Attack Team Zero.
Smoke was pouring from the Celadon Department Store, and Team Rocket Grunts were surging out. They were battling against some of the trainers in the area. I could tell that the grunts outnumbered the trainers.
Daisy sent out Venonat. "We just dealt with a ton of these guys! How are there more of them?"
"Look again, this is a different division," Erika said. I got a closer look and saw the uniforms were silver. The white accents remained, but the black parts of their uniform had been replaced with silver. The R on their chests were bright blue.
"Why do they look different?" Daisy wondered.
"These grunts are specially trained. They're more powerful than regular grunts and much more skilled in battle," Erika answered, most of the grunts were using Golem, Ninetales, Fearow, and other fully evolved Pokémon. They appeared to be winning most of the battles they were in.
Golem was a large lizard Pokémon, most of its body was inside a bolder. Ninetales was a white fox with nine tails. Fearow was a giant bird Pokémon with a long beak and brown feathers.
"Well, we have to do something! Come on Red, let's battle!" Daisy shouted and ran into the chaos with her Venonat tailing her.
Erika looked down at her Poké Balls. "She is correct. I ask that both of you help save our city. My strongest Pokémon are unconscious, so I will join you shortly." Erika hurried back into the gym, and we ran to the city.
I sent out Bulbasaur and we ran to the center square. I looked around at a few of the battles, and then ahead at the Department Store. That was the source of this attack.
A grunt noticed me and immediately called out his Pokémon, a Graveller. Graveller was a gray rock with four arms, legs, and a face. "Graveler use Rollout!" Graveler tucked in his arms and legs and rolled towards Bulbasaur, who leaped over him with Vine Whip's assistance.
Bulbasaur use Razor Leaf! Bulbasaur fired a series of leaves from under his bulb. They smacked into Graveller and blew him back, knocking him unconscious.
The grunt clenched his fists and took out a radio. "Team Zero Member Sixteen reporting in, some kid beat me. Close in on him."
"Venonat use Psybeam!" I heard Daisy shout in the distance and ran to where I heard her. She was outside the Game Corner, and her Venonat had just defeated a Fearow in battle. Venonat was covered in scratches and seemed to have been worn down.
"This is chaotic, but their strategies are all falling short," Daisy noted. We need to get to where they're coming from. There has to be someone leading an attack like this... maybe one of those admins.
I turned to the Celadon department store. There weren't any more grunts coming from the entrance now. Most of them were attacking the city and engaged in battles. I signed to Daisy that we needed to head in to stop the attack.
"There might also be people inside who need help!" Daisy realized. We ran into the store, throwing open the doors.
Inside the department store, people were frantically running around and trying to escape the rocket grunts that were there. A lone trainer was fighting off three grunts. Something about him was familiar... and then it hit me. It's the trainer from Saffron!
"Clefairy use moon blast!" He shouted and his Clefairy launched a pink sphere at a Fearow, the bird Pokémon was hit in the face and fell to the ground.
A golden fox moved over a shelf. "Ninetales use Flamethrower!" A grunt yelled. The Fire-Type blasted flames at Clefairy, who dodged to the side.
The boy turned his attention to this new Pokémon. "Clefairy use Body Slam!" The pink Pokémon threw itself at Ninetales and they crashed into a shelf.
"Venonat use Psybeam!" Daisy shouted. Venonat fired a pink beam at a Golem that was looming over Clefairy and Ninetales. The Golem fell onto the ground.
Bulbasaur use Razor Leaf! Bulbasaur then fired leaves at the Golem, knocking it out.
The trainer let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks for the help, strangers!"
"Ninetales use Extrasensory!" The remaining grunt barked, and suddenly Clefairy was thrown off Ninetales and into a wall.
"Venonat use Psybeam!" Venonat fired a pink beam into the face of the Ninetales. The fox began to teeter back and forth. I saw my opportunity and seized it.
Use Take Down! Bulbasaur charged forward and slammed into the Ninetales, the Pokémon fell to the ground and didn't get up.
The rocket grunt returned his Pokémon and grumbled something to himself. He bolted for the elevator, went to the back wall, waved a card over a brick, and the wall parted revealing a staircase. The man hurried down the staircase and out of view, and it shut behind him.
"Nice work. The names' Bill." Bill introduced. "I feel like I recognize you both from somewhere."
"I'm Daisy and this is Red. We saw you in Saffron City before you left the gym. And we've seen you fixing some of the PCs." Daisy explained.
Bill snapped his fingers and nodded. "Yeah yeah, I remember you guys! I did a lot of the dev work on the PCs, but they're always having technical difficulties. It gets in the way of the whole trainer thing." He grumbled. "Hold on, didja say your name was Daisy?"
Daisy nodded to confirm this, and Bill started to chuckle. "What're the odds? Blue's a pal of mine, I met him in Johto and we traveled together for a bit. He didn't really mention his little sister much until he called me up to make some fake map."
Anger flashed across Daisy's face. "That was you?"
Bill put his hands up. "Woah, woah! Chill! I don't know what he did, but who was I to say no? I haven't heard from the guy much since he started doing the Kanto Gym Challenge, though."
"And you're also doing the challenge now?"
"Yup! I figure it's about time I get out there since all my friends are." Bill then glanced at the elevator. "Enough pleasantries though, we should do something about this."
"The rocket guy went into a secret base behind the elevator, that's probably where the leader of this attack is hiding," Daisy concluded. "We need a key card to get it open."
Bill's face grew into a massive grin. "Or, you just need a genius!" The boy sent out a spherical Pokémon that looked almost identical to a Poké Ball. Bill crouched down next to the wall and his Pokémon sent waves of electricity into the barrier. Bill took out some tools and popped out the scanning panel.
After a few minutes of fiddling, the door popped open and Bill stood up. "Let's get going!" Daisy and I glanced at each other, and then we followed after him. The staircase was dark and foreboding.
After what felt like forever we finally reached the bottom. The secret base was a series of halls that branched off in multiple directions, they were illuminated by dim ceiling lights. Some of the lights were out, leaving nothing but suffocating darkness.
Daisy looked around. "We need to find where the leader is. This place is a labyrinth, though."
Bill sighed and began to pace. "If there was just a PC I could get into it and have my way with this base..."
I glanced down at Bulbasaur. The Pokémon was looking around and then set his sights on a hallway. I signed to Daisy that I wanted to follow Bulbasaur's lead.
She raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure?" I nodded, and the girl sighed. "Alright, let's go!"
We raced down the hallway, with Bulbasaur charging ahead of us. There was a lot of noise down the hallway, and we hurried. Eventually, we spilled out into a large room filled with grunts. There were several PCs and screens in the back of the room, and my eyes had to adjust to all the light.
The screens showed the ensuing invasion and the pushback that was happening against it. Watching the screens were two people who stood out compared to the other members of the team.
One of them was a woman, she had red eyes and blood-red hair. Two golden triangular earrings were hanging from her ears. She had a smug grin on her face that I hated almost as much as Blue's. She was wearing a white dress with a black belt at her waist, there was a red R on the left side of her dress.
The guy had purple hair, most of it was in one large clump on his head like a giant bushy mustache. He had a goatee, black eyes, and a goofy grin. He had on black attire with a giant red R on his shirt. He also had white gloves and boots on.
They immediately turned to see us, and the woman shook her head. "You've all gotten yourselves into quite a predicament. What a shame. It seems like our grunts aren't capable enough to stop you all. Petrel and I will handle you, you should be honored." Her voice was the same as the one that had scolded Proton.
Bill tossed a Poké Ball into the air, sending out a Dragonair. Dragonair was a light blue snake-like Pokémon with a white horn on its head and dark blue pearls on the ends of its body.
Bulbasaur growled at Petrel and prepared to attack. Daisy called out Venonat the the opposing trainers rolled their eyes. "Three on two? That's not fair." Petrel grumbled. "Ah well, we'll make do!"
Petrel grinned and sent out a Weezing, and the woman sent out an Arbok. Arbok coiled its large purple snake-like body. Around its neck, its skin expanded to have two flaps of skin sticking out on either side of its head.
"Arbok use Sludge Bomb!" The red head ordered. Her serpent launched out several balls of venom that slammed directly into Venonat. Daisy's Pokémon tumbled back, already having been worn down by previous battles.
Daisy frowned. "Hang in there, Venonat! Use Psybeam!" Venonat got back up and fired a pink blast directly into the snake's face.
"Use Dragon Pulse!" Bill's Pokémon jumped into the air, launching a purple blast directly into Weezing. The poisonous foe went flying into Arbok.
I held out my hand. Bulbasaur, use Take Down! Bulbasaur charged forward, colliding with Weezing and sending him careening into the ground. Bulbasaur glared at Petrel and snarled.
The Admin winced. "Jeez kid, your Pokémon is a bit much. Ariana, deal with the other two! Weezing, use Double Hit!" Weezing surged into the, slamming his body into Bulbasaur several times.
The woman rolled her eyes. "I'll deal with whoever I please. Arbok, use Poison Tail!" Ariana's snake slithered across the ground, raising his tail above Venonat.
"Look out!" Daisy shouted to her Pokémon. Venonat evaded the strike, facing down the opposing Pokémon. "Use Psybeam!"
"Wrap! Now!" Ariana snapped. Her Pokémon's tail lashed out, coiling around Venonat and squeezing him.
I looked at Bulbasaur, hoping to ask him to help Venonat. Bulbasaur seemed fixated on Weezing, trying to hit the Pokémon repeatedly. "Dragonair, use Slam!" Bill's Pokémon swung her tail into Arbok's body. The snake shuddered but held on to Venonat.
Ariana made a fist with her hand. "Finish this!" Arbok jumped up, throwing Venonat down into Dragonair. Venonat fell unconscious, and Dragonair was blown back. "Poison Tail!" Arbok descended with his tail, swinging it into Bill's Pokémon.
Daisy returned Venonat and sighed. "I don't know if Tyrogue will be any help here."
I was focusing on trying to get Bulbasaur's attention. Bulbasaur! Bulbasaur! Listen to me! I shouted to him but I received no response. Bulbasaur fired several leaves into Weezing's body, only to be bombarded with poison.
Petrel seemed to be growing frustrated. "Weezing, use Explosion!" My eyes widened as Weezing started to glow. Bulbasaur wrapped his vines around the Pokémon and launched him into Arbok and Dragonair.
Weezing exploded, creating a giant cloud of smoke. When the smoke cleared Petrel was gone, and Arbok and Dragonair had fainted. Bulbasaur was still standing, but now scanning the battlefield furiously. Bulbasaur, what's going on here? I wondered.
"Arceus dammit Petrel!" Ariana cursed and she returned Arbok and sent out a Murkrow. The crow Pokémon flew around and landed on the ground, it had black feathers and part of its head was shaped like a hat. Bulbasaur glanced at me, now waiting for my commands again.
Bulbasaur use Sleep Powder! Bulbasaur launched another cloud into the air but Murkrow managed to fly out of the way. The bird dove down and slammed his wings into Bulbasaur's body.
Try using Vine Whip to grab him! Two vines extended from Bulbasaur's sides and they lashed out. One missed by a mile, but the other wrapped around Murkrow's leg. Bulbasaur then dragged the bird down to the ground.
"Murkrow get up! Use Night Shade!" Ariana screamed, stomping on the ground. Murkrow looked at Bulbasaur and sent two rays of red energy from his eyes into Bulbasaur. They hit Bulbasaur and he grit his teeth in pain.
Bulbasaur seemed to be nearing his limit after multiple consecutive battles. I had to hope that he could hold on for just a bit longer. Hang in there, Bulbasaur! We can stop Team Rocket right now! Bulbasaur surged with green energy.
Murkrow got back into the air and squawked at him. "Murkrow, use Air Cutter!" Murkrow flapped his wings, flinging several currents of air down at my Pokémon. Counter with Razor Leaf! Bulbasaur unleashed a spray of leaves into the air currents, repelling the attacks and creating a small explosion.
Vine Whip! Knock him out of the air! Bulbsaur's vines surged up through the smoke, smacking into Murkrow and sending him out of the sky.
Murkrow crashed onto the ground and faced down the opposing Pokémon. Finish this with Take Down! Bulbasaur began to charge at Murkrow.
Ariana seemed to roar with anger. "Use Wing Attack! Stop them! Now!" Murkrow slammed his wings into Bulbasaur, attempting to hold off the Pokémon. It was fruitless, however. Bulbasaur surged with energy and pushed through Murkrow's offenses, blowing back the crow and knocking him out.
"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" Ariana stomped on the ground and then turned to run. Bulbasaur, stop her! My Pokémon sent his vines out, grabbing Ariana's leg and causing her to trip over. The other grunts in the room started to move in, and that was when Erika and the trainers in her gym surged into the room.
It only took a bit longer for the room to be secured, and Erika took custody of the grunts and their admin. Yet another Team Rocket Admin was defeated. I wondered how many more there were since the other one had gotten away.
And then there was the leader. Not much was known about him, but I had to imagine he was immensely powerful if these were his underlings.
We made our way out of the base, and Celadon seemed to be recovering from the attack. It was a bit uplifting to see how well everyone rebounded from the Team Rocket attacks. We had our Pokémon healed and then went back to the central square of Celadon. We stood in front of the fountain, and Bill gestured to the east exit. "Now that everything's settled here, I'm off!"
"Where are you going next?" Daisy questioned.
Bill referenced his map. "Cinnabar Island! It's over to the south, so I need to get a move on. I can't wait to ask Blaine a million questions! He's a genius inventor, just like me."
Cinnabar wasn't far from home. It would make sense for that to be my second-to-last gym.
"As much as I'd love to chat, I better hurry. I need to get there before Yellow does. She's already got six badges, and I need to beat her to the Championship!" Bill blabbed.
Yellow has six badges, huh? I wondered when I'd run into her again, and how far Blue had gotten.
"But if you beat her to becoming Champion wouldn't she just take it from you?" Daisy pointed out.
Bill sighed. "Yeah, but at least I'd get into the Hall of Fame. Ya know?"
Daisy shrugged. "I guess that's fair enough. We've got to get Red his last few badges as well, so maybe we'll run into each other again!"
"I guess this is goodbye for now. It's been a pleasure, though. Next time Blue asks me for some help, I'll be sure to say you're off limits." Bill assured Daisy.
She sighed. "Gee, thanks. If you see my brother, tell him I said I'll get my payback in due time."
Bill laughed at this and started heading towards Saffron City. Daisy tilted her head. "Hey Bill, wouldn't it be easier to just go to Fuchsia City and then take a boat to Cinnabar?"
"Well I kinda can't go to Fuchsia City since Koga would kill me ever since me and Janine-" he stopped, his face began to flush red. "Never mind. The point is, I am not going back there. I'm taking a boat from Vermilion."
We waved goodbye, and the strange boy set off for Saffron City. Daisy glanced at the western exit of Celadon. "As for us, our next stop is Fuchsia City, so let's get going!" And we started walking off towards the Cycling Road.
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