the end of the hallway, making sure Tae hears him clearly.
There was no time to go shopping right now.
He had to grab a shower cause his hair was a mess from the long flight and he hates when he doesn't look his best for those conference video calls he always has to do.
The plan was simple. He'll just take a quick shower, wear the simple white button up shirt that he traveled in, and paired it with some shorts cause Tae didn't pack any normal pants for him to wear. He's gonna sit through the whole meeting and no one's gonna see the disaster that he was wearing.
Usually he would go for his favorite Gucci black suit, or the navy blue one, but yeah, wrinkled white shirt and a shorts could work.
There's nothing he could do about it...
"Embrace your faith, curse at Taehyung after..."
When his stomach gives him a sign that he's super hungry, he noticed outside his window, a pretty big, of what it seems like restaurant or a bar... And decides to bring his laptop down there and do the call after grabbing something quick to eat.
He styled his black hair nicely, put some dark Ray ban glasses on and went downstairs.
After greeting the security guy he heads outside of the hotel and go just across the street to sit in one of the furthest booth he saw on the beach.
The place looks amazing. Big white booths all around the place, covered with dreamy white baldachin and high stools and tables in the middle of it, big white mist water fans that seemed to do amazing job in cooling this whole place a bit... Everything is white and he like the pure feeling of it.
"Good morning and welcome, can I get you something?" he heard a sweet voice right behind him asking, so when he turned around, Jimin saw a literal angel on Earth.
Angel in disguise.
The blond guy with the biggest doe eyes that were looking straight at him, sparkles in the sun, and his smile...
Too cute to be true.
"I... Um... Yeah... I'm hungry. Is there something to eat here?" Jimin said after staring for a minute too long.
"We only have BBQ here, but I could tell the waiters if you would like something else from the hotel to bring it to you." The beautiful man said, and Jimin noticed a little dimple forming next to his lips whenever he pursed his lips cutely.
"Burger's fine." Jimin said although there were maybe 113 other dishes he would rather eat.
"Ok. Coming right up." the man said with cute smile and went away, Jimin's eyes following his every step.
He had some Hawaiian printed shirt on, and white shorts, was a bit taller than Jimin, and he smelled like coconut.
Jimin checked the time.
"Ok,I have some time before the call", Jimin thought, remembering how his video call was planned for 12 o'clock sharp.
Only 10 minutes after, a polite and pretty female waitress came and gave Jimin his burger and a small bottle with some pink drink in it.
"Thank you very much. What's this? he asked the short, brown haired lady, feeling a bit sad that the blond cutie didn't deliver his order.
"That's a welcome drink. Our manager noticed it's your first time here so he said to bring it to you." the cute lady said and looked at the blond so Jimin nodded.
"Oh, that's the manager... Nice..." he thought but only nodded, and said thank you to the waitress that soon went away, to serve the other table next to his.
After eating one of the best burgers he ate in his whole life, Jimin literally licked his fingers clean, and just as he was sucking on his pinky finger, he saw the blond man looking at him with a fond smile.
He was standing pretty far, but Jimin could see him looking at his direction clearly.
After taking a sip of the drink he thought could be maybe a pink lemonade, or something sweet, he felt his throat burning with every drop that went down slowly, so he frowned a little and after looking at the drink, he figured that it was far from lemonade or anything like that.
It was some pretty strong alcoholic cocktail and he hates the way it tasted perfect after the juicy burger he just ate.
Instinctively he looked up, in the direction of the cute blond, and then noticed the guy was still looking at him.
He put the glass up in the air and mouthed little 'thank you' to him, figuring that's the least he could do.
The guy smiled cutely, showing off the perfect bunny smile and mouthed 'you're welcome'. His teeth are white and pretty, and Jimin felt a wave of heat washing over him.
He really haven't get laid in so long so it was only normal to have those hot flushes when this kind of handsome guy even looks at him with that cute smile...
Finally it was 5 minutes to 12, so after opening up his laptop, adjusting the camera to show the beautiful sea sight behind him, Jimin brushed his bangs a bit with his fingers, still hating the way he was looking for his call with important clients, but there's no turning back now.
After clicking the green phone button, he waited for the other side to pick up, and as soon as he saw a 58 years old manager with whom he's having a meeting with, he bows at the camera and greets the man properly.
"Good evening Mr. Chung, I see it's evening in Seoul. How are you?" he asked and the man nodded.
"Yes, it is. Hello to you too. What a beautiful sight is there behind you." the man complimented the sea so Jimin turned around himself to witness the beauty one more time.
"Yes it is. So not to waste your time Mr. Chung, I would like to inform you about the contract my agency would provide for your client, and I have to tell you that we're very serious with our intentions for Mingyou and..." and he got cut off by a loud sound of music, and a familiar voice.
"Where are my party people at??? Let's spice things up a bit!"
and the moment he turned his head around, he saw too many people coming his way, literally stomping around like they saw some expensive thing on sale, and came all around the bar, where, the cutie, angel, as Jimin called him just minutes ago, was standing on a bar, spraying some water onto the crowd from the hose, and the crowd went wild.
The next thing he knows, there's foam all around the place, and only then he noticed the big foam machines that were in the corners of the place, and his mind went: "What the actual fuck?!"
He looked at his phone just to be clear that it was, indeed, 12:06 and he had no idea how this kind of behavior was normal at that time.
"I'm so sorry Mr. Chung... I-I had no idea that there is some party here, at this restaurant, so I'm gonna have to reschedule our meeting, of course if you have the time for it." he said after looking at the shocked face of his client, so the polite man said that he'll text him about the time, if he finds some other free appointment.
"Thank you so much and I'm really sorry." Jimin said pretty loudly, cause there is too much yelling around him and the angel guy was talking pretty loudly into some kind of pyle megaphone speaker, and the things he said, distracted Jimin's poor mind totally.
"Are you up for some shots! Let's get naked and do it from our bodies..." and the crowed went crazy again with mix of: Woooo hoooos and hell yeaaaaahs and all Jimin could do was, drink that drink, the angel manager gave him, bottoms up, cause once again, he had no idea what the hell was going on.
After finishing his drink, he felt a bit tipsy cause the liquor was pretty strong, and while thinking about leaving this place, he noticed the crowd dancing, having a good time, and then something caught his eye and he just had to stay.
The angel... which looked nothing like an angle now, was standing in the middle of the bar, and there were two girls, taking his shirt off, and the thing that was under, was a sight to make every sane people flustered. Jimin considered himself a very sane person.
He gulped at the sight of a muscly, buff chest, and arms that could carry him easily from this bar to his bedroom, and why the fuck did Jimin imagine that scenario all of a sudden?!
The man's abs looked like they were drawn onto his body, cause there's no way someone could be that built and... fuck fuck fuck, the guy looked at Jimin's direction and his first reaction was to duck away.
He fucking ducked away. He hid his face behind the white baldachine and cursed at himself for being a hopeless wuss that didn't have the guts to keep an eye contact for longer than two seconds.
The pretty waitress came to Jimin's table again, seeing how his drink was empty, so she asked him if he wanted something else to drink.
Of course he thought about leaving right at that moment, spare himself from more embarrassment, but he felt weird, kind of like he's running away from something, and the truth was, all he wanted, was to stay and observe this place for a bit longer.
Ok, maybe not the place, but the blond guy, for sure.
"Yes, a beer would be nice. And... what is this? I mean it's 12 o'clock? Is there some kind of birthday or something...?" he asked, feeling super curious so the lady giggled.
"It really is your fist time here. No, there's no birthday or anything like that. It's just that here, at the Waikiki hotel bar, we like to spice things up a bit, and just have a good time in the middle of the day, as our manager, Jungkook would say, why should we only have fun at night? The fun starts whenever we want to. So this kind of became our tradition, just having a small and short foam party with a lot of shots and dancing. People really like it and if you look around, there's literally no one in the bar next to ours, all the people come here to have some fun." the lady explained so Jimin nodded.
"Yeah, that's cool. A bit unusual since it's this early, but yeah, people usually come to have fun here anyways..." he just commented shyly and grabbed his phone as soon the waitress left, and calls his good friend Hobi to tell him all about this place.
"Jiminaaaah..." the familiar happy and giggly voice answered and Jimin feels better already.
What he would give to have his Hobi next to him. Damn he would even dance a bit, drink some more, enjoy his work trip the way he probably should...
"Hyung, look at this place..." he said and moved his phone all around, and just in time for Hobi to catch a glimpse of the crowd still dancing wild, and of course Jungkook the angel, more like the dirty manager now, doing some body rolls that made Jimin's mouth produce an extra amount of saliva and a little twitch inside his underwear, so he turned around, praying for those images of the blond to vanish out of his head.
"Oooh Jiminaaah where are you? I thought you went to a work trip? And why aren't you humping on that hot blond in the crowd, cause what the fuck?! He's so your type!" Hobi yelled so Jimin hide deeper inside the booth, hoping no one can hear his reckless friend.
"I am on a work trip. I just had the most unpleasant meeting with a client, Mr.Chung. I'm actually mad but I had a bit to drink so I'll probably take it all on Tae later. He's anyways just being here so he can have sex with Jin hyung without anyone bothering them... And the blond... Yeah... He's hot, but I don't know... Isn't his behavior a bit too Magic Mike? I mean he's literally having money sticking out of his shorts... " Jimin said while watching some girls putting money inside Jungkook's white shorts. He had a cocky smile and wet, sweaty body that Jimin will sure see again, at least in his dreams.
"You're staring at him too much for someone who's not interested let me tell you..." Hobi teased so Jimin glanced at the hottie again, sipping on his beer slowly.
"Well I didn't come here to get laid. I have a lot of work to do and I have no one to help me. Literally." he whined and after a 20 minute talk with his friend he didn't even notice the music was quiet again, people back in water, some sitting there, drinking, and soon he saw a familiar face coming closer to his booth so after gulping hard, he said to Hobi that he has to go.
"Is everything ok Jiminah?" Hobi asked, looking worried cause of the sudden expression change on Jimin's face, but soon he figured out what happened.
"Hey, you're still here." the hot manager said and sat down, next to Jimin. His upper body covered with a button up shirt that was wide open for Jimin to drool over the sight.
"Talk to you later..." he quickly said and before Hobi even answered something he finished the call, and adjusted his body to sit a bit more appealing.
"Sorry I didn't know you were still talking..." Jungkook apologized the moment he saw Jimin ending the call.
"It's ok. We already finished... And yeah I wanted to leave before, but the beer is amazing." he said while pointing at his half full glass.
"Mhm... It really is. Did you get in trouble cause I saw you having some video call before all of this happen?" Jungkook asked while pointing finger at the foam on the floor.
"I did actually. I had no idea what was going on. I like the whole idea, but wouldn't it be smarter to organize that after working hours?"
"We like our timing." the blond said smugly and continued.
"Usually people come here to have fun. We just want to make our day better from the very beginning." he said and Jimin felt his face burning.
"Well this is one of the best hotels in the city, so I just think you should consider being a bit more professional and adjust to grown ups who visit cause of the work and not just fun."
Yep, he got angry cause of the dumb comment and now the whole fuss would start...
"These are the grown ups... Look around, we are all mature people who want to have fun and escape the usual day to day crap. Besides, you're pretty young yourself, why didn't you just join us since your meeting ended anyways?" Jungkook asked with some smirk, and Jimin hated all of this already.
"Not my thing..." Jimin just answered, figuring it's better to keep his tipsy mouth shut.
"How come? You must be around 30, young, attractive, what's not to like about a beach party?"
"Did he just say I'm 30!!!???" he neglected the whole 'attractive' point.
"I'm 27, and there's plenty not to like about those kind of sticky, loud, dirty, sweaty..."
"I get it, I get it... Not a party animal. Ok. Still, I think you look too young not to have some fun..."
"Well not all of us can act like we're 18 all over again..." Jimin said with some fake smile, but all he could see was a fucking smile on Jungkook's face.
Is Jungkook one of those lunatics who think that being kind at all cost is the best self defense? He hated those people.
"Thank you, I'm actually 25, and even if this is my current job, I tend to have as much fun as I can."
"I can see that..." he said it sounding kind of judgmental.
"Besides, this job is just my summer job because I need to get the money for my masters degree, and it really pays well."
"I saw that too. Those tips sticking out of your shorts looked tempting. I was seconds away from doing it myself..." Jimin said mockingly, and his heart clenched at the sight of the blond getting offended. The spark in his big eyes died and he hated to be the one who caused that.
"Sure. I can see you're a bit judgy, so I'll leave you alone..." Jungkook tried to walk away, but Jimin's mouth was faster than his brain.
"I'm sorry. I never meant to upset you... It's just, that I'm still a bit annoyed because of that call... Sorry." he really hated the look on the younger's face, and as soon as he turned around, a small smile was visible on his attractive face so Jimin felt better.
"Ok. Well I'm sorry for messing up your call. It really wasn't my intention." he said, still standing close to the booth.
"So we're ok? No hard feelings?" Jimin said with an attempt of a smile, and Jungkook smirked.
"Sure. But I really did get hurt. Maybe I'll need a drink or dinner to forgive your harsh words that stabbed my heart like a knife..."
"Oh God, you're so annoying." Jimin got up while rolling his eyes at the younger who is giggling right now.
"Sure, but some other time. I have to go now..." he picked his stuff up, and left the money on the table.
"So should I give you my number, so you can invite me for that drink and dinner? A name would be cool too?" Jungkook said shamelessly, so Jimin shook his head with a smile.
"Smooth fucking tease..."
"No. I'll just come here again and I'll get you your drink. We will skip the dinner since I'm really busy. As I said, I'm on a work trip and I have different business dinner every night, so..." Jimin said and shrugged.
"I'm ok with that. We can have fun here too. So I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Fine. I'll come. And thanks again for the drink Jungkookshi." Jimin said while leaving, loving the confused look on Jungkook's face.
"I never told you my name!"
"You're quite popular here. People talk about you..."Jimin teased so Jungkook frowned.
"The waitress told me." he said through giggle, and kept going further, but still looking at the younger, walking backwards slowly.
"Oh... What about your name?" Jungkook yelled since Jimin is pretty far away now.
"It's Jimin." he said with smile, and finally turned around, walking a bit faster cause he had plans for lunch with Tae at the hotel, and his heart was kind of beating faster inside his chest, he had no idea why...
"Look who came!" Tae yelled as soon as he saw Jimin entering the big open space, the restaurant inside the hotel where they had their lunch.
"Well at least I wasn't the one having sex all morning and skipping meeting with Mr. Chung." Jimin said, but there was no seriousness in his words.
"Oh fuck yeah, the meeting, how did that go?" Tae asked and for some odd reason Jimin smiled.
"It didn't go well... There was some party at the beach so I had to end the meeting before it even started. Mr. Chung said he's gonna find some other appointment for us, if he finds the time." Jimin explained so Tae looked at him while squinting his eyes.
"And you're ok with that? I mean, you wanted that deal with Mr. Chung for years now, and you act so normal even though you didn't get the chance to talk to him properly?"
"Yeah. I mean... Shit happens." Jimin said while grabbing a grape from the table, munching on it with a smile.
"Oh God what did you do? Did you kill someone? Don't worry I got your back. Whatever you did to the people that stopped your meeting, it's fine. They deserved it. Just don't beat yourself up. Don't close up baby, talk to me..." Tae mumbled, so Jimin looked up at his worried face.
"What even are you talking about? "
"You never act this normal, it's creeping me out. You literally cried the whole day when the meeting with Sunwo went bad, not to mention when Sejin didn't wanna sign another contract with us. That poor squirrel never saw you coming down the street... And now... She's gone... " Tae said a bit dramatically so Jimin rolled his eyes at him.
"For the millionth time, I didn't ran over that squirrel... "
"Sure, then what was that thing that made your car to bounce up and down like you ran over something big?" Tae said with his eyes wide open.
"It was a fucking stone, and that squirrel ran away as soon as I came near her. I can't believe I'm justifying myself over a fucking squirrel." Jimin said so Tae crossed his arms over his chest.
"That's cause you feel guilty!"
"I don't have anything to feel guilty for..." Jimin said a bit annoyed and soon Jin came inside.
"Hi you two. What's up?"
"Jimin killed someone, that's what happen." Tae said dead panned, and Jimin's eyes widen in shock.
"What?" Jin said while sitting down, looking around, observing if anyone heard what Tae just said.
"It was just a squirrel." Jimin said while looking at Jin, trying to fake a smile on his face.
"Aha! So you admit it!" Tae said loudly, pointing his index finger at Jimin.
"I don't. I just don't want our boss to think I killed a person you idiot!"
"That squirrel was a person too, you know..." Tae said while making a sad grimace, and Jimin knew he lost that battle...
"You look so cute when you pout." Jin said and came closer to kiss Tae's lips.
"I hate this. Have I told you that before?" Jimin just added sarcastically.
After lunch they all went to their rooms to get a shower and prepare for their online meeting with some new clients, and after having a half an hour nap, Jimin finally decided to get ready, and as soon as he opened his suitcase, he remembered that he had nothing nice to wear for the meeting.
He thanked God that the meeting was online, so he just wore the same shirt that he was in the whole day. Luckily all the smell and the wrinkles didn't show off too much in the light of his room. So after finding the perfect spot for his clients to see him, wearing only that buttons up shirt and his underwear (the camera didn't catch that far down) he had his meeting in a peaceful environment, but all the time the memory of his previous meeting, on the beach kept popping in his head.
After finishing his meeting, he turned off the camera, and just slipped out of that shirt and falls asleep, feeling super tired from the long flight and tiring day.
Maybe he dreamed of some soft blond strands, covering a big doe eyes, that looked so innocent and cute, but he knew there was something else hiding in those dark orbs...
The morning came sooner than he wanted it too, but being the perfect example of a disciplined human kind, Jimin got up after the first beep of his alarm clock, and went to the bathroom to finish his morning routine.
He was really acting like some kind of a programmed robot, but he liked it that way.
Work, order and discipline.
Something he was craving for ever since he started working and taking himself seriously.
After finishing with his bathroom routine, he grab his suitcase and finds nothing normal enough to wear, so he settled down with wearing the same shorts from yesterday, and went straight to Tae's room to pick some of his shirt to wear.
Knock,knock,knock,knock,knock,knock.... I'm comiiiiiing.... Knock,knock,knock...
"You really have to stop with all of that annoying knocking..." Tae said while scratching his eyes, looking at Jimin while still half asleep.
Jimin just walked pass him, and the moment he saw, again, his boss, laying on his stomach, naked, only his briefs covering his body, he just walked back into the hall where Tae was leaning his body onto the door frame, taking a nap while standing still.
"Put your arms up." Jimin told him, so Tae did just that, and Jimin took off the simple gray, cotton shirt off of him, and went straight to his room, leaving Tae only in his boxer shorts without explanation.
Since Tae was the one to pack Jimin's suitcase, he will eventually figure out what just happened.
He put that gray shirt on, and cringed a bit at how silly he looks in a shirt twice his size, but that was better than anything he had in his suitcase.
After finishing some nice quality breakfast, Jimin went outside the hotel, and found himself a perfect spot next to the hotel's pool, on the balcony that has an amazing view of the seaside and the beach...
And the bar that he was in yesterday.
And the hot blond that he was craving to see.
After ordering some drinks, he took his laptop out and started working on his new contract for clients that he, Tae and Jin are supposed to meet tonight at the hotel's restaurant.
He got caught up in the whole preparation, and only when he heard the familiar sound and a voice he snapped his head in the direction of a pretty, white bar, and saw the crowd, just like yesterday, running towards the center.
There was Jungkook standing on the bar again, megaphone in his hand, yelling: "Let's get this party started!" and of course, as expected, the crowd went nuts.
"So who's up for some shots!" then he heard the blond say, and soon tons of girls and guys were just throwing themselves at him, looking desperate to touch the younger's already naked torso, his muscular arms, buff chest... and Jimin needed the napkin to wipe the saliva that drooled all over his chin.
"Should I go there and buy him that drink I promised?" he asked himself, but then he looked down at his own appearance and frowned.
"I definitely don't look desirable enough, or attractive at all...Not today... Definitely..."
He decided to just focus on the work, and he really tried to finish as much as he could so that he could have fun later, but he got a bit distracted by a constant voice he heard from downstairs.
Every time he heard Jungkook's voice, telling anything, he would just look there as if he was waiting to see the younger in action, and he got dazed by his amazing dance moves, sexy body rolls, hips thrusts... and he hated the way his palms would sweat every time the younger would move his hands teasingly over his body, and all Jimin wanted, was to do the same. To rub his hands all over that hot piece of art, standing only few feet away from him.
Luckily his work preparation is finished just when the beach party ended so he went inside to grab some lunch with Tae and Jin.
The boys are cuddly balls of fur all the time, and Jimin thought how much he would really like to have someone to look so fond at, as the two of them do.
They made some plans, decided to go meet the clients right after dinner, and for the rest of the day, all of them went to their rooms, trying to prepare themselves for the signing contract thing. Tae and Jin just went to have sex. Who are we kidding? Jimin prepared all by himself. He should really demand that raise.
As soon as he finished taking a shower, Jimin dried his hair only lightly. It was too hot to dry it for too long, then he went to his closet, and only after figuring how he hadn't bought anything new to wear, he crunched down and started looking inside.
"For fuck sake..."
He looked through some funny materials, shirts that he wore when he was in his most flashy stage of fashion, silk, glitter, lace... you name it, it was there, but the thing that concerned him the most, was the bottom part of his clothing that Tae had packed for him.
There were literally three pair of pants, one light washed out jeans that were so ripped you could easily see his whole thighs, knees, and a good part of his calves. No thank you.
Second one is latex black pants that he once wore when he decided to get dressed as a cat person for some Halloween party. He looked amazing, but for a meeting with his clients, no thank you.
And the third option, the only almost sane one, were black leather pants, that he hasn't wore in ages, but loved very, very much. His ass looked good, his thighs looked thick and muscly, but for the meeting with his clients, that was definitely not the perfect choice.
What else could he do? Go in shorts? He couldn't even get inside a restaurant where they're having their meeting in shorts, so leather pants it is!
While looking at the big choice of shirts he had there, his eyes finally caught a glimpse of something black and not shiny nor flashy, so while grabbing that thin sikly material, he realized, Tae had packed one of his former favorite shirts, that he would wear, when they were going out clubbing, trying to get some dick.
The shirt was simple, black, silky, but had a bit deeper V neck line, that he could hide with his hands the entire night. Fun times.
After getting all dressed up, he combed his hair neatly, and looked at his reflection in the big mirror.
"I look good..." was the first thought that came to his mind.
"For someone who's desperate to get fucked." Was the second thought that followed.
It is what it is.
Somewhere, in the back of his head, he kept imagining the face of his best friend while seeing him dressed like this, and matter of the fact is... it is Tae's fault. Still, he couldn't wait to see his reaction.
While knocking several times at Tae's and Jin's apartment door, he leaned one of his hands on the door frame, and put the other teasingly on his hip, and waited for someone to open the door.
Luckily soon enough, he heard the door opening, and both, Tae and Jin looking at him a bit perplexed.
"Babe you look so good!" Tae yelled while hugging the older.
"What?!" Jimin looked surprised by his comment.
"Wow Jimin, you really do look good." his boss, Jin said so Jimin frowned.
"How are you not freaking out? Look what I have to wear for our meeting! I don't have anything else to wear. I don't look decent enough for our meeting, and why are you laughing!" Jimin was super confused.
"Babe, we're in Honolulu Hawaii, you don't have to wear a suit just to look professional. We're having a dinner with young clients who for sure aren't gonna wear suits themselves. Jin hyung and I won't wear a suit too. We won't wear leather pants of course, but some slacks and a shirt is totally fine." Tae explained and Jimin hated him even more.
"Yeah. Jiminah, relax. It's not like we're meeting Mr.Chung, besides I'm your boss, and if I say you look good for the meeting, you do. Maybe too good." Jin said with wink so Tae started laughing.
"Isn't he hot? I mean, I'm expecting you to take someone to your room tonight, have some fun you know what I mean..." Tae said while cocking his eyes, but Jimin was already on his way to the restaurant.
He wanted to come there earlier than the clients so that he could sit right away, and never get up until the meeting is over. That's how he's gonna avoid embarrassment of his clients seeing him in those tight leather pants. Sure. As if he won't get up to bow at them the second they enter the restaurant... Silly Jimin.
So the dinner was going well. Actually, the dinner was going amazingly well.
The clients were young pair of a manager and a woman that sure did know how to have some fun. They wore casual clothes too. Just a jeans and a shirt for Beomgyu, and a silky short dress for Ryujin. They looked good and were fun to be around.
Drinks kept going their way as soon as they signed the contract Jimin was working on the whole day, and he felt super happy about it.
Everything was going well until Jimin looked a bit around the place, and saw a familiar broad back with some nicely styled blond hair, just leaning on the bar talking to some bar tenders, and he knew it was Jungkook even though he didn't see his face.
The blond is wearing some black jeans and black t-shirt, looking good in simple clothes, but there was still something so alluring in the way he holds himself up, his posture, the way he leans his body on that bar... He was just sexy.
Was it the drinks in his petite body, or just the desire to see the younger again, Jimin got up, and made a deliberating few steps, and came closer to the younger.
Of course he acted as if he had no idea the guy leaned on the bar was Jungkook, and just tried to order a drink while arching his back, showing off that round ass in those leather pants.
"Good evening, can I get you something?" the bartender said so after looking for a second, Jimin ordered a juice vodka, and soon he heard a cough right next to him.
"I almost choked when I connected that ass with your face and saw that it indeed is you." Jungkook said shamelessly so Jimin turned around, acting to be all surprised.
He surprised himself with his smooth acting skills.
"Oh, should I say thank you or is that an insult?" he said and leaned his elbow on the bar, waiting for that drink to come.
"Well I definitely did compliment your ass so I'd say you should be pretty thankful." Jungkook said so Jimin said thank you with a smirk.
"What are you drinking?" Jimin asked next and Jungkook looked at the bartender, who brought Jimin his drink, and put it in front of the older with a smile.
"Nothing actually. I'm working. I don't drink alcohol while I'm at work." Jungkook said so both of them burst into laughter.
"Sure you don't... So all the shots you drank at the beach while working were just water?" Jimin asked, taking one sip of that bitter sweet drink.
"Of course not, but on the beach that's kind of part of my job, and here I just have to make sure everything's in place and stuff."
"So you're not gonna have a drink with me? I still owe you one if I remember." Jimin said a bit shamelessly and blamed it all on the drinks he had drank.
"Sure. Just one." the younger said so they finally grabbed the promised drink and started enjoying each others company.
"So, if I may ask, is there a special occasion for you to look this good?" Jungkook asked while being all flirty and cute so Jimin looked down at his own body and frowned, the realization of him not having any decent clothes hit him again.
"It's all my friends fault. He packed my clothes and I had nothing normal to wear. I'm desperate and I have no idea how I'm gonna survive the next 5 days that I'm supposed to be here and have tons of meetings with our clients, and oh my God I'm panicking right now, aren't I?" Jimin said without catching a breath so Jungkook grinned even more than before.
"You're really something. How about this, I know this amazing store only 15 minutes away from the hotel. Actually a good friend of mine is working there and they have tons of nice clothing and could give you some discount if you buy more than one piece and it seems like you need more than one thing." Jungkook said so Jimin nodded.
"I do, I do, I need everything. New shirts, pants, some blazers, fuck the blazers it's too hot for that, but some shorts would be nice..." Jimin said all hopeful.
"Ok. So I'll give you the address so that you could go and buy whatever you need..." Jungkook said so Jimin made the cutest pouty grimace and Jungkook melted.
"I'm kidding, I'm kidding. I'm going with you. Meet me tomorrow after the party? Or you could just come at 12 and have some fun with us?"
"I can't promise anything since I really do have an early meeting tomorrow. If I finish sooner I'll come to grab a drink, and if I don't then I'll meet you after the party. Ok?" Jimin said and drank his drink bottoms up, finally getting up from the high bar chair he was sitting on, figuring how Tae and Jin would be suspicious if he doesn't come soon to their booth.
"Ok. I could also give you my number so that you could let me know if you need more time, or will be late... or something..." Jungkook said with a flirty smile.
"It's ok. I'll be there on time. Don't you worry. Maybe I won't make it to the party, but I'm sure gonna finish soon enough to meet you later." Jimin said while cocking his eyebrows at the blond, not wanting to ask for his number cause why didn't Jungkook ask for his number instead? He was just childish like that.
"Ok. Then I'll see you tomorrow." Jungkook said so Jimin nodded.
"By Jungkookie." he said and saw a fond smile on Jungkook's face, or he was just a bit drunk... Who would know?
One thing's for sure, he was looking forward to seeing the blond again.
Right after finishing his usual morning meeting, Jimin went to his room, to leave his laptop inside, and maybe style his hair a bit, than he looked at himself in the mirror, looking like some gnome with Tae's wide shirt and some shorts, but he had no other options.
He figured if he wears something from his suitcase, people might ask him how much does he charge for the night, so gnome it is.
While walking across the street, he felt his palms sweating and had no idea why. Must be cause of the sun that was shining way too brightly.
"Hi, Is Jungkook somewhere around here?" he asked the nice waitress he met the other day, and she said that he's in the bathroom, getting himself clean.
He sat down, to wait for the younger, and decided to grab a beer, cause it was hot and the beer looked good.
A couple of minutes after, Jungkook came, wearing some sneakers, shorts and black button up shirt, the top few buttons left unbuttoned.
His hair was damp and he looked sexy as fuck.
"You came. For a second I thought you're gonna bail on me, but then I remembered what you had to wear to that business meeting last night, so I figured, he'll definitely be here." Jungkook teased so Jimin pouted.
"You said I looked good."
"And I meant it. Just too good for a business meeting. That's all." Jungkook pushed him on the side playfully so Jimin gave him one of those adorable eye smiles that made the younger to look at him fondly.
"So, you ready to go?" Jungkook said so Jimin drank one last sip of that cold beer, and hopped off the chair.
"Let's go."
Soon they were walking around some pretty busy street in Honolulu, looking at the pretty sight all around them, filled with souvenirs, shops, restaurants, bars... Just perfect little tourist place.
Jungkook talked about his first time coming here, and how he loves the warm weather, the sea, the hotel, and Jimin shared how he's more into snow and cold weather, but could enjoy a seaside from time to time.
The conversation went smoothly, both of them laughed all the time, and Jimin felt his eyes lingering on Jungkook's handsome face a little too long than it should.
"Here we are." Jungkook said while coming in front of a showcase window that had a variety of different clothing styles, and Jimin knew immediately that he'll find something good in here.
"Jungkookie, to what do I owe this pleasure? " a tall, red headed man said, while coming closer to them, so Jungkook smiled at him widely.
"Well, even though I might get something for myself too, today, actually I brought a friend, and he really needs some clothing." Jungkook said and pointed at Jimin who was standing next to him.
"Hi, I'm Jimin, and I desperately need some nice fitted clothes for some business dinners I'll have in next five days." Jimin said a bit shyly, cause the guy was shamelessly checking him out, and the worst was that he couldn't see anything since Jimin's shirt was way too wide and the shorts didn't fit him that well.
"Hmmm ok. How about you go and check some things yourself, and I'll go and try to find some things that I think might fit you good? Ok?" the guy said so Jimin nodded.
"What about me? I wanna play too?" Jungkook whined so Jimin slapped his chest playfully.
"You're enjoying this already." Jimin teased him so Jungkook cocked his eyebrows at him.
"I'll enjoy it even more if you let me into the changing room with you." he said with smirk, so the read head slapped him this time, and Jimin just giggled.
"You perv! Go and find us some things. You're the worst. Leave your boyfriend alone!" he said so Jimin shook his head with some shock written all over it, and Jungkook laughed even louder.
"We're just .... friends, I guess..." Jimin said, sounding confused so the red head nodded.
"Oh, I get it. You're in that weird stage where you didn't define what you're doing yet. Are you dating? Or just fucking? Or you're getting married? Who knows?" he said so now both of them burst into laughter.
"That's exactly the stage we're in." Jungkook said playfully so Jimin just shook his head and decided to leave. There was no way he could see a good ending to such a teasing conversation.
He looked around the pretty spacious store, and decided to take two black pants, three button up shirts with short sleeves, and three, plain cotton t-shirts cause, well, Tae didn't pack anything useful for him. At all.
After announcing that he's going to the changing room, he went there and put the clothes he had picked on the hanger just above the small cabin.
He took off his own clothes, and decided to try the pants first. The pants looked good on him. They were the perfect size and didn't fit too tightly. They looked professional, just like he liked it.
He turned around couple of times, and decided to buy those.
Then he tried the other pants, that were a bit tighter around his thighs and ass, but he didn't mind it for some odd reason. He looked good, and while he was turning around, he got startled by the red head man, who just casually opened up the curtain and stared at a half naked Jimin inside.
"Hmmm I like those, but I brought you two more that I think will compliment your petite figure better." the man said, not bothering to look at Jimin's sightly shocked expression, and soon he went out, leaving the two new trousers for Jimin to try on.
The moment Jimin put the navy blue pants, the man brought for him to try, he realized why the man was the seller and Jimin was just the buyer.
The man clearly knew what he was doing.
Jimin looked spectacular in those pants.
They fitted perfectly, and were tight just on the right places, and he couldn't stop looking at his own ass.
"Did I make a good choice?" the man asked, while being outside the cabin, so Jimin walked out proudly, not caring that he was again, half naked, figuring there's nothing the man hadn't see just minutes ago, but he got startled by the sight he saw.
Outside the cabin, there was Jungkook, standing with the seller, both of them holding bunch of clothing in their hands.
"Oh... you're both here..." Jimin mumbled, and kind of got shy, but a bit confused since both of the guys didn't say a thing. They were just looking at him with their mouth slightly open, blinking a bit faster.
"Congratulations Jungkookah. You really nailed it with your partners pick this time. Jimin, sweetie, you look hot." the funny man said, so Jimin giggled while trying to stand kind of normal and not too weird.
"Yeah, you really do." Jungkook said so Jimin blushed.
"Thank you, and now you're just creeping me out. Can I try something else now?" Jimin asked and turned around, only to hear a loud sigh behind his back followed with some muffled mumble.
"...What an ass..."
"...Oh Lord..."
He turned around, and saw the seller giving high five to smug looking Jungkook, probably thinking how the younger was already fucking that thick piece of ass, and he just rolled his eyes at them.
"Weirdos!" Jimin scolded them, and entered in the cabin again.
He tried some shirts, and decided to buy at least five of them, and just when he was about to go outside, Jungkook called his name.
"Can I give you one more shirt to try on?" the younger asked so Jimin said sure.
He gave him the, what looked like, plain white shirt, but when Jimin looked at it better, he saw across the chest area, written in all big letters 'LOVER' and he frowned at the sight.
"Lover? Should I even ask what's the occasion for the sign?" Jimin asked while holding the shirt, looking at it fondly.
"I just thought it would look good on you. You seem like a good lover material."
Again Jungkook and his shameless comments.
Jimin was happy he was inside the cabin, cause his face was hot pink.
"Fine. I'll take it without even trying it. It's actually pretty. I like simple white shirts, and God knows I badly need some right now." Jimin said while coming out, meeting the younger's gaze that looked kind of excited and a bit mysterious, but still had some innocence in it.
"It is simple, and I think you don't need flashy clothes to make you look good. You look good without even trying. That's your charm." Jungkook said so Jimin squinted his eyes at him, looking at him deliberately.
"When did you get to know me that well? Hm? Cause I have no idea what would look good on you, well except nothing. I saw that much." Jimin decided to compliment him back, so Jungkook smirked, and licked his lips while coming closer to the smaller.
"So you're admitting that you liked what you saw the other day at the beach?" he asked teasingly, knowing very well there isn't a person in this world who wouldn't like that sight.
"What's not to like?" Jimin take one step closer too, cause he can be flirty too, and decided to tease the younger even more.
"Your broad shoulders?" he said and came with his hands up, squeezing the firm muscle, then continued: "Buff chest?" he moved his hands down, touching Jungkook's chest lightly. "Shredded abs?" he caressed the younger's stomach with his fingers, and while looking down, for a second too long, just staring at Jungkook's crotch area, he squeezed his right thigh firmly so the younger inhaled a sharp sigh, and Jimin finally finished his torture. " Muscly thighs? Mmm, I think that's my favorite part." he looked up at the blond's man confused and aroused expression, and while looking at each other for a few seconds too long, obviously having some kind of staring contest, the red head came in, startling them, so they walked away from each other, knowing there was too much heat to handle at the moment.
"Fuck when you get to the hotel, now we have some paying to do." the man said so Jimin rolled his eyes, again, but this time he had small smile on his face.
This flirting thing wasn't unpleasant at all, it felt right and good, and the only thing Jimin was fearing of, is the fact that he's having too much work, and so little free time, and all he wanted to do, was spend some more time with the younger.
After paying for the clothes, Jimin spend a little fortune, but didn't care at all, and Jungkook bought some t-shirts too, without even trying them on, they walked back to hotel, and on their way saw a cute ice cream shop, so Jimin decided to treat the younger, cause that's the least he could do for his life saver.
"Come on, we need that ice cream, and I really wanna thank you for taking your time and coming with me."
"If you think one ice cream is gonna be enough to thank me, then you're delusional." Jungkook said with wink so Jimin rolled his eyes for the nth time today, hating that he loved the younger's boldness this much.
"Is there something else that you would like Jungkookshi?" Jimin asked while they were looking through all sorts of different ice cream flavors.
"I'll think of something eventually. You caught me off guard a bit now."
"Sure take your time..." Jimin said so they both kept looking at way too many colorful ice cream flavors and then Jimin let out a little sigh.
"I just have the same dilemma every damn time... I mean how could you pick one?" Jimin asked while deeply staring at the show case window.
"Why eat only one? Let's get a bunch of different flavors and try them all." Jungkook said with excitement only a small child would show for ice creams, so Jimin smiled at him.
"I can't eat that many. Two scoops are enough for me, but you take as many as you want."
"How about this. You choose one flavor that you like, and I'll choose another for you, and then you pick one for me too. What do you say?" Jungkook said while cocking his eyebrows playfully, and all Jimin could do was nod.
After waving at the waiter, they had finally made their decision.
"You go first." Jungkook said, so Jimin did.
"Ok, I'll get one strawberry, and one..." Jimin said and looked at the younger, waiting for him to say his pick.
"Pickled mango." Jungkook said and pursed his lips, containing his laughter, and Jimin frowned while making disgusted face, but then burst into laugh himself.
"Oh, ok Jungkookah, now it's your turn." Jimin said and squinted his eyes at the blond, waiting patiently his turn to get revenge.
"I'll get one mint chocolate, and..." he said and waited for Jimin's choice to be revealed.
"Pear and blue cheese." Jimin said and saw the disgusted face on Jungkook's face and loved it.
After saying their thank yous they started walking back while enjoying the ice cream of their choice, leaving the tricky ones for later.
"Mmmmm this one's so good..." Jungkook said after licking some of that mint choco.
"I'm not a fan of mint choco, I mean, doesn't it taste a bit like tooth paste?" he said so Jungkook made an overly shocked face.
"How can you say that! It's a perfect combination of fresh mint and rich chocolate." he explained so Jimin smiled at his cute behavior.
"I think the strawberry is better. Tastes so sweet, but just little bit soury... Perfect." Jimin explained his favorite flavor and Jungkook smirked.
"I have a lube with strawberry taste." he said so Jimin choked on the sweet strawberry he was eating.
"You really didn't have to tell me that information. Aren't you being a bit shameless?" Jimin teased him, but had a smile so big that his face hurt.
"Nope. Shameless would be if I tell you how only half of it is left and I would like to use it with you." the blond said so Jimin started hitting him all over his body. Of course the punches were nothing but playful and soft so they laughed some more.
"And now it's the time to try something soury and salty." Jimin announced while looking at their interesting ice cream picks.
"Wow Jimin, how straight forward can you be? And just so you know, I don't taste that salty..." Jungkook said so Jimin whined. Hating the younger's always witty responses, and his giggle afterwards even more.
"Just shut up! And now you'll go first." he said and with anticipation waited for Jungkook's first impression.
"I don't mind going first..." he said while grabbing a spoon filled with that thick pear flavored ice cream with blue cheese in it.
"Just eat it you shameless perv." Jimin scolded him so the second he shoved that first spoon in his mouth, he made a grimace and squeezed his eyes shut, savoring the weird flavor.
"So..." Jimin asked sounding all curious, looking at his face without blinking.
"It'll take time to get use to, but after sliding down my throat it got a lot better. The aftertaste is kind of sweet too." Jungkook said so Jimin rolled his eyes at him, but the smile was always there, big on his face...
"Just stop with the dirty talk already! How can you be so naughty?!" Jimin scolded him while preparing himself mentally for trying that pickled mango that looked kind of nice, all yellowy and sunny in his hand.
"I seriously don't know what you're talking about. It's obvious who's the dirty minded here, and now please try that soury flavor, I'm dying to know if you swallow it down your throat." Jungkook said and earned a 'shooting daggers look' from Jimin's dangerous eyes.
So after putting a lot smaller amount of the yellow ice cream than the younger did, Jimin felt the soury taste tingling inside his mouth, almost making him numb, and even though he was into sour taste usually, this was just mouth - puckeringly sour and he really did struggle with swallowing it and it showed.
"Is it going down Jiminah?" Jungkook teased, so after swallowing Jimin showed him once again, and said how that's the sourest thing he tried in his whole life.
"Now I have to try it." Jungkook said so Jimin's eyes widen in shock.
"Really? Even after I told you how it tastes?"
"Yeah, I mean it's not going to kill me. I just wanna know what was so hard for you to swallow down."
"Here, try it!" Jimin said while pushing a huge spoon of that pickled flavored ice cream straight into Jungkook's mouth, trying to make him to stop talking for a second at least, cause all the dirty talk didn't help his poor brain.
"Oh God. I'll admit it. This is some funky tasting flavor." Jungkook said while wiping his mouth, still having the disgusted grimace on.
Jimin was literally holding himself on the wall of some coffee shop, trying not to fall down from how hard he was laughing.
"Ok. Now it's your turn." Jungkook said while coming closer to Jimin's face with a spoon filled with that nasty looking ice cream flavor, beige with some blue dots on it.
"Oh no no... I never said I'm gonna try yours." Jimin put both of his hands on his lips, looking like he's fearing for his dear life.
"You don't wanna try mine?" Jungkook said with pout, batting his lashes at Jimin, and for fucks sake Jimin was too weak for this shit!
"Aghhhh fine, just don't put too much..." and one full spoon on weird tasting ice cream was deep inside Jimin's mouth, almost making him gag at the bitter taste he felt.
This one, he definitely couldn't swallow down, so he just let the ice cream to ran down his chin, looking graceful as fuck.
He put his tongue out, trying to get rid of the awful taste, but nothing helped.
He tried to say something, but all that came out of his mouth was more ice cream with barely understandable mumble.
"Off... heup... cau't...too uoch... blah..."
But when he looked at the younger's face, it was so obvious that the sight he was seeing in front of him, reminded him of something else, cause he looked a bit dazed and aroused while biting on his lower lip, looking straight into Jimin's wet mouth, covered with that ice cream, which was sliding down more and more.
"Swap out of it u peuv..." Jimin tried to get to him by snapping his fingers in front of his face, so Jungkook smiled and grabbed a bottle of water from the back pack he was carrying.
He extended his hand with water bottle, but just in time when Jimin was ready to grab the bottle, he pulled it back, making Jimin mad instantly.
"Pueasee..." Jimin said and closed his eyes while fake crying and next thing he felt was a warm, tender lips sucking on his tongue deliciously, so he let out a sound of surprise that only drowned in Jungkook's lips and tongue that was now licking Jimin's tongue clean.
Jimin's nerves were roused so he let in a sharp breath through his nose, and just tried to catch Jungkook's lips with his own.
The younger jerked his head away and looked at Jimin curiously.
"What are you doing?" Jungkook asked so Jimin gulped, still feeling the remainings of that disgusting ice cream on his tongue.
He got even more confused and weirded out so it felt hard to say anything smart or just anything at all...
"I...you..." he stuttered, but there was just a smug little smile on the blond's face. It was driving him crazy.
"Did you just try to kiss me?" Jungkook asked so Jimin's eyebrows furrowed.
"You, you were literally sucking my tongue!" Jimin said while sounding upset.
"But I didn't try to kiss you. I was just helping you out. Did it work?" Jungkook asked, still kind of smirking so Jimin started walking again, with faster steps, wiping his mouth and chin with his hand, not caring how his hands got all sticky and dirty.
"It didn't. Now give me that water." Jimin asked while extending his hand to the younger, but too ashamed to make an eye contact with him.
Jungkook handed him the bottle, but when Jimin grabbed it, he just squeezed it tighter, not letting go of it.
"Are you sure you don't want me to help you again?" Jungkook teased so Jimin took a deep sigh.
"Just give me the fucking bottle." he said with low voice, so Jungkook gave up.
After drinking almost all of it, Jimin could still taste the funky aftertaste in his mouth and he hated that.
"Hey, don't drink all the water. I have the same aftertaste from your tongue in my mouth!"
"Fuck, now he must think I taste like shit!" that's what was bothering Jimin.
What a classy man.
"Well your mouth tasted like pickles too!" Jimin whined childishly, and soon they were standing in front of the hotel, looking at each other kind of fondly.
"I had an amazing time with you today." Jungkook said while crossing the street, heading to the bar on the beach, and Jimin stayed near the hotel entrance.
"Yeah, me too." Jimin agreed with a blush, cause even though this was the weirdest shopping experience he had, he really did enjoy the younger's company.
"So see you tomorrow? We could make out some more?" Jungkook said while cocking his eyebrows at the flustered Jimin.
"We didn't make out in the first place!" Jimin said while crossing his arms over his chest.
"My lips would disagree." the younger said so Jimin rolled his eyes and shook his head, still, a small smile was creeping up on his face.
"Bye Jungkookah." he said while leaving so the younger added a teasing little 'see you soon'.
While heading to his room, Jimin kept touching his lips, feeling the soft texture under his fingertips, and he couldn't stop thinking about Jungkook's lips being on his, even if it was for a split second.
Why was he enjoying the younger's company this much? And what should he do about this whole thing now, because one thing is for sure... He likes Jungkook a lot, and even more with every passing minute.
Should he act on it? Or just hide for the next five days and save himself from misery?
Decisions, decisions, decisions...
He needed a whole minute to decide that, he'll just go with the flow.
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